Persimmon Homes Reviews

1.2 Rating 181 Reviews
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Persimmon Homes 1 star review on 22nd December 2023
Persimmon Homes 1 star review on 5th July 2023
Persimmon Homes 1 star review on 5th July 2023
Persimmon Homes 1 star review on 21st October 2022
Persimmon Homes 1 star review on 21st October 2022
Persimmon Homes 1 star review on 21st October 2022
Persimmon Homes 1 star review on 21st October 2022
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
After sales customer care is disgusting. Keen to take money but trying to get faults & problems resolved is relentless! Currently been waiting 8 months for repair!!!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Worst experience ever!!!!!!! Worst experience ever! As being first time buyers we were so excited to get our very first brand new home, but Persimmon took all of that away from us and it turned out to be one of the most stressful things we have ever gone through. We had a snag list of 4 A4 pages which were not just snags they were problems that should have been sorted during the build of the house!!!! Still now 2 years on we are still having problems with our home we have now found that our roof wasn't put on properly and there is major problems with that!!! Trying to get hold of anyone within Persimmon is an absolute nightmare as soon as they have your money they are not interested in you what so ever!!! The lady in our sales office is an absolute disgrace!!!! No customer service skills AT ALL she had me in tears from shouting at me, when i tried to complain to someone above her but they were not interested. In all honestly buying this home was on of the worst decisions we have ever made!!
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Posted 5 years ago
A company who's customer care is non existent they don't seem to care at all about the customer just want to get the monies in the Bank. They do not finish off the properties well or at all in some cases. Doi noit touch them until they improve
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Pathetic build quality, they use the cheapest materials and labour. Check out the blog Looks like some irate resident is spilling out the beans
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Posted 5 years ago
Absolutely worst company on the market.Liars, liars, liars..Do not buy anything from this dodgy people. They will rip you off (service charge). Very poor customer service, quality of the house is absolutely SHOCKING!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
I won’t use these guys if I had to buy again. They pretend to be helping you then when they make a mistake they all suddenly disappear and you’re left to deal with it. The manager Ollis alongside Tony and June are so stuck up and totally unreliable. I reported and incident to the manager and he just brushed it off like it was nothing. Honestly, I wish I never used them in the first place.
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Posted 5 years ago
Moving into a persimmon home We purchased a 4 bed house in June. By and large, the property is very nice, but the finishing touches are so sloppy that it has well and truly taken the gloss off our move. Trying to sort things out has been almost an impossible task and they are clearly not equipped to deal with the issues effectively and efficiently. Unfortunately, I was too easily convinced by the sales pitch and did not push hard enough about getting things sorted about the house. I was constantly reassured that everything would be completed by the time of our move and that the final house run through would be done before the day we moved in. As it was, our walk through of the house was not done until the day of our move and at that point, we had very little option in getting the issues sorted. My main advice for all people looking to buy a persimmon house is the following: YOU MUST make sure that they do that final run through at least a week before you move. Then, if it is not up to scratch or clean ( ours definitely did not have their special clean), do not proceed any further until they fixed the problems. If at the next run through, they still haven’t sorted things out, do not budge. Once you do, they have got you were they want you and it will be a battle to get things sorted. We have now been in the house for 6 months and virtually nothing has been done.
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Posted 5 years ago
They lie to you, trick you and make an absolute fool out of you. They find an excuse for everything and only make promises over the phone about house problems, you will never get it in writing. Rats in the walls of the house, windows smashed, kitchen cupboards snapped but covered up sneakily, builders having a poo in cement mixers, drinking on site, using my bathroom whilst I was at work (as they had the key to rectify snagging issues - which of course they didn't end up doing and then lost the key to my house) ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING COMPANY - NEVER ENDING PROBLEMS AND THE STAFF DON'T CARE
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Posted 5 years ago
mortgage adviser are no respect and they don’t like to help
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Posted 5 years ago
Seaton sands Hartlepool The worst experience we have ever had , we been in 3 months from day one no hand over then they lost the keys , we done the 7 day and 28 day snag list ,still waiting nothing been done , just endless false promises by the site manager and then a phone call from the customer manager saying the site manager is rubbish don't go through him but still as of now he also done nothing , they are all back stabbers blaming each other and promising jobs then not doing, only advise I would say is don't listen to a word they say and make sure the jobs are done before moving in
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Posted 5 years ago
Be Careful what you are buying. When we purchased our brand new home back in the summer of 2018 we had no idea the trouble we had signed up for. We found the location of the Parklands site perfect as it suited travel to work and the location was great for our children. We couldn’t get the view the house for a period of time as that part of the site was not yet ready so it was suggested that we view the same house but on a different site. It was clear when visiting that the size of the home worked for us and the layout was pleasing. Eventually we got to view what would later be our home, some items that looks unfinished or damaged we pointed out to the sales team and we had been advised that things are picked up when the house is checked over prior to completion. These items were never picked up on this inspection and now sit on the snagging list. We now have over 60 items on this snagging list with items ranging from poor paintwork to a complete window unit needing to be replaced. All of the windows internally have or will need to be re-sealed from the inside as the builders clearly did not clean them before applying the silicon and nothing has stuck. Gloss paint in already turning yellow in places. We reported broken brickwork and in one area of our garage they repaired it from the outside only leaving what looks like a child’s attempt at brickwork with the rubble on the inside. 13 weeks in and we only just been able to get bedroom carpets as their wardrobe supplier has lost our order, delivered the wrong sizes and missed parts of the order off. Communication is poor at best we have been living from the moving boxes as a result. Persimmon clearly do not care about the aftercare side of things as the time taken to get the snagging list complete is a case of when they can be bothered. It is clear that the home is built to the cheapest budget without the thought of quality and that making sure that the house is built correctly doesn’t figure with them as if it looks ok at a glance then they pass it off as finished Make sure that if you do buy from these people that you fully inspect the house you want before signing and that you have plenty of pictures when asking them do fix things. Whilst the site team are nice they do not do the aftercare so ultimately will not help you. I have many pictures of the poor standard of workmanship carried out and passed as ok. In summary I have never dealt with a worse company for customer service and the lack of compassion when your day to day life is inconvenienced by having to have rectification work done is non-existent.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Persimmon homes / Charles church are the worst company I have ever dealt with in my life. They are blatant liars and have no interest in helping you with any complaint. DO NOT BUY FROM THEM All they are interested in is making money for their share holders. They put the cheapest products they can buy in them and don't give a s..t. BE WARNED THIS COMPANY IS YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE !!!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
First class service very easy to understand each step of buying our new home always welcoming and professional highly recommended.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Once they have sold their product and they have your money, they will totally ignore you. Their customer services are non existant. Swept under the carpet and forgotten about. My daughters bought a house from them against my advise as they had appalling reviews for their building quality and customer services as well as warranty issues. The internal build was poor. coming from a non building trade but construction industry myself, i picked up loads of poor install and quality finished issues. After some nine months, this is still ongoing. My daughters and other residents have continued to have punctures caused by nails and screws. Persimmon has denied that the nails and screws belong to them. There is nobody else on site building except persimmon. Do all nails and screws have persimmon punched onto them to identify who the owner is? No. each of my daughters have had punctures and each have had to have new a new tyre on their cars. The reidents are all having the same issue. Nothing but complete ignorance from persimmon and they fail to deal with it. Take advice and do not buy a persimmon home. Some will be delighted with what they have but looking at reviews across the media, the percentage of bad reviews totally suffocate the good reviews. Customer service and warranty sucks with persimmon. Have communicated with live chat, email and phone. Emails get answered the first time round. Live chat, they just dont read what is in front of them and ignore your request for contact names and numbers. Phone, they just past the message on. and follow up phone call in return.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Bad build quality and equally bad customer service
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THEM. Terrible customer service, shoddy build quality, and bad value for money. It appears that as soon as they have taken your money they move on to the next development and forget you exist. 3 years later we are still trying to get issues sorted which were raised with them in the first 2 months. If I could rate them less than 1 star I would.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THEM DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THEM. Terrible customer service, shoddy build quality, and bad value for money. It appears that as soon as they have taken your money they move on to the next development and forget you exist. 3 years later we are still trying to get issues sorted which were raised with them in the first 2 months. If I could rate them less than 1 star I would.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Persimmon Teesside built us a rubbish “Hatfield” house. We are gutted, our dream shattered, left feeling like mugs, emotionally drained and mental health suffering because of our experience these past two weeks. Our Professional Independent Inspector identified 152 snags on day of completion, there have been 20 more since we moved in 2 weeks ago. We have been two days without water and had to use the empty house next door’s toilets. There have been countless tradespeople through the house and gardens in the past two weeks, countless it has been manic. Persimmon at the top could have saved the site manager and contracts manager so much time and efforts in the hours and hours they’ve spent on our house this past four weeks had they employed decent tradespersons on the first place ! But no, if our experience is anything to go by Persimmon Teesside contract out to contractors who contract out to contractors who contract out and quite frankly, for example, just one example you end up with plumbers who can’t even fix a u bend under the sink and groundsmen that don’t even know which way up to put the manhole cover, nor lay flag stones. At the time of sale they will tell you the house is inspected along the way - well “if” this is true and “if” our house was inspected then either the inspector inspected it without physically going on site, just signed then bit of paper or the inspector needs a new pair of specs because he missed the 152 snags our Independent Inspector identified. The Director In Tesside really couldn’t care less I don’t think, sending out a letter and £500 voucher towards a new Persimmon home the week after you’ve moved in, a letter saying he hopes you’ve settled in blah blah blah - what an audacity. The construction manager plays dangerous mind games with distressed customers asking “what was wrong with your house” “why did you move in” Well, we had to move into a house with 152 snags plus 20 more, a house that has taken Persimmon 2 weeks of snagging and they’re not done yet because customers have no choice but to move in. Persimmon pull all the shots, Persimmon pull all the deadlines, if the customer doesn’t meet the deadlines then the customer has to pay Persimmon penalties by the day. Shame on Persimmon as a company. Shame on Persmmon Teesside’s Directors for selling rubbish houses. We are the only ones on our estate to have got a Snagger, I bet if the everyone employed one then that would be an eye opener !!!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
By far the worst company i have ever dealt with in my life. I have worked in sales and customer service for years and never experienced this level of rudeness or incompetence. This company preys on young first time buyers desperate to move and promises a lot of things that cant be delivered in reality. In my case we were railroaded into signing an agreement to complete within a month to receive free carpets, 5% deposit and 1200 to pay out the end of our current tenancy. We then found out that the property was always being sold at a 5% discount with carpets included and the 1200 was not legally possible due to the help to buy scheme. That aside, when i called up to complain i was eventually called back by sales manager Claire LIlley who i have recently found out has a reputation for her terrible and aggresive customer service tacticts. She proceeded to call my entire family liars, told me if i didnt agree to complete within 3 weeks they would remove the carpets and deposit on offer. When told her i felt i had been misold to she then told me to F off before hanging up the phone on me. After recovering from the shock of this appauling approach to a customer expressing disatisfaction, i passed this information onto my girlfriend, who proceeded to call head office to log a complaint. She eventually receieved a callback from a woman called Lynne (Claires best friend apparantly) who advised my girlfriend that we were liars, and bow they had serious doubts about selling a hoise to us as they felt we were untrustworthy. Lynne argued with my girlfriend for over 15 minutes telling her she knew Claire personally and refused to believe our concerns around how we were dealt. It became clear that Lynne is cut from the same cloth as Claire and after speaking to others who have worked/still work for persimmon their motto is "you have to be tough with customers". This appauling experience made us withdraw our offer on the property to begin our search again. AVOID THIS COMPANY AT ALL COSTS. SALES MANAGER CLAIRE LILLIE IS A DISGRACE TO THE INDUSTRY AND SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED!!!!!
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Posted 5 years ago
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Persimmon Homes is rated 1.2 based on 181 reviews