SEUR Reviews

1.1 Rating 190 Reviews
1 %
of reviewers recommend SEUR
Based on 190 reviews
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Over 7 Days
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Greater than 1%
Accurate And Undamaged Orders
Greater than 74%
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Unable to find the address, they return the goods to the sender. This happens every time. They ask me to follow their app to follow my parcel. I see their car and my house, but the car is never near me although the app says the parcel will arrive in nnn minutes. Extremely frustrating!
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Posted 4 years ago
Increíblemente mal servicio. Me enteré entrando en la web de casualidad de que mi paquete no había llegado a su destinatario. Sino, ellos tan felices de no entregar el paquete sin dar cuenta ni al destinatario ni al que lo manda. No hay manera de contactar con ellos por teléfono dejándome totalmente desamparada. No avisan de cuando van se si llegaran a recibir mi paquete
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Posted 4 years ago
Das Allerletzte.obwohl alle Angaben richtig zu doof die Adresse zu finden und zu faul anzurufen.Da hilft nur noch Sammelklage und Schadenersatz
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Posted 4 years ago
Two different deliveries from the UK to my home in Portugal never made it and ended up being sent back to the UK with the explanation that my address was either incorrect or simply didn't exist! Other delivery attempts have been equally frustrating. Incompetent and lazy drivers, who do not take the time to even call a customer on how to get directions to their house. I have NEVER dealt with such idiots in my life and fret EVERY TIME a company uses SEUR to deliver packages to me.
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Posted 4 years ago
horrendo, no viene mi paquete. imposible hablar con ellos
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Posted 4 years ago
Been waiting in for three days first and second day they gave different delivery times but never arrived said they had tried to deliver but i was not available,never went out of house. Third day said the did not have house number ,so how could they have been to house,gave them number they gave me a delivery time and never appeared. Totally incompetent.
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Posted 4 years ago
They sent me an update ”nobody’s at home” while I was at home waiting for my parcel. Later same evening a new update “Delivered” Tried repeatedly to contact them. No reply. So basically Seur stole my parcel which I paid 207.34€ for.
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Posted 4 years ago
I'm so jealous of the people who got email communications from SEUR. I only get deafening silence. At this point I'd gladly crawl on my hands and knees to a pick up point if it meant I would finally receive my item. And yes, that stupid lying message on the tracking page saying they couldn't find the address makes me want to break things.
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Posted 4 years ago
I have been waiting all day for a parcel to arrive after Seur sent me a sms yesterday stating that it will be delivered today yet it is now past 20.00 and I have waisted the whole day and then to top it up I am expected to pay the costly calls to customer service. This has got to be a joke because if it isn't it has to be the worst courrier service I have had to deal with by far . Terrible, terrible terrible service, never again will I be using them and this is not the first time it has happened to me.I have had a bad experience everytime with this company. I will never use this company again and will never order from anyone who uses them too. Giving them 1 star is way to generous. Oh and please be advised that if you want to send a package heavier than 10kg you can not book it online and instead you will be directed to call customer service number which is a 902 premium number, so just for a quote you will be charged.
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Posted 4 years ago
I have been waiting all day for a parcel to arrive after Seur sent me a sms yesterday stating that it will be delivered today yet it is now past 20.00 and I have waisted the whole day and then to top it up I am expected to pay the costly calls to customer service. This has got to be a joke because if it isn't it has to be the worst courrier service I have had to deal with by far . Terrible, terrible terrible service, never again will I be using them and this is not the first time it has happened to me.I have had a bad experience everytime with this company. I will never use this company again and will never order from anyone who uses them too. Giving them 1 star is way to generous. Oh and please be advised that if you want to send a package heavier than 10kg you can not book it online and instead you will be directed to call customer service number which is a 902 premium number, so just for a quote you will be charged.
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Posted 4 years ago
Will never buy from a company that uses this waste of space courier company. Never once attempted to deliver even though they claimed to have twice. And on 2 days tracking says out for delivery but no attempts made but at least they didn’t say they had. Should not be operating. Avoid Avoid Avoid
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Posted 5 years ago
SEUR Spain is the worst delivery company I have ever seen. And they are layers! After several problems with their deliveries this last one in Zaragoza (delivery 19/01/2019 ) they point a window to deliver from 13h00 to 15h00. I have been at home the ALL TIME. No delivery and in SEUR web they said that no one was at home. LIES, LIES and more LIES! Now I am waiting for today (21/01) FOR ALL DAY. No timeline from SEUR. I cannot go out, I cannot work. SEUR works quite well in Portugal. In Spain DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!!!
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Posted 5 years ago
WORSE SERVICE EVER This is actually the first time I write a review - but there have been too many problems with this company in the past - I live in the countryside on the Balears..they never ever managed to deliver to where I live - nor do they phone me to arrange a meeting point in the village near where I live...wich all other companies a capable of - one week ago I received an email saying my parcel will be delivered same day - nothing happened - next day nothing happened again - so to make things more easier I redirected the parcel online to be dropped off at my local Seur Drop Off day looked online and it said it will be delivered there same day - guess what? nothing, 5 days later I looked online and saw the status of my sending was changed to'there is a problem with the adress' please enterinformation to solve this???? so I placed a complaint and phoned customer service but until now - I don't have my parcel..never ending story..I have no idea how a company like this can survive....
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Posted 5 years ago
I sent myself a package and paid 51 euros for it's delivery on Eurosender. They picked the company DPD without my knowledge to send from the Netherlands to Spain, and in Spain they used Seur DPD didn't come to collect it on the appointed day after setting a time and sending a notification. It took them almost a week to come pick it up. I packed a few fragile items, but I packed it in such a way they'd have to beat my package or let it fall from a great height to break anything. They broke something that was extremely difficult to break, smashed all the items on the top (that were well wrapped, to prevent breaking, although they were not fragile), and basically messed up half of the package. Then Seur refused to bring it to my house, on the grounds that it was visibly damaged, open and stained (it was not open when they gave it to us, but it was taped with a different tape over the original, so maybe they peeled it off and was retaped afterwards. It was not as damaged on the outside as they claimed, and they said they were trying to get a refund, but then we wouldn't get our package). We had to call customer service before sending and before we got it, and spent a lot of money and time in those calls. We were eventually sent to pick it up from a warehouse, instead of getting it delivered. Never working with any of these companies again.
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Posted 5 years ago
Did not deliver. Claimed that they had tried to deliver. Delivery had been refused. Liars and worse. Untrustworthy in the extreme
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Posted 5 years ago
Absolute terrible service. We have had deliveries from SEUR without a problem for 4 years. They changed the driver and now we don't get anything. They say they have been when they haven't, they say parcels are delivered when they aren't, they say my address doesn't exist. They don't respond to messages, emails .. it goes on.....
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Posted 5 years ago
Yes, be SORRY because SEUR sucks BIG TIME! WHERE IS MY PARCEL??Presumably your drivers collect their parcels for the day and head off. Unbelievable that they can`t find one`s address when all info, tracking number, name, address, email, zip code, mobile number is issued. Seems their time is spent drinking coffee and smoking and when they have had enough they head back to the depot and report that they could not find the address. REALLY??? WE PAY for deliveries. Your client service is a disgrace. You expect me to drive 45 minutes to Eiras in Coimbra to collect my parcel, because your stupid driver could not find my house!!! One sits for days at home waiting and no SEUR deliveries. You are a disgrace to the people of PORTUGAL. You don`t even answer your phones. Employ people with the correct skills and customer service experience and issue your drivers with phones and GPS`s...surely this is not rocket science
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Posted 5 years ago
Atrocious. Promised a timed delivery for each day for two days. Never showed up. Never contacted me despite having all details. Day 3. On their website said ‘my order will arrive today 18:00 - 19:00’. I waited in at home again, looking out in the road, which is very quiet, and I would immediately see and hear a van. 18:15. Message from Seur. Driver tried to deliver but could not find address. No sign of any van at anytime. Very strange. Correos find my address. Taxis find my address. Even pizza delivery fund my address. But a so called specialist delivery company claims not to have been able to. Or could they possibly just not be bothered because its towards the end of the day........surely not lol
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Posted 5 years ago
Same as everyone else. Paid £55 for a delivery. Said they tried to deliver - never did. emailed phoned no response. Now a week later i have a message saying due to my absence i have to pick it up. Im ok with that but lets see if its there!!!
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Posted 5 years ago
Your company is useless. tu compañía es inútil
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Posted 5 years ago
SEUR is rated 1.1 based on 190 reviews