Elements Reviews

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About GMB Fitness:

GMB makes online training programs to unlock restrictions and teach essential movement patterns for overall strength and agility.

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I have lots of things I enjoy doing, Elements is only one of them. But even so, I see progress and potential, and I have fun during my Elements sessions.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
I have been a very mild exerciser most of my life mostly sticking to walking and a Pilates class on and off. But everything after the first week of Pilates my neck/ upper back would hurt and then whether I was in class or with a personal trainer would slowly get me demotivated. I was blaming them, I would try and adjust the exercise to minimize the pain, spend loads on physios, all the while growing into a place of just accepting that I am a bit broken and hey maybe this what being 40 feels like… gaining yearly kilograms and getting more in pain every year. My husband broke his back in a car accident in 2010 and found GMB after having trouble with his leg after the accident, he made tremendous improvements and after a while I decided it is time, I am going to give this a try… he obviously didn’t want me to lose his place in elements, so he bought me my own. This morning, I did 434th session, over the past 2 years I have lost over 20kgs and gained most of the muscle I lost through fad diets, back. When I get back or neck pain, I know it will pass, Elements is part of my routine now, whether I am at home or in a hotel, I do my 30 mins (which is closer to 45 if we are being honest) and who knows at some point I may even be able to do a handstand.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
I advanced through Elements at a leisurely pace, requiring 18 months to do so. (Its terrible, I know) However, despite my consistent inconsistency, I was able to noticably improve my flexibility on the evaluation exercises in the final lessons. In a deep squat I am much lower to the ground compared to when I started! Hips, knees, ankles, and calf muscles all in a better place, all contributing to improved mobility. Every time I do a session, I am glad I did so! I think this program is The Answer to ageing well. Now I just need to get through it all over again! I tell anyone who will listen that "monkey crawl" is what they need to do. Sign up and it is yours forever. Good stuff waiting for you on the other end of the website. Just Do It.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
Elements was not my first GMB program. I actually started with some of the other programs (Mobius!) when I first got into GMB because I felt that coming out of a very intense body weight fitness routine Elements might be too simple/not challenging enough. In fact my first experience with Elements was only after I heard about the great improvements others were making with the program after joining Alpha Posse. When I finally gave it a try I discovered that the Elements is anything but elementary; there are multiple progressions to the exercises and you have the ability to choose from different program tracks to fit your individual needs and goals. I also found that some of the movements were deceptively difficult; and those difficulties helped me identify weakneses in my own fitness ability. At the same time the workouts helped me improve those weak areas! I'm on my second round of elements now and still making new discoveries and improvements. I think Elements has something to offer everyone at all levels of fitness- highly recommend!
1 Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
Elements is the most fun way to get stiff gym-goers with too much bulky muscle down to a functional size in which your muscle actually serve a purpose except looking big. If that is what you want, you got you program. Also it doesn´t keep you from getting big since the progressions of the exercises can get extremely challenging, for example the Bent Arm Baby Frogger. One of the most burnig exercises i have ever done. Also there are a lot of follow-up programs that deepen you understanding of the movements, especially getting them into a flow which is where the real fun begins. After mastering Elements and a lot of the flows and going through the course over and over again you still find new things to work on and perfect the movements. It´s also a wonderful warmup for other workouts you do since it stretches your body while doing the bear, monkey, frogger and crab. Elements and following the GMB training regimen changed my live. From being the guy with back injuries (actually a chronic malformation in the lower back) to pain-free in my mid 30´s, while people around me start to get pains all around their body. The other programs like Integral Strength will build on that formation and make you as big as you wish to be - depending on your determination. No need for weights unless you want to be a bodybuilder and only care about looks.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
The Elements program has materially improved daily living for my wife and I. We just came off snowboard season with the least amount of overall muscle and joint discomfort. Even less than last year, even though we are another year older. I don't know of too many things that you get that kind of return from. If you put in the work, the results will come. Do it now !
1 Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
I started this program with goals of improved overall mobility and strength. While I'm only about half way through I am definitely seeing tremendous improvements towards my goals - even including an extended break due to illness. I know that the front end of the course has seen some improvements (which I've not seen) so the following comments might not apply now. The course would definitiely benefit from more guidance up front as to which stream to take. The course content and delivery style suits me and I'd highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys following a video coach, with timed components, and real people doing examples (i.e. not superhumans!). Very encouraging commentary throughout by Ryan - nice touch!
1 Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
I have been exercising on and off for over 10 years including resistance training and various cardio workouts. I even did triathlon including a couple of half ironmans. GMB fitness programmes (I have almost all of them) are amazing and Elements in particular is a game changer. I feel so much better since I started it and can't actually believe I completed it. Although I'm no where near the quality of moves that are in the videos but I have made great improvements since that first session. At almost 59yrs, I'm loving getting on the floor and discovering how much my body can still do. The GMB method makes so much sense to me and I find myself preaching it to everyone willing to listen. Well done GMB and special thanks to Ryan for his amazing ability to break down movements to their simplest parts and always making me feel that I'm doing great at whatver level. I highly recommend Elements to everyone who wants to see improvement in their fitness and health. Keep up the good work Cheers Bassem
1 Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago