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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
My daughter was born in the caul. She didn’t get any good bacteria from me, as far as I know. She was born making grunting noises. She would curl herself in a ball and grunt/ whine in her sleep. She couldn’t lay flat or she would cough and gag. I noticed a difference in her after one dose. It’s like I have a different baby. I had her on a high end probiotic before this one. Best money you can spend, is money spent on your health.
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Posted 5 years ago
Miracle worker!! I was having to give my newborn gripe water all day and mylicon drops as much as possible per the directions just to get her to sleep for an hour or two. I first tried other probiotics from target, which seemed to help her go to the bathroom but she was back to being fussy afterwards. As she started to show signs of being colicky, I knew we had to find something! Evivo looked expensive, especially if it didn’t work so I hesitated. A few late nights went by and I sucked it up and bought it. Best move! After day 1 she was taking full 4 hour naps and sleeping 6-7 hours through the night at 6 weeks old. It was a complete turn around. Her personality started showing more since her awake time was not spent screaming but instead completely content. ** she is breastfed (as needed for Evivo) but I do watch my diet. I don’t eat any dairy or chocolate as that seemed to make things way worse when she was first born. With the Evivo I still avoid dairy but am slowly introducing other foods and her stomach is now handling it well!
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Posted 5 years ago
We just started using evivo probiotics and within a few days my 4 month old has started having regular daily bowel movements and is less gassy. So far we are very happy with the product!
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Posted 5 years ago
We are absolutely thrilled we found Evivo! Our baby went from being irregular to having very consistent poops. She's super happy and calm with no belly issues. :)
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Posted 5 years ago
Evivo is a great probiotic. It was recommended by our pediatrician. The website was great and the opportunity to pay with amazon was an amazing option. It may seem like a lot of money but it truly helped our baby. He sleeps and digests better now. Give it a try.
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Posted 5 years ago
My order arrived quickly and correctly! It has only been two weeks, but I have already seen an improvement in my babies gas!
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Posted 5 years ago
Evivo has changed the way my little one acts every single day. I wish Evivo was dairy free so that we could reap all the benefits of Evivo.
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Posted 5 years ago
The colic didn't disappear, but it has improved dramatically. Would definitely recommend.
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Posted 5 years ago
2 month old son has a lot less gas, and a lot more regular bowel movements! Love it!
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Posted 5 years ago
Evivo probiotic has been a game changer for us. My son has mild to moderate reflux and colic. Within a week of using his probiotic it was a night and day change. He is happier during awake time and does not spit up as often since he’s not as gassy. We could not be happier with this product and so thankful our pediatrician recommended it. I never realized how the quality of a probiotic could make such a huge difference in its effectiveness. Thank you Evivo for making such a fantastic product!
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Posted 5 years ago
Before Evivo, my son would cry and cry after getting a bottle. I at one point was trying to limit certain things I ate from my breast-milk to see what the cause. After I started using Evivo, he settled down after feedings and is so much more content! He coos & smiles SO much now and this mama could not be happier! We will keep using Evivo and recommend to all my friends who are expecting mamas!
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Posted 5 years ago
Our baby boy’s night was very long and miserable! He would just scream and cry. He always acted like he was hungry and couldn’t get full. He always had gas on his belly. He was about a month and a half and after research for days we decided to try evivo. Within three days we could tell such a big difference in our bundle of joy! By the time he was two months well he takes his night bottle by 8:30/9 with his evivo and don’t get up until 5/5:30. We so much recommend Evivo! It’s most definitely changed/helped our baby boy!
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Posted 5 years ago
Evivo has made a huge difference for my little one! He used to cry with painful gas and now he’s burping and doing so well passing gas! Thank you evivo! It’s wonderful to know that my baby is receiving probiotics and building good gut bacteria.
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Posted 5 years ago
I started trying out Evivo at my daughter's 2 month birthday after a month of inconsolable crying, hoping it would improve whatever we couldn't figure out was giving her a hard time. It's been 13 days now and she not only hasn't spit up since we started feeding her the probiotics (normally she would projective vomit all over us every other day or so!), but she just seems like a calmer, happier baby in the evenings. Thank you, Evivo!
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Posted 5 years ago
The best probiotics we had tried! My 3rd boy was colicky and after a couple days he started sleeping and being happy all day long! Highly recommend it...
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Posted 5 years ago
My daughter had terrible colic the first few weeks of life and would scream for hours on end with seemingly no relief in sight. I took the evivo questionnaire and discovered she was the perfect candidate for these probiotics. She and I were both csection babies and I was given antibiotics during surgery. As a result I was worried she never had a shot to develop the good bacteria in her gut. I decided to give evivo a try at 5wks and I’m happy to report in the first week we noticed a drastic improvement in her happiness. By week 7 she is no longer screaming for hours on end, her excessive diarrhea (6 to 7 times a day) has stopped, and she now has one to two good sized bowl movements a day. Overall she appears to be much happier and in far less pain!!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
My 3 month old was put on preventative low dose antibiotics, and we noticed a change in her stool, more gas, and irritability. I ordered Evivo and we started it right away. Within 3 days we noticed less gas and irritability. After 5 days on Evivo, she was having fewer bowel movements. I did a lot of research on probiotics, and went with Evivo. I am so happy I did.
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Posted 5 years ago
After spending a couple months in the nicu we were excited to bring our new baby home. But that excitement was hindered when she immediately began spending several hours a day crying. She was extremely fussy and always needed to be bounced around and held vertical. Desperately one night I saw an online add for evivo. I realized the countinous antibiotics I received during the end of my pregnancy must of affected my babies gut. Also my baby had been on several rounds of antibiotics in the nicu. I bought evivo and was amazed at the results! My baby was changed just after the first dose! She is now calm and content! I can sit and cuddle with her! I can open my house windows without the neighbors hearing crying! We can go out in public! Thank you evivo!
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Posted 5 years ago
We love Evivo! My 1 month old was pooping several times a day and it was always very very watery. She would cry a lot from gas pains and nothing I did seemed to help. Then we started Evivo. Her poops are normal and are much much less frequent and she no longer has painful gas. She is a much happier baby.
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Posted 5 years ago
My 6 week old daughter hasn't been able to make a bowel movement on her own since she was born. We started evivo and she went within 5 days. We were shocked. It's a little pricey but worth the money if you're looking for a solution that works.
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Posted 5 years ago
Evivo is rated 4.3 based on 654 reviews