Origin Broadband Reviews

1.3 Rating 203 Reviews
7 %
of reviewers recommend Origin Broadband
Based on 203 reviews
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
As soon as I signed up with these clowns my internet speeds were on the low side and suffering from constant outages. Sometimes outages for hours, a few times a week. At other times 1 or 2 minute outages repeating every 5, 10, 15 minutes or so for hours. On average not more than 2 days would go by without some form of sustained outage or multiple, rapid-fire outages. When it was working the speeds would frequently be worse than dial-up, page would take ages trying to load and then fail, even after multiple attempts. Between outages I would check my public IP address and ISP details and they would sometimes change. For a while it was in Paris and then eventually ended up in Russia in the latter stages(?). Contacted them more than once, each time in the middle of sustained outages (one time in the middle of a 20+ hour outage), and of course "everything looks fine" and the "switch your router on and off" spiel. Resorted to trying every combination of 3 different routers and rj cables, no difference. Eventually had BT change the master socket in the house, change the physical line outside the house, and ultimately change something at the exchange regarding where/how we were connected there. No difference. Call customer service during another 12-hour outage, "everthing looks fine to us"... Eventually cancelled the direct debit well outside of the contract. 3 or 4 months later these crooks somehow got my bank to reinstate the direct debit WITHOUT EITHER MY PERMISSION OR INFORMING ME OF IT HAPPENING, ie. against the direct debit agreement, and actually backdated it 4 months before I happened to notice it one day looking back through my statements. Needless to say the money was back in my account within 2 or 3 days and then a change of bank was in order. But the nerve of these folk. One of the strangest things was - checking the available services on the SamKnows availability checker, Origin was and still is listed as unavailable. They had had me on some bogus line and kept periodically bumping me off on to other crappy, dial-up-esque lines throughout the contract. Shysters.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Bad lot. Avoid them.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Crooks. Avoid them.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
AVOID THIS COMPANY AT ALL COSTS!!! They take your money but don't provide a service! I paid first instalment 5weeks ago and STILL don't have broadband. You get passed from pillar to post, never speak to same person and there is a min 73 minute wait to get technical help... Please learn from my mistake - they are cheap for a reason - they are appalling.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Origin Broadband is rated 1.3 based on 203 reviews