Hot Body Sweat Guide 1.0 (Weeks 1-8) Reviews

4.9 Rating 71 Reviews
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About Love Sweat Fitness:

Love Sweat Fitness is about much more than healthy meals and killer workouts, it’s about building friendships with women that will show up and support you through the ups and downs. Knowing that, no matter where you live, what your goals are, or where you’re starting from, having a group of women who just get you is life changing! Join #TEAMLSF and start your journey today!

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This guide will jump start your fitness journey! It's a must have! You don't need a gym membership, just workout at home!
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
I used to go to the gym or try to workout on my own but I always had trouble planning out my workouts. The Hot Body Sweat Guide totally changed that! I love how it not only pushes me to workout every day but gives workouts along with pictures and descriptions so I'm never lost on what I should be doing! Also I love that for the cardio portions you can mix it up and adapt it to what you enjoy! Lastly I think one of the biggest things that have made this guide so amazing if the community that comes along with it! The LSF community is so empowering and a great way to stay accountable to yourself as well as the community when it comes to your fitness goals! I highly highly recommend this guide for anyone looking to kickstart their fitness journey!
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
I just started and I love it! I used to just not know what to do to work out, I would do a little bit of this and a little bit of that but had no rhyme or reason and now this guide puts it all together for me. I know what to do each day to be effective! And the results I've seen in such a short time are amazing.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
No seriously, this guide makes get your sweat on and getting it in soooo much easier. I was apprehensive about working out to a guide rather that with a video. But I found in a way I like it better. I don't have to worry about "keeping up" or getting the DVD set up, or getting the right youtube video cued. I just open my iPad and open my book, the work out for the day is right there. I get my gear on and I get going. So easy! I also was worried that the workout would be less intense. But I was surprised that day one had me sweating and burning right out of the gate! I'm looking forward to having this with me on summer trips. It's gonna make getting that workout in and done sooooo much easier. No wondering, "what workout should I do today hmmm" You could easily just repeat this book over and over. Plus, if you get a guide you get exclusive live workouts with Katie which are so much fun! We did one this past Saturday and I was a sweaty mess. Look, Katie knows her stuff, I've had a lot of success, and also lot of fun too working out with her and following her eating guidelines. She makes things so easy and fun to follow. I think that's what makes her so special and awesome, and her plans so successful. You gotta have fun! And you will with these guides. I love the little drop in motivational quotes. Like the new water bottles, lots of inspiration and things to make you smile.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
What makes the guide so great is that it is adaptable to all levels. I'm a former athlete and had been focusing on heavier lifting plans, but wasn't liking the way my body was responding to those programs. I was worried that I was going to lose some of my strength, but The LSF Sweat Guide is awesome because I am still strong and the cardio element keeps me from getting bulkier than I'd like to be. My speed and agility has increased, and I've gotten super lean! I get a phenomenal workout (pouring sweat) even just doing 2 rounds, but if I'm feeling hardcore I go for a third. You can do body weight only or add extra resistance to adapt the workout to your strength and skill level. The exercises are easy to follow and there is a helpful glossary in the back if need any extra instruction. I just finished the plan and am excited to do it again!
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
Being in college I have had a hard time finding something that would work with my body and schedule. Not any longer!! This guide has been so amazing and I feel so much better even after my first few days. I had done the 14-day challenges before and those are just a taste of what is to come with this guide! I recommend this to anyone who is looking for a fun and amazing workout. Thank you Katie!!!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
I love the hot body sweat guide already! What's so awesome about this guide is the wealth of information. You learn helpful tips on how to reach your goals, different terms that are related to what's going on inside your body as you are doing a specific workout, or helpful terms related to fitness in general. You also learn how to switch up the workouts! I've definitely had to make a few swaps with modifications from my doctor for some of the exercises, but what's awesome about this guide is that one can make it his/her own, and still get a good sweat going. I also love that Katie answers questions, whether it's about a suggested modification for one of the workouts in the guide, an LSF video, or even anything else. When I first wanted to make fitness a lifestyle, I bought every guide and fitness video out there because I got so excited about changing my life. I personally highly recommend the LSF Hot Body Sweat Guide because it breaks all of the valuable information down. Katie's passion behind the guide as well as the generosity of information, and not to mention the supportive LSF community cheering you on, are what makes the LSF Hot Body Sweat guide stand out.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago