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Best Buy 5 star review on 8th April 2024
Best Buy 5 star review on 8th April 2024
Best Buy 5 star review on 8th April 2024
Best Buy 5 star review on 24th March 2024
Best Buy 5 star review on 24th March 2024
Best Buy 5 star review on 24th March 2024
Best Buy 5 star review on 24th March 2024
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
VERY POOR SERVICE .I placed order on 30th may 2023 and they sent me defective products after returned that product, today is July 11th 2023 and I AM STILL WAITING FOR replaced unit .NO MORE BEST BUY PRODUCTS ...
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Posted 10 months ago
I walked into Best Buy today, 04-03-‘23 the first thing they said to me was “DO YOU HAVE AN APPOINTMENT?” Gee I asked where is Geek Squad? Again do you have an appt? They told me they no longer have a direct line. Everything is call center. I figured that out cause I called early to see if I could get curb side pick up for a computer. Again I needed an appointment. What happed to customer service. The store was empty too. When I walked in three guys just standing there. So I will NEVER walk inside a A BEST BUY STORE Ever!!!! I’m boycotting this store Forever. Plz boycott too.
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Posted 10 months ago
Best Buy STOLE & LIED to us $200! Do NOT order from this HORRIBLE COMPANY! We never received the package. FedEx shows a photo of a house that isn't even OURS. We do not even live in a house! We called, explained the home in the photo is not ours, a quick google search can prove this. They stated after being on hold many times, and an hour later a refund would be made and a confirmation email would be sent within 24hrs. After 3 days and no email, we chatted to see an update to be immediately told no case was ever documented of our call. We were more less called liars by the chat rep, and told to file a police report?! Are you kidding me? So your motto is to lie to your customers saying you’re refunding them to get them to go away and hope they never notice? I’m sorry but that’s sickening. You stole from your customers, you lied to your customers, your chat rep was a rude, horrendous to us claiming no record, no note, nothing of our call was made. That’s beyond messed up business. You’ve wasted our time, our money, and stole from us. We will not be letting this drop and heard everywhere.
Best Buy 1 star review on 29th June 2023
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Posted 11 months ago
I placed an order for my sons birthday gifts. I received the first order through UPS, but not the second order from FedEx. I tried to live chat for days in a row, could never get ahold of anyone as the wait time kept increasing. I called and was on hold for 18min, total phone call was over 40 I believe. It was incredibly hard to communicate with their customer service, and was told a refund would be made. After I was on hold again, they claimed they had to submit a FedEx claim and it would take days to receive a response back. I was told I wouldn’t receive a refund nor replacement, let alone in time for my sons birthday. I do NOT have the funds to repurchase in time for his party, let alone pay double for the same items I did order. I blame Fedex, but I also blame Best Buy for not having its customers backs in this situation. I feel robbed, humiliated I wasted this much time for nothing to be resolved, I really don’t know how we are going to recover from this loss. Do NOT order from Best Buy. They don’t care about you after they have your money. It’s out of their hands.
Best Buy 1 star review on 27th June 2023
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Posted 11 months ago
Horrible experience with bestbuy and the geek squad. Slow or no service on my tv. Extended warranty worthless on a best buy tv. No updates on when they might actually work on it or where it even is.
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Posted 11 months ago
Do not, DO not, DO NOT under any circumstances buy an appliance from "Best" Buy and expect it to be installed in a timely or professional fashion. I ordered a dishwasher and microwave from them on May 7--mainly because with the Total Tech annual subscription for $200, installation, delivery and haul-away was free. The earliest delivery and installation date available was May 30. I took it. On May 29, I was informed by text that my delivery and installation for the next day was cancelled. Okay. It was rescheduled for the next week--June 6. I took off work. The arrival window was between 10 am and 2 pm. At 10:30 am, I received a text indicating that the delivery and installation would need to be rescheduled. I was livid. I called Best Buy and finally got hold of a "customer service" agent. She informed me that the dishwasher was, actually, still on the way. But some worker at the store "forgot" to put the microwave on the truck. (As an aside--the installation guys that day said it happened to three other people on their route that day.) So, the delivery and installation was rescheduled for today, June 14. I took off work again. Window was 2-6 pm. A delivery truck pulled up promptly at 2 pm. Guy brought the boxed microwave up to my door and asked where he should put it. BEST BUY HAD NEGLECTED TO SCHEDULE THE INSTALLATION!!!!!! I told him to take the microwave back to his truck, and to bring it back when it could be installed. Now, the good folk at Best Buy have told me that they will have to wait until tomorrow to call me back to reschedule delivery and installation. So, it will be at least three days I take off work because of their incompetence. What I thought would save me time has cost me much more time than necessary. (Although they have offered me a $75 gift card for my "inconvenience.") It was a decade since I bought anything from Best Buy and it will be at LEAST another decade before I attempt something like that a
Helpful Report
Posted 11 months ago
Corie - CEO I am disappointed with the lack of response to my emails regarding my refund from 2021, and I would like to address some concerns. It appears that there was a discrepancy in the information provided by Alan, who seemed to be acting on behalf of Best Buy, stating that all credits had been issued. However, despite my repeated requests for proof, the communication from Alan ceased, as Best Buy could not substantiate these claims. This leads me to question why Best Buy has resorted to dishonesty and deception regarding my refund. Are you, Corie, personally involved in this situation with the intention of withholding funds from customers without providing the appropriate refunds? Since 2021, Best Buy and the individuals involved have failed to respond or provide any evidence that the refund was indeed processed. This lack of transparency raises concerns about the integrity of Best Buy's accounting practices. I am even considering involving the IRS to investigate Best Buy's accounting tactics. Corie and all those responsible, I implore you to be honest. It is clear that you are hiding behind the Best Buy brand to conceal your misconduct. Allan's statement regarding seeing the refunds raises doubts unless the actual evidence is provided. If necessary, I am prepared to pursue legal action against you for your dishonesty and deception. I sincerely hope that Best Buy does not engage in practices where customers' money is taken without delivering the promised merchandise and then refusing to provide refunds. To what extent are you willing to force me to take legal measures to retrieve my money, along with any applicable interest, within the boundaries of the law? Robert Dirnfeld 305-812-0007
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Posted 11 months ago
If I could go less than 1 star I would. I attempted to buy a dishwasher to be delivered in MAY. I got my first delivery date, set up for installation June 8th. Then I received an email stating that they cancelled my delivery, and I would need to reschedule because they had not received the item. I rescheduled for June 12, I got an email stating that it was all set to be delivered then. Then I received an email June 11 stating, I needed to reschedule my appt. I called, only to go in circles with a operator robot. Attempted to "start a chat online" but "their system was down". After going tin circles forever, I find my delivery for the 12th has also been cancelled and it could potentially be rescheduled for July 1, over 1 month after being ordered. I ended up just cancelling the entire order and going with someone else. Why take my money and not delivery the product over and over again. Awful. Will NEVER use Best Buy for anything again.
Helpful Report
Posted 11 months ago
WORST customer service EVER. I need a alarm system installed in my car but Best Buy wants you to wait two weeks after you purchase the system to have it installed. Then who know how long it will take to install. Plus, their phone system is a joke all I want was to ask a question and once thru the stupid automated system was on hold for 10 minutes. Guess Best Buy went downhill and lost business, but they do not care. Either hire more installation people or state on the website that you are screwed if you want something installed. Arrowhead Store
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Posted 11 months ago
Poor customer service. Ordered an item with express shipping same day delivery and paid extra. Just after the supposed time for delivery I receive a text/email that the item is no longer available for express delivery and they will try to get it delivered in the next five days. Ok, so I try to contact customer support to cancel the order and get a refund. After five minutes dealing with a computer answering service that seems designed to disconnect you I was finally put on hold for 10 minutes before being shipped overseas to a foreign country to talk with someone that English was a second language. After several times of being put on hold while they tried to understand that all I wanted was to cancel the order and get a refund, the only response I got was that the order had already been processed. I’m sure sometime in the future the item will arrive and I’ll promptly take it to the store and get a refund then buy the item at another retailer. This will be the last time I ever buy another item from a Best Buy
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Posted 1 year ago
More like Unfortunately, my last engagement with this company is going to be leaving a really bad review. I never write reviews, and although for effectiveness, I should've called the company out on LinkedIn to make it a trending post, I am sparing them that wrath. The company is on a failing path. My terrible experience with them, and as it seems thousands of other customers', were all opportunities the company could've done something to improve. But there is zero appetite for customer satisfaction. What happens to companies down on this path is that they kick themselves out of the market. Long story short: I ordered a smart watch as a birthday present for an important person in my life. The order got delayed (by 8 days), and won't make it on time. I called the customer service three times asking them to trouble shoot and make a timely delay happen. Their only solution was a resend that was going to show up after the birthday had passed. I accepted, BUT I demanded $50 Best Buy gift card for failing to deliver on their promise / service. For me the $50 is not even worth the time or energy to call or ask and frankly I don't even care about the money, but it matters to me that somebody should take responsibility for their failure, and I just wanted to test the length to which Best Buy was willing to go to help an unhappy customer. Turns out: zero. I reasoned with three different sales representative that consider this penalty as a service to your company because if somebody doesn't pay for these transaction failures, eventually you will turn into a company where delivering unhappiness instead of happiness to customers becomes common, and before long, you lose them all. If Best Buy employees are used to treating customer dissatisfaction as if it never happened, or with a generic "I am so sorry for the inconvenience," then eventually there won't be many people left to say sorry to. On that note, bye Best Buy! Here are my parting notes: you could've not overpromised on your ability to do 2-days shipping. Just don't say something you can't deliver on. Btw, three of your representatives told me to file a complaint with FedEx. LOL - when did I enter a business agreement with FedEx?
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Posted 1 year ago
Don't buy the membership geeks squad. Or any protection plan. It is worthless. I called for an issue. They sent 2 different people to do a diagnostic. Nothing has been fixed. According to the customer service I need to call again after the diagnostic test and get them back out in order to fix the problem. I did. Still nothing. I called to cancel my service for these reasons and the guy just told me. Sorry but we have a process and it might not be customer friendly. Seriously? They just told me customer service is not customer friendly. This is ridiculous. AND I PAID FOR IT FOR 2 YEARS AND NOT HAVING FIXED ANYTHING.
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Posted 1 year ago
Absolutely terrible experience. A waste of time and money. I ordered an Openbox MacBook Pro on May 11th. It arrived on May 18th. Only it didn't arrive because they sent me a shark vacuum. Not the thing I ordered. So I messaged customer service about it, and she gave me the wrong information. She told me I could go into my nearest best buy with the wrong item, and they'd be able to exchange it for the item I ordered that same day. So I went to the store, and they told me they couldn't help me with any of it because it was an open box order, and they didn't have that item in stock. (ALSO the guys that helped me in the store were great, very nice, and understanding). But how does it make sense that I wasted $30 on Uber rides because of your guys' mistake? It gets worse. I then called another customer service line (this lady was great and very empathetic and helpful) and was told over the phone that I'd have to mail the wrong item back through UPS at my local store. Ok, fine. But then she told me I'd have to wait 10-15 business days for them to process the wrong item return. So I asked if I would be getting the item I originally purchased. She told me at the end of those days there was no guarantee the original item I ordered would be replaced. Essentially they had absolutely no way to check how they messed up my order and where the frick my item was. Which is ridiculous. It's an almost $1500 laptop, and you don't know where it is? So at the end of those 10-15 business days, maybe I'd get the laptop I ordered, or maybe I'd get a refund. Who knew? May 18th, So I messaged again the next day asking for a refund and that I didn't want the replacement. To wait 10-15 days without any sort of guarantee that I'd get the laptop I originally ordered was absolutely ridiculous. Side note: My return arrived at their return location within 12 hours. So to wait another 10-15 days was probably the stupidest thing I've heard in my life. BUT none of this was the customer service rep's fault. It's corporate policies and procedures. This customer service rep was quick, empathetic, and helpful. She helped me get it refunded. But I still need a laptop, so on May 18th, I ordered another laptop (the same exact one but in a diff color). Also, despite it being the same exact computer but in a different color and it being the same open-box quality (excellent), I ended up paying $100 more. So THEIR mistake has now cost me $130. Great. Best Buy said it would be delivered in one day (HAHAHA ya right). It got delayed and didn't even ship out in a day. So I also asked the same lady if I could make sure they sent me the correct item this time because I've got trauma at this point. She says she can leave a note for their warehouse to make sure, but they couldn't guarantee me a delivery date earlier than June 2nd. Two weeks. After being promised one-day delivery. I should've known. She also told me it was delayed because the laptop I ordered was in high demand, leading me to believe they sold too many and that the one I ordered had already been shipped to another person. Maybe that's why I got the stupid vacuum in the first place. So it's now May 19th. I just said frick it. I'm going to order a brand new one from Apple because they do two-hour delivery. So I canceled and got refunded for my order from Best Buy as it still hadn't shipped out. Ordered my laptop at 5 pm from Apple and received it at 8 pm. The same day. Easiest process of my life. I just regret spending more than a week trying to get one from best buy when clearly Apple was the WAY better option, and I would've saved an entire week and $30 from Uber rides. (the $100 from the new laptop was voided because I canceled the order) I get it. $ 30 may not be a lot to some. But I am a college student. I work part-time for minimum wage. $30 on Uber rides is A LOT of money for me. And the fact that it was due to not one but two Best Buy mistakes is ridiculous. I blame the first customer service rep for giving me the wrong info, but most of all, I blame corporate for this one. You guys have terrible management that is incomparable to Apple and Amazon. And I don't mean in terms of fast delivery. I mean in the quality and efficiency of e-commerce experience for customers. The guy who helped me in the store told me one time he ordered an expensive camera lens, and you guys sent him string lights. Like, are you serious? Is anybody managing your guys' e-commerce? It doesn't seem like it. And maybe I sound like a brat who didn't get what they wanted right away, but again I am a college student. Laptops are very essential to education and very expensive. So yes, I was upset that the laptop I spent $ 1.5K on was such a hassle when it shouldn't have been. False promises, horrible return experience, spotty customer service (Three good experiences, one awful experience). I will never buy another item from best buy because of this experience.
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Posted 1 year ago
This is the first time in my life I have been so upset with an organization that I took time out of my busy day to leave a bad review. I have had the most unacceptable customer experience and plan to continue to leave bad reviews on every platform I can find until Best Buy provides an acceptable resolution because unfortunately for the past week they have only given me the run around and not made good on their promise to provide a replacement or even have a supervisor return my call. I am have spoken with Best Buy on 4 different occasions without resolutions. They shipped my product to the wrong address that I have never lived at in a completely different state. I contacted them immediately on the 11th when I got the order notification with the wrong address. They said they would re-route it but then I got an email on the 12th saying they could not re-route it and that I needed to call FedEx myself. I called fedEx and was told only the shipper (Best Buy) could reroute it. I called Best Buy back again on the 12, they told me I would have to wait until I got a message that it had been delivered and then call them back and confirm I never received it. I got the notification that it was delivered to an address in Ohio that I do not live at or near. When I called Best Buy back they said they would process a new order and I would receive it Sat the 13th. It never came. I got an email saying it was delayed. Then I got an email today 5/18 saying that they were not going to refund my money or replace the order and that my only resolution was to contact my local authorities! I called Best Buy and asked talk to a supervisor and was told someone would call me back and no one has. Best Buy has never been able to explain to me how this address was ever associated with my account. I do not even know where Freemont Ohio is. I have no intention of paying almost $600 for two products I did not receive. I am very disappointed in Best Buy and how they have handled this. I will continue to dispute it until it is resolved. I will not allow this to affect my excellent credit rating when I have gone through all the appropriate steps from the very beginning to try and remedy the error. I called them immediately within the hour that the order was placed. I had originally ordered 3 items and was able to cancel one on time but not the other two which makes absolutely no sense. If they would have just corrected the mistake immediately when I called the items never would have been shipped.
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Posted 1 year ago
Horrible service! Ordered a washing machine After waiting 3 weeks for delivery with an appointment, had a window of 12 hours Took the day off work for the appointment Waited all day 15 minutes before window up found a note at my door saying. Sorry we missed you. They never knocked on the door. I have cameras, they avoided them and dud the keep the appointment. Will never purchase anything from them ever again
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Posted 1 year ago
Recently purchased 19k worth of bestbuy products. Sony camera, lens ,LG appliance entire kitchen, microwave,Range, dishwasher, refrigerator, 86" LG, Sonos everything and Ring alarms. Went to purchase alexa echo and ask to make sure this will go under my total tech as well. Was informed non of my things were coverd anymore. Mind you i used a bestbuy card for some of my purchases. We had no emails, alerts, calls, or no notification of any sorts to informs us that total tech payments was due. Staff wasnt trying to help us at all. Could even give us an ansewer or any help. On top of that the day of delivery they took my appliance to another location and then came with a Damaged refrigerator.
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Posted 1 year ago
cancelled our online order twice without a giving a reason after we had discussed the first cancellation issue ... wouldn’t recommend anyone purchase anything from this company!!
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Posted 1 year ago
I see Best Buy disappearing like Circuit City. I bought a refrigerator over a month ago. I would make an appointment and a day before they would cancel and say the item was back ordered. I finally had enough so I called a local appliance store and they had the same item in stock. I found out that the items price increased in cost by $800. The store advised that the refrigerator was not back ordered and that there were 221 available. Not sure why Best Buy was saying they were back ordered. Maybe because they wanted $800 more. So many outlets to buy products like this so I will never use Best But again.
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Posted 1 year ago
Only reason I bought from them was because of the promised one day shipping. For some reason they shipped my product from California (paid extra for their "expedited shipping") using UPS ground. Literally the other side of the United States from where I live. Called them up to cancel the product, but they said they can't. 1 day shipping became two weeks. Not gonna buy from them again. Not the mention my phone number, CC, and address all got leaked the moment I placed my order. After minutes of my order I received some scam call asking my full CC number saying they are best buy, and surprisingly they know exactly what I ordered.
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Posted 1 year ago
Best Buy customer service is HORRIBLE. I have talked to FIVE different people, all who must be located in India or some foreign country, and no one is able to help me. I tried calling our local Best Buy store and they connected me right back to some foreign person again. DO NOT BUY FROM BEST BUY!!! I gave them a one star reveiw because a ZERO was not given to me as an option.
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Posted 1 year ago
Best Buy is rated 1.4 based on 1,340 reviews