Hot Body Sweat Guide 1.0 (Weeks 1-8) Reviews

4.9 Rating 71 Reviews
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Love Sweat Fitness is about much more than healthy meals and killer workouts, it’s about building friendships with women that will show up and support you through the ups and downs. Knowing that, no matter where you live, what your goals are, or where you’re starting from, having a group of women who just get you is life changing! Join #TEAMLSF and start your journey today!

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I wrote a review but it was never posted, so here I go again! I’ve had this guide for 5 weeks and have really enjoyed using it. Pros: 1. Easy to use if you already know how to warm-up and cool down OR don’t mind supplementing with YouTube videos. 2. Teaches you a few things about work out terminology (LISS, HIIT, heart-rate zones, etc.) 3. The workout encyclopedia is duper helpful 4. Exercises ca n be. Easily modified for various fitness levels Challenges: 1. It doesn’t actually give you warm-up instructions and the cool down/stretch routine provided doesn’t seem to flow well 2. While modifications are possible, they’re not given (ex: no prompts to do push ups on knees if you can’t do full ones, no alternatives to jumping exercises given if you can’t jump, etc) Overall, I have felt really empowered while using this guide. I never thought I could do lunge jumps or decline push ups. I am definitely seeing improvements in my strength and fitness levels! I also can’t wait to test this out while traveling.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
I love this sweat guide!!! It is great to have all the workouts planned each week. I don't have to think, just do it! I can feel myself getting stronger each week that I stick to it. The workouts are very effective and I don't have to spend hours at the gym. The best part is that I can do the workouts anywhere. I like to incorporate Katie's YouTube video workouts with this guide too. She is awesome! Definitely recommend! I have the Sweat Guide 2.0 as well and I can't wait to dive into that when I'm done with 1.0.
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Posted 5 years ago
So far so great. Tmro I will start week 4 and I am on keto diet. I've lost 5 KGS so far. Can't thank you enough for this amazing guide and I am looking forward to the announcement of the application. I believe it will be way easier to follow you step by step. Best of luck dear.
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Posted 5 years ago
I really like the HBSG and have even gotten my husband to start working out with me too! Its intense but I have all the equipment needed and have been able to keep up with workouts when I travel as well. Muah! Thank you Katie!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
This workout out plan is is totally doable. The workout pushes you but doesn’t throw in impossible moves. I feel accomplished each time I finish a workout and that is what keeps me going!
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Posted 5 years ago
I have never bought a personal trainer's guide before, but I'm SO glad I bought Katie's. I've only been using the guide for 2-3 weeks but i'm already noticing changes in how my body is moving (and have found muscles I never knew I had...ouch)! Highly recommend, worth every penny!
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Posted 5 years ago
I love it! I haven't had it for very long but the workouts are great for anyone! The very first workout I did was legs and woah, my legs had quite a workout. Never had I felt more accomplished in working out, so thank you! And if anyone is reading this and is figuring out if your should make this purchase, DO IT! You won't regret it, you'll just move towards your goals in a fun way! Love this!
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Posted 5 years ago
This is a great workout routine for all ages and expertise! I love this because I can do anytime and the exercises are clearly laid out. Katie is the perfect role model!! Thank you LSF!!
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Posted 5 years ago