John Lewis Reviews

2.7 Rating 2,395 Reviews
41 %
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Greater than 67%
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1.3 out of 5
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John Lewis 1 star review on 9th July 2023
John Lewis 1 star review on 8th January 2023
John Lewis 1 star review on 5th January 2023
John Lewis 1 star review on 4th October 2022
Tim Clayton
John Lewis 1 star review on 22nd November 2018
John Lewis 1 star review on 10th September 2018
Mrs F
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Purchased a Radley handbag online for £26 in the sale. Four days later instead of the handbag a hideous purse arrived. Called customer services who said sorry blah blah. The handbag was now on for £239. Sorry can't give it to you someone has put the wrong details on. No my problem Referred to Head of Customer Service. Two weeks later receive an email same sorry but we are unable to give you the item as WE made a mistake. Again not my problem. They are now refusing to send me the bag. I will be taking this to Trading Standards as John lewis it seems has no standards. I am in shock I really thought it was a reputable company. They accepted in an email it was their mistake and have the cheek of offering me £30 e voucher to buy another bag I will keep you updated
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
My days of purchasing anything electrical, electronic or technical from John Lewis are at an end. The so-called guarantee, whether it be one year or two, is meaningless. Every time, except once, when I have returned a faulty product to store I am told I need to contact the manufacturer. This is not even legally correct. Today was a steam cleaner, bought 5 months ago, which has never worked and has been tried out 3 times. Apparently, «what we tend to do » is tell the customer to contact the manufacturer direct. This has happened previously with an Apple watch and a DVD player. Today, we had to wait to speak to someone from Technical Support (Technical Fob Off) for a considerable time, although there was no shortage of staff on the payment desk taking money off people. The man who dealt with us did phone the manufacturer on our behalf and we will be sent a replacement part for this practically brand new machine, but then we need to deal with Vax ourselves. An appalling and short sighted way for a retailer struggling in the present climate to be treating loyal customers. I would recommend anyone to buy such items from Curry ‘s, for example -a recommendation I can hardly believe I’m making!
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Posted 3 years ago
Ordered a wardrobe on 17 August after having several orders for wardrobes from other companies cancelled or messed up. Chose to purchase a wardrobe from John Lewis as we understood you to be a reputable brand with business ethos build on customer satisfaction and delivering high quality goods on time and professionally. We were sadly mistaken. After a short while we received a call saying that two thirds of our wardrobe could be delivered but the remaining third had been damaged and we would have to wait a number of weeks for it to arrive. We asked that the two thirds of parts not be delivered as there would be little reason for us to store/or attempt to build an incomplete wardrobe. Received a call a few weeks later to rearrange delivery, and were told that the entire wardrobe would arrive in one shipment the following weekend. When the weekend came and we took delivery I noted that parcels of the wardrobe were spread out across the delivery van instead of being tied together, so asked for a guarantee from the delivery team that all the parts belonged to the same wardrobe. The delivery team were unable to confirm this and when I asked them to confirm with the head office, they were unable to guarantee that all the parts belonged to the same wardrobe. I found this perplexing as we had rearranged shipment twice to avoid such an issue occurring and had been assured by a member of your customer services team that all the parts would come together. We refused delivery and were told that a member of the customer services team would once again call us to rearrange delivery. We rearranged delivery for the following weekend and had a text confirmation for delivery the evening before, but when the morning came we received a cancellation text saying it was not possible to deliver the wardrobe and the same would need to be rearranged. A few days went by and we received no such call, and when someone did finally call we spent over ten minutes on the phone explaining that we had not taken delivery of anything (your customer services believed we had one Carcass, but we did not) and that we still required the entire shipment of wardrobe parts. Immediately called customer services again and after a ten minute explanation of the previous events over the phone, the representative told us they were going to cancel the order so we could place it again, in order to avoid any further confusion of what had happened. We explained that we were quite frankly appalled by this and the fact that after we placed another order we would have to wait a number of weeks for delivery once again. Extremely unsatisfied by the service provided.
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Posted 3 years ago
John Lewis dont even deserve 1 star I am deaf and rely on lip reading and it is very hard at the moment due to all the restrictions but whenever I go shopping if I have not heard what the assistant has said I politely ask them to pull their mask down and explain why and they do so to talk to me as I am wearing a mask protecting them. Today I approached a member of your staff and she flately refused to help me saying she wont let me see her lips just raising her hands muttering behind her masks my son who was with me came over because he could hear her shouting for another assistant. The other assistant that came over I told her that I was deaf and reliedon lip reading but she used hand gestures to point me in the directionof what I was looking for. I was deeply upset as I do shop with yourselves and as it was my first outing since march it was not a pleasant experience. As we found the items that I wanted my son asked whether I could buy them elsewhere as he thought the service was bad too so I am afraid we went to selfridges to purchase the 5 Jo Malone candles. May I just say that your staff need to be aware of hidden disabilities as I was wearing my badge too
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Posted 3 years ago
Have an ipad with the John Lewis two year guarantee. It was faulty within the guarantee. They picked it up and six weeks yes six weeks later I am still chasing for a replacement. I registered a complaint via their website and they say it takes up to 14 days to respond!!! I only bought it through John Lewis because of the two year guarantee. Next time I will buy direct from Apple and pay for their guarantee - the John Lewis guarantee is rubbish and their customer service is appalling.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In 2017, we purchased a Sony Oled tv at a cost of £3000 as consequence of another debacle with John Lewis and its staff at the Leicester store. Recently, our television developed a problem resulting in a ghost like bar at the bottom of the screen. As the set is covered by your 5year warranty, I called JL on 07/10/2019 and spoke with someone called Jonathan. He talked me through some processes including a complete factory reset of the the tv. Subsequently the problem did not correct itself and Jonathan suggested that it would be better for an JL’s engineer to examine the set. The engineer arrived on 10/10/2019 and took some quick photos of the tv screen and said that they would submit a report to JL and someone should call me. I tried to explain to the engineer that the panel refresh feature on this set doesn’t appear to work and could have caused the problem. I also informed him that when the panel refresh is engaged, there should be a horizontal or a vertical white line visible to confirm that the panel refresh is being carried out as stated in Sony’s operating manual. The engineer seemed disinterested and left my house in a hurry. On 14/10/2019, I received a call from someone called Andy at JL’s product support centre. Without any empathy, he proceeded to inform me that this type of defect is not covered by JL’s warranty and I would have to bare the cost for the remedial work which incidentally could be in excess of £2000! I tried to inform him that the panel refresh feature on this tv set appears not working and this is likely to have caused the damage. Andy did not show any interest in my comments nor the willingness to review the matter further. I asked for the matter to be escalated beyond his capabilities, but he insisted that his word on the matter was final. On 15/10/2019, I called JL’s customer support line and spoke with someone called Jamie who assured me that he would send message to the Leicester store for a Manager to review the matter and I would get a call within 2 to 4 hours. Guess what?no one called me from the store. Our main purpose of purchasing such an expensive tv was to provide quality entertainment for my son who suffers with severe epilepsy and learning difficulties. Consequently, he finds it difficult to interact and engage with others and a tv is an important feature in his lifestyle. Prior to purchasing the tv, I visited the Leicester branch of John Lewis in order to educate myself on oled technology beyond the information online. The salesman at the Leicester store was very knowledgable and reassured me that panel retention on modern oled TVs is a thing of the past and this particular model is equipped with a features that would prevent this from occurring. It’s important to understand that at no point did he mention that this type of occurrence would not be covered by the warranty. I even tried to contact their managing director Paula Nickolds and my email was strategically intercepted by someone who within hours of receiving the message, called me with assurances that the matter was assigned to one of their customer relations manager. A few weeks later, their customer relations manager emailed me back to reiterate their stance on the matter and washed their hands of any responsibility. Now, I have a £3000 tv with a defect that manifested itself through no fault of mine! and a worthless warranty. In short, AVOID John Lewis and think very carefully before buying an oled tv. The manufacturers have a lot to answer for, because this technology is flawed in ways that makes the product unfit for its purpose.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In 2017, we purchased a Sony Oled tv at a cost of £3000 as consequence of another debacle with John Lewis and its staff at the Leicester store. Recently, our television developed a problem resulting in a ghost like bar at the bottom of the screen. As the set is covered by your 5year warranty, I called JL on 07/10/2019 and spoke with someone called Jonathan. He talked me through some processes including a complete factory reset of the the tv. Subsequently the problem did not correct itself and Jonathan suggested that it would be better for an JL’s engineer to examine the set. The engineer arrived on 10/10/2019 and took some quick photos of the tv screen and said that they would submit a report to JL and someone should call me. I tried to explain to the engineer that the panel refresh feature on this set doesn’t appear to work and could have caused the problem. I also informed him that when the panel refresh is engaged, there should be a horizontal or a vertical white line visible to confirm that the panel refresh is being carried out as stated in Sony’s operating manual. The engineer seemed disinterested and left my house in a hurry. On 14/10/2019, I received a call from someone called Andy at JL’s product support centre. Without any empathy, he proceeded to inform me that this type of defect is not covered by JL’s warranty and I would have to bare the cost for the remedial work which incidentally could be in excess of £2000! I tried to inform him that the panel refresh feature on this tv set appears not working and this is likely to have caused the damage. Andy did not show any interest in my comments nor the willingness to review the matter further. I asked for the matter to be escalated beyond his capabilities, but he insisted that his word on the matter was final. On 15/10/2019, I called JL’s customer support line and spoke with someone called Jamie who assured me that he would send message to the Leicester store for a Manager to review the matter and I would get a call within 2 to 4 hours. Guess what?no one called me from the store. Our main purpose of purchasing such an expensive tv was to provide quality entertainment for my son who suffers with severe epilepsy and learning difficulties. Consequently, he finds it difficult to interact and engage with others and a tv is an important feature in his lifestyle. Prior to purchasing the tv, I visited the Leicester branch of John Lewis in order to educate myself on oled technology beyond the information online. The salesman at the Leicester store was very knowledgable and reassured me that panel retention on modern oled TVs is a thing of the past and this particular model is equipped with a features that would prevent this from occurring. It’s important to understand that at no point did he mention that this type of occurrence would not be covered by the warranty. I even tried to contact their managing director Paula Nickolds and my email was strategically intercepted by someone who within hours of receiving the message, called me with assurances that the matter was assigned to one of their customer relations manager. A few weeks later, their customer relations manager emailed me back to reiterate their stance on the matter and washed their hands of any responsibility. Now, I have a £3000 tv with a defect that manifested itself through no fault of mine! and a worthless warranty. In short, AVOID John Lewis and think very carefully before buying an oled tv. The manufacturers have a lot to answer for, because this technology is flawed in ways that makes the product unfit for its purpose.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
This is the most difficult shopping experience I have ever had. What should have been a simple tumble dryer online purchase took 3 weeks for John Lewis between booking the wrong dates, and booking the installation people to come before the dryer. Finally When they installed it, the product developed a fault. They have told me to to go to the manufacturer. Manufacturers gave me a date after a week but didn’t show up. No initiative or responsibilities from John Lewis. It’s like they’ve shrugged and moved on, now it is my problem that they sold me a faulty product and I should run around to manufacturer. All this when it’s only a few days old. End result? Family without a dryer for over a month. Regret deciding to go to John Lewis. I have seen this company go from preferred premium service to absolute rubbish in the last few years. Terrible shameful customer service. Why would we ever go to John Lewis after this experience?
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Posted 3 years ago
Got lenovo all in one desktop for my daughter do home work.after 6months broken down.bring back John Lewis to get fix. Waiting over 2months still can't get my daughter pc back yet.still not hear anything from them. Customer service was rubbish and phone service was rubbish. My daughter can't do home work without pc. She so sad.2 months with out pc.never use or buy anything from John Lewis again........
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Fuss free fast delivery of our new TV, A great price also.
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Posted 3 years ago
This company is a joke and deserves to go out of business! 2 months waiting for a "john Louis" fridge for my "John Louis" kitchen. 3 times they have come with the WRONG fridge giving the WRONG information back just to make the SAME mistake for a 3rd time. 2 months without a fridge is impossible so is John Louis!! NEVER AGAIN!!!!
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Posted 3 years ago
if i could give zero i would! staff are rude and know nothing regarding processes, customer service or their company! staff pretending to be managers, refusing to escalate calls when they clearly cannot deal with issues or give resolutions. if you get Reece on a call, hang up! he is nothing short of useless and rude.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I am a kind of loyal JL customer for at least a decade but sadly found that in recent months JL service goes down sharply. One delivery I got one item missing out. The second order I returned a desk I purchased but still haven't received the refund after one month. They promised to contact me at least twice but I received nothing. The third order I just found they got the wrong size for my kid's school uniform. I could understand things are difficult in current situation but it really disappoints people. I think in the future I'll try to avoid purchase at JL as it failed again and again and I simply can not accept it.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Useless customer service and very rude. over 25 years I have purchased may goods from JL. Recently purchased a TV online which was faulty (you can see black line). Took it to the store to return as it was only purchased 4 days a go. The staff including Manager was very rude and will not take it back, keep saying we can only get it repair. I have spoken to four people who played the same record in a loop. I am going to send it back via post for full refund. After this I will never go to John Lewis again. No wonder its going down. I will be using from now on who have a good customer service. JL service personal: Please do not send me a message asking for further information or trying to help as you have lost me forever. Not only one person was rude, whole team was.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
If I could I would not assign any stars at all. We bought a Hotpoint washing machine online and unbeknown to us were sold a "graded washing machine" at the full price. The appliance broke down after a year and a half and eventually after three weeks we did manage to get an engineer from Hotpoint at the suggestion of John Lewis. We had the customary two years guarantee but JL didn't offer us a replacement but elected to pass the problem on to Hotpoint repairs department. We have been customers of John Lewis for over twenty-five years and have spent in excess of £20,000 from computers, furniture, white goods, etc.. and they were the first choice for us, for reliability, customer service and honesty but I am afraid this is not any longer the case! The engineer from Hotpoint came and after a quick assessment of the machine, came back from the van with a tube of silicon and said that the machine was leaking water from the inflow and he would fix the part which then he removed from the inside of the machine. At this point we were very surprised because in these instances the part must be new and replaced to avoid problems in the future. Covid19 was becoming more widespread in the UK, so the repair was carried out and immediately we noticed that the water in the dispenser was actually coming through three compartments (pre-wash, wash and rinse) rather then from the main compartment so we called immediately Hotpoint who said that they often did "rush repairs" and used silicon in instead replacing the part and it would be OK. In August the machine broke down again and we found a big pool of water in the kitchen. At this point we were so disappointed and desperately in need of a washing machine fast that rather that going again through the process of trying to have it repaired and all the stress it entailed we opted to get another one from John Lewis online. Bad mistake, as regards the delivery! No problem with the new machine, but the behaviour of the installing engineer was appalling! Rude, impatient, to say the least! He found problems connecting up the pipes and electrical cable because he would not listen in the first place to our explanation as to where the latter was to be connected, and was looking for an excuse not to finish the installation. No previous installer had had any such problem. He cursed and swore throughout the installation all his tools were scattered all over the tiled floor and alleged that he had cut himself on glass on the floor which we had just cleaned beforehand. We have dogs so certainly no glass has been broken for years! They had not face masks on whilst we did but at least three times he said to us "keep well away" whilst we were two meters away from them in the dining area. The whole performance was deliberately designed to intimidate, bully and harass people in their home! We couldn't be happier when they left, with no apologies at all. We have written to JL explaining the all sorry saga accordingly but to this day we have not received an answer to the letter, nor an apology. Needless to say but this ended our long association with JL, we will not be shopping there ever again, be aware that what happened to us will happen again to some other unfortunate customer. Don't use them, if you can avoid doing so!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Long story short - I have had no updates in my order (£1,000 pram). It was supposed to be delivered within 7 days, Friday, Saturday, (minus Sunday and bank holiday) Tuesday... meaning they got 4 more days... yet customer services told me that they gave up until the 6th before I can complain about it. Well... they’ve added themselves on a few more days there !!! I sold my old one because I was promised a pram Within 7 days. Can’t go out for walks either because I’ve no idea when it’ll turn up
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Purchased a tv off dog is couldn't use for 5 months as no building work completed. Opened tv installed and a fault on the lighting. Called after 40 minute wait booked wrong third party to visit. Called back another 35 mins wait to b e told to deal with LG direct. Have now sent 7 photos and still waiting for a response. Told John Lewis no interest and confirmed their engineers take 28 days . This is their standard response so no more electrical products or any other from this misleading un ethical company.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Bought an expensive aircon, arrived with a hole in the box and two previous delivery stickers stripped off the box. Had obviously been used before, remote control scratched, stickers on aircon been pealed off. John Lewis customer service didn't seem too bothered by this, just arranged collection to return it which took a week, was told I'd get a call 30 mins before collection, no-one bothered and I missed it (having to shop for an elderly relative before work, was 5 mins away from home). Now have to wait another week for John Lewis to collect it. Shoddy near second hand product, terrible customer service
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I bought an HP printer online after several months of waiting because that particular one was out of stock. The setup didn't go well and the carriage return with ink cartridges got stuck, with a bit of the plastic ribbon coming off in my hand. I went to Brent Cross Tech Department of JLP firstly for advice and next day to take the printer back. On both occasions I waited less than 10 minutes to be seen. The second time a very pleasant and cheerful young man looked at the printer briefly, checked my receipt, looked something up on his computer and went and got me a new one. He also gave me a number to to ring to ensure that the two-year extra cover I'd paid for would be transferred. This was in the space of about 15 minutes. The new printer is now set up and I have already printed out some documents and scanned some photos in. I have always had good service from JLP and have been a customer since the early 70s. I hope this goes some way to offsetting the negative reviews that have been posted recently.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Your selling Grated Electrical appliances as New . This is dishonest and I'm not the first either. Your customer services did not denied this fact. I was made aware by the manufacturer. People should be made aware that you are deceiving them when buying items at full Brand New Prices. This is Theft! Shame on you John Lewis! Never buying from John Lewis again.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
John Lewis is rated 2.7 based on 2,395 reviews