GMB Mobility Reviews

4.8 Rating 131 Reviews
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About GMB Fitness:

GMB makes online training programs to unlock restrictions and teach essential movement patterns for overall strength and agility.

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I've currently going through GMB Mobility for the second time. I love how it takes you through baby steps, anytime, anywhere. I tend to fall off the horse and take gaps in my practice schedule, but GMB Mobility is quite easy to get back on the horse. Doesn't feel daunting at all. I look forward to it every morning.
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Posted 1 year ago
Some great things about this program: The instructors are really appealing and relatable The movements are broken out and I can see improvements daily You can choose how long you want to work out, so I can squeeze them in during work After doing a few sessions you can see the links between the movements and the strength building. For me, slow but definitely improvements. Love the inspiring and very authentic feeling articles that are emailed to me; usually I just delete stuff like that but they are well done.
3 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I use this program as both a foundational part and a supplemental part of my daily exercise. The way it is designed, I can dial it up as a stand-alone workout or dial it back as a movement practice on days I'm sore or otherwise not my best. It's a great program.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I am a middle aged man trying to stay strong and functional in a very dangerous environment. I work in law enforcement and decided I wanted to be more functional and just be able to move better. I went away from gmb for moment to try other things. But realized after todays workout I needed to stick with it and continue to build my functionality. This program does a great job of making your body functional and move. I am now about to invest in other gmb programs so I can move even better
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Midway through this training I can see improvement especially in my hips which is much needed. Thanks!
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Posted 1 year ago
If this program dosen’t increase your mobility, you have to be an oak… Following this program has increased my overall mobility, but especially my hips and shoulder are way more flexible, than ever! Wondering how great my mobility will be when I finish the first round of this one!
2 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I do no-gi bjj, elements and mobility courses has helped me a lot with keeping my body healthy and I gained noticeable more strength while doing these. GMB courses are definitely worth your money. Thank you
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Posted 1 year ago
GMB Mobility habe ich seit Jahren. Ich nutze es unregelmäßig, aber immer wieder wenn ich im Stress bin, zu viel am Computer sitze und sonst nicht zum Sport komme. Dann trägt mich dieses Programm auf dem Wohnzimmerteppich durch die Phase und danach kann ich durchstarten ohne mich erst um aufgebaute Verspannungen und Steifheit kümmern zu müssen. Ich bin schon nicht mehr ganz jung, und dieses Programm ist schön unaufgeregt und dennoch effektiv.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago