Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors Reviews

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Founded in early 2010 by a Warner Bros and Paramount script consultant, Industrial Scripts® is now one of the world’s leading screenplay and story analysis companies, backed by major entertainment companies and with over 1,500 verified client reviews.

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Fast turnaround time, and the notes where a lot more detailed than expected, the reader had clearly put a lot of thought into them.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
A full analysis arrived before the due date. But this was no slapdash get it done and on to the next job. It was thoroughly professional and showed a very clear understanding of what I was trying to achieve (a drama trilogy for tv) and demonstrated how and where it could be improved. The revisions will be underway in a few weeks when I finish a current (paid) project.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
I am delighted with the attention your reader afforded my script. Not only did they bring to my attention some issues, they also offered very clear solutions. I enthusiastically recommend Industrial Scripts as a means of stress-testing your script.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
My reviewer was knowledgeable and obviously took their work seriously. The review arrived before the deadline and was longer than expected, which was delightful in both respects. Definitely worth the investment to me and I would use their services again.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Inciteful, illuminating, invaluable. In all likelihood some of the best development notes you can get for the money.
Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors 5 star review on 10th August 2017
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Great work, as always !
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
I've used a few similar services to get notes on my first feature script- the ones Industrial Scripts sent were by FAR the most thorough, appreciative and constructive. I really got the sense that they were excited by the story, and cared about its telling- which made their suggestions all the more compelling. Got quite a buzz and feeling of encouragement from seeing an industry pro engaging so deeply with this project, even at this early stage. Also delighted to have qualified for the Talent Connector scheme- this seems a fantastic and quite unique initiative in helping getting writers 'started' professionally. I also went to one of the talks they host, and that was great too. Strong recommend all around!
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
This was the second report I have had made by Industrial Scripts. Both times they were incredibly thorough, constructive and inspiring. Both times they gave smart suggestions on how to develop the next draft. The readers clearly devote a lot of time and attention to the reports making it very good value indeed. As a features writer/director I think this is the best money spent in the film-making process. Thank you.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Comprehensive review, well considered and not always palatable. Useful to progressing the project.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
The feedback I received was detailed and helpful. The reader clearly had a good understanding of screenplay structure and conventions. It made me think about things I was reluctant to think about when I wrote the last draft. Very worthwhile feedback on this early draft. It is likely that I will resubmit a later draft. The first half of the report provided positive feedback, while the second commented on structural issues. Of course I would have liked more points of constructive criticism (i.e. where I could make changes), but it may be that there was not room in a report such as this or the reader thought it best to focus on one major structural issue. Overall, I thought the feedback was very good.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
I was really impressed with the precision of my script report. it both enhanced certain qualities of the script which I hadn't noticed before, but it also shed a light on character traits and decisions that are simply weren't relevant to the story. it was really helpful to have such in depth analysis of a simple first draft.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
I was given detailed notes that I couldn't have got anwnere else and I very much agree with the feedback.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
Superbly helpful report that gave very good advice and a clear pathway to making revisions. I felt the reader had understood the heart of the story and was encouraging and supportive of it.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
A great service! I think this report is going to be invaluable in getting my script to the next level. The script consultant seemed to really understand the themes of my script and threw up some great questions and suggestions regarding pacing and plot. Thank you!
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
I think they did an excellent job of giving me a few ( more than a few) pointers on how to improve several holes in my script. I chose SCR and if you want notes on how to improve your script then it's a great service. It's not too hard on the ego either. Next time though I will invest (or squander lol) in the forensic notes service as it might givea better idea of of a scripts ( or the writers abilities) through the grading grid. Could be more brutal though... I like script writing but if I'm only rewriting and improving a piece of cr.p then I'd be better to invest my time in other pursuits lol. Like bingo. I meant to give a 5 star review and write a bit more in my first review but I was preoccupied with some work and pressed finished by mistake. I've taken the liberty of changing my review to 5 stars. Great analysis.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
As a first-time screenwriter, I reached the point where I had to move beyond my family members to get some real hard-nosed analysis from someone unafraid to hurt my feelings. After much research, I ordered the Film Forensic Notes and was, frankly, blown away by the thorough, detailed, thoughtful feedback I received. The reader clearly knew my story as well as I did, and had outstanding ideas on how to take it to the next level. I also appreciated the feedback as to what was working and why, so that I knew not to change it or break it. I am currently revising my script in accordance with the notes I received. This will not be my last screenplay and I already know that Industrial Scripts will be part of my process for everything I write in the future. THANK YOU.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
Very useful notes. Very good service.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
Great review service! (I think it took a little more than two weeks.) Thank you!
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
There is no service like this in Ireland so I was very keen to hear your analysis which was spot on. I will take your points on board and make some minor changes to the script. Now that I am confident my first act has all the necessary ingredients for a competent script, I can proceed with acts 2 and 3. Your feedback has made me more confident in my script writing ability .
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
They delivered a searingly-honest yet constructive report on a new script and made several genuinely useful observations/comments which have now been incorporated, to the great benefit of the script.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors is rated 4.6 based on 711 reviews