Google Seller Ratings

Display seller ratings on your Google Ads. Stand out against the competition with gold stars next to your brand to increase CTR & reduce PPC costs.

REview Booster

Fast-Track Seller Ratings

Request reviews from existing customers easily with our Review Booster to meet review-count requirements sooner.

We collected more than 300 reviews overnight using the Review Booster tool. And having Google stars has helped multiply our ad campaign performance!
Darin Gersbach
Co-Founder Kick Push Skate
View cAse Study
Seller RATING Criteria

Get Stars Displaying.

Good seller rating stars are crucial for improving Google Ads Quality Scores and reducing PPC costs, but meeting the requirements to obtain them is essential.

100+ Reviews

Collect 100+ reviews in a calendar year.

3.5+ Rating

Your average rating needs to be higher than 3.5 stars.

Google Partner are certified partners for delivering Seller Ratings.

Ratings & Reviews

Instil Trust From the Outset & Throughout

Presence on Google is crucial for building trust. Boost conversions with Seller Ratings on Ads & product pages for strong social proof.

Our services

Brands Winning with Google Stars

Stand-out from your competitors by displaying your star ratings on Google Ads and Google Shopping. Discover how our Google Licensed Partner Status has attracted brands to our platform.

Sell More & Spend Less on Google Ads with Seller Ratings