EDF Energy Reviews

1.2 Rating 608 Reviews
4 %
of reviewers recommend EDF Energy
Based on 608 reviews
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1 out of 5

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
apalling service , poor handling ,long waiting time . Had to call three times and line cut off thrice . Making Millions but not investing in customer service , as they have no choice. iftikhar ul haq 8-Barham Road , wimbledon email iulhaq1951@hotmail.com
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
EDF fitted two smart meters in my property in February but couldn't commission one of them on the day as their system was down. I was supposed to be contacted by EDF to arrange a follow up appointment which never materialised. After requesting a call back on live chat (as it is impossible to get hold of anyone on the phone) someone finally phoned me back to arrange a follow up appointment. I have had 4 engineer visits subsequently over a 7-month period which have each involved taking time off work and the problem is yet to be resolved. I raised a complaint with EDF back in August and have received a weekly call from a call centre ever since trying to persuade me to close my complaint despite it not being resolved which I find bizarre. The issue is still not resolved, and I have just received a letter from EDF to say we 'have reached a point of deadlock'. My advice to anyone would be avoid EDF at all costs. Their customer service is dreadful and are unable or unwilling to rectify simple problems. I am now having to take the issue up with the energy ombudsman which I could really do without.
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
They ask you to show kindness and respect when talking to customer services. I don’t think asking me to hold and leaving me on hold for 45 minutes is showing me kindness and respect!!! I ended up having to end the call because I had to go and pick the kids up from school. I have been phoning them every week asking, which has now turned into BEGGING them for an up-to-date gas bill. I have phoned and given gas and electricity readings to a human being in customer services for 2 months and still NO BILL and electric only up to 8 Sep 2023! And to top it off every bill since 27 Aug 2023 shows YOU PAID US £0.00 !!! Where in the world has EDF got their customer services based because they are absolutely incompetent! I even had a woman from the complaints department call me - not to resolve the catalogue of errors - but to ask me if she could close the complaint. WHAT!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
Edfenergy sucks
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
After visit of electric engineer, my income display not responding. Engineer told that they exchanged the electric meter for new and in couple days they will connect it remotely on other end to the system. After months and moths of back and fourth it's still not sorted. They telling that it's not possible to register new meter to my account. They send me 50£ as good will and want me to accept as it is. But unfortunately I'm unable to accept this as cannot read meter and put reading to them as most of the time away and nearly got missed last time and need to book fly in emergency to read meter readings. It's they Engineer took of the meter wich was working with the system. Its them now reject to assist. Its them reject to register my meter to system. Customer services rude and just sending my around by circle and then promising to sort ti's in couple days and then ignoring my issue. And then again all repeat and going by circle again and again. Looking now to take legal action against EDF as they broke my setup and don't want to repair.
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
This Company needs shutting down they are overcharging me by the bucket load!! I am now going to take them to court and see how they like that!! They have been charged with fraud before and fined but they should have put them all in prison because they are dishonest. I suffer with mental health badly also a pensioner on pension credit lived in a two bed house on my own and my last bill they are trying to charge me is over £800.00 from may to september 23!! There bills don't make any sense either. My advice is if you have a problem with them is to take them to court and screw them for every penny they have got!!!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
Edf are such a joke i had the worst experience with edf such they have no integrity and i will change to a different supplier after being lied to and mistreated.imagine by edf
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
Shocking customer service. Called several times, most times resulting in the advisor putting me on hold then hanging up the call. Lost several items of personal data. Continually sending bills for a property moved out of over a year ago then passing details to a debt collector.
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
EDF are quite possibly the worst companny I have ever dealt with if you have any sense go no where near this company. EDF are that bad that I never wrire reviews how ever I felt best to warn everyone I can to never ever use this company. I was forced to use EDF due to my previos company going bust and could not change supplier. The billing system they use to to raise a finger in the air and guess how much energy you use then add on another £200 on top of it! Get a smart meter they said we can then charge you for you use!! oh no you then get 2 bills a month which are completly different! you pay one and then get a letter saying you are in debt and they dont want to send pepole round but may have to. Please dont even try to use the call centre or even worse the AI chat bot!! Conclusion - never join them and leave as soon as you can!!
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
Edf are evil scum! They robbed me of over 800 pounds and when I checked next month upcoming payment they was gonna fleece me another 800 pounds ! Bearing in mind iam now giving octopus a chance, I cancelled the direct debit as they will not get another penny from me I have a solicitor friend who iam going to see and hopefully she's gonna give them a call .
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
It has been seven months now and I am still being harassed by EDF and their debt chasing agencies to pay an estimated bill for an unoccupied property of c£1200. Having supplied EDF with actual readings along with photographic evidence of their veracity, this company still refuses to provide me with an invoice for actual energy use plus standing charges for the period when no-one was living in the house. I calculated the debt myself to be c£132, which I have already paid, but this action has only caused EDF to double down and harass me further by proliferating demands from their so-called 'complaints' department - none of which makes sense, and all of which are for different amounts - demanding that I reply within 24 hours. This is just bullying. I have a brain damaged partner and stepchildren to look after, I can only work part-time on a per hour wage from home as a result, and I do not need this stress. Is there anyone else out there being bullied wit fraudulent demands for non-existent energy use? EDF are 64 billion euros in debt according to the Guardian (Feb 2023) - this is no way to recoup that loss.
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
64 p per khw plus 60 p per day charges for micro business . It's a con!!
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
Fellow humans, Please read all of the comments below. Should this really be happening to all of us? I suggest all unhappy customers lobby your MPs to take action against this blatant disregard for customers, their wellbeing, and the actual services you are supposed to provide. Push for ombudsman complaints (ofgem) as they will only take us seriously if they are given repeated nd multiple consequences e.g 50% increase in complaints being forwarded to offer WILL no doubt catch their attention! Energy companies you are not gods, and maybe collectively we can take back some control!
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Didn’t show up to 2 appointments I’d waited in for, never let me know, follow up from customer service was useless. I am switching provider
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Customer service are very polite but extremely unhelpful. I have had a few problems with my account. Every time i spoke to somebody they said that we have altered the account or somebody will call you back. So far nothing has been done!! this has been going on for over six weeks. I highly recommend that you don't use EDF
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
After a fortnight, edf are still blocking my ongoing transfer to another energy company. They’re also holding my fair sized credit balance, £671. There is no redress, no possible escalation, no explanation or even admission. Customer service is utterly non existent. They’re fine until theres a problem, then it all comes crashing down.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
If I could give 0 stars, I would!! Absolutely disgraceful customer service skills from two people clearly oversea. The first woman was unhelpful and hung up on me because she was too inpatient for me to hand the phone over to a family member for consent!! The second person, a man, was incredibly pushy and forcing us to install a smart meter, and had the cheek to say "you both have no understanding of smart meters" when we wanted to cancel our appointment?? He spent 10 minutes arguing with me like some politician. This would have been resolved if I wasn't lied to about the purpose of the appointment in the first place!! Absolute scam of a company with little to no respect for customers. The employees are garbage and talk as if they've never interacted with a human before. Do better!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
E D F have been dramatically increasing my direct debit it’s recently gone up from £377 a month to £450 a month , spent hours on phone to find out why it’s so high for electric only . Iv got 3 bed house and 2 silts 1 child . All they could say was I was using a lot of electricity when I asked friends what they are paying a unit it was almost half of what I was paying (52 pence day ) I tried to get mine lowered by phoning and writing but complete waste of time . Today on advice of a friend I called octopus was in a long queue but when I did get through the young man by the name if Levi was very helpful and really pleasant to deal with ,within 10 mins I was switched from E D F to octopus and paying 28 pence a unit !My only regret is that I should have fine this 13 years ago ( that’s when I signed up to E D F ) They have robbed me out of a hell of a lot of money over the years . They should not be allowed to get away with it P Middleton
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
After my sister died last year in London, I had to travel to London to sort out her affairs. This involved closing all utilities. Four of these had credits to be paid. Three companies processed these reasonably easily by doing a direct credit into a UK account EDF however have been obstinate and maintains they can only issue a cheque. (a policy not a physical restraint) They have issued this cheque twice now and each time somewhere in the chain the cheque has got lost in the mail. between the UK and NZ and but to a UK Bank to be banked. Even after lodging a complaint, they are saying they can't help just do a direct credit .....and we are only talking about 100 pounds. As a company, they have been difficult to deal with from the very beginning. My current thoughts are that if you want to be kind to your Next of Kin after your pass away, don't use EDF they will just make the Grief worse. It seems they really don't care.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
There are to many people there who do not know what they are doing.Asked an EDF advisor about a bill which was only for electric when i asked about the gas bill he said he didnt know.Since that i have changed to Octopus Energy
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
EDF Energy is rated 1.2 based on 608 reviews