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236 West Portal Avenue, #328,
San Francisco

I have been amazed at the results of selling through Sundae. The process has been extremely easy and fast. There was very good communication with their personnel. This is an excellent way to sell your home if your needing to sell quickly and get a fair price, I am recommending Sundae to everyone I know.
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Posted 2 years ago
The process that Sundae has put together is exceptional. Selling a house should not be complicated.
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Posted 2 years ago
It was easy and quick.
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Posted 2 years ago
Before I called Sundae, I received many 📫 letters and posts from Michael Gifford. All his communication was professional and warm. The letters gave me confidence at the beginning of a workable potential.
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Posted 2 years ago
We had heard terrible tales about how difficult it was to sell property in Davis. Our property had turned from our dream home to a distressed rental. We feared facing costly renovations with funds we did not have. Sundae sent two letters to us. When the second letter arrived, we resolved to contact them. We flew in from our current home in Hawaii and scheduled an appointment. Despite the condition of the house, Lydia remained upbeat and very encouraging. We signed some documents, took some photos, crossed our fingers and flew home. Within days, we received a number of offers. We needed to delay our response because of a family medical emergency. Once we turned our attention back, Sundae had fielded more bids. How wonderful that we didn't have to find a buyer on our own, or make expensive repairs that we couldn't afford. The entire process wrapped up in just over two months, and we were able to give the tenant sufficient time to relocate. Cindy stayed in contact via text messaging. All of our questions and concerns were addressed and we closed escrow today. Fast, painless and uncomplicated. A dream come true. We hope the buyer is able to turn this property into a dream home for someone else. We are so grateful to Sundae for their assistance.
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Posted 2 years ago
The entire team is very proactive and very professional.
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Posted 2 years ago
Sundae helped me when no one else would. They made the process extremely easy for me. I would highly recommend their company for anyone looking to sell a distressed property.
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Posted 2 years ago
My experience with Sundae was everything they promised, and all I’d hoped for. I received an early retirement offer from my job, and needed to sell my outdated small home as quickly as possible so I could move to my retirement home. I didn’t want to spend thousands of dollars up front, plus months of work updating and cleaning, all the prep needed to prepare it for sale. I was extremely happy with Sundae’s offer, and especially happy with how easy the entire process was. I even had a competitive bid from a general contractor/flipper, but it came in $16k lower than Sundae, and of course they assured me Sundae could never match their bid. So to summarize, I am thrilled I followed my instincts and sold to Sundae!
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Posted 2 years ago
They worked well with me. Even though I didn't take the first offer. The advance really helped me with the move.
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Posted 2 years ago
Sundae did such an amazing job when we liquidated my mom’s house. Took care of everything and it was a painless process.
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Posted 2 years ago
We were treated with the utmost quality care! Nick and Nicole were so great in answering our questions and putting us at ease during this stressful time. Definitely recommend using Sundae in buying your house, they effectively found an investor that gave us top dollar for our house! Thanks Everyone!
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
The process was quick and professionally managed. We had access to advisors who walked us through the sale of our home. We sold it for less than market price, but when we factored-in commissions, closing costs, the cost to fix it up and stage it, and the inconvenience of the many showings, we feel like we got a good price.
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Posted 2 years ago
Sundae was able to get us $100,000 more than I expected when they facilitated the sale of my father’s house. They made the process as seamless as possible.
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Posted 2 years ago
Very professional, very fast and provides a very competitive selling price. Definitely worth trying for any type of distressed property and for sale by owner properties in general.
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Posted 2 years ago
They were very friendly, helpful. knowledgeable and professional. They made the whole process very easy.
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Posted 2 years ago
very professional and efficient
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Posted 2 years ago
Good transaction, could have had better communications between sundae, title company and seller. But wood consider using sundae again
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Posted 2 years ago
Short review?!? My letter to our Sundae representative, Joshua Summers, is sufficient, with this additional explanation: Our initial contact and visit with Josh was quite positive, but we still wanted to retail, rather than wholesale our home. We knew we could accept what a buyer would see as a significant savings over ARV (we've done real estate investing ourselves, primarily to benefit ourselves as needed, and understand the many issues involved and the cash buyer mindset). Thus we would become our own investors...if Sundae proved to be a flop. So, after Josh had done all the work, including setting up the inspections, property photography, and presenting it to Sundae investors, we eventually rejected all the bids (in our opinion, some Sundae investors were indeed the kind of investors which Sundae ads had ridiculed, but that's not really surprising, is it?). That failing, we proceeded with our own plans for a minor fix-up to bring the home to a more attractive appearance and better price point... But then, a few months later, I began to have some health problems which were not to be easily resolved. Furthermore, they would not permit me the exercise of my own skills to do renovation work or the time to hire subs to do it on my behalf. So, we called Josh to say we would like to have a do-over (not thinking he would agree, given the previous failed time investment). Surprisingly, he agreed, and the process started all over. The bids were better, but still too low (we knew what the ARV was and what % ROI sagacious investors need; our expectation (both now and earlier) provided for that. We decided to counter one of the investor bids. True to his duty as a Realtor of integrity, Josh represented OUR interest to the investor, viz. our counter (which was actually $16k less than our original target selling price, but we knew the investor might just walk away). Josh told us, he doubted the investor would bite and our ask for 30-day rent back (to accommodate delay related to my increasing medical issues) would be a tough sell to the investor. But, he did it anyway and apparently did not attempt to dissuade the investor from our counter ask. Now, here's my / our text to Josh, ~before~ anybody at Sundae (including Josh) asked for it: "Hi Josh. "RB here, in San Bernardino. Lee and I want to let you know how much we appreciate everything you did to help us get this thing taken care of. "I'm having some health problems and it has turned out, this may truly have been the very wisest thing we could've done under the circumstances. "Take care of yourself and give us a call sometime. "You are welcome to refer clients to us for a positive report on our satisfaction." We stand by that last sentence and would love to speak to any skeptics. We ended up with only a few thousand less than a ARV discounted retail sale would have brought, and we did (and spent) nothing more than that to get the deal done. It has truly proven to be the wisest decision we could have made.
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Posted 2 years ago
All of the representatives were professional and explained the process clearly so that we understood what would happen from beginning to end.
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Posted 2 years ago
Outstanding customer service and communication. They did everthing they said and more.
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Posted 2 years ago
Sundae is rated 4.9 based on 512 reviews