AXA Insurance Reviews

2.4 Rating 1,059 Reviews
36 %
of reviewers recommend AXA Insurance
Based on 1,059 reviews
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1.2 out of 5

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Delayed payment of insurance claims and paying of insurance claims not according to their policies! Please do not take insurance from AXA if you do not want to be stress!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Terrible. Involved in accident in October. Someone hit me from behind and they wrote my car off. Currently 26th of January and Axa still haven’t paid me the settlement. Don’t respond to emails, make me promises on the phone and then go ‘radio silent’ on me when I chase them up. I’ve been without a useable car for 4 months now! Causing endless amounts of stress. Worst company I’ve ever dealt with. Case still not settled and I have no idea what to do. Never use this company!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
The other driver admitted full responsibility and agreed to pay after a crash. I registered claim with my insurers Axa. Axa failed to arrange salvage collection and valuation and not progressed my claim as they said they would. After 3 months of emails and phone calls to Axa my wrecked vehicle is now being charged storage costs waiting for Axa. Still no response from Axa.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Absolutely awful! A claim that should be so simple is anything but. I had an accident with a deer end of last year. Still waiting for them to agree settlement figure. Complete joke of a company
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Posted 3 years ago
Had van cover of 9 years NCB which I took to axa 5 yrs ago. I renewed online I ticked the box saying no NCB as I wanted to put this on another vehicle. I got e mails asking me to mirror my NCB !!! I contacted them to explain got nowhere they even said could I tell them where my NCD was. Ok it was on the van you insured the last 5 years you know that. Irelevant as I am not using it anyway. To sum it up my policy is £276 . Because we cant transfer your NCD we will have to charge you , wait for it £438.0 extra. So you want me to pay you £438. For something I never asked for. Then you blame the computer. DONT TOUCH THIS BUNCH OF IMBECILES STEALTH PRACTICES. Insurance duly cancelled. I have and my partner or family never made a claim . More cancellations to come from my family . I am making complaints to every authority I can. Time we all stood up to these practices.
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Posted 3 years ago
I haven't even used their service yet, and I wont be. I'm looking into health insurance and wanted to look around and genuinely get a feel for what my options where. I have several pre existing conditions and was explaining this to the dude that I was speaking to over the phone. Instead of telling me they don't cover pre existing issues at all, which is completely fine, I just wanted to know whether or not they did. Instead of a simple no and that this was the right company for me, he accused me to trying to commit fraud. I just wanted to know what they would and wouldn't cover but instead I was accused of conspiring to commit a crime. I'm absolutely appalled.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Terrible company. They mis-sold me a policy then when I had to make a claim refused to honour the agreement. Have used every trick in the book to not pay out and excuse even when it makes absolutely no logical sense. Have lied to me, abused me, insulted me, put me through years of hell because of their corporate greed. Gone to ombudsman but should not have to. Around 25k out. They should be jailed for fraud.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
A disgrace to the UK Insurance industry. DON'T WAST YOUR MONEY - MORE IMPORTANTLY YOUR TIME. Absolutely terrible insurance company. I have never claimed insurance in my life however have paid for over 25 years... due to this company I will be reviewing all of my policies. During my trip i contacted AXA on the telephone to ensure I was covered for some tooth ache I was experiencing, they explicitly advised that i was covered and i should seek immediate treatment, they even offered to find me a dentist. 2 days after treatment they informed me that I was not covered and should settle the bill my self. Shock horror - and consequently the good part of 2 days I spent mitigating this. Thank goodness I wasn't ran over by a car as I would now be paying medical bills for the rest of my life. Be very very aware of this company. They will ruin your holiday but more importantly they could ruin your life.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
A disgrace to the UK Insurance industry. DON'T WAST YOUR MONEY - MORE IMPORTANTLY YOUR TIME. Absolutely terrible insurance company. I have never claimed insurance in my life however have paid for over 25 years... due to this company I will be reviewing all of my policies. During my trip i contacted AXA on the telephone to ensure I was covered for some tooth ache I was experiencing, they explicitly advised that i was covered and i should seek immediate treatment, they even offered to find me a dentist. 2 days after treatment they informed me that I was not covered and should settle the bill my self. Shock horror - and consequently the good part of 2 days I spent mitigating this. Thank goodness I wasn't ran over by a car as I would now be paying medical bills for the rest of my life. Be very very aware of this company. They will ruin your holiday but more importantly they could ruin your life.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
A disgrace to the UK Insurance industry. DON'T WAST YOUR MONEY - MORE IMPORTANTLY YOUR TIME. Absolutely terrible insurance company. I have never claimed insurance in my life however have paid for over 25 years... due to this company I will be reviewing all of my policies. During my trip i contacted AXA on the telephone to ensure I was covered for some tooth ache I was experiencing, they explicitly advised that i was covered and i should seek immediate treatment, they even offered to find me a dentist. 2 days after treatment they informed me that I was not covered and should settle the bill my self. Shock horror - and consequently the good part of 2 days I spent mitigating this. Thank goodness I wasn't ran over by a car as I would now be paying medical bills for the rest of my life. Be very very aware of this company. They will ruin your holiday but more importantly they could ruin your life.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Dire,dire,dire.You couldn't pay me to reinsure with AXA.Hours and hours spent on the phone,most of which on hold, attempting to resolve issues after an accident.No interest in helping to recover losses. Only interested in payment for insurance and then no customer service.Avoid at all costs.I would happily pay double or treble their quote to be with an insurance company that cares.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Terrible customer service. Can only concur with others. Had a 2.5 hours wait to speak to someone and then they weren't the 'right department' and were downright rude. AVOID
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
No customer service number only premium line
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I was one of the many who chose to trust AXA even if I was doubtful when it comes to insurance companies here in the Philippines. I gave them the benefit of the doubt since their deals along with the presentation provided to us when we signed up was very promising. I made sure that I was able to pay every month for three years but after that, the pandemic hit which caused me to lose my job. I asked assistance about any options since I know that by not paying my plan, there would be penalties involved. I am having a hard time looking for a job and decided about the option of making a withdrawal instead of having my plan (hard earned savings) go into waste. After which, I was only given 35% of my savings which was heartbreaking since this was only enough amount for me to be able to pay my debts leaving me and son with nothing. I asked my agent along with AXA's customer support if there is anyway that I can get at least Php 50,000 back and have them keep the remaining amount to settle the penalties which seemed fair since this is my money and not theirs but all the responses I received was about the penalties and the like. Lesson learned: DON'T TRUST INSURANCE COMPANIES EVER AGAIN AND SAVE ON BANKS INSTEAD :)
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I was one of the many who chose to trust AXA even if I was doubtful when it comes to insurance companies here in the Philippines. I gave them the benefit of the doubt since their deals along with the presentation provided to us when we signed up was very promising. I made sure that I was able to pay every month for three years but after that, the pandemic hit which caused me to lose my job. I asked assistance about any options since I know that by not paying my plan, there would be penalties involved. I am having a hard time looking for a job and decided about the option of making a withdrawal instead of having my plan (hard earned savings) go into waste. After which, I was only given 35% of my savings which was heartbreaking since this was only enough amount for me to be able to pay my debts leaving me and son with nothing. I asked my agent along with AXA's customer support if there is anyway that I can get at least Php 50,000 back and have them keep the remaining amount to settle the penalties which seemed fair since this is my money and not theirs but all the responses I received was about the penalties and the like. Lesson learned: DON'T TRUST INSURANCE COMPANIES EVER AGAIN AND SAVE ON BANKS INSTEAD :)
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Very good customer service ,quick and easy
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Axa Car insurance have increased by +200 while all the other car insurers on the market are offering - £200. I'm disgusted by Axa car insurance how they try to RIP people off of they hard earned money. It might be good for 1 max 2 years then move along, Axa will lose millions in insurance this year.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Axa Car insurance have increased by +200 while all the other car insurers on the market are offering - £200. I'm disgusted by Axa car insurance how they try to RIP people off of they hard earned money. It might be good for 1 max 2 years then move along, Axa will lose millions in insurance this year.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Hours wasted waiting in phone queues waiting to speak with someone. Absolutely terrible way to treat customers.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
No service. No help. No contact. After years of being Axa customer when my husband had an accident his claim wasnt processed. We struggled to contact anyone - tried phone ( hours on hold), email, facebook. Once managed to get to someone, they kept saying they will contact us about repair and courtesy car next day and they never did. So had to start again. Waited 2 weeks for courtesy car considering my husband needs a car to commute as workplace unaccessible otherwise. I was days before labour and needed a car in emergency. Do not use them as you will not get help when needed even if it saves you few pannies. We will never use Axa insurance again.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
AXA Insurance is rated 2.4 based on 1,059 reviews