Ubisoft Reviews

1.1 Rating 213 Reviews
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of reviewers recommend Ubisoft
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Wer Probleme bei Ubisoft hat ist genau dort richtig. Hilfe ist keine zu erwarten. Die AGB von Ubisoft sind nur zu Gunsten von Ubi ausgelegt. Die Comunity Manager wissen nicht wie man mit Kunden umgeht. Der Support ist mehr als Mangelhaft und macht das was das Comuntiy Managment vorgibt. Meinungen der Kunden werden ignoriert. Der Kunde wird als Böse und unbelehrbar betitelt. Kritik an Ubisoft zu äussern ist Unerwünscht. das man dafür auch noch einen Stern vergeben muss damit man seine Erfahrungen mitteilen kann ist Ubi eigentlich nicht wert. Selbst bei Ubis Siedler online werden die Spieler durch billige Aussagen vertöstet. Arbeiten bei Ubisoft überhaupt noch Fachkräfte oder nur noch die Putzfrau ?
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Posted 1 year ago
My experience with Ubisoft is really bad and I think they are low quality. I purchased a game and I wanted to cancel that within 2 weeks according to the rules. Then they answered to me that they have high workload at that time and almost 2 months later they were asking whether I still have the problem. After finding a way to write to them (which was a challenge in itself) they informed me that I run out of time for cancelling that. Trust me, it is not about the money, but how they treat you as a customer. It is very much disappointing. Other platforms for having games is much better (e.g. Gog or Steam)
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Posted 1 year ago
you would literally have to have an unbelievably low iq to be the developers of for honor. that or you would have to be the laziest game creators in the world. why has ubisoft done absolutely nothing about this? they ignore the uproar of the community every time there is an imbalance, which is literally concerningly frequent… every character in the game has horrible imbalance, but they update some random thing that holds no value. their idea of fixing a broken character is coming out with a brand new, even more broken character. while the people who play the characters from old updates are stuck in an uphill battle of dealing with our characters having absolutely nothing while new characters have absolutely every option in the game. i dont care if they had to shut the game down for a month for maintenance, issues need to be fixed. there is absolutely no passion in the game they created. they just throw characters at us and expect us to be happy, when not a single player is. the only thing that keeps the community around is that for honor is the only game like for honor. instead of throwing characters at us, how about be like nether realm studios? who actually listens to feedback consistently. lawbringer cant be guard broken out of bashes, not even when you dodge the bash. afeera has absolutely every attack in the game, insanely fast bashes that guarantee a heavy, an infinite combo that cannot be broken. valkyrie was perfectly fine before the update, gladiators deflect doesnt break hyper armor (dumb as hell) tiandi is completely un-dodge-able and faster than 90% of the roster. nobushi gets 3 guaranteed lights with no drop off and bleed damage of a heavy every time, warlord has hyper armor off every attack, hitokiri has nothing but 50/50s that have no telegraph. i could name an imbalance in every single character in the game, both good for characters and bad for characters. what are the devs doing other than sitting around all day?
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Posted 1 year ago
I recently have been unable to play both Rainbow six siege and STEEP because ubisoft says i dont own them even though i do and i have hundreds of hours on both games. So i write to ubisoft support and they end up needing 10 different screenshots of my log files in emails that took over 10 months for them to say my email is wrong which it is not as i have never changed my email. The issue after 17 months has still not been resolved as the ubisoft support team keep running in circles asking for my log files over and over as the person who helps you every day is different. the worst experience i've ever had with any customer support in any market. You might as well talk to a trash can sitting on a keyboard
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Posted 1 year ago
I forgot my pw but after second try they blocked my whole acc (for a a certain time). Good Job certain individuals. Figure out a way to verify in this time and age.
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Posted 1 year ago
I pay money. they take money. They say no no no no, jew no play. I say why no play I pay money. Mr. ubisoft say our money now no game for you. I saw why. he say we hate jew kanye #1.
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Posted 1 year ago
So I was going to try out Ubisoft Teryx's Rising and the only way to play the game is to create a Ubisoft online account. I am so tired of these companies constantly trying to get my personal information before I even try the game. How about you have some faith in your product and make me want to make an account. I will be avoiding all ubisoft titles in the future.
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Posted 1 year ago
We are ALL of us victims of this company, We are ALL bitching about this company, Why do YOU bother, They will NOT listen and DO NOT care, I say let us put our heads together and find a way TO DESTROY this company, protests, boycott ALL places that sell ubisoft products, burn their products (they dont work anyway) NO COMPANY OR ORGANISATION should be allowed to do this to so very many people,i personally am completely serious, let the power of the people destroy tjis company, cheers all
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Posted 1 year ago
This company is dogsh*T and they don’t care about players at all. They make games that are buggy and constantly break your machine (especially on PC) and constantly blame the user and suggest asinine “fixes” that everyone has already tried and gone above and beyond on their own before deciding as an absolute last ditch Hail Mary to reach out to their incompetent, useless tech support teams. I don’t blame the tech support staff in particular, I’m sure they are setup for failure and not given the tools they’d need like screen sharing software to actually be helpful. I ran into a bug with Assassin’s Creed a Black Flag recently (the year is 2022, this is an almost 10 year old game at this point) and after 75 hours of gameplay I’ve encountered a game-breaking bug. I’ve gone on Steam Community and found dozens of other users who’ve encountered the same issue, and tried all their suggestions without success. Ubisoft support has chimed in a couple times on this ten year old forum post littered with insane workarounds, and all they have to contribute to the discussion is garbage like “wow! Thanks, XYZ user for the suggestion!”. Go f*ck yourself, Ubisoft. What a joke. I hope Indy companies that give a sh*T rise up and take their pie bit by bit, until there’s nothing left of this disgrace of a gaming company. - Adam
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Posted 1 year ago
This company allows catfishers/abusers to work on games such as this to find and not only talk to adult but CHILDREN under the premise of a male, shares nsfw images of someone without their consent and abuse them and ubisoft have done nothing!
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Posted 1 year ago
Trash. Just trash. Someone got access to my account in another country so I went to the UBI support asap and asked how they could dodge my 2FA. I was telling them that I had no other trusted device but my own computer and that I had 2FA on. So. someone had access to my account and ubisofts 2FA did not work. He repetedly said that they prob had access to my email too. But I told him over and over again that none but me had it and I got 2FA there too, which is also connected to my phone. I would have been noticed if there was a strange activity and they would have blocked it asap. He repedetly dodged the my question of why the 2FA didnt work and just told me to change password over and over again. Useless support.
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Posted 1 year ago
If you want a company that forces you to download their useless app to play any game associated with them, welcome to Ubisoft. Please please please send this to the higher ups (not that they give a hoot at at all). FIX YOUR COMPANY!!!
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Posted 1 year ago
I've been having a back and forth with customer service for 2 weeks now. My issue: I have two copies of the sams game on my account. One is the game of the year version and one is the standard version. I want to play this game through GeForce No but only the regular version is on the service and not the game of the year version. The problem? I don't actually own the regular version and don't know why it's on my account because when I try to launch it, I'm taken to the steam store page. Every time I get a response to my ticket it's either to twll me to make aure that I'm using the right account, a how to guide to launch games on GeForce Now or a how to guide on how to launch games on steam. I've yold them in every response that I don't have the steam version. I even told them that I'd be happy if they just said "You can't play that version on the service" but instead they just keep trying to find a way to make it my fault instead of the fact that the company just forgot they had two versions of the same game and only put one on the cloud service. In the responses, I never get the same representitive, it's always a different person and they never seem to look over what I've written. I feel like a bot would be more helpful than literally anyone at their customer service.
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Posted 1 year ago
I cant play rainbow six Malettesauce with my friends and it won't let me access my account because I swore on Mally Twix. I beg for my acc back>:(
Ubisoft 1 star review on 23rd June 2022
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
It is all about same. Shitty app, that let's you buy a subscription, while being registered and stating, that you are in a country, that is not eligible. That is not fair, tricking your clients into paying for nothing. Shitty support, that is unable to see the cause of unavailable service and trying to put the guilt on the buyer. Incompetent and unprofessional assistance. Are you even checking the links, you are sending? Terms are not available at the link you have provided. I am sick of Ubisoft. Will repost this, I have some free time. Thank you for nothing.
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Posted 2 years ago
I try to play the division 2, one of my favorite looter shooters on the market. Half the time I can’t because Ubisoft connect is completely dysfunctional. This launcher is by far the worst piece of code I’ve ever had to deal with. Constantly asking me to log in when I’ve already ticked the status to stay logged in, it doesn’t work half the time. Takes forever to load and is an actively hindered me playing other games from Ubisoft cause of it. Clearly shows the incompetence of the technical staff at Ubisoft and it’s mismanagement. Fix your damn launcher
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Posted 2 years ago
I just bought far cry 6 and that is the last purchase I have ever made with UBISOFT.. all the reasons why are already mentioned in all the reviews down.. seriously,you pay for something 60 - 100 $ and then cant even play cause server is unavailable and cant even log in or you have to download an 33 gb update right after i literally BOUGHT the game.
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Posted 2 years ago
terrible support doesn't do anything but give a generic answer
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Posted 2 years ago
Terrible service, can't play games because it never lets me log in. Even when resetting my password. Do yourself a favor and buy your games on anything but Ubisoft connect.
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Posted 2 years ago
Totally unnecessary service that offers no value other than collecting data for Ubisoft and b.s. barriers to playing. No one wants this account rubbish. All it does is push people to pirate software to avoid ‘always connected’ hassles.
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Posted 2 years ago
Ubisoft is rated 1.1 based on 213 reviews