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Trustpilot 1 star review on 23rd May 2024
Joan Zuniga
Trustpilot 1 star review on 13th May 2024
Trustpilot 1 star review on 24th April 2024
Trustpilot 5 star review on 22nd April 2024
Angela Earland
Trustpilot 5 star review on 19th April 2024
Trustpilot 1 star review on 17th April 2024
Trustpilot 1 star review on 17th April 2024
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
A warning to any business - Trustpilot can seriously damage your reputation! Trustpilot are knowingly publishing false, baseless and damaging information knowing to the damages it is causing. I will let you decide whether they have failed to act with any due diligence and whether they are acting in an immoral and reckless manner. They have no system for verifying whether reviews or true or with foundation or even that they are from a genuine individual. They have no system to even temporarily removing reviews whilst they are disputed. They have refused to remove a review despite the fact we have confirmed to them that the review is false and baseless. They have not requested any information from us to verify any facts whatsoever. In their response to us they made baseless claim that the review was not defamatory. Even worse we respectfully requested that they provide the full legal details of the individual they claim posted the review so that we can attempt to resolve the matter and avoid the need for costly and damaging legal action. Not only have they refused this request they have given no reason for ignoring our request. Again I will leave it to you readers to decide whether this is vexatious behaviour squarely aimed at causing distress. It is very strange that they refuse this request as this would be reasonable resolution. Trustpilot claim that the reviewer is based in India. We have not had any interaction with anyone in India. We do not sell to India and we have no intention of doing so. We have never refused a refund to any customer, ever. We have no such interaction with any individual or party that relates to the claims made. We responded to the review and requested further information however predictably none was forthcoming. Therefore we know without any doubt whatsoever that. Their claims are false and baseless yet they persist in this malicious and damaging behaviour. We have informed Trustpilot of these facts however they have refused to remove the false and baseless review. Trustpilot falsely claim that reviews will be removed if the reviewer fails to provide proof of their claim. Sadly this is not true. Despite the fact we have followed their procedures for removing the review they have refused to do so. What is even worse is that Trustpilot even threatened me with suspension if I continued to make multiple requests for removal, despite ignoring the main body of my request and failing to answer the points in my request. They have caused considerable financial damages to my business, and reputation and have caused terrible distress to me personally. Frankly I am utterly appalled at their behaviour. They have a clear motive for their actions. You only have to look at their pricing structure to know they are targeting business with the larger companies who spend thousands with them every year and therefore it is very much in their business interests to drive smaller businesses into bankruptcy to aid their business partners. Again I will leave it to you readers to decide whether this is greed fuelled immoral behaviour driven by the desire to maximise profits for their own gain. Trustpilot has caused considerable distress and destroyed years of hard work trying to build our reputation.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
My account was blocked after I reviewed a scammer from facebook, who was renting a fake apartment. Trustpilot contacted me after 3 months asking for proofs. I have reported this scammer to the authorities and send them the relevant documents such as email conversations, therefore, I no longer possessed those. Trustpilot didn't want to hear reasons. So much for ''''trust''''
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
They remove reviews for companies that pay them, and not the review as it stands for the customer and their experience. I placed a review for a company and the ask me to remove all personal and company data which I did. They then sent an email stating promotional references or suspicious review patterns is why they removed my review. No Integrity at all, their reviews are all fix for the customer and not for the customer. This is why companies place trustpilot on their website, because trustpilot will make sure they keep a 4.5 or more rating, by deleting your review from every beening seen by anyone.
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Posted 9 months ago
Removed a perfectly valid review because it was negative and because the merchant claimed it was fake, they agreed with them. This was for a bottle of alcohol replacement drink and flagged 7 months after the purchase. I dont keep receipts for that long for a consumable product thats gone within a month.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Yet again my review of EE has been taken off again. What is the point of having a platform to make a genuine review. Trustpilot is totally fake only in there interest only five stars reviews. Have seen these they don't add up correctly. Trustpilot is corrupt. Should be shut down.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Why would anyone write a review on trustpilot. Because trustpilot is paid to take of bad reviews. According to online people get paid to give good reviews, really which not genuine reviews. All about money for trustpilot.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
As an online retailer, Trustpilot's business model is rather like a ransom. They allow anyone to leave a review about a company, and if your company is not signed up as a paying Trustpilot client, they weight the lower scoring highly negative reviews towards the top of a companies default reviews listing, and if challenged to take these reviews down, Trustpilot will go to great lengths to defend these negative reviews. However, once you sign up your company with Trustpilot, they give you much greater latitude to challenge negative reviews, and get them removed, their weighting of showing negative reviews towards the top of a companies review listings is also dialed down. So companies are motivated to sign up as a paying client with Trustpilot, as they can improve their companies reputation. If you don't want to pay Trustpilot's ransom fee which would allow you to manage your companies reputation on their site (it's a lot of money). You can play Trustpilot at it's own game, as it's sailing close to the wind in legal terms, it has to be careful that these negative reviews are from real customers. You can dispute all your negative reviews with Trustpilot by letter, and also ask some of your existing customers to leave reviews on Trustpilot, to dilute the negative reviews. That's about all you can do with Trustpilot, I can tell you Trustpilot employ many more employees selling Trustpilot aggressively to potential companies, than they do in any other part of their organisation. It's a successful business model, but don't kid yourself it's anything but a ransom business model.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
This site you can only have account. Really it was bad my software on my phone. Really it was blocked. So I created another Gmail was welcomed, till mentioned Gmail issues, plus Google it was flagged up as fake. So how can this site we are aware of this and not playing by the rules have screenshot of this. Which has been taken off to public view.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
They remove my geniubne reviews and won't tell me why- I suspect it's because the reviews are negative and the company involved has some influance over what reviews are kept. And I am an "authenticated" reviewer!
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
My review of got deleted because I pointed out that after each negative review, they seem to generate a bunch of positive reviews, which gave me the impression that either or Trustpilot might be involved. Additionally, despite verifying my purchase with multiple times, my review was never shown again, leading me to lose trust in Trustpilot as well.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
According to Trustpilot my reviews are fake. With Gmail clearly there message on screen shot is contradiction itself. How unriable is this. I have now my account with them.
Trustpilot 1 star review on 3rd August 2023
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Trustpilot, a website known for reviews, has lost my trust. After leaving a negative comment for a business supposedly selling organic products, I messaged them to inquire about the product's origin. Their response claiming it's confidential raised concerns. When I posted my negative comment, Trustpilot removed it without providing a reason, stating it's to protect their platform's integrity. This lack of transparency has made me question the website's honesty and fairness, as they seem biased in removing opinions they dislike without explanation. It all feels shady and undermines the trustworthiness of Trustpilot. They deleted this review without explaining!
Helpful Report
Posted 10 months ago
Disgusting scam of a company It seems to be trying to redefine spam as 'negative reviews', as apparently it only accepts positive ones for corporations, as somehow gushing over them isn't at all spam (they also delete them if they are reviews themselves, of course).
Helpful Report
Posted 10 months ago
I wrote a positive review on Sitejabber. Here is what I wrote in my review "My friend recommended the Sitejabber website to me after I had a bad experience with an online purchase. I have been referring to all the reviews before I make any purchases online. Thus far, the reviews on this website are spot on and have not steered me wrong. Highly recommend to all online shoppers." Trustpilot removed it immediately, citing that they couldn't verify its authenticity. WTF? I read the reviews on Sitejabber to see if that particular online business has good reviews, so essentially TP is claiming they couldn't verify the fact I actually went to the website to read the reviews. Therefore it's a fake review. In what world would their decision make any sense to anyone? It is obvious TP is deliberately removing positive reviews about their competitive review platform - Sitejabber. How can one trust the reviews on Trustpilot where they removed reviews to benefit themselves!?
Helpful Report
Posted 10 months ago
Had my review taken off from trustpilot again. Facts about this network is terrible plus. Taken off rubbish.
Helpful Report
Posted 10 months ago
Ihre Meinung auf @trustpilot zählt nicht!!! Sobald Sie eine Negative Bewertung auf @truspilot eingeben, wird diese kurze Zeit danach gelöscht. Where is the Trust @Truspilot ? ------ @Truspilot - keine objektive Meinung. @Truspilot löscht die meistens Feedbacks. Verwendet einfach andere Services die objektiv, ehrlich und nicht korrumpiert sind.
Helpful Report
Posted 10 months ago
I had a bad experience with a utilities provider at the start of this year so left a review of them on Trust Pilot. A couple of weeks ago I got an email from TP informing me that they had removed my review as they didn’t believe it was genuine. It absolutely was genuine and I could have proved it had they asked. I kept my TP profile anonymous as I didn’t like the way companies could reply to you and see your real name (why should they be able to do this?) This is why I believe they removed my review. Either that or the company I reviewed incentivised them somehow to remove it. Mine was far from the only negative review. This experience has assured that I will never leave a review on TP again and neither will I trust other people’s experiences as there is a clear bias. I have read some interesting information about them since my experience and it seems they aren’t as trustworthy as they portray themselves. It is a shame for the good companies as well but in future I will review here and another popular review site so I know my reviews will remain no matter how good or bad my experience.
Trustpilot 1 star review on 27th July 2023
Helpful Report
Posted 10 months ago
I wrote a negative review about Bradford Exchange on 22 November 2022, who had refused to provide refunds for two returned items despite their full 365 days refund guarantee. I wrote it off as a bad debt after chasing them for months to no avail. I didn't amend the review since I wrote it. Shockingly, without warning, Trustpilot removed my review on 26 June 2023 citing they "couldn't verify its authenticity, and on that basis, we’ve removed your review from our platform". Trustpilot indiscriminately removed reviews because they couldn’t verify their authenticity, and their software has flagged the reviews for having unusual features or suspicious patterns. (Ironically, they never provide consumers with proof for this claim) While all the positive reviews go unchecked since there is no need to verify their experience. There is no point in emailing proof, their content integrity team will blatantly ignore it, and I have not heard back from sending them proof of my experience.
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Posted 10 months ago
Trustpilot does like real reviews. I posted a review about job search engine. Told it has been removed. Yet again in favour of them paying to take of bad reviews. All reviews are totally fake especially 5 star. Does not relate to anything what people say.
Helpful Report
Posted 10 months ago
I used to love Trustpilot and reading the reviews to help make a purchase decision but the past few years, that platform has gone downhill badly. I've had an account for almost 10 years and I've contributed to around 130 reviews. Albeit, most of them are bad reviews because the truth is, many of the retailers I've dealt with had ripped me off or played me in some ways; now it's more prominent with Chinese websites pretending to be legitimate American brands. But Trustpilot has lost my trust as a reviewer and a reader. In my opinion, NO ONE should have to verify their identity to write a review online. Order number, order confirmation, your name or screenshots should be fine but asking someone to upload their ID with their personal information just to write a review is ridiculous. This platform is so concerned about people putting fake reviews meanwhile there's plenty of scamming websites out there with 100s of fake positive reviews that Trustpilot never removes despite I've flagged them multiple times. However, once the company/scammer flags YOUR honest review, Trustpilot suddenly asks for a boatload of info to "confirm" your experience. Just because I didn't order from a particular business, doesn't mean I didn't have an experience with them. E.g., if you use software or a tool at work but you're not the one paying for the subscription, are you not allowed to share your negative experience on Trustpilot? Furthermore, upon providing info to Trustpilot multiple times to keep my negative review up on a scammer one who was recently on the news after being caught by the FTC themselves, Trustpilot never deleted the fake positive reviews but kept pestering me to provide info for my negative experience. It's ridiculous. They've done this to me 3 times and I've been an honest contributor for years. This is one of the worst practices Trustpilot has suddenly started the past years. Yes, I understand competitors can be ugly and leave fake reviews, but that's the cost of doing business and for my business, many people left me unjustified negative reviews too. I just respond to them nicely and move on. The only ones I ever report are ones that are intentionally obvious spam or ones with racial slur/hate speech or non-related gibberish. Yet those reviews aren't removed but a detailed 2+ paragraph review detailing every aspect of an experience is deemed untrustworthy to Trustpilot!
Helpful Report
Posted 10 months ago
Trustpilot is rated 1.4 based on 2,636 reviews