Nespresso Reviews

2.0 Rating 288 Reviews
21 %
of reviewers recommend Nespresso
Based on 288 reviews
Shipping & Delivery
Delivery Methods
Average Delivery Time
Over 7 Days
On-time Delivery
Greater than 16%
Accurate And Undamaged Orders
Greater than 76%
Customer Service
Communication Channels
Email, Telephone, Live Chat
Queries Resolved In
Under An Hour
Customer Service
1.5 out of 5
Returns & Refunds
Refunds Process
Returns Process
Could Be Better

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Nespresso 1 star review on 9th April 2024
Paul N
Nespresso 1 star review on 9th April 2024
Paul N
Nespresso 1 star review on 9th April 2024
Paul N
Nespresso 1 star review on 9th April 2024
Paul N
Nespresso 1 star review on 9th April 2024
Paul N
Nespresso 1 star review on 9th April 2024
Paul N
Nespresso 1 star review on 28th December 2023
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Absolutely appalling customer service on a refund issue. Staff and even escalation to manager are rude and not the slightest bit interested in being accountable for an almighty mess up. These people need a major reality check. Disgusted
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Absolutely appalling service and lack of response to a long outstanding complaint on a refund that has not been actioned. These people need a major shake up.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
We have the Nespresso Next machine and the machines stops working once every week. Every single week we have to run through the descaling process in order for it to work and it should not be like that. After multiple setbacks I decided to call customer service and we were on video chat for over an hour so she could watch me run through the descaling process that I've been doing without her for weeks. I get that it's apart of her checklist but an hour is a long time. After a a week we ran into the same problem. I called them back and the gentlewomen on the phone was extremely rude. I called with frustration and she made it worse. The machine makes great coffee but too many problems for the amount of money.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Digusting customer service. Plain rude
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Posted 1 year ago
It makes a great cup of coffee when it works. Our machine has "frozen" twice. We returned it for a second repair 3 months ago. I called this morning. Yes, they have the machine. No, there is no information regarding the status but they will find out and report back in 24 hours.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I signed up for a subscription in December 2021. It’s now July 2022 and I have yet to have a month where my delivery of coffee goes as planned. The delivery was originally with Yodle but this was changed to UPS because of the problems with orders not turning up. Today I have waited in all morning and the parcel has not turned up. Called UPS and they said they haven’t got the parcel yet. Called Nespresso and they said it’s not been sent out yet. I made the order over the phone with an advisor yesterday before 3pm and was told it was on next day delivery. I even received an email from UPS to say it was arriving this morning. So yet again I’ve wasted my time. Ok the coffee is nice. But I’m now at a point at 6 months into a subscription I’m looking to cancel and go back to using a normal coffee machine as I can’t be bothered anymore each month having to chase up an order and getting stressed out having to reexplain everything to someone at nespresso. If you like coffee and like it simple and stress free DO NOT GET A NESPRESSO MACHINE.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I signed up for a subscription with Nespresso UK and after a couple of months or so I realised that they’ve been charging me twice. I reached out to them and they’ve been quite unhelpful, and is taking a long time to get my money back. I never agreed to 2 subscriptions, which is actually impossible to have with them, and they couldn’t justify why they took money twice. In these days, where every penny counts, it is extremely frustrating to have money taken off my bank account and then force me to wait over 2 weeks for a refund. Very very poor experience starting with Nespresso.
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Posted 1 year ago
Only had Nespresso Vertuo since February 2022. Sent back for repair in April as it was leaking water, over heating and stopped working. Same thing has happened again July 2022. Went through all the same tests over the phone which was a pain as it was exactly the same problem. Being sent ba k again foe repair. As I hardly use this machine as it is in a second property which I visit infrequently I'm very unhappy about all the hassle. Surely as it's still under guarantee it should be replaced.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I won't order through Nespresso again. My order arrived only partially filled. When I called the customer service number I was routed through several forced attempts to get me to buy a medical device, then Direct TV, then I hung up and googled a different number to call. That customer service rep informed me that that number deals only with business customers and tried to re-route me to the number I'd just tried. When I explained that I would not call the first number again and be hassled to buy something I was put on hold for awhile and then a customer service rep finally asked what was missing in my order. Now it will take 7-10 days for Nespresso to send the rest of my order. Never again. When I order my capsules through Amazon I get them within 3-4 days and there's never been an error in the order.
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Posted 1 year ago
The security questions to order coffee are ridiculous and frustrating. I had my customer number, could confirm name and address and credit cards on file but they would not process my order. I could not exactly recall what day I ordered coffee, what the value was and how much... who really remembers... what is the point of having a profile and customer number..... my bank asks less security questions. And the colour of my pixie is black but they not it on file as alimnignon.... French for grey / aluminium. The machine is black so because I got that wrong... the first rude csr would not process my order. My second attempt found a person who was more helpful and sympathized with the stupidity of a gauntlet of security questions to order coffee!!! The customer service sucks.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
From a lost machine and damaged and missing coffee orders to a refusal to honour their three year warranty on machines as new as three months old I have lost confidence in this company. The machines are very unreliable. I have five broken (leaks or error lights on) and despite running around carrying out all tests and proving that a machine was still leaking most coffee into the pod collector I was told that this was alright (so why didn't it do it from new?) I have since been told that, even though the machines are broken, I have to call their tech (lack of) support for each one. If something is broken a telephone call is not going to magically repair it! When I received an order from Yodel, the box was damaged but it was only on opening it that I found lots of missing sleeves and many of the rest were squashed flat (trodden on?) so unuseable. Nespresso initially only wanted to credit me for the missing ones - have they ever tried fitting a squashed dusty pod in the pod holder? As you can tell, four different breakdowns in two years and shocking customer service says something is wrong.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
we spend tons of money ordering coffee from NESPRESSO and if never comes on time or never comes and they have to re-ship the coffee. We pay 6.95 for shipping each time and never get it until weeks later.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Nespresso does NOT care at all about their customers. I have been a Nespresso customer for years and 6 days ago placed an order online, including a new machine. A few hours later, while the order was still listed as “pending” I called Nespresso to add an aeroccino at the reduced price when also purchasing a coffee machine. The company representative told me that she could not add this to my order so I told her to cancel my entire order immediately. Today, six days later, I notice an email from UPS stating I have an order to pick up; it is the Nespresso order that was supposed to be cancelled the same day it was placed. The company totally ignored by instructions to cancel the order immediately. I called Nespresso today and informed the company representative about all of this. She also told me the aeroccino could not be added to the original order and that I now had to pick up my order from the UPS store, print off a return label and then return the order. Are you kidding me! I told her that I shouldn’t have to even pick up the order at the UPS store when it had been cancelled three days before the shipping label was even created. I told her that good customer service would have told me that the aeroccino could not be added to the original order but that Nespresso would be happy to send me an aeroccino separately at the reduced price. Nespresso is definitely only interested in the money and not at all interested in customer satisfaction! I no longer like Nespresso at all:(
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I have a Nespresso Subscription and ordered pods with next day delivery, 15 days later Yodel has lost two deliveries and attempted to deliver the third replacement to the wrong address. Despite using the same address for the last 3 years.
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Posted 1 year ago
❌️Uma marca que se apresenta como lider e de bons valores mas faz promoções limitadas no tempo e sem um aviso próprio e claro. No final não serve os clientes...❌️
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I called today to order Vertuo capsules. I spoke with Ricardo, whom was a horrible representative. I told him from the beginning that I was calling because I wanted to order 20 capsules but I already had the promotional gifts that were offered. I explained all of this in detail to Ricardo and asked to scope out the offered item for another. He put m on hold and came back and said the manager denied the claim and said it could not not be done. I asked him to try again and say that I would be happy with a lesser valued item. He came back again and said that it could not be done because the pro motion item is the promotion item. I then explained to him that I have done this in the past when I have already received bed the promotional item and that it would be a duplicate for me. For me, just tell the truth, put please don’t lie. POOR customer service. If I find a comparable espresso machine, my business of 3 years will go elsewhere!
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Bad CS experience ever! Wrote on chat and got reply from csr " I hope you are doing great " and disconnected me. Wrote a second time to ask to cancel my order same csr decided to give me advice instead of taking care of my request. I have been advised to buy at boutique. Very nice we don't have boutique in the city. Told him that and guess what! He disconnected me again! With reply thank you for contacting us if you any any other questions call us! What??? It's a joke and not CS. Called y to o the CS centre. Have to admit the lady was very nice and even apologized for the chat, said she will try to help me but guess what! She was supposed to call me and it's never happened. Today I got notification that my order has been shipped. Ridiculous.
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Posted 2 years ago
Emailed the Chief Exec directly to ask him to listen to the 27 minute call I had to get a refund… Needless to say he passed my email on to the Customer Relations Team - after I had specifically asked him to listen to my recorded call. It’s quite evident to me that he views customer service as someone else’s responsibility and not his… Every time I have phoned Nespresso it has been a nightmare - never mind that they seem to think they are a bank - evidenced by the completely over the top security checks. And when you have, eventually, remembered the necessary details the front line staff can’t help you! As for the website and app - it’s style over substance every time - ‘use-ability’ is dreadful. Sorry Nespresso - you’ve had several chances to get things right for me and you have failed, miserably, every time. The Vertuo is going straight on to eBay today - I’ll get some money back and won’t have to pay £400 a year for coffee (!!!!) Amazing that they can afford to hire Mr Clooney for their tv ads but can’t equip their staff or ‘managers’ with email. No, seriously, they can’t email a customer….in 2022! Avoid.
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Posted 2 years ago
Service livraison nul de chez nul à fuir
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Posted 2 years ago
You sent out an email with a $40 promotion. So I replied and ordered about $200 of coffee .. 250 capsules. I did not complete the order. A few hours laterI I received an email reminding me to complete the order. So I clicked ORDER NOW and the system took me somewhere with Vertu coffees. I tried a number of times with the same result. So I went to your on line attendant. As I am typing in my problem the attendant flipped into a customer survey asking about my experience. Then I called the telephone number on your web site and ended up in your business call centre with someone who barely spoke English and had no interest in listening. She finally managed to transfer me to the individual call centre ... but not before asking me a series of questions about how satisfied I was with the service. So I ended up with a different person who could take the order. Clearly there is a serious management issue. No one had done systems testing. The staff training was severe lacking. Based on my experience I would not deal with Nespresso except for the fact that your coffee is quite good. By the way .. I usually order coffee a couple of times a year spending about $500. I have one of your Miele branded coffee machines with the carousel.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Nespresso is rated 2.0 based on 288 reviews