Utilita Energy Reviews

1.1 Rating 584 Reviews
3 %
of reviewers recommend Utilita Energy
Based on 584 reviews
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Own Driver, Courier
Customer Service
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Email, Telephone, Live Chat
Queries Resolved In
Over A Week
Customer Service
1.1 out of 5

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Utilita Energy 1 star review on 16th November 2023
Utilita Energy 1 star review on 16th November 2023
Utilita Energy 1 star review on 16th November 2023
Utilita Energy 1 star review on 16th November 2023
Utilita Energy 1 star review on 28th February 2023
Kyei Addai
Utilita Energy 1 star review on 28th February 2023
Kyei Addai
Utilita Energy 1 star review on 20th January 2023
Miroslav Badi
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Awful customer service support. I called utilita in December concerned that my prepayment voucher wasn't going to turn up. Waited an hour and ten minutes to get through to someone. Issue was resolved over the phone but now voucher for January still hasn't arrived. Again long wait to speak to customer service and issue wasn't resolved. I was told to wait for feedback from utillita and was advised this could take up to a week!. Completely incompetent. I don't know what kind of training their staff recieve but I wouldn't trust them to get any thing done. Completely unreliable. I was cut off mid call and had to spend another 40 minutes waiting to get through again. I still don't know when my voucher is going to get here. It's now the last week of January. They could at least give us some idea of when we can expect them. Appalling. Avoid utilita.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
After I joined April 2022 they fixed my smart meter last Monday 23 01 2023, it worked until evening 23th, they cut my gas off today. My account is topped up. I don`t know what to do. They just cut my gas in this cold and it is not my fault.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
terrible continually cut off after hours of waiting on the phone - non existent customer support will look at leaving asap
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How on earth do I talk to someone? Registered an online COT form on 22nd December, should take 5 days it said, took a month to get a letter, then got hit with charges on both electric and gas on my PAYG meter, how? Only just bought the house, never been below 0 on either meter, been making top up guest payments , been going on fine. Now I'm loosing 25% of each top up for a charge that can't be mine? Tried to call, took 44min 11secs to be answered, had to explain the issue 3 times before he understood, tried to transfer me to COT team, get a repeated message telling me to complete and online COT form (which I've done and took 4 times as long to be answered as expected), spent a further 35 mins on hold and had to hang up as I had an appointment. Utterly shameful disgusting service. Please PM me urgently with details of how I speak to someone to get these charges removed ASAP or I'll take the matter to the ombudsman and small claims court to get back my 25% charges which are being removed without my consent.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
They never answer to emails and calls. I'm moving to a different company. It's too stressful to deal with them.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
If I could rate ZERO I would. This company is non existent they have not responded to my email I sent 5 days ago or answered my calls. I spent 1 hr holding today and 30 minutes yesterday they are cowboys that rob and steal money from low income households as I have topped up £120 in one weekend it's daylight robbery for a small flat. I can't even with this nonsense company so I've left today DO NOT TOUCH THIS POXY COMPANY WITH A BARGEPOLE!!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Absoloutly shocking service and an talking about complains department as well, a hour in the queue for the woman to hang up on me because she couldn't answer my question to why this company are so bad, so bloody rude and still not got what I needed fixed, shocking awful rude service, furious to say the least
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
The charges are extortionate. I don’t have the hot water on and rarely use the heating in my two bedroom flat, but I’ve been charged £100 for three days over this weekend! I’ve switched to octopus, but the supply doesn’t start until tomorrow. Utilita say my meter has now run out and they have closed my account a day early! The only way to top up is to go back to them, which I won’t do, but in the meantime I have no power and a freezer full of food. Something is very wrong here!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Was extortionate before the energy price rise , struggling even more now to run my house and keep my family. Im on prepayment and it's like feeding a donkey strawberries . No help offered . Cannot wait to be able to switch supplier!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Awefull service just leave me without supply nice thank you
Utilita Energy 1 star review on 20th January 2023
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
This energy company is a joke .They do not help there loyal customers when needed.The cost of Gas and Electricity is just ridiculous and they cant say its because things have gone up in price its there doing on there prices.I have put a complaint to them since june 2022 and up yo today they have still not contacted me or dealt with my issues as same issues are still happening. I have been with Utilia for 9 years and they were ok in the beginning but now they are atrocious and i think they need to be investigated by the correct regulation team. They just do not have any care or consideration for there customers they just leave them stressed, worried and frustrated well that's my personal opinion on this horrible company.
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Posted 1 year ago
Not had December discounts on the energy support scheme or the warm winter home discount not had January yet as well I thought this was a good company until they have done this I've rung no answer and message like hitting my head against brick wall plus the stress my husband as a heart condition on pip esa we are in fuel poverty so angry,
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Absolute shambles of a company. My 70 year old mother has been without Gas for over 3 weeks. No one answers the phone and she has spent over 7 hours on hold trying to speak with someone. Avoid at all costs.
Utilita Energy 1 star review on 13th January 2023
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
An unbelievably bad experience at every stage of their pricess. The app (quite pretty but also quite useless), the creaking infrastructure, the non-existent customer service, the outrageous pricing, and simply the complete lack of accountability makes your blood boil. How can the government allow such companies to do business?
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Missing money from top ups on top of being charged over 400 a month for usage as you can see by screenshot they charge when not using
Utilita Energy 1 star review on 9th January 2023
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I am 100% not in debt yet they’re charging me for the previous tenants debt. I’ve been trying to call them for 2 months but they don’t answer, and on the rare occasion they do they transfer me to a closed phone line. I’m going insane
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Please never go to this company, they don't respond to emergencies, have you waiting on the phone just to hang up multiple times. Some of them are overtly rude and don't want to help you in anyway. They refuse to pass the phone to the manager, and point blank lie about the money you owe them to make commission. They will transfer money from one utility to pay another balance without your permission and then tell you they don't see the money in either account. These people are scammers and will do everything to stop you from knowing the truth about where your money is and how much your true balance is!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
i have been waiting for the customer services 2 hours already still no one pick the fxking phone on it what a bad experience for customer
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Posted 1 year ago
Wish I had never gone back with them they are a nightmare and if you try leaving get refused.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
No gas supply tried for 13 hours to speak to someone.4 hours on emergency number to be cut off
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Utilita Energy is rated 1.1 based on 584 reviews