Hot Body Sweat Guide 1.0 (Weeks 1-8) Reviews

4.9 Rating 71 Reviews
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About Love Sweat Fitness:

Love Sweat Fitness is about much more than healthy meals and killer workouts, it’s about building friendships with women that will show up and support you through the ups and downs. Knowing that, no matter where you live, what your goals are, or where you’re starting from, having a group of women who just get you is life changing! Join #TEAMLSF and start your journey today!

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I purchased the hbsg because I wanted to get the most out of the 8 week SSU. I originally started off with just the free daily workouts but by the 2nd week I wanted more strength training included and I’m totally satisfied so far, it’s my week 5! Katie has explained everything you need to know with pics included. There’s challenging moves and I break a good dripping sweat after every sesh. Definitely recommend this guide along with any of Katie’s challenges to get your best results.
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Posted 5 years ago
I love the HBSG. It’s so cool to feel myself getting stronger every day. Love how it’s broken up with cardio days and strength days. Perfect!
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Posted 5 years ago
I’ve bought other workout plans before but I think this might be my favorite. It’s a legit day by day 8 week plan and LSF couldn’t have made it easier to follow. I’m currently on week 2 and doing the Summer Shape Up as well and I’m enjoying it as much as you can when you’re not a fan of working out!
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Posted 5 years ago
I love it! It is super amazing. I like how it is easy to follow. I love having it on my phone and ipad so I can take it anywhere.
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Posted 5 years ago
Jacqueline C
Verified Reviewer
The HBSG is great. Very informative and easy to follow. Helps to have a set workout for everyday, pics to show the moves and at the back of the guide you get the detailed explanation on how to do the exercises correctly. The HSBG is definately a must have especially if unsure if your form is incorrect. I have started using mine with the Summer Shape Up and currently in W2D3. I am known to always start something and to quit before even really getting started, however since finding LSF online i have being following the weekly exercises since June and have not missed one session. Thanks Katie for being so great and always managing to motivated even the laziest people to keep on going. Good things definately come to those that sweat.
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Posted 5 years ago
The guide is filled with awesome, clearly laid out, workouts. The workout doesn't take a ton of time but it definitely gives me a good workout. I literally just pull out the guide, see what is on the day's workout and get to it! My husband has been doing these with me and has also found the workouts to be just the right amount of challenge...not so much that you just give up immediately, but enough to feel the burn!
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Posted 5 years ago
I’ve been following Katie’s free workouts for several years now (4 or 5!) and finally invested in the 8 week program. I LOVE how simple, quick but effective these workouts are! I also love that Katie provides so many free resources outside of the program that I can take it up even more if I want by following her YouTube channel! The HBSG definitely gives me that extra push in my workouts that I’m looking for. Thank you Katie for staying genuine and hardworking while giving hundreds of thousands of women their confidence and bodies back!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
I LOVE the Hot Body Sweat Guide!! For the longest time I have struggled to find an effective workout that fits with my schedule, but the HBSG has managed to do it. The workouts are so much fun and actually lead to results. I'm only on week three but I already feel amazing and can see changes I have been striving for for so long with my body. If you're on the fence about getting this, I 100% recommend it.
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Posted 5 years ago