GMB Fitness Reviews

4.9 Rating 279 Reviews
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About GMB Fitness:

GMB makes online training programs to unlock restrictions and teach essential movement patterns for overall strength and agility.

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GMB Fitness 5 star review on 23rd March 2024
GMB Fitness 5 star review on 2nd June 2023
John R
GMB Fitness 5 star review on 24th May 2023
Graham G
GMB Fitness 5 star review on 20th March 2023
Gavin F
GMB Fitness 5 star review on 20th March 2023
Gavin F
GMB Fitness 5 star review on 13th March 2023
Tamara N
GMB Fitness 5 star review on 6th February 2023
Ivan B
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I’ve tried, or should I say downloaded so many work out apps/sites etc… always with good intentions but for some reason or other I always stray. I lack motivation, get bored, or injured or it’s too difficult. GMB Fitness bring be back every time, it’s now my go to. Working out the GMB Fitness way makes me feel like me, makes me feel like I know my body should. Like it did when I was younger. Movement, control, mobility…. And it’s so well presented in a very accessible way. Thank you GMB Fitness team!
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Posted 1 year ago
GMB Fitness is my go-to for exercises. It has really helped me improve my physical condition and I feel so much better.
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Posted 1 year ago
I am 19-year old wanting to improve my general fitness and athleticism. I am an avid gym rat. However, due to a lack of proper foundations, I sustained some injuries here and there, especially with my back. (Too young to experience this, I know) I am halfway through the ELEMENTS program, and I want to say that my general fitness has improved tremendously, especially my strength and mobility. Also, my back pain has been virtually removed. Thank you to the GMB fitness family for creating such wonderful programs. I will eventually purchase mobility and integral strength once I save enough money and, hopefully, one day join the GMB family as a trainer myself :DD.
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Posted 1 year ago
Elements is proving to be a wonderful program. Overall strength is improving - aches and pains are diminishing. I read long ago that muscle does not know your age, you can be strong and flexible throughout a lifetime!
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Posted 1 year ago
Well-organized, clear presentation. Of course, as the customer tries to follow the video, there is usually no qualified person to monitor his or her performance and correct any errors. GMB has offered live, online training from time to time, so if the customer wants feedback it is available.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Love the Elements program. I was looking for something that would help reverse the effects of sitting in a chair for hours everyday for years during college. It has worked out exactly as I hoped.
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Posted 1 year ago
Love the elements program. I can feel myself getting stronger and more mobile. I also like the that on days when I’m tired I can still work out but at an easier pace. Thanks!
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Posted 1 year ago
Really pleased with this programming! I have a yoga and strength training background and I am so impressed with the way that GMB takes the best of those movements and programs them in a way that they are fun and dynamic. I find the "ease into the movement" approach to be effective at building strength over time. I am working through Elements and I also really like that I have the option to start with 15 minutes and build up to 45 as I get better. Love it!
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Posted 1 year ago
Very focussed, well-designed, real and best of all un-boring.
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Posted 1 year ago
When I was younger, I could never understand why some people found it so easy to work-out and get results. I could go to the gym religiously and never see improvement in my general fitness. Yes I got stronger, but what good is being able to bench 250lbs or clean & jerk 275lbs if you cannot move like an real athlete? By the completion of the Elements, I was able to run an amateur Ninja Warrior course and ATTEMPT every obstacle. Fail some of them I did, but I would have never thought about trying before. I am 45 years old and I feel as if I am moving like I am in my 20s again. This program is worth every moment you spend on it.
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Posted 1 year ago
I am halfway through Elements, I made big improvements in my mobility and strength. I don't wake up with back pain every morning like I used to! Thank you!
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Posted 1 year ago
Started with the free wrist exercises and saw such an improvement with my wrist pain and mobility that I thought I’d give Elements a shot. Back pain and posture improved, shoulders have better mobility and strength in my shoulders, and my bad knee was strengthened by the companion program Integral Strength. Starting Elements for third time in two years; love the phone app that helps manage the lessons.
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Posted 1 year ago
I'm obsessed with Elements. Having worked out my entire life (soon to be 53 years old), playing football, wrestling, BJJ, cycling, CrossFit, CrossRope, Starting Strength, kettlebell programs and many other bodyweight programs, yoga/stretching, P90X, you name it - Elements stands out among all. It's basically child's play in that you're doing movements and getting in positions you haven't done since you were a child (animal like). But it's definitely not child's play in the workout you get and the strength you develop. You work your core without even thinking/knowing about it. It's done wonders for my shoulders (both rotator cuff repaired). Since there's no pulling and very minimal leg work, I supplement with leg exercises and pullups on off days and will begin Integral Strength once Elements is completed, at which time I will repeat Elements while simultaneously doing IS. I actually look forward to doing Elements b/c I'm eager to see what's next, and it's just fun. Can't say enough about it. Thanks!!
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Posted 1 year ago
I had to take a break from the workouts because I had injured my forearms. The routine puts alot of demand on wrist, elbow and forearms. This was my first day back and my elbows and forearms are reinjured. There has to be a way to do this without putting so much strain on my lower arms. I obviously can't do this. To bad. The potential for improved mobility, balance and functional strength seems like it could be great.
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Posted 1 year ago
Hey Dorian, I'm sorry the exercises weren't appropriate for your medical situation. We did try to send additional exercises and recommendations, and I hope you are able to find something that's a better fit.
Posted 1 year ago
I have been using this for a few weeks now. It is very easy to follow and I have reached out with problems I have had regarding some challenging movements. They have returned lightning-fast solutions! The value for the price is amazing.
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Posted 1 year ago
It has been a great journey, i´m 47 years old, and can tell that i´ve noticing a great difference in my full body when doing sports, and everday activities. The program it´s complete, moves seem easy, but they are not. It´s about taking the time to practice and i love that the program encourages you to be patient with yourself but resilient. And it works! thanks
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Posted 1 year ago
GMB supports my fitness goals: mobiity, glexibility and strength. The philosophy behind the courses seems solid. The courses themselves are focused to those goals.
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Posted 1 year ago
Great guys, awesome support! Alpha Posse is a must if you want true coaching with a top team.
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Posted 1 year ago
Great programs and teaching materials for general strength, flexibility and control!
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Posted 1 year ago
In my early 20'ies I had an unstructured bro-split approach to the gym. I knew nothing about exercise and was just beginning. In the years leading up to 2017 I rowed quite seriously, doing up to 11 sessions a week when preparing for competitions. It was high volume with lots of circuits. I was stiff, exhausted, progress felt negligible and had to manage back problems. I turn to GMB when I stopped rowing as I felt I needed to change things up. GMB utterly changed my approach to exercise and my body. Since my first three runthroughs of Elements in 2017 the GMB philosophy and spirit have been the core of all my exercise. I had completed and extensively used many of your courses including Integral strength, Vitamin and Mobility. IS was at the core of my strength training for two years. As a result of GMB, I have never been so mobile, strong, pain-free and confident in my body. I don't have problems with my back any more. GMB has taught me to enjoy movement and moving with my body as if I were a little child!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
GMB Fitness is rated 4.9 based on 279 reviews