Evivo Reviews

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Within days, we noticed a significant difference in our baby. Our 6 week old was suffering from reflux and my breastmilk caused him discomfort every time he ate. I was on a restricted diet to try to combat his issues, but it wasn't enough. We saw a difference almost immediately once starting this probiotic. He started sleeping better due to not waking up in pain, reflux is no longer an issue (still on zantac per doctor's recommendation, but it works better now), I'm no longer on a restricted diet and the poopy diapers/diarrhea has significantly decreased. Overall, this product is amazing. Very expensive, unfortunately...but worth it.
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Posted 5 years ago
We started using Evivo for my 2-month-old’s gas and it has vastly improved and hasn’t strained to poop. We will continue to use it because he seems less fussy!
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Posted 5 years ago
I have been giving my 2 month old baby Evivo for two weeks. It has made a world of difference in his nighttime routine. Immediately it cleared up his baby acne. His hours of screaming & crying are down to about 30 minutes or less. So thankful for this late night internet find.
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Posted 5 years ago
Our baby girl was born a few weeks early & we knew right away her digestive system was off. She was colicky & would go days with no bowl movement. She is exclusively breastfed so Evivo has been a godsend! After the first dose she felt better & had a ‘normal’ movement & cried less.
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Posted 5 years ago
Our baby has had a lot of tummy and reflux issues and we have found that evivo has really helped
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Posted 5 years ago
So far my experience with Evivo is going well! My daughter has only been taking it for a couple of weeks now, but it seems to have helped her reflux a little bit. She doesn't throw up near as much or as often. I've also notice she sleeps better. I'm satisfied so far and hope to continue noticing positive changes!
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Posted 5 years ago
Our baby seems to be having a much easier time with his digestion and less irribility/gas. This company seems to be the real deal!
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Posted 5 years ago
This product is much needed with the issues of gut helth today. We love this product and what it offers my baby.
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Posted 5 years ago
This product is exciting. Hoping to see it work magic.
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Posted 5 years ago
Love Evivo! It helped my little guy go from a crying, screaming, constipated little guy to a happy, healthy, laughing baby! I always believed babies were crying for a reason and not just “colic” but I never could find a solution for my other babies but Evivo fixed my son’s digestion pain! Now he sleeps & poops & is a happy happy boy!
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Posted 5 years ago
Our poop game has totally changed. Less blow outs and less dirty diapers! Thanks Evivo for healthier digestion!
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Posted 5 years ago
Totally worth the investment! My baby’s colic episodes were reduced to normal whimpering. I don’t know if it was coincidental, but I feel like the probiotics also helped clear his acne. The effects (on the colic and acne) were pretty immediate too! I recommended this to fellow mamas struggling with the same issues.
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Posted 5 years ago
In 3 days I saw an amazing change in my grandson. He's eating better, less fussy and is much more content.
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Posted 5 years ago
Product came very quickly. I don’t like how there’s still powder in the tray so I scoop it up w my finger and put it in baby’s mouth. I bought it because it was recommended I think it’s helping. At least I know it’s good for her!!
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Posted 5 years ago
I’m a registered dietitian, so my child’s gut healthy is a top priority to me. My son was delivered via a cesarean, so I knew I wanted to do something for his gut flora. He also developed acid reflux and was put on an antacid, which I knew would further affect his gut microbiome. I chose Evivo because it’s the only probiotic on the market with adequate clinical research to back it up. Within three days my son stopped spitting up. He used to have a tough time between 5-8pm and would grunt all night long due to reflux and discomfort. Now he sleeps much better (of course he occasionally goes through growth spurts or has a bad day so wakes more often). But, his reflux symptoms have completely cleared. He no longer cries in pain from 5-8pm and he no longer grunts and squirms all night long. We have continued with the antacid (we use Zantac) and Evivo together. I love this product so much and tell every new mom about it. I highly, highly recommend it!
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Posted 5 years ago
Absolutely Amazing! I saw changes in my 2 months old baby’s mood after just 3 days of using Evivo. She is sleeping better and the diaper rash is gone. I wish I had started using Evivo sooner.
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Posted 5 years ago
Great product. After a few days it really made a difference. LO was having 10+ dirty diapers a day with Evivo he’s down to 4-5. Also diapers went from green color back to mustardy brown. It’s a bit of a pain to administer with mixing the powder, but I do believe it’s helping the tummy troubles.
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Posted 5 years ago
My 4 week old has been on Evivo for about two weeks. He seems almost delighted to take it daily - I was concerned it would change the taste of my breast milk and be undesirable. From day 1 he was a very gassy baby, but I’ve noticed a dramatic decrease in gas since Evivo. Customer service is also a pleasure to work with. So far, we are happy customers!
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Posted 5 years ago
Our child was having digestive troubles, less than a week on evivo, he has considerably less spit ups and less frequent, but more solid poo. Would highly recommend this to any parent of a digestively troubled infant.
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Posted 5 years ago
We initially tried probiotics because my daughter was born by cesarean section and on IV antibiotics for the first two days of her life... and we really didn’t notice any difference in her with other brands of probiotics. Although breastfed babies do stool more often, I felt having 12 watery stools per day and being extremely fussy with gas was not normal... 3 days after starting Evivo, which was a different strain of probiotic, we noticed a HUGE difference in her gas pain/fussiness and she now only stools about 2-4 times per day. Happy baby, happy life! Great product.
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Posted 5 years ago
Evivo is rated 4.3 based on 654 reviews