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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
After being disappointed by many, many drugstore face washes (and even some prescription topical creams), I finally decided to try curology & it has really brought back a lot of my self esteem that I didn’t even realize I had lost. I’ve been suffering from pretty bad breakouts for a few years now & had acne scars left on my cheeks; with curology I've seen a large improvement on not only breakouts but also on the redness and scarring on my face. My skin looks a lot happier & healthier and my tone is a lot more even now💖
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi Stormy! Thank you so much for sharing. We are so happy to be a part of your skincare journey, and I'm so glad that Curology has brought back your confidence. Keep glowing! 💜 Best, Victoria & The Team @ Curology
Posted 4 years ago
I had breakouts all the time and once I started curology I didn’t really notice any different but I haven’t had a breakout or any cystic acne in two months now! My redness has evened out and my skin has a new flawless glow to it! Curology really saved my life💕
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi, I'm so glad that Curology helped you clear your skin! Thank you so much for choosing us for your skincare journey. Keep glowing! 💜 Best, Victoria & The Team @ Curology
Posted 4 years ago
I’m LOVING this and I’ve only been using curology for 3 weeks. I have very hormonal acne and have been struggling to find a solution since I was 14, and I am now 23. I started seeing results in about a week, all of my usual bigger/medium pimples were no longer appearing!! The first week I had some very tiny whiteheads appear but that only last a few days. The products never irritated my skin! Right now, I have no blemishes on my skin and it’s the week before period (the worst time for my skin) !!! It feels so amazing to be able to look in the mirror and not have the insecurity of worrying about blemishes. The routine is also so simple to follow I love that the cream is applied at night! Hoping this continues! 10/10
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi Jess, Thank you so much for the kind words. We're so glad that Curology has helped you gain your confidence back, and we're honored that you chose us for your skincare journey! 💜 Best, Victoria & The Team @ Curology
Posted 4 years ago
Honestly, amazed. I have had bad hormonal acne because of birth control and i've only been using Curology for around 2 weeks and no new breakouts. ALL my pimples are almost dried up and my skin tone looks much more even. I hope it only gets better from here. Can't wait to see what my skin looks like in a month or two. I say you give it a try. Just because it didn't work out for someone else doesn't mean it won't work for you.
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi Giselle, Thanks so much for the glowing review! We're so glad you chose us for your skincare journey! We can't wait to see it either 💜 Best, Victoria & The Team @ Curology
Posted 4 years ago
This service is beyond amazing. Im 29 years old and was struggling with KP skin and acne. I started Curology TWO DAYS ago and my KP skin and acne is almost completely gone. This stuff is AMAZING. It doesn't burn your skin but reduces inflammation and acne dramatically. You want regret it!
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi! So excited to hear that Curology was able to clear your skin! Thanks so much for the glowing review! 💜 Best, Victoria & The Team @ Curology
Posted 4 years ago
Absolutely the BEST product out there. As you have probably read, you submit photos + answer a few questions about your acne - making it a customized formula. I've always had acne growing up, and when i moved to NYC it got increasingly worse. I tried several different face washes, moisturizers, EVERYTHING. I tried home remedies, even down to getting an aloe plant to put on my face weekly with all products only slightly helping. I started getting large cysts on my face around my period and I was in my early 20's wondering what is going on. Ever since I tried curology (my first prescription worked WONDERS!) my face has been so clear. Not a single zit, ever. If I miss about three days straight of not using it, I gain a tiny tiny zit somewhere, and that's it. It immediately clears up when I use curology again. This has been a lifesaver, I am even posting this review after one full year of use and would recommend to everyone and anyone as it is personalized. I was always skeptical of medicinal and expensive stuff for acne, but Curology is truly a fair price and catered to you instead of everyone. I love it and will be a forever customer. THANK YOU CUROLOGY!!!
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi Hannah! Thank you so much for sharing! We are so happy to be a part of your skincare routine. Thank you so much for choosing us on your skincare journey 💜 Best, Victoria & The Team @ Curology
Posted 4 years ago
I absolutely love curology and what it's done for my skin that any other product I've tried couldn't.. My only complaint, much like other people, is that the bottle leads you to believe there is a lot more and I find I run out before my next order comes (even after using it sparingly).. also not sure about anyone else, but my treatment bottle pump constantly comes shipped broken?
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi Brittney, I'm so glad Curology has helped your skin! I'm also so sorry you've had trouble with your bottles, I understand how frustrating that could be. We try to be transparent about the size of our bottles and the design. Our bottles were made to keep your prescription ingredients inside as fresh as possible. This means not allowing them to be exposed to excess light. Our 1-month bottle holds 12mL and our 2-moth bottle holds 24mL. Here's our guide on the air pump! :) If you're still having trouble with your bottle, please don't hesitate to reach out to support at and they'll be more than happy to help you out! Keep glowing! :) Best, Victoria & The Team @ Curology
Posted 4 years ago
I remember how bad my skin was when my sister told me to get curology like she had. The pictures were hard to look at because of the severity of my acne. Once I started using it every night, I started to see improvements in about two weeks. So I was a little dissapointed til then but when it started working it was great. I truely do use it every day, and the moisturizer too. I can't reccomend them enough, and in no way will this review benifit me. Also cutting out dairy was also very helpful, so I would Highly reccomend trying that too.
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi Nitsua, Thank you so much for the glowing review! We're so glad that you stuck to your formula and that you've seen improvements. We sincerely appreciate you choosing us for your skincare journey! :) Best, Victoria & The Team @ Curology
Posted 4 years ago
The staff is super friendly and helpful. Any issue I had they tried to get me the most information as possible, and the responses were speedy. They also seem very nice, which doesnt seem like it would be important but it really leaves a lasting impression. Since using their products I have not had barely a spot of acne on my face, and my face is smooth and soft. This is awesome because I struggled with a dry and sensitive face, but because the lotion is very light it does not hurt my face. Would definitely recommend.
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Posted 4 years ago
struggled with acne for 10 years. It probably depends if it work for most people but it works for me! my skin got used to it after 2 months then it cleared.
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Posted 4 years ago
I honestly love Curology. I haven't had a serious break out since I've been using the product. It's been almost two years. My skin is soft and my scaring has cleared. I still break out every once in a while but they are way smaller pimples, not cystic, and usually go away within 3-4 days. You have a specialist that you can speak with and he/she recommends thins specific to your skin's needs. The cost is a BIT pricey but worth it. Think about all of the money that you spend on things that do absolutely nothing for you. your best investment is yourself. Can't rave enough about this product. I only use the nighttime cream. I use Neutrogena naturals face wash and rose water to keep my skin extra hydrated and that's it! it's the most simple my skin routine has ever been. I love it.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I really like the idea of Curology, but I’ll be honest it took me a looooong time to figure out how it ACTUALLY works. Everyone thinks it’s some magic cream that will suddenly fix your skin. Now, that might work in some cases. For people with imbalanced facial bacteria or those who have topical fungal infections of the skin the cream is probably the secret sauce for you. However, the reason Curology works is because it is supposed to make you take a hard look at yourself and realize what is truly causing your acne. My prescription was a nice mix that definitely assisted in the healing of my scars but what stopped my breakouts is my diet change and reducing the amount of treatments that I made my face suffer through. My acne was all closed comedomes which are the result of your skin improperly handling bacteria within the pores. It’s not something that some cream will magically make go away. I had an excess amount of androgens in my body so I needed to increase my vitamin A, B5, and Zinc. It almost seemed that the MOMENT I started taking those vitamins I stopped breaking out. The Curology cream is now able to really do its job and heal my scars. Eventually I will be able to stop using it but the lessons I learned while using Curology are the real value. If you are looking for a fix, go somewhere else. If you are looking for the real solution, Curology is for you. I see a lot of reviews where these girls are just using up all the cream in a week or two like it’s supposed to magically fix their skin. Nope, doesn’t work that way sorry. Healing takes time and information that is unique to you.
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Posted 4 years ago
I have struggled with acne pretty much my whole life. Have had numerous treatment to help. My daughter stumbled onto Curology and I thought it was worth a try. I am so pleased and have very few breakouts and my skin has never looked better. I think the $20 a month is fair and I sure Hope they’re around for years to come!
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Posted 4 years ago
Ok, it might be too early to tell, but I swear I haven’t got a single new blemish in the two weeks I’ve been using this product. I can already see my old ones starting to heal up quicker than normal! Plus, the cleanser and moisturizer feel light on my skin and don’t have a residue. Doesn’t smell great though but that’s not a big deal. I love how the pump bottles for the formula and moisturizer give the perfect amount! Oh and very quick shipping.
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Posted 4 years ago
Clear skin bro it actually works tried other stuff like that mario bedes-whatever its called didnt work. Was skeptical at first and then tried it out and now damn my skin is hella fine.
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Posted 4 years ago
I started using curology back in August. The first 3 weeks were rough as I broke out pretty bad (it was removing all toxins). Ever since then, my skin has been very clear to the point that I go out without make up pretty often. One thing to note is that curology is not for your back & chest, however my curology “specialist” recommended an inexpensive soap bar from amazon that works amazing. No more backne! For the price, ease of communication and daily routine, this gets 10 stars from me!
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Posted 4 years ago
I started curology about two months ago. I did breakout very bad when I first used it but after about two weeks my skin was less irritated and my pores were less inflamed and I didn’t breakout at all after my third and fourth week. It even helped my hormonal acne. I have not had a breakout since and I’m going into my third month. My skin hasn’t been this clear for this long in 6 years so I can say I’m very happy with this product.
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi Ashley! The purging phase can be a little discouraging, so we're super glad you stuck through it with us. Congrats and thank you for choosing us on your journey to clear skin!
Posted 4 years ago
Better and easier than anything I’ve ever used. Just put it on at night and that’s it.
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Posted 4 years ago
We're so glad to hear that! We're so honored you chose us for your skincare journey! ✨
Posted 4 years ago
I have been using almost two months and my dark spots are very faded. So far I love this stuff. Thanks
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi Jody- that's so great to hear! Keep us posted on your journey!
Posted 4 years ago
The product is absolutely amazing. I’ve been using it over a month now and you can see a huge difference in my skin.I haven’t had a breakout in two weeks! The only thing I wish it helped a little bit more of is the scarring but I guess it not 100% meant for that anyways. The customer service is great providers do check ins once a month to address any concerns you have. But honestly I have no complaints. The delivery was fast. The set up is simple and it starts working in the first 10 days
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Posted 4 years ago
Hey Teresa!! The most happy that you are loving your Cuorlogy - it's so great to hear. FYI Curology may help reduce the appearance of scarring over time, but those results can definitely take more time to see!
Posted 4 years ago
Curology is rated 4.3 based on 1,352 reviews