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Trustpilot 1 star review on 23rd May 2024
Joan Zuniga
Trustpilot 1 star review on 13th May 2024
Trustpilot 1 star review on 24th April 2024
Trustpilot 5 star review on 22nd April 2024
Angela Earland
Trustpilot 5 star review on 19th April 2024
Trustpilot 1 star review on 17th April 2024
Trustpilot 1 star review on 17th April 2024
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I raised issues with Gmail via trustpilot. My review was taken of. I can't login to old Gmail account. It was hacked even left review via Google play about this nothing done. Also contacting problems this did nothing at all. Google is unriable. With old account hacked brides from Russia, special deals on medication etc all in dollar signs. Plus loads more nothing was relevant, other people I know had the same issues problems. Gmail is unreachable for support, feedback does nothing.
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Posted 11 months ago
I don't write reviews often only when it's amazing experience or really bad. But I realised all my bad experience was removed on Trustpilot, several times I sent a proof of experience, but reviews never been published!
Trustpilot 1 star review on 27th June 2023
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Posted 11 months ago
As trustpilot goes nothing good with them. A work search engine for a very long time poor, suddenly has improved. As for this particular job search engine found it unreliable, showing jobs that don't exist. Plus fake jobs contacted them about this. No satisfactory response they closed my case down. Now do not use trustpilot or this particular job search engine.
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Posted 11 months ago
They just protect scam companies and delete honest reviews from customers, they also prevent you leaving any negative reviews for trust pilot on there so they have no integrity at all, they do not have any issue with fake positive reviews for the same companies but delete anything that the companies do not like so the reviews on there cannot be trusted
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Posted 11 months ago
Every time i write a review on TP they just delete it from public view. Even when I write a short positive review. here is 2 reviews i wrote and got deleted.. eXcellent service (as always) by Novatech eXcellent service (as always) by Novatech, I sent plenty of emails asking so many questions, but Novatech was great and very helpful. So I went ahead - I placed an order for a new Mobo, CPU and paste, 2 x RGB Memory sticks. Ordering was easy. I was kept up to date about my order. Everything arrived in good health via DPD and on time. Thanks all at Novatech for support, help and Items. The build is done and running nice, faster and love the case (RGB on case and memory sticks looks really good). Very pleased and will be back soon for that new graphics card I now want. I will try to write a positive review I will try to write a positive review, but trustpilot has been deleting my last 3 positive reviews for novatech even after we emailed proof to them. So I ordered a graphics card and help/support was great. Ordering was smooth and I was kept informed from ordering to delivery. Even dpd kept me up to speed with my order and arrival time. Very pleased with novatech and now my new build is done. Thanks to all at novatech. Date of experience: 18 June 2023 so why are they being removed or deleted? I have asked TP but they are so stuid, corrupt, brain-dead morons. Thats as far as it goes every time. I have send TP a copy of proof to them and still nothing. Something clearly is not right about trustpilot or how it's run. I think it's down to Corruption.
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Posted 11 months ago
If you write a negative review about Trustpilot on Trustpilot guess what? It gets removed. I've also had a review about a company removed despite providing a receipt to Trustpilot. Trustworthy? Nah. Nothing like it.
Trustpilot 1 star review on 13th June 2023
Helpful Report
Posted 11 months ago
It should be 1 star! I have been a client of TrustPilot for almost 10 years with my business. At first, when the company was now very well recognized in the UK, it was a pleasure to work with them. However, it has been quite the opposite experience in the last few years. I don't know what's happened. The company is only money orientated, and the customer service is shocking. Were forced to stay another year even though I don't trust this company any more. Made an official complaint over two months ago but still have not received a reply. If a customer wrote a complaint about my business in a personal way I did, I would be embarrassed. Clearly, not the same can be said for this company. As a small business, we got quoted x 3 times the fee for the year with no extra value added. Celine could not get on the same page and explain the reason for the increase other than the company has a cost for advertising. After months of negotiation, she refused to extend the contract for lower fees, so we got automatic renewal at the same price. The whole experience has not been a pleasure to do business with. My business has not been appreciated over the last decade, and I was made feel like a complete waste of time and not valued at all - don't do it! There are other companies we decided to move to that offer outstanding innovative services for fracture of the fees charged by Trustpilot. So here is my advice to Trustpilot - Listen and value your customers because you never know what will happen.
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Posted 11 months ago
Trustpilot is a site that supports companies, not customers, and you know why? because I don't verify positive comments, what's the problem of making several accounts for the company and writing positive comments???
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I bought a ticket, and then i try to refund because i realize i dont need it, so i clicked on refund, but key somehow autoopened so refund wasnt possible even thru their support! Thats a not experience what i want to know
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Posted 1 year ago
They allow scam reviews to flood their website with thousands of 5* reviews, and they get accepted because the reviewed company has bought the reviews. Single real 1* and 2* are flagged by the company as not real and removed. Trustpilot is not a trustworthy review website, no matter how they think they are seen. I will never publish one other review on that bogus site.
Trustpilot 1 star review on 11th May 2023
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Paid for service offering businesses good reviews to boost sales... ie ... fake reviews. And deletion of real but negative reviews. Its rather twisted they call themselves Truspilot, its a bought n paid for scam
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
This company is, if not the worst, it is one of the worst review platforms available to consumers and companies. I have a business and I have around 22 reviews on trustpilot, a third of those reviews were positive and the remaining were bad reviews. After checking these bad reviews I have realised, following cross referencing with company records, that these bad reviews have not been left by any of my customers. I have emailed them about this to inform them and did also inform them of the potential for a slander lawsuit. The reason for this being is not only am I not familiar with the majority of the people that left a bad review, BUT I ALSO HAVE NOT CLAIMED THIS PAGE AS BEING MY BUSINESS!!! However this can easily be located on their website when you type the company name in, which also has my company logo on their website which is not authorised by myself as then being able to use the company logo which is copyrighted and reserved. So the outcome being is that the slanderous fake reviews left on their website with regards to my business, infact damages my businesses reputation. Luckily I am an industry leader within the field I work in, but I do feel like that if the reviews were more Truly reflective of its reputation then I would not have had to deal with phone calls from potential customers who have read these reviews and decide not to proceed or do business with my business because of it. I I have instructed our PR officer leaving this review with regards to trustpilot, on any and all platforms that they find. USE TRUSTPILOT AT YOUR OWEN PERRAL!!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
This company is, if not the worst, it is one of the worst review platforms available to consumers and companies. I have a business and I have around 22 reviews on trustpilot, a third of those reviews were positive and the remaining were bad reviews. After checking these bad reviews I have realised, following cross referencing with company records, that these bad reviews have not been left by any of my customers. I have emailed them about this to inform them and did also inform them of the potential for a slander lawsuit. The reason for this being is not only am I not familiar with the majority of the people that left a bad review, BUT I ALSO HAVE NOT CLAIMED THIS PAGE AS BEING MY BUSINESS!!! However this can easily be located on their website when you type the company name in, which also has my company logo on their website which is not authorised by myself as then being able to use the company logo which is copyrighted and reserved. So the outcome being is that the slanderous fake reviews left on their website with regards to my business, infact damages my businesses reputation. Luckily I am an industry leader within the field I work in, but I do feel like that if the reviews were more Truly reflective of its reputation then I would not have had to deal with phone calls from potential customers who have read these reviews and decide not to proceed or do business with my business because of it. I I have instructed our PR officer leaving this review with regards to trustpilot, on any and all platforms that they find. USE TRUSTPILOT AT YOUR OWEN PERRAL!!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Absolutely disgusting and disgraceful. Trustpilot allow fake reviews and they remove honest reviews from me. They also locked my first account so the truth does not get known but too late for that as the entire world in this galaxy is fully aware of the incompetent retarded imbeciles like trustpilot who are nothing but irrelevant jealous hypocrites. Have you no shame ? They use fake names and hide. Do not trust trustpilot or do not use them. They are disgusting liars.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
To create a account with trustpilot. You need a email address. Which had. Then blocked and other one integrity team. All the time does not like bad reviews. You put a review good or bad. Same will be taken of. Should you decide to create a new Gmail it is fine then after companys did not like these integrity kicks in. Really poor. Why trustpilot asking for your bank details etc. As a reviewer really poor.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Far too expensive after taking over McConnels in Thameside. Indeed, they’ve removed the Medivet signage and re-replaced it with the original McConnels! Says a lot really. Lost a boat load of custom and Vets have actually walked away. Good luck Medivet, you’ve priced yourself out of the market through pure greed and lost a lot of loyal customers. Goodbye!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Constantly removing critical reviews.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Left two reviews. First were put on then after taken off. Integrity team again. Nothing bad genuine issues with big names. They pay trustpilot to take them off. One was a major mobile network. Plus a job search engine. According to Trustpilot these are good, after looking at one star to five star rating. More one stars than higher stars seems like any reviews are not genuine posted on the whole.
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Posted 1 year ago
My son passed away on November 16th and I tried to no avail to get in touch with love holidays for a refund on our holiday which was booked for 27th November. I couldn't get hold of anyone no matter how hard I tried. I contacted the hotel and they said they couldn't refund me because I didn't book direct with them and used love holidays. We usually go to the same hotel in Benidorm in Nov and Feb. I am left annoyed because I feel robbed. Someone just said on Facebook where people are complaining about love holidays to complain on here and you get a response. My mother and step daughter also tried to help me but it was useless.
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Posted 1 year ago
I've been banned for complaining about my local mecca bingo club, I resolved the matter myself with the manager, but according to their bot I was identified as a scammer. I post 5 reviews a month if that. If I were a scammer I'd be posting 100s. The bot is flawed, I told trustpilot that the bot doesn't pick up on racist or homophobic comments on their site. They only want 5 star reviews.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Trustpilot is rated 1.4 based on 2,636 reviews