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Scottish Power 1 star review on 9th November 2022
Chris Moisey
Scottish Power 1 star review on 4th August 2022
Emma Azhar
Scottish Power 1 star review on 4th August 2022
Emma Azhar
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I have called them so many times,used the chat and emails in vain, got through to their call centre today after one hour waiting, was put on hold for a while then got told they're having smart meter issues today. I kept insisting my issue been there for 3 weeks since my smart meter was installed but they did nothing to help. As iam writting this my gas went off around 6pm and my worry now is my electricity on meter is getting low. I have tried top up so many times since Saturday in vain, will have to choose staying cold again and staying in darkness tomorrow or going to work to earn a living, it is absurd.
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Posted 1 year ago
Absolutely dire customer service. Spent over 12 hours waiting for responses on chat options in two different places for them to end chat after I didn’t respond in 3 minutes or just stop responding after asking name and account details. Impossible to contact. Want to triple my DD when I spending less according to smart meter. Don’t waste your time with these imbeciles.
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Posted 1 year ago
I wish I never signed up to Scottish Power they're the worst energy supplier I ever used. I was set up on DD monthly at £90 then they increased it to £121 without informing me then tried to take £300. I cancelled DD spoke to a Heather who said I had arrears not sure how when paid monthly. Then I was set up again psying £150 for both monthly and £50 arrears then they just switched me over to PAYG and I am now spending much more than initially. I hate this Company, they dont care about customersand are a bunch of crooks. I AM GOING BACK TO BRITISH GAS.DONE WITH ALL THESE ENERGY COMPANIES.
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Posted 1 year ago
I can only echo what has been written previously - I had no choice but to commence a gas supply with this company as they provide gas to the address I moved into. Despite them only supplying gas they insist that I owe them for electricity also. You have to join a queue to log into your online account. The phone number they provide doesn't take calls. Their 'Bot' is useless and the on-line operator takes so long to respond to my messages that I've either given up or gone to bed. Appalling service, avoid this company at all cost.
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Posted 1 year ago
Four years trying to sort out mistakes on bills . Estimated readings put down when we have submitted readings money not being taken off when their estamated bills are wrong stress levels are through the roof . Have contacted ombusman three times and still scottish power are not dealing with the issues thats just a few of our issues worse company ever if could give it a minus i woul
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Posted 1 year ago
Customer service rubbish Useless bunch of South African women, they couldn’t care less.
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Posted 1 year ago
I set up direct debit for £ 99.50 a month, then I got a bill for more than twice the amount I had used, they had estimated my bill even though I gave them a meter reading the day I moved in . When I spoke to someone at Scottish Power they said there was not a direct debit setup and to set it up at over £200 a month ,I only used £72 they are money grabbing.One question why is electricity so expensive if all your electric is renewable, what as the cost of gas got to do with renewable energy? We are all been ripped off ☹
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Posted 1 year ago
You are all uncaring idiots offering no customer service whatsoever. After two hours wait abusive agent in CAPETOWN South Africa gave me abuse having never missed paying a bill in 30 years. South Africa. Are you kidding me. You really need to take notice of all these negative reviews and up your game. I am absolutely furious with all of you. Shame on all of you !!!!
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Posted 1 year ago
Complete con. Tariff rates are not detailed or explained anywhere. Customer service, both my phone and web chat is literally a non-existent dead end. I'll be going to Ofgem to form an official complaint. I'll also be bombarding their Smart Meter line too (who claim not to have any contact with customer service) on 0800 158 2092 - if you are experiencing similar problems then please do the same. IF YOU AREN'T A CUSTOMER ALREADY PLEASE AVOID AND SAVE YOURSELVES!!
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Posted 1 year ago
Sett of crooks not to be trusted don’t believe a word they tell you they will email you what ever they tell you blatant liars specially mark Emmanuel and feleina and Steven and Luren
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Posted 1 year ago
Set of crooks not to be trusted
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Posted 1 year ago
Evil scammers. NEVER USE. Forcing me to pay £500 even though I had paid all my bills on time!
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Posted 1 year ago
My business electricity been cut off by Scottish power and told me igot estimate bill nearly 4000. And they told me when i pay they gonna come and open back in 48 hours Nearly 2 week no one come put my power back on. Im try contact with them and they keep giving me 14 different phone numbers And same thinks every day im try contact with them you have contact with SMERECONNECTIONNS team by eamil idid email them 2 days no one reply my email after 4 days i received other bill saying Igot other estimate bill is 1.800. And how igot other estimate bill my business closed for 2 week itry contact with them again today and iwant 55 minute to answer costumer service and phone is just cut off
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Posted 1 year ago
Where to start scottish power are a joke been trying since last year to get mistakes retifide ombusman involved they set out what scottish power had to do but they still havent done it all emailed ombusman again today .waited for two days before i got a reply from the chat today i replied still waiting for reply back cant get them on the phone they dont reply to emails . Rude customer service who are not even in the country they sendiing threatning letters despite saying the wouldnt do this trying to sort out their mess. Very angry now never known such a terriable company avoid avoid avoid if i could give minus 10stars i would
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Posted 1 year ago
They don’t answer the phone or they hang up. You can use the chat service you end up with a robot. They offer no negotiation on direct debits even when you are not using no where near the amount they say you have to pay. Absolutely horrific company!
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Posted 1 year ago
If I could put no stars I would useless company don't turn up when they say don't pick up phones and when they do the put the phone down on you
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Posted 1 year ago
Extremely difficult to contact and totally lacking in empathy or compassion
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Posted 1 year ago
The worst customer service I have been the unfortunate recipient of. They are useless.
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Posted 1 year ago
You have to give one star. They are absolutely terrible. I switched to Octopus and they will not take a final reading. Their wait times are over an hour and they actually send you an email if you try and use that way saying they just won’t reply. Honestly, do not use them, they are so bad I cannot believe they are in business.
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Posted 1 year ago
You have to give one star. They are absolutely terrible. I switched to Octopus and they will not take a final reading. Their wait times are over an hour and they actually send you an email if you try and use that way saying they just won’t reply. Honestly, do not use them, they are so bad I cannot believe they are in business.
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Posted 1 year ago
Scottish Power is rated 1.1 based on 1,052 reviews