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SSE Reviews

1.1 Rating 414 Reviews
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SSE 1 star review on 13th October 2022
Kenny Gadd
SSE 1 star review on 13th October 2022
Kenny Gadd
SSE 1 star review on 13th October 2022
Kenny Gadd
SSE 1 star review on 13th October 2022
Kenny Gadd
SSE 1 star review on 13th October 2022
Kenny Gadd
SSE 1 star review on 13th October 2022
Kenny Gadd
SSE 1 star review on 13th October 2022
Kenny Gadd
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Sse energy .the worst company in the UK..more like an organized crime network than an energy supplierm
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Posted 1 year ago
The world worst company, total ripoff and they never answer your legitimate complaints
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Posted 1 year ago
Disaster useless company leaving baby without electric cus they refuse to come check a problem with a meeter and pushing customer to get smart meter ... The support is incompetent unsupportive doing what they want not what they are requested
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Posted 1 year ago
Worst company I have ever been with. The customer service way of working is: 1. Listen to your problem 2. Put you on hold/ bouncing to random departments 3. Make sure the problem is not solved and hung up after 30 min SSE actively exasperates people wishing they give up on their money. Shockingly bad company
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Posted 1 year ago
Been cut off 3 times in one day. I feel so stressed and no one calls you back , so upset unacceptable
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Posted 1 year ago
Sse will rip you off, been trying to talk to them about the amount they are trying to charge me. Been trying since September 2022, when I moved into this address, as a new customer but never had a response until I went with British gas on the November 2022. For this period the amount for both gas and electricity have continued to change. What is the biggest joke of all is that I have just had "their" recovery team get in contact with me and the account numbers do not match. All bills are estimated because you can't give them meter reading and every bill I do have is very different from the last. Something needs to be done about thus company now
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Posted 1 year ago
Hopeless,hapless,incompetent.Worse than H.M.R.C!Sweet staff in the Indian subcontinent but any information supplied vanished or is disregarded.Has taken months trying to get them to address my issues.Complaints team useless & indifferent.If a minus score was available they would warrant it Avoid this company at all costs.
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Posted 1 year ago
READ ALL REVIEWS BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO SIGN WITH SSE AS A SUPPLIER. If there’s one thing in life you cannot avoid, it’s karma! and while this company remain faceless and continue to avoid responsibility for what they put people through (Bullying) they will eventually face the music and before that, hopefully be boycotted by everyone. SSE are the worst company I have ever dealt with in my life. Their call handlers are bully’s, no matter how tactile and polite you are on the phone with them, they insist on talking over you and if you challenge ANYTHING they say you are threatened with the call ending. Every single time I’ve dealt with them it’s been with someone with very poor grasp on the English language and the minimum call time has been 48 minutes (I began recording each call alive had with them over the last 3 calls.) Every call has been an agonising and frustrating experience and never have I had an issue resolved. My last experience was receiving an “Estimated bill” at the start of February AFTER sending them an actual meter reading. The estimated bill was over SIX TIMES what I normally pay, I spent 1hrour 54 minutes on the phone… yes, ONE HOUR FIFTY FOUR minutes, only to be told they could not resolve the issue and that someone would call me back within 24hrs. No-one did, obviously! I’m now left with a huge bill, no way to pay it and no-one to talk to to resolve it. In a desperate bud to claw back some credibility SSE (By the way, now taken over by OVO) have now resorted to submitting fake reviews about the “wonderful experience” so called “customers” have had and how their “lovely” call handlers have helped people in the dead of night - It is UTTER lies and will be investigated eventually by the energy ombudsman. Someone HAS to be held accountable for what this company are putting people through
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Posted 1 year ago
We lost our electricity feed last night around 2100hrs and checked the street to find it was only our home and one other house next door. Having checked all our breaker switches which seemed ok, we called SSE to report it. Within 20 minutes an engineer was outside our house and in our garden doing what research they do. Then within the next 40 minutes we had a crew outside digging up the road. With nothing more for us to do and temperatures dropping we just went to bed. To be woken up at 0400 in the morning to music and lights as the power was restored. What amazing service is all I can say, and a big thank you to the workers who turned up in the middle of the night, dug up the pavement and fixed whatever needed doing. Super ⭐️
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Posted 1 year ago
This company is beyond a joke I have moved home and was on pre payment meter with credit in my meter of over £60. This amount was spose to be refunded to me how ever instead I've received the bill of £118 How can u scam someone like that How can I owe that much on pre payment meter
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Posted 2 years ago
This company are a bunch of crooks. They have been trying to fraudulently bill me for nearly a year, after I moved into a new home and changed energy suppliers. I have received over 50 bills, threats of legal action, and an intimidating visit by a thug on the doorstep. I have repeatedly tried to contact them, but initially they would not talk to me because I didn't have a customer number. They always hang up, transfer to closed lines, or lie and say it's sorted. Avoid, avoid avoid!
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Posted 2 years ago
Avoid this company like the plague. Been with them approx 3 years and been consistently messed around by them. I've lost count of the number of times I've had to call their customer service line to fix yet another mistake they've caused because of their incompetence, but I estimate 10-15 times. Always waiting 20+ mins before I get through to anyone. I've often had to call them multiple times after they claim to be fixing the problem, then they either don't or just repeat the same mistake. I became a customer during the pandemic, and initially put the extremely long wait times down to that, but every time I've ever rang for the past 3 years they claim top be be extremely busy at the moment. The logical thing to do would be to hire some more staff, but management seemingly don't care. Would have saved me a lot of time waiting on hold to them if they answered emails to their support email address, but they seemingly can't be bothered with that either. Currently waiting on hold to them following unanswered emails going back over 2 weeks. So glad to be leaving these clowns. An absolute nightmare to deal with.
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Posted 2 years ago
Awful company. They put you off saying they'll get back to you but never do.
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Posted 2 years ago
Absolutely horrendous company SSE. Watch out people, even if you are paying your chosen company, SSE actively pirates your account from under them, provide unwanted service that neither yourself nor your chosen provider have any idea about then threaten with all sorts of vile behaviours, including theft, damage and entering your property without a warrant. I was threatened with dogs, bailiffs, had my electricity meter removed without a warrant, nor court date. I was happily paying my chosen provider for the service and SSE caused me no end of illness, cut off from electricity three separate nights, whole nights without electricity, no hot water, shower, charging of phone, TV etc etc. @Watchdog, please please investigate.
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Posted 2 years ago
SSE stripped my top up smart meters in April / May last year (2022) they put emergency meters in left me 24 hour without gas and 6hours without electric. Emergency team could only fit top up gas and could only install a dry meter for electric as it was late at night . I had to get them back out to fit a compatible pay as you go meter . Ever since they haven’t changed it back to pay as you go and are withholding my electricity bill . My gas which is pay as you go has received a bill of £679+ . So I asked how I have this bill when I’ve been paying top up (if I ran a bill I’d run out emergency and have no supply ) so there’s no way I can get a bill . The advisor said it was because when my smart meters got installed it wasn’t compatible with their system so they weren’t registering I was paying for gas . I then says we’ll clearly I have been paying when I have receipts dating right upto March last year of gas payments - they hung up on me with my proof of payments . Now it’s going to citizens advice seem to be making bills up and seem to be withholding bills and shambles
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Posted 2 years ago
Not had invoice in 5 months getting very concerned!!!!!!
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Posted 2 years ago
Absolute worst company ever. Call hung up on purpose more than 7 times. Extremely unhelpful. I'm a very polite person and dealing with their customer service team literally bought me to tears. I'm being ripped off and there's no one that will help over at southern electric as they refuse to communicate.
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Posted 2 years ago
Andy came and fitted a new smart meter, was polite, friendly and talked through everything amazing..
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Posted 2 years ago
I am in agreement with the last post. If zero stars was an option I would also be giving that. I feel unheard ripped off and passed from pillar to post. They claim to record their calls to improve their service. I have started to record mine. I am disabled with MS apparently a high priority customer. Getting through to them is ridiculous. Long waiting times. Then they can't hear you onr are unsympathetic and aggressive. I am considering involving disability lawyers. We should organise a protest on the front steps of OVO in Ladbroke Grove and alert the media. They are criminals as far as I'm concerned. Leaving vulnerable people to wait for vouchers for months during an energy crisis and freezing temperatures. Bullying us into getting smart meters. No continuity between what any of their staff say on a given day. Crooks
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Posted 2 years ago
Unfortunately there is no zero so I can put zero stars for this ridiculous company. Our estimated electricity bill was around 29£ and after submitting our metter reading went up to 32.7£. On the next day I enter my account so I pay the bill and I saw that the bill was changed to 99£. It's unprofessional, disappointed and very annoying that every time there is a problem with this company. NEVER USE IT ! MY ADVICE CHANGE TO ANOTHER CPMPANY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!
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Posted 2 years ago
SSE is rated 1.1 based on 414 reviews