Sequences Reviews

4.8 Rating 50 Reviews
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GMB makes online training programs to unlock restrictions and teach essential movement patterns for overall strength and agility.

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I have always loved to watch breakdancers, but actually trying the activity always seemed kind of out of reach for someone like me (a 5'2" somewhat sedentary desk jockey). I used to joke that I was trying to teach myself to breakdance, but after a few weeks working on Sequences I don't think it's a joke anymore. It's been so fun to challenge myself to learn the kinds of skills that I've grown up watching amazing dancers do, and while I'm nowhere near being able to freestyle by stringing together the moves in rapid succession to party jams, I'm having a ball trying!
2 Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
This just works like magic. I have done this course less than one time a week and I still get these skills. Maybe my fourth course and every one of them has left me speechless. Just the amount of progress and stuff to master & learn packed in these is extra ordinary. This one has been a challenge, but getting kip up, bridge and the other stuff is definitely worth the time spent.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
For the first time in a long time, I look forward to working out. In fact, I don't even think of it as working out anymore. It's just fun. It feels good to learn new movement patterns that feel natural and healthy for my body. I have tight hips and have focused in the past on specific hip exercises, which were a chore. I love the way that Sequences uses the whole body, and each session is different. Sometimes, there'll be a new exercise, and I'll watch it and think there's no way I can do it. But then I kinda can. And a few weeks later, when that exercise or the next progression shows up, my body is better able to do it. The way the course is put together shows a deep understanding of how the body moves and learns, and I'm doing things now that I didn't think I would be able to. My hips are still tight, but I find adaptations to make the moves work and I feel encouraged to play and explore with movements. I can't recommend the GMB programs enough for mobility, strength, overall health, and FUN!
2 Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
I'm halfway through Sequences after finishing Elements--it is a lot more of a challenge in terms of coordination and endurance, but it is very rewarding as your body starts to "get" the moves from one repetition to the next, and from one session to the next.
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Posted 2 months ago
Sequences is Great! It was very challenging, it identified a lot of my weakness's, especially improved internal rotation in my hip mobility (which was very tight) as well as my over all mobility and strength. I really had a lot of fun with it!
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Posted 2 months ago
After going through Elements twice, finishing the first progression of Strength and cycling serveral times through Mobility, I gave this one a shot. I am currently about half-way through the program ("Flux Capacity" track) and can really recommend it! The sessions are very varied and every time there is a new challenge. Each session introduces a new movement. Some of the movements are very difficult (full disclosure: I did not pass the assessment of being able to do the high monkey), but even though I am not yet able to perform them, I feel that the act of at least trying them (or some toned-down version), improves my motor skills a lot. Compared to the other programs Elements/Strength, the Sequence program feels the most like a workout and I am usually positively exhausted after a 30 min session. Highly recommended!!
1 Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
I have done Elements twice. This was a great progression to use the move in flows. Very fun and challenging
Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
Sequences is a fun alternative to run of the mill strength or cardio programs. The programs starts off building a good foundation and eventually ramps up to putting 2 and 3 movements together. Some of the moves were challenging, but not too challenging to where they would discourage someone from completing a workout. I'm about 75% through the program and the workouts feel more like I'm playing than working out. I am getting a good mixture of strength, cardio, and flexibility in every session.
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Posted 2 months ago