Utilita Energy Reviews

1.1 Rating 584 Reviews
3 %
of reviewers recommend Utilita Energy
Based on 584 reviews
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Own Driver, Courier
Customer Service
Communication Channels
Email, Telephone, Live Chat
Queries Resolved In
Over A Week
Customer Service
1.1 out of 5

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Utilita Energy 1 star review on 16th November 2023
Utilita Energy 1 star review on 16th November 2023
Utilita Energy 1 star review on 16th November 2023
Utilita Energy 1 star review on 16th November 2023
Utilita Energy 1 star review on 28th February 2023
Kyei Addai
Utilita Energy 1 star review on 28th February 2023
Kyei Addai
Utilita Energy 1 star review on 20th January 2023
Miroslav Badi
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
By far the worst energy supplier. Moved in last month and had to pay a previous tenants debt of £60 in order to get £20 worth of electricity for the month. Was told I won't get a refund. Call times are absolutely ridiculous you would be waiting about 2 hours for someone to answer and just pass you on to someone else
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I won some concert tickets last march and never received them. I contacted Utilita and was told to pick a concert of my choice and the tickets would be sent for November I never received them. I would strongly advise anyone with Utilita not to enter the competitions you don't receive the prize you win.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Worst company ever. Cost a fortune and are a nightmare to get through to. Money goes missing from every top up
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Hands down the worst customer service experience I've had for years. We are currently moving home and arranging for Utilita to hand over energy supply to our new house. After contacting our current energy suppliers (hold time c. 30 seconds), was kept on hold for over an hour with Utilita, whose automated voice claimed (falsely) that the issue could be solved online (it can't) before being told in person that Utilita would not address our issue prior to moving in and would not give a callback, as "We don't do that." Another hour on hold to look forward to!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Company Is over changing customers and getting away with it. They should be shut down. Do not join utilita.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Worst app and customer service ever, how they won best app is astonishing, still waiting for someone to answer 48mins waiting time. Absolute rubbish
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Left with no gas after paying my pay as you go 50 but a technical error on utilitas part has left me freezing I'm disabled and meant to be a priority but from 5 to 8 when they finally cut me off I spoke to 10 people who continued to put me on hold and now I've eaten nothing all day and no hot water heating or food despite paying customer service is horrible and customers are treated like rubbish by all staff (I spoke to 10 in 3 hours ) all were rude and done nothing to help utilita don't care about customers at all I wasn't even asking for free gas I'd paid and still treated like rubbish
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Why is it impossible to reach utilia, I have tried 4 different numbers and everyone is closed due to Christmas and boxing day... I need to transfer credit from electricity to gas, as I'm really running low... I have tried on the app, and all I get is error!!! So overall, no number in use atm... Cannot transfer, using app... Really bad service!!! Really bad...
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Just moved into a property they supply energy to and tried to give them moving in meter readings and to let them know we are changing suppliers. Wouldn't let me do it on-line and on the phone for 3 hours trying to get hold of them. What a joke. Moving is stressful enough.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Absolutely awful you spend 3 to 4 hours to get connected to South Africa who haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about and now the meter is going through £7.00 electricity and the house is totally empty no appliances at all and the gas is the same heating turned off and still going through £6 a day how does that work.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Awful 😭😭😭
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
for the past 10 mths or so i havnt been able to use the poxy mobile app to top up and had to use the phone top up line Then yesturday i tryed topping up my electric by £125 they excepted the payment but didnt add it to my meter When i called they said they havnt recieved the payment so i went to my bank to discuss the matter and they had excepted so now im on the phone waiting for them to fekkin answer armed with the transaction code As im writing this they have just hung up on me ANYONE THINKING ABOUT USING UTILITA MY ADVICE WOULD BE DONT THEY HAVE GONE DOWN HILL AND ARE FEKKIN USLESS The way they are FEKKUN me around it looks like ill be in court soon especially as there are 5 DISSABLED people in this house
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Utilita said they know they are breaking the law with me a vunerable customer, but they will continue to break the law anyway! They just don't care that they could kill me with their law breaking. Evil evil company.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Very very bad , unresponsive, put the phone down on you and cut you off when speaking ! A prepayment customer struggling with a young baby and abducted rubbish they are their to help when in distress or extreme cold weather
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
What’s the point in a smart meter when it never ever ever actually works? They will find me dead and frozen by the time my credit hits the meter. Oh why don’t you just type in the 1000 digit code printed without spaces for your convenience I hear you cry? Because you fitted the worlds smallest keypad and it’s not easy to use with frozen shaking hands. Modern life is rubbish!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
It is now 15th December and I have had no payments of energy support for November & December after almost a dozen calls I have had nothing but excuses this has made me very angry 😠 and My wife and I are getting fed up. I intend to take this to ombudsman as we believe we are being conned out of our payment's and Furthermore I will be leaving this company in the new year and going to someone more reliable.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Absolutely appalling I moved into my new property 10th November , I’ve rang several times every time I topped my gas up taking 25% recovery charges for the previous tenants debt and in just over 4 weeks £280 gas but my daily usage was £6 now it’s £16 a day , no meter reading was asked when I moved into the property I’ve got several one no reply no phone calls nothing when sent proof when I first had the account it wouldn’t let me top up nothing was saying -£288 how can someone use 2320.0kwh in 4 weeks is behond me when I was with British Gas I used £140 in 10 weeks this is astonishing and outstanding
Utilita Energy 1 star review on 11th December 2022 Utilita Energy 1 star review on 11th December 2022 Utilita Energy 1 star review on 11th December 2022 Utilita Energy 1 star review on 11th December 2022 Utilita Energy 1 star review on 11th December 2022 Utilita Energy 1 star review on 11th December 2022 Utilita Energy 1 star review on 11th December 2022 Utilita Energy 1 star review on 11th December 2022
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
No reply from company after days and hours on phone. No response from emails or chat. No response from online forms. Not working weekends. Absolute garbage company. If you want advice use another provider. Trying to sort out how to get power on to prepaid cards as previous tenant changed meter from credit to this awful system. Only got 4 days to move in date. Prospect of no energy in this weather is frightening.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Moved home 3weeks ago the tenant before was with utilita day after moving they cut my gas off took 6 hours to get thro they gave me codes to top but all my credit was taken rang them again they the last tenant debt off so they said but didn't iv paid the debt £100 and now I have to top up on line coz the codes number don't work and every tike I top up they take £3 off 10 £4 off 20 £6 off 30 wen it Says no charges have been taken I'm a single mum on own struggling as it is and having to borrow money to keep my gas topped up utilita are taking the money fir wat iv used plus daily charges and money for me topping up Iv been trying to ring for a week but constantly getting cut iv now put over £200 on my gas in 3weeks £200 i can't afford pictures show there are no charges but still get charged for putting money on my gas
Utilita Energy 1 star review on 10th December 2022
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Don't ever use Utilita, I'm moving to a different company as soon as possible. I've spent hours upon hours trying to get through on the chat. The phone line cuts off part way through dialogue or after confirming my details. I am unable to top up my gas meter through my phone, so I have to manually input the code. In this cold weather it's so much more difficult, especially as I live in a top floor flat. As well as this I have a circulation condition and a neurological condition, so getting down to input the code is very difficult. £15 would last a whole month, that now only lasts 2-3 days despite being strict with heating and having it on for a maximum of 2 hours per day. They've "promised" to send an engineer out and contact me via phone or text on the same day to let me know when this will happen, and have they? Nope, it's been over a week and I've heard nothing. As soon as I get a response from another energy supplier, I'm moving.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Utilita Energy is rated 1.1 based on 584 reviews