Under Armour Reviews

1.6 Rating 261 Reviews
13 %
of reviewers recommend Under Armour
Based on 261 reviews
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Courier, Postal Service
Average Delivery Time
Over 7 Days
On-time Delivery
Greater than 11%
Accurate And Undamaged Orders
Greater than 91%
Customer Service
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Live Chat, Email, Telephone
Queries Resolved In
Over A Week
Customer Service
1.1 out of 5
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Under Armour 1 star review on 20th March 2024
Under Armour 1 star review on 20th March 2024
Under Armour 5 star review on 10th May 2023
Scott Shanahan
Under Armour 1 star review on 19th December 2022
Under Armour 1 star review on 19th December 2022
Under Armour 1 star review on 29th July 2022
Under Armour 1 star review on 29th July 2022
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Disgraceful customer service! Placed 3 online orders - Under Armour took the money out of my account within 24 hours. In theory that meant they accepted my order and had started shipping. But no. TWO WEEKS later I chased up my orders and got a rude, impersonal email back saying I'd returned the items for two of my order and they were refunding me! I'm STILL waiting on the 3rd order. They had my money for TWO WEEKS and it took me to contact them to chase this up. The email reply I had didn't even address me by name and they lied about me returning the items. NEVER buy from their website. BE WARNED! It's more hassle than you need. WORST customer service I have ever experienced! *** AVOID *** AVOID *** AVOID ***
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Disgraceful customer service! Placed 3 online orders - Under Armour took the money out of my account within 24 hours. In theory that meant they accepted my order and had started shipping. But no. TWO WEEKS later I chased up my orders and got a rude, impersonal email back saying I'd returned the items for two of my order and they were refunding me! I'm STILL waiting on the 3rd order. They had my money for TWO WEEKS and it took me to contact them to chase this up. The email reply I had didn't even address me by name and they lied about me returning the items. NEVER buy from their website. BE WARNED! It's more hassle than you need. WORST customer service I have ever experienced! *** AVOID *** AVOID *** AVOID ***
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Under Armour is a disgusting company, taking money for goods and then cancelling your order and holding back the refund for days. Scum bags.
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Posted 5 years ago
Cancelled order without reason and took over a week to issue a refund for something they cancelled and never sent out. Then was advised it would take another four days to credit my account. Strange dealings for such a large, and, what I thought was, a reputable company. Personally, I would not bother ordering with them again.
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Posted 5 years ago
Despicable business lure you in with good deals on ok products take your money then don’t refund it when cancelled and hang up on you after 35mins on hold
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Take money cancel orders then don't refund not a good company to buy from
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Posted 5 years ago
I will simply vote with my wallet. I will never spend another penny with this company. Not because the May 2019 sale debacle, but they simply cannot be bothered to copy and paste a generic apology to their customers. Remember, when you wear their clothing you are advertising for them and you have paid them for that privileged! If you spend a penny, make it with a company that gives something back to their loyal customers. Viva La Donnay!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Took my money, then 4 days later cancelled my order with no reason. I have half my money back but they are not emailing, or answering their phones. Trading standards are investigating them and advice is to lodge a claim with your bank to get your money back.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Cancelled my order so left with no goods and no money, over a week gone by and nothing!
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Posted 5 years ago
Ordered from them. Received confirmation from them. Order was the cancelled but refund seems to be "delayed". Why does the lawn not give greater protection to customers when they are dealt with in such a manner. No apology. Never again. Caveat emptor.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Took my money for an order.. Didn't send goods but won't refund either.. Scam company AVOID
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Posted 5 years ago
Order canceled and no refund 5 days later. An absolute joke of a company. Don't buy directly from these jokers who dont understand e/commerce.
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Posted 5 years ago
Nothing received. I didn't even get an cancellation email.
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Posted 5 years ago
Made an order on their website, payment went through & I received a confirmation email. 2 days later I get an email to say it's been declined without any reason & I will have to wait 5 days for a refund back to my account, despite my items still being in stock. No explanation, nothing. Reading the reviews I'm not the only one who's had a bad experience. Less than satisfactory customer service but a customer less to please (or not as the case maybe) as I won't be retuning & will purchase my children's training clothes from an alternative brand/company in future.
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Posted 5 years ago
Posted heavily discounted stock on their website, presumably to attract custom. I placed an order for 3 items, which was accepted as I received an order confirmation and tracking number; payment was also taken immedeately. However, after 4 days I have received an email from Under Armour to advise I will be refunded (with no explanation as to why) and to allow 4 business days for this to take place. Attempted to contact customer services by telephone and email but have been unsuccessful in obtaining any acknowledgement to my query. After reviewing other customers' experiences it looks like I am not the only person that this has happened to. It appears they are claiming to have suffered from a pricing error on their website, however, I have had zero confirmation of this from Under Armour. I appreciate mistakes are made, but the attempt to rectify and redeem customer confidence has been dismal/non-existent. Nothing but sheer incompetence in all departments.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Disgraceful behaviour Another customer that walks away permanently and will tell every body else. Aweful business decision. Which idiot made it?
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Posted 5 years ago
My orders was cancelled after 3 days and no reason were given to why. Payment cleared so now have to wait for the refund for 5 days. Even though in terms and conditions on the website its clrealy state that payment only will be taken on the time order is shipped. If I would order elsewhere I would have my order by now. It's very bad customer service. I've used their gear a lot but this is it. They are not serious company. Very disappointed
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Posted 5 years ago
They cancelled the order after 3 days due to a mistake on their part. I usually stick with Nike, Adidas or Canterbury and should have done this time. After this experience of terrible customer service I won't be looking to order UA again - zero trust in this company.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Terrible customer service, took my money then cancelled my order due to their pricing error, didn’t apologize and hung up on me when I politely asked to speak with a manager!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Hey Under Armour, I get it, mistakes happen to all of us. It’s Friday afternoon, POETS day, the sun is shining and the digital team are desperate to get off early to hit the pub ... erm sorry gym. Rupert the intern is too young for the pu...sorry gym and is happy to stay – I mean what’s the worst that could happen eh! The weekend rolls by in a flash and everyone returns Monday morning with sore heads...sorry muscles from all the DOMS, and OH MY GOD. It has been a record weekend for sales but something doesn’t look right. There are 1000s of orders but the revenue is WAY down on where it should be. This is bad. Somehow the website pricing has been wrong for 48hrs and people have been spreading the news all over the interwebs. The office panic is widespread and palpable. Inboxes are overflowing and everyone is looking to pass the book. It must have been Marketing’s fault, no no it was definitely the merchandisers, no it must be a development glitch. Poor Rupert. Nobody is sure how to react, maybe the C-levels won’t notice, please god say they won’t notice. Surely they’re too busy in their plush offices or on the golf course to look at actual revenue numbers. Maybe, just maybe, they’ll only spot the sales volumes on the dashboard and give everyone a raise. Wishful thinking I’m afraid, questions are already being asked. But what do we do. Alan the warehouse manager, ever the dutiful employee, has already begun shipping orders. THIS IS BAD. And now you have a choice: a) Accept the error however, it happened. Take a huge hit and ship the orders regardless, but turn it into a positive. Think of it as a loss leader, tell all of the new (or existing) customers about the mistake and how despite the cost you’ll still honour your word. Quietly encourage people to spread the word about what a great company you are, and if they enjoy their new purchase (many of whom may never have bought UA before) encourage them to come back again with a one-off discount code for being in the lucky club. 1000s upon 1000s of delighted customers, social media buzzing with positive brand mentions. YOU CANNOT BUY THIS KIND OF PR. Website traffic rockets, entirely new demographics are suddenly brand ambassadors and now the only concern is how you’ll be able to keep up with the demand for full priced orders. Life is good, Rupert is off the hook. b) You’ve run the numbers, this will kill the company. You can’t possibly fulfil these orders at these prices. But what to do. Honesty is the best policy as my old Mum probably definitely maybe once said or somthing. People are reasonable and will understand. By Monday 12pm all customers have been informed personally by email that the pricing was an error and unfortunately can’t be honoured. Of course you understand this is upsetting, especially as people’s money has been taken, so to soften the blow here is a onetime 30% discount code that can be redeemed against any item. Tell people you know this isn’t the bargain they thought they’d got, but hope it goes someway to making up for the upset and inconvenience of not being able to fulfil their order. c) Panic and don’t do anything quickly. Wait until Wednesday and then send out a generic email that doesn’t even address the customer by name. Thank them for their interest but tell them their order wasn’t accepted. Don’t give any reason, details or admit any mistake – that would show weakness BRAH. Tell them the refund will be with them within 5 working days. FIVE WORKING DAYS. Apologise for the inconvenience, that’ll appease people I’m sure. Of course you’re a smart company, never one to miss a marketing opportunity, so don’t forget to use your standard email template highlighting your free shipping and returns – people will surely be queuing up to order again. Remember it isn’t a mistake that defines us; it is how we deal with it. You chose C (*shakes head*). For a company with the slogan I WILL, it is ironic to the extreme that it turns out YOU WON’T! • You won’t honour orders made in good faith • You won’t admit the mistake and try to turn it into a positive for both you and your new customers • You won’t give people their money back for up to 5 working days. Stay hungry guys, although with this kind of negative PR I worry that might not be all that hard for you going forward. If you need any help with your marketing and comms I’m here – you’ve got my details from my orders (although it appears you don’t know how to use them). Of course the rate I quote you when we agree to work together won’t be the rate I actually charge, but hey I’m sure you won’t mind. Hit me back, just to chat, truly yours, not your biggest fan. This is Sta...erm Matt.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Under Armour is rated 1.6 based on 261 reviews