MyBodyTutor Reviews

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MyBodyTutor - Highly-Personal Coaching & Accountability

We are a highly-personal online coaching program that solves the biggest problem in health and fitness - the lack of consistency. And we do this by simplifying the process into practical, sustainable behaviors, and giving you the daily accountability and support it takes to stick to your plan.

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
When I found My Body Tutor, I had been considering signing up for an MLM weight loss program that required an extreme calorie deficit and the consumption of a bunch of engineered bars/shakes/etc. I honestly hated the idea of that program, as it felt unnatural, extreme, and out of alignment with my values and the approach I wanted to take to weight loss. But I was so discouraged by my health and so desperate for a change and "coaching" support that I was considering it anyway. Luckily, just before I signed up for that program, I heard about My Body Tutor on a podcast. I signed up for an exploratory call with Adam and immediately knew it was the program for me. I was so grateful to find that My Body Tutor encouraged the practices I wanted to be a part of my life (sustainably healthy eating, more movement, paying attention to what I ate, enjoying worthwhile indulgences, etc.) along with the structure and accountability (logging, regular interactions with a coach, etc.) that I felt I needed to help me get there. I loved the focus on mindset and habits, as well as the goal being a LONG TERM shift that results in SUSTAINED health and weight loss. In the program, I was encouraged to pay attention to my body and work WITH it - learning to fuel it with the types of food that help me feel satiated, energized, etc. I learned to take an experimental approach - trying out different things to learn what actually works for me. I learned about some deeply engrained emotional eating patterns and came to recognize some of the scenarios where I was turning to food to satisfy me in a way that food simply can't. Despite feeling I needed a significant change in my life, the approach was so balanced and realistic that it didn't feel impossible. Don't get me wrong - it has been really tough at times, and I've shed a lot of tears on this journey. But when I felt overwhelmed, my coach tried to help me "turn the volume down", rather than throw in the towel. The judgement free approach helped me to extend grace to myself and keep persevering even when I didn't make the best choices. I have learned SO much from working with My Body Tutor, and am so glad to be taking better care of my body. I am about 20 lbs down from where I started, my resting heart rate has decreased significantly, and I feel healthier. I look better, feel better, and am more in control of myself than when I started. My health journey isn't over, and I'll be working to continue the journey I've started, but this program has given me a tremendous start. For the first time, I believe I am taking an approach to my health that is actually sustainable in the long run. I have learned so much about myself and how to be a healthier person. I'm so thankful Adam advertised MBT on the Deep Questions podcast, because I don't know what I would have done without it the past year!
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Posted 7 months ago
Thank you for sharing, Maggie! I'm so glad you heard about us on the podcast and that you've had such a great experience with MyBodyTutor. Sustainable results are what we're after and I'm thrilled you feel that our approach is sustainable. Thank you for the kind words! -Adam at MyBodyTutor
Posted 7 months ago
I heard about MyBodyTutor from my friend Adam Wathan. We had tried some partner challenges + friendly accountability plans over the years but nothing stuck. Adam had an absolutely incredible transformation with the steady external accountability from MBT, so I knew I had to try it out! I didn't have a ton of extra weight to lose, but I always fluctuated way more than I was comfortable and couldn't seem to maintain consistency over the long term. My main struggle was late-night eating. My tutor Laurie gave me a ton of tools that helped me change this. At the beginning the daily checkins took some getting used to, but they ended up being a key to me breaking out of those long-term habits. I loved incorporating the small tricks and tools into my day-to-day life – something as simple as knowing when I had eaten enough by asking myself "Could I comfortably go for a short run around the block right now?" was extremely powerful in short-circuiting some of those bad habits that I had built up over time. Changing habits is a long and personal process, and I'm so grateful MBT met me where I was at on a day-to-day and week-to-week basis. Eventually I was able to break those patterns, and now I feel more equipped than ever to deal with stressors or environments that would have led to overeating in the past! MBT's daily accountability was that critical missing piece I needed in order to reverse years of bad habits.
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Posted 7 months ago
Thank you for sharing, Sam! It's amazing what daily support, guidance and accountability can do. Thank you for the kind words! -Adam at MyBodyTutor
Posted 7 months ago
So far I've had a great experience and I wish I signed up when I first discovered you. My coach is awesome! She has really been a great help and I have learned so much from her and can't wait to see what my results will be because I am starting to see that I can do this with her help. I highly recommend MyBodyTutor!
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Posted 7 months ago
I'm so thrilled to hear it, Susan! Thank you for the kind words. -Adam at MyBodyTutor
Posted 7 months ago
I'm really thankful for the support I'm getting from MyBodyTutor. I can't think of anything to make the program better. I highly recommend it!
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Posted 8 months ago
Thanks so much, Rachel! I appreciate the kind words. -Adam at MyBodyTutor
Posted 7 months ago
I have counted calories and macros, done intermittent fasting, and many other short-term fixes. I was once very active and fit, even as a busy mom of 3. Life caught up with me quickly the last few years, through big changes, family struggles, and an injury that limited my ability to workout in the way I was used to. I turned to food and alcohol as a way to cope with the stress and developed a "screw it" attitude. Underneath all of that, though, was a deep longing and desire to change. A constant battle in my mind wanted to make a change, but I lacked the confidence I needed to follow through. I searched online for an accountability coach. I have a background in fitness and didn't feel I needed guidance with workouts or nutrition; what I needed was someone to hold me accountable. I also doubted that I would be able to actually reach my goals because it would get "too hard." I had been dealing with a foot and ankle injury combined with mental health issues for a couple of years and felt hopeless in many ways. I didn't want to add to my list of failures. But I hoped to find someone who could empathize with me, encourage me, and walk with me through my struggles, but at the same time challenging me. After 5 months, I have lost 25 pounds and found a new confidence and control around food! I don't restrict myself. I have simply learned better habits and portion control. I can hear Adam, Haley, and my coach, Heather, in my head on most days now! During my time with MyBodyTutor, I had major foot surgery and was unable to do much activity for 12 weeks. Part of why I joined was because I didn't want to allow myself to use that as an excuse to keep gaining weight. I am so proud of myself for being able to lose weight during that time, and I can now enter maintenance and work on building up lost muscle mass from my inactivity. The daily feedback on the app from your personal coach is invaluable. It is a REAL person on the other side of the screen. MyBodyTutor doesn't focus on just what you are eating or when. It looks at your life as a whole—your activity level, what is happening in your life, how you FEEL that day, and more. Progress is tracked on so many levels. I appreciated being able to look at inspiring articles and messages from Adam and Haley in the app on days I was really struggling. The weekly emails reinforced what I was learning on a daily basis and really helped me stay or get back on track. The financial commitment of joining MyBodyTutor is 100% worth the return on your investment. You are investing in your long-term health, and the lessons you learn along the way will last a lifetime. If you are torn between paying for personal training or MyBodyTutor, MyBodyTutor is the choice you need to make! It WILL change your mindset.
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Posted 8 months ago
I was overly frustrated before starting MyBodyTutor. I'd start a weight-loss program and not be able to stick with it over the long term. I'd give up and think I'd never meet success. It felt impossible for me to lose and keep off a SINGLE pound. After struggling with several different weight-loss programs over the years (I'm now 53), I went online and discovered MyBodyTutor. What seemed different with MyBodyTutor was that it was specifically working on the psychological aspects of getting to a healthier weight by forming new habits, encouraging better food choices, and having daily accountability. It seemed to be a safe, efficient, and manageable way to take control of my eating, making me feel empowered. My hope was that this would be the perfect fit for me, especially with the personal coach. My relationship with my coach empowered me throughout my weight loss journey. I was hesitating initially because, in my mind, effective weight loss could only work by seeing another in person and then being weighed in front of them in order for me to be accountable. I was wrong. This program taught me that I held the power to trust myself, embrace accountability for my progress, and have confidence in my food choices. I was a member of Weight Watchers over the years, meeting success inconsistently. The difference with MyBodyTutor was the daily coaching and accountability offered as instrumental to the program. The 1:1 coaching and daily food logs sent me on a path to successfully achieve and maintain a healthy weight going forward. In addition, MyBodyTutor encouraged other healthy daily living habits, like the amount of activity, emotional effects on my choices, gratefulness, and sleep. This combination was so comprehensive and logical that I was able to envision myself at a healthy weight soon after starting the program. My personal coach, daily food accountability, and positive and constructive feedback on my food and activity choices make MyBodyTutor different from other programs. The motivational emails and videos were an added bonus. I'm now an ambassador for MyBodyTutor and am spreading the word to family and friends. I lost 35 pounds in under a year. I actually like the way I look in clothes and feel regularly more consistently in control of my food choices. I've been on weight-loss programs for over 30 years. Never before have I received such amazing daily support during a weight loss journey. The time and investment in MyBodyTutor resulted in a new, healthier version of myself and I am grateful. I know I have MyBodyTutor's support going forward, and that is comforting and makes all my hard work at MyBodyTutor worth it.
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Posted 8 months ago
Body Tutor is a great way to learn about mindful eating. To me the approach is gentle and not overwhelming. There are no 'bad' foods nor pressure to follow a strict plan. Guilt is non-existent because guilt never motivated anyone for the long term. Body Tutor is teaching me to is listen to my body and be willing to be comfortable with a little bit of 'uncomfortable' at times. The food tracking app is user friendly and extremely helpful. My coach has great ideas and is positive with my progress even when I mess up! The videos with Adam and Haley are motivating without taking a lot of time. Honestly, I have stopped binge eating almost entirely and that is one of my main goals at this time in my journey to a healthier me. Susan M
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Posted 8 months ago
My Body Tutor has been the best thing for me. After trying so many diets and fad's I doubted anything would work but I gave it a shot and it did. I learned so much about my eating habits and ways not to eliminate my favorite foods but limit and add nutrition to them. My coach was amazing and always pushing and encouraging me. I can not say enough about the entire program and the weekly videos that always seemed to hit home with thoughts I was having. Knowing I wasn't alone seemed to give me that extra push. I would recommend to anyone who feels like there is no hope. Give it a try!
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Posted 8 months ago
Adam's MyBodyTutor was a game-changer for me. It exposed the habits that sabotaged my health and fitness efforts. It taught me accountability for my choices and led me to learn healthy nutrition, movement and mindset habits. While working with my coach Alyson has been a short time, I am confident that the lessons and fruits of the experience will power me to health and fitness. I hope to consolidate the gains for a better, healthier, fitter me. Thank you, Adam and Alyson.
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Posted 8 months ago
I'm really loving MyBodyTutor! It's exactly what I needed. It's approaching something I've struggled with all my life in a different way. I highly recommend it.
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Posted 8 months ago
I am loving MyBodyTutor! It's great knowing there is someone checking my intake every day. The feedback, tips and ideas are great. I highly recommend it!
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Posted 8 months ago
Working with My Body Tutor was precisely what I needed. I've always been in good shape but gained a few extra pounds after I became a dad. Two months of focused work with MBT led to me losing those pounds and then some. Also, I re-established healthy habits that I hope will ensure excellent health for years to come.
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Posted 8 months ago
MyBodyTutor is a life altering program! I can’t think of anything to improve it!
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Posted 8 months ago
It’s been a really long time since I’ve seen the scale dip below the 170 mark, and I'm super stoked. Since the day I started MyBodyTutor two months ago, I've lost close to 14 pounds. While some of that weight was water and bloat shed during the first week, the overall result is a huge accomplishment, something I wasn't able to achieve on my own. Prior to finding MyBodyTutor, I wasn't able to do the following: 1) Go without alcohol for more than a day or two. 2) View food as a fuel source versus a form of comfort. Don’t get me wrong, I still find tasty meals comforting; however, I now know what to include in each meal so that it nourishes me both mentally and physically. 3) Be allowed to eat carbs again. Goodbye, restrictive diets that ban entire food groups. 4) Appreciate exercise and the way it makes me feel afterward. While I yearn for the day when I actually look forward to working out, each morning I wake up determined and committed to completing my activity goals. I am amazed by the difference in my energy/focus levels throughout the day post-workout. 5) Feel less repulsed by my reflection in the mirror. Can’t wait for the day I truly like what I see, but we’re getting there, little by little. 6) Enjoy the taste of whole foods while having fewer cravings for junk food. So, if you're anything like me and have tried every diet under the sun with minimal success or initial success only to regain the weight and then some, give MyBodyTutor a try. Here, you get to eat delicious food, never feel hungry, learn why you make unhealthy choices that sabotage your progress, and work with amazing people dedicated to helping you achieve the best version of yourself.
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Posted 8 months ago
I found MyBodyTutor from a google search. I was sick and tired of trying to take charge of my health and failing. I compared MBT to other programs and the price seemed fair and I loved that there was a 30 day money back guarantee. The great news is that before the 30 days was over I was hooked. I loved the personal approach to MBT. I loved that they went to the work of matching me with a coach who was a good fit. Cheryl was a perfect fit! She is the perfect blend for me: she has so much knowledge about health and nutrition, she is an excellent teacher, she asks the right questions to steer me towards making better choices, and she holds me to my commitments. My goal was to bring my best self to my 25th anniversary trip. MBT helped me with that. In 4 months I lost the 12 pounds I was working towards losing. But I gained so much more. I gained the power to pause before I make an eating decision, I gained curiosity about what things make my body feel better, I gained confidence in trying new exercises, I gained knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. I gained confidence that I can continue on this path with all the tools they set me up with. So, a huge thanks to the MBT team, and especially Cheryl who helped empower me along this journey.
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Posted 8 months ago
This has been an awesome experience. Emily is wonderful and gives great support and sound advice. I like watching the videos too! I really cannot think of anything to make the program better - you've got everything covered. I highly recommend MyBodyTutor!
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Posted 8 months ago
I've tried all sorts of things to lose weight, from every weird diet to pills to Nutrisystem—you name it. It was a constant struggle with weight and what to do. That all changed when I went online and found MyBodyTutor. I wondered, "Would this one be different?" It turns out that having a coach and a new philosophy was exactly what I needed. What I really like about them is they focus on your belief system and go for a long-term solution, not rapid, unsustainable weight loss. I've already lost 25 pounds, and I'm still going strong. Not sure if you should give it a try? Don't worry about failure; I say look forward to success!
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Posted 8 months ago
MyBodyTutor is the best weight loss/fitness program I have ever used. The personal coaching and resulting accountability is amazing and produces great results. While I thought (at 55) I knew it all when it comes to eating healthy and exercising, I learned a lot -- not only about portion control and picking the right foods, but the importance of getting sleep, reducing stress, and drinking water. And, perhaps most importantly, I learned to recognize fullness and embrace mild discomfort. I’m down 15 pounds and feeling great. Highly recommend!
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Posted 8 months ago
MyBodyTutor helped me get my stride back. After recovering from a severe injury, I slowly relearned how to walk, climb stairs, and jump. Though I was healing nicely my body was changing in ways I hadn't dealt with before. I came to MyBodyTutor needing help to restore what I had lost. Over the course of 9 months I'm happy to say I developed better eating habits, sustainable lifestyle choices, and cultivated a healthier relationship with food. I not only felt my body change but my outlook as well. Heather, my everlasting cheerleader, gave me the tools to venture out on my own and I'm so glad I did the daily calls with her. Accountability is everything and I couldn't have done it without the team at MyBodyTutor. Thank you for everything.
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Posted 8 months ago
Before MyBodyTutor, I knew that one of my keys to losing weight was having a routine with structure around it, and including exercise or being active as part of it. I would stick with my routine successfully for a while, but eventually, either a life event or schedule change would come along. Instead of adapting, I would stop. I knew this cycle had happened repeatedly, but I didn’t know what to do about it or how to change it. With MyBodyTutor, I had my coach by my side every step of the way as I changed not just my body but my entire life. My coach encouraged me, guided me, and held me accountable each and every day. Having a coach to provide support through challenges and help celebrate the countless small wins, was a complete game changer! Working with my coach, I learned to let go of guilt, restriction, force, willpower, counting calories, and the endless "food rules." Instead, through mindfulness and self-reflection, I learned to listen to and trust my body’s hunger and fullness cues – to eat when I was hungry and not eat when I was not. It was an entirely new way of approaching food, and as a result, I created the more harmonious, balanced, and joyful relationship with food that I’d always wanted. MyBodyTutor is fantastic. I highly recommend it!
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Posted 8 months ago
MyBodyTutor is rated 5.0 based on 365 reviews