Hot Body Sweat Guide 1.0 (Weeks 1-8) Reviews

4.9 Rating 71 Reviews
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About Love Sweat Fitness:

Love Sweat Fitness is about much more than healthy meals and killer workouts, it’s about building friendships with women that will show up and support you through the ups and downs. Knowing that, no matter where you live, what your goals are, or where you’re starting from, having a group of women who just get you is life changing! Join #TEAMLSF and start your journey today!

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Already on the third week of the program and it's been so easy to follow and so fun too! The workouts are quick and effective and so easy to squeeze into a busy schedule. In the first two weeks I've already lost an inch off my waist and my hips! I would highly recommend the HBSG!
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Posted 6 years ago
On week 3 and loving it! The workouts are quick enough as not to be daunting, but effective enough to leave you sore for a day (or two, or three :) I already feel stronger and more confident in myself. The little words of motivation on the pages help keep me pushing on the days I am so exhausted. I was moderately active before starting this program, and can say that the HBSG really helped my fitness turn up a notch.
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Posted 6 years ago
I started this product after the gym i was going to closed. I love it so much and it motivates me everyday. To continue too stay on track even though I am doing at home workouts. It is good for every level of fitness. Really enjoy it and I am seeing improvements already. Katie also motivates you. So its not just about doing workouts from a book its like joining a family.
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Posted 6 years ago
Perfect workouts to fit into my life no matter where I am - whether at home or on the road, there’s always something that fits into my schedule and keeps me on track! (I always have it downloaded on my phone and ipad, so no excuses!)
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Posted 6 years ago
I would buy the item again and I'm happy I can follow it finally.
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Posted 6 years ago
This was the best decision I have ever made in life I have been over weight for the past couple of years and trying everything to get it off I came a cross Katie you tube challenge and really like what I sawl so I started doing her workout and did the challenge it took me about a year untill I committed to buy the hot body sweat guide and then I started doing it .Not going to lie it was hard at first there were many times I wanted to quite but I kept on going to this day I’m finally love doing it and so much stronger so anyone thinking about getting go ahead and do it I Promise it will be the best decision you have ever made
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Posted 6 years ago
I always had problems sticking to a workout or diet because I am a flight attendant and with the time differences or long flights it's hard to work out. I am not a gym person so on layovers I usually don't do anything until I found lovesweatfitness. It's so easy to do these workouts in the hotel room. When I am jetlagged I just take it slower and on other days I do it more fast and intense. Its very easy to stick too and it is fun!!
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Posted 6 years ago
I've never found anything to work for me but Katie's plan does! It's not a get skinny quick thing (all though I feel that I am) it's a get healthy and in a better lifestyle! These workouts are simple and amazing and you will get results!
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Posted 6 years ago