Octopus energy Reviews

1.9 Rating 1,111 Reviews
22 %
of reviewers recommend Octopus energy

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Octopus energy 1 star review on 11th May 2024
Octopus energy 1 star review on 11th May 2024
Octopus energy 5 star review on 9th May 2024
Sandra Steer
Octopus energy 1 star review on 4th April 2024
Octopus energy 1 star review on 4th April 2024
Octopus energy 1 star review on 4th April 2024
Octopus energy 1 star review on 4th April 2024
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Very poor customer service. I too don't want to hear ads about their good customer service! They do not reply to emails and i am waiting to hear from a manager. They managed to take 2 direct debits from one instruction this month I don't know how and it was for alot of money. the bank did refund one quickly but then Octopus told me the bank had cancelled the direct debit when they had not and the Octopus system then showed it as cancelled but not my bank system. Disgraceful service - I am a pensioner and I have always paid on time.
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Posted 2 months ago
'Octopus' gives the impression that its customer services department is set-up to be as feeble and incompetent as humanly possible. There seems to be no management, no supervision, no established processes and no effort whatsoever to make improvements. Steer well clear of this dreadful company and do not be fooled by its colourful app.
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Posted 2 months ago
Dreadful company! Charged me a small 34 seater restaurant £13.302 to get out of a contract that had a few months to go! No need!! Faulty meter ignored many many calls and emails and evidence for TWO years!!! I hate this company and once I pay the contract off (which will work out cheaper!) I'm offski!! Shocking customer services Play with accounts to confuse customers Never have I experienced such shocking service from a supplier in my 35 years in the restaurant game !
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Posted 2 months ago
Not requested my monthly meter readings like Shell did. Have sent the readings with a covering text and instructed them to use them. So what happened to "you dont have to do anything and wont notice the swap".
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Posted 2 months ago
I am so annoyed that Octopus promote their amazing customer service on the radio as my experience is far from even acceptable. I have had a simple complaint and issue that needs resolving and we are now on the 3rd month of trying to sort this. Very very poor
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Posted 2 months ago
Brilliant company! I wish I had made the move sooner as I'm now saving over 70 pounds a month on my duel gas and electric plan . Great customer service can't do enough for you very polite super helpful 🙏 you can get 50 pounds off your bill If you use the link below https://share.octopus.energy/cyan-yak-827
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Posted 2 months ago
No responses to emails - let alone in the 24 hours they promise. And they take a shocking length of time to issue refunds. Probably going the way of Ovo energy, which started small and excellent but CEO got greedy, the company grew so huge they couldn’t cope and the quality plummeted.
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Posted 2 months ago
Recently been moved from shell never had any problems with them I Changed my direct debit date was informed the date would not change straight away which was fine , the date would change from the next month Having taken payment on the original date they then tried to take another direct debit 3 days later on the new date ( can see on the app this is pending ) When i contacted them they informed me they could not stop the payment and asked me what had happened! I have had to ring my bank and cancel , I am not paying them twice I will look to switch to another provider
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Posted 2 months ago
Octopus energy fitted a smart meter. Since then our boiler has not been working. They say this is a boiler issue, that just happened to start when then engineer touched it. They refuse to come back and resolve the issue. Terrible service
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Posted 2 months ago
Excited to be one of your new customers from Shell energy - called today only to find the same incompetence and circus call centre abroad - couldn’t believe it. Have to start all over again as no previous payment set up honoured. It’s just talking to Shell all over again - if that call is on the radio then it won’t be like the others - very poor first experience. Where to go now as thought I was with the best !!
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Posted 2 months ago
If I could I would have given a zero but more likely a minus!! I sent a message to complaints yesterday morning around 11.30 and forwarded the same to the CEO a little later as I had no response, guess what? Not even an acknowledgment from either of the departments the complaint was sent to!! Disgusting business practice, I have never been ignored like this from ANY OTHER company I have dealt with and I shall be now looking for a new provider as my money is good anywhere!!
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Posted 2 months ago
Started out good response to queries but customer service has tanked recently. I thought they were better than the rest but they are reverting to type. IE lucky to get any response unless you nag nag and nag.
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Posted 2 months ago
6 months ago I recommended Octopus to my daughter and grandson. I read my meter monthly and was billed without a problem. However, against my better judgement I decided to opt for a smart meter which was fitted 6Feb. Since then I’ve had a second engineer out supposedly to fit another meter, (he didn’t) had diabolical customer service despite sending 6 emails and speaking to a rep called Olwen. I have an IHD which has been in “waiting for data” mode for 7 weeks and inconsistent bills with no meter reading s in the app. I moved to Octopus over 12 months ago due to problems with Shell customer service and it now looks like Octopus has inherited them
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Posted 2 months ago
I switched to their services a few years ago, moving away from Bulb, but encountered issues beginning with the smart meter installation. Customer service has since been outsourced, possibly to South Africa, and achieving any substantial communication has become challenging. There have also been persistent mix-ups with my previous accounts linked to rental properties. Furthermore, despite removing my gas meter—which they acknowledged and initially ceased billing me for—I find myself still facing charges a year later.
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Posted 2 months ago
I’ve been more than a good customer for around 4 years to octopus energy and never any problems until they kept pushing for me to have a smart meter and sent over endless emails along with attachments to emails with my bills . You pay less with a smart meter / Better deals for smart meter customers which is deliberately pushing an already gullible customer . Because of the greedy energy companies and there already extortionate prices crippling customers and destroying families which the now greedy carefree 💩 unprofessional people at octopus energy customer services couldn’t careless about as they no unemployed customers are easy pickings for energy firms. I had a smart meter installed on the 24th January 2024 and all good at first and on the morning of installation I sent over a meter reading of 93538 before my old meter was replaced and amazingly I even had a £1 pound win on the free spin wheel which was my first win since joining octopus energy roughly 4 years ago without looking back on my accounts 😂how bent is that . Engineer turned up in north wales and after some issues and then walk about and standing on my daffodils he then walked up the road / disappeared for a good 15 to 20 minutes and then came back and all good to start work just like that . All power of obviously because of installation of new smart meter but the engineer still managed to have a reading of 93540 on my old meter which he obviously sent over to octopus energy which they billed me for and took money from my account . After noticing this I complained about it then octopus energy put the money back in my account. I’d no trust at all in octopus energy after the win on the wheel and engineer that day and so every day since my smart meter was installed I’ve taken 3 readings a day , daily. . All good on the smart meter until my 3rd meter reading was sent over and they deliberately zeroed in the meter again and charged me for 206 kWh of power used when in reality I’d only used 33 kWh of power . They charged me £63.93 for 206 kWh of power used in 5 days when the real bill should of been for 34 kWh of power used . On my daily readings chart at home on the 27th February 2024 at 6.33am my smart meter was reading 00174 . And on the 3rd March 2024 at 3.50pm my smart meter was reading 00207 . From the 24th January 2024 when I first had my new smart meter installed I’ve sent over 4 meter readings to date of my smart meter. First meter reading was sent on 6th February 2024 at 16.09pm of 00064 . Second meter reading was sent on the 19th February 2024 at 7.12am of 00125 . Third meter reading sent over on the 3rd March 2024 at 15.50pm of 00207 but octopus energy on this reading and billing had ZEROED back in my meter and so charged me for 206 kWh of power used and put my account as I now owe them -£1.51 because I’m in dept to them for 5 days usage when 😂 these very disgraceful greedy 💩lot owe me along with an apology , sickening 💩lot . Fourth meter reading was sent over on the 15th March 2024 at 10.58am of 00278 . My Little Home display unit which was switched of after a couple of days and put back in the box because it’s readings and play are like the stalking , trolling twisted bent backward lot I live by in dinas Caernarfon, mad max north wales and there obsession with me and the numbers 2 and 3 , 😂 I didn’t get any sense out of it and so turned of and packed it away in the box . Tried again roughly 4 weeks later on my smart meter home display unit and its still the same so it’s gone in the bin . Octopus energy on the few demeaning replies to date I have received are saying the bill is correct and I can have an engineer come out and check the meter and they will bill me £80 if no problem with the meter. 😂 so is it some twisted warped prat at octopus energy playing with my meter and bills and toying with me for what more money. How and why are the clowns in government allowing 💩greedy energy companies to treat customers like this and destroy lives with worry cold = death . To date from the 4th March 2024 I’ve sent endless emails and photos of all my meter readings and zeroed in again meter, I’m been pushed all the way deliberately by the warped people in customer services at octopus energy I believe which is disgraceful shocking behaviour. My account is being sabotaged, tampered with which is against the law . I pray octopus energy fall and when they do they fall bloody quick and hard .
Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
Dreadful response, as a loyal customer I asked advice on how to set up a new Direct debit. After serval,text backwards and forward . I received a text to say the DD had been set up. Without my consent, without my permission. I was horrified to think that a person an employee, from octopus has the right to go into my own personal bank account and take out a Direct debit ,to set it up for monthly payments without my or the banks permission... They have no right whatsoever to take money from my account with out my authority, to get details of my account ,which I haven't given them any details whatsoever, as I only wanted advice by text on how to go about setting a DD up.
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Posted 2 months ago
Rang Customer services at 16-10 and received a message saying it was closed they are open till 17-00!!!!
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Posted 2 months ago
Dreadful customer service ' I had a problem when they switched me from Shell Email telling me my smart meters were not working yet hot huge bill nearly double my usual monthly amount I have sent no less than five emails NO RESPONSE ' I am 84 years old and live alone since losing my wife through illness over 3years and found all this most distressing I will give them one more chance to respond next week or I shall switch to another supplier - it is obvious from all the other reviews with one star this company don't and are not interested in dealing with customers problems
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Posted 2 months ago
I bought a property where its already have octopus as a supplier. I had worse experience with them before so i switch to my previous supplier after 20 days. My gas boiler was never working as house left empty for long time before i buy and i sent them gas meter readings before and after with no usage and no change in numbers but they magically sent false, wrong reading number and tried charge me £97 for gas, they did not know the old gas boiler completely broken. Every one make sure you check your bill and track it down before you pay your hard earn money as this is fraud
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Posted 2 months ago
Transfered from Shell. In lots if credit they said they would refund still nothing 2 weeks later. What are you people doing I want my refund otherwise I am cancelling my direct debit and will pay by card monthly not good enough Octapus Energy
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Posted 2 months ago
Octopus energy is rated 1.9 based on 1,111 reviews