Evivo Reviews

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
The people of the company seem to really care about the health of my baby and how confusing that can be for a new mom. I went with my intuition on whether it would be beneficial to try quality probiotics for my son. It was the right thing to do. He poops just 2-3 times a day now instead of all day every day. He is less gassy. He sleeps better at night. He is starting solids and it keeps him from being constipated as he navigates new foods. So glad I tried evivo!
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Posted 5 years ago
Love this probiotic. It has regulated my sons BM’s. He is less gassy also.
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Posted 5 years ago
Evivo was recommended by our pediatrician and instantly we were excited to try it. Our sweet son has been on it since he was one week old! He has less than 3 poops a day, is not gassy or fussy, and eats like a champ! We would recommend this to anyone who wants a healthier baby!! So glad we found this product!!
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Posted 5 years ago
Evivo came highly recommended by our pediatrician. Our boy took it and started pooping well. He seemed to be doing well. Will recommend. The only complaint is that the package gets delivered not quickly enough and the ice already melted.
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Posted 5 years ago
I chose Evivo because my son had antibiotics during a hospital stay at 13 days old and I also had antibiotics during delivery for Group B Strep. I was concerned that between the two antibiotics, his gut was wiped out. Before my son started using Evivo, he was pooping about 6 times a day and had a constant diaper rash. Now that we've started using Evivo, he only poops every other day and his diaper rash is completely gone because of it. I'm so glad that I learned about Evivo because I know now that my son is getting the best start in life!
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Posted 5 years ago
Awesome product!
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Posted 5 years ago
Our son was colicky when he was a 4-5 months old. Gripe water didn't work, and we actually found research that puts gripe water in a negative light. We were breastfeeding and supplementing with formula, and he would spit up often and wake up in the middle of the night. We stopped formula feeding and introduced Evivo at the same time around 6-months, and he seemed to get better. He is now almost 10 months old and when he sees the syringe he gets very excited, grabs hold and sucks on it so hard I barely have to push the plunger. We ultimately found Evivo while attending a class on introducing solids and decided to try it. My wife's family all have autoimmune diseases and there is increasing research that connects gut bacteria to diseases like MS. We're hoping this probiotic will help preventatively, and look forward to additional research about Evivo regarding autoimmune disease.
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Posted 5 years ago
Game changer for my baby. Started it at 1.5 months. Oh my gosh he used to cry and have the hardest time passing gas. Within days I noticed the difference. Well worth the investment.
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Posted 5 years ago
We started our 8 week old on Evivo after our doctor recommended it and we tried a couple of samples. We noticed an immediate improvement on our son’s bowel movements — he went from having five poopy diapers a day to one or two! His issues with gas decreased dramatically and after regular use of Evivo we no longer get gas bubbles that would cause pain. Our son also was diagnosed with silent reflux in his first month and we’ve noticed that it seems to be improving as well. I’ve told several mom friends about this product and would definitely recommend it as we have had so much success.
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Posted 5 years ago
We can’t thank this company enough. I had an emergency C-section and my daughter was pumped full of anabiotic‘s when she was born. She had multiple stomach issues the first week of her life. About two weeks in I was able to put her on evivo and she has been thriving. After she turns three months she has been able to sleep through the night for 10 to 12 hours every night. She has been a extremely happy baby and has had no issue since she’s been on this product.
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Posted 5 years ago
Our baby girl has seemingly dealt with bad gas since 3-weeks old and it would wake her up at night and keep her preferring sleeping on her belly on my chest, not to mention eating every hour trying to push the gas out and soothe her tummy. We tried nearly everything from me cutting out dairy and caffeine and chocolate to drugstore probiotics and even prescription reflux medicine, and while mild improvements have been made, nothing substantial. Evivo is by far the thing that has helped the most, but it’s still not perfect. We are about 10-days in to using it and have seen fewer crying spells, improved sleep, and longer time in between feeding. However, she now seems to be experiencing a dance between very wet, almost diarrhea stools and then constipation-like inability to go. So, I’m playing around with how much I give her and considering doing it every other day instead of everyday. Even so, I believe the high quality of this product is working and helping get her gut flora in order. Going to keep with it and pray it keeps improving!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
I was skeptical at first, but I looked into the research and decided to give it a try. After less than a week I saw positive results in my son. Instead of having a little bit of poop in every diaper he was having one, nicely formed poop a day. In addition, the consistency was much less watery and stayed in his diaper better.
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Posted 5 years ago
So far so good for us. My little One is now 3 months and we’ve used Evivo for about 2 weeks. He has finally stopped pooping every few minutes and his horrible diaper rash has cleared up.
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Posted 5 years ago
We decided to start Evivo for our 3-month old daughter as she had been having some bouts of colicky pain. After about a week of taking Evivo the pain seemed to subside, although we have to say that her gas smells a lot worse now! Whether or not the colic went away on it's own or the Evivo helped we can't confirm, but we do believe the downstream effects of the antibiotics are worth keeping up with the daily doses.
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Posted 5 years ago
Shipping was awesome. Product was delivered in a foam insulated bag with ice packs keeping it cold. I gave 4 instead of 5 stars because the product is very hard to get mixed well. I’ve tried it with cold, lukewarm, and warm breastmilk (not hot as it might burn my baby and also because it would change properties in the milk and product) with no real difference; I also varied the amount of milk I mixed it into with no real difference either. I stirred thoroughly all times. My daughter fought me taking it because it was still so “grainy.”
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Posted 5 years ago
My baby was very gaseous, after using Evivo for two days his grassiness was noticeably reduced. Will continue to use for 1 month to see what other benefits Evivo can bring.
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Posted 5 years ago
This product is great and it works! Reason for 4 stars is the powder won’t mix very well...it takes time to really stir and give a good mix. Otherwise no more colicky baby!!
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Posted 5 years ago
After 5+ weeks of frequent, green stools and dietary restrictions, evivo helped normalize my daughter's stools within 3 days!
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Posted 5 years ago
It is hard to tell how effective it is, we have been using for close to 2 weeks (with samples and ordered product) and there doesn't seem to be much difference, maybe it just needs more time It doesn't taste good at all and has a slight smell to it. I try my best to aim it at his cheek but he doesn't love it
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Posted 5 years ago
After a couple nights of helplessly watching our exclusively breastfed 2-week-old crying and writhing in pain, I ordered Evivo. I was given antibiotics intravenously while I was in labor, so I wanted my baby to have the b. Infantis strain of probiotics to populate her gut. I also started using another probiotic and cut out dairy at the same time. I noticed a difference right away. She was able to pass gas and poop easily, when before she seemed to struggle to get them out. Evivo, combined with the other probiotics and removing dairy from my diet made a huge difference! I only wish these were available with my first baby!
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Posted 5 years ago
Evivo is rated 4.3 based on 654 reviews