Done. Reviews

4.1 Rating 302 Reviews
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Done provides exactly what I need
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I didn't know if I had ADHD for sure or not for many reasons: I never was diagnosed as a child, so I figured my schools should have picked up on it if I had it. I'm not hyperactive; I just seem to jump around topics a lot. I can sit and read a novel at times, but when I need to focus, I cannot. I literally will be distracted by all of the things in my surrounding. Finally, Done came into the picture through social media, and I was like, this is it, and I booked instantly. They were so easy to schedule, and the wonderful thing about them was that they were on my schedule, and they had availability within the next few days, so I didn't forget about the appointment. The reminders were tremendous, and they walked me through the process. My Provider was so lovely, she explained how my symptoms are not abnormal for ADHD, and that medication would be the right choice. I liked that she explained the medication. We started slow, and I saw some improvement, but my follow-up was just as easy, and she adjusted my medication. Overall the ease has been excellent, and with my busy lifestyle, it is a must. I would recommend the service to anyone struggling with ADHD.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I was able to see a doctor in just a few days. She was very informative and kind.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Hello, I have had a great experience with Done. My doctor spent time to truly listen to my concerns and work to form the best plan of action to address for me to be successful. Done was prompt when I had questions during the process and were able to schedule me for appointments quickly and efficiently. I truly liked that I was able to attend appointments from the comfort of my own home and had access to professional practitioners.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Done is a great platform for people that live busy lives and don't want to have the hassle of going to see someone in person. They answer your needs and are exceptional at customer service. Thanks!
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
done gets adhd care done and fast. Great service and quick responses. However, if you are looking for talk therapy, you should seek that separately.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I am so happy to have found Done. I am receiving such quality care with compassionate caregivers who are amazingly knowledgeable. And you can’t beat the convenience. Best thing I have done for myself in years!
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Great experience. Provider was very friendly and answered all of my questions!
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Done has been a game changer for me. I was unsure whether I might have ADHD and whether medication would be helpful. My clinician listened to my concerns and thoughts, asked probing questions, and diagnosed me with ADHD. We’ve worked together to find medication that has helped manage my symptoms. I’d recommend Done to anyone wondering if they may have ADHD or needing their medications managed.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Really grateful for my practitioner and for the care team at Done! It helped me overcome my fear of being discounted by a metal healthcare practitioner who doesn’t understand ADHD.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I am seriously thankful for Done. They make getting treatment for ADHD so easy and their doctors are really supportive. They even hold cool little webinars with doctors and professors to talk about ADHD. When I moved to a new state they made the process of finding a new doctor and continuing treatment a breeze.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I've been using Done for the past 7 months, and I've had such a wonderful experience. I initially registered for another company who provides a similar online service. The wait for my initial appointment was 5-6 weeks! I was so blown away and decided to cancel and switch to Done. I had my first appointment the day after I registered. Registration is pretty easy. You take a short quiz to find out if you qualify. You enter some information and schedule your first appintment. I love the Doctor that I'm paired with for my treatment. She is really personable, and totally understands me. I always did really well in school, which I thought meant there was NO WAY I could have ADHD. But that's a total myth. With ADHD you can focus on things that you enjoy and want to focus on. Because I enjoyed school and it was easy for me, I was able to focus on it. I had my first issues in law school, as I had never studied before. My doctor totally understood this, and has a lot of similar high-functioning female patients. She said a lot of the systems I developed to mask my symptoms fell apart during the pandemic, which is why I was having such a hard time during the past year. I was really good at masking and developing systems to make up for the areas I struggle with like some executive functioning. But these things fell apart for me, which is why I was seeking treatment. With two kids at home, two dogs, not leaving the house etc, I just could not get my work done and be productive. I see her as needed. For the first few months I saw her monthly. Now I can go a few months without seeing her and get refills. I believe where I live I need to see her at least every 3 months. I never have a problem scheduling appts or getting my refills. I highly suggest Done!
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I was able to schedule my appointment, and the provider was very knowledgeable and attentive to my concerns. Got a prescription the same night. Now I renew it every month with no problems.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
The providers at done are exceptionally helpful. They helped me find the treatment plan that worked best for me, and it was actually affordable. I can't tell you how many times I've left a doctors office with anxiety over how much money the treatment I had just received is going to cost, even with insurance. The providers at done helped me cut through all that bs and were sympathetic and caring throughout.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
When I seen Labor Day weekend was the time in refill my meds I was sure I would not get them till it was over. But I it was called in and no delay. Along with the a wonderful help from Elizabeth Shapard my provider I can say I thing Done is GREAT.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Iv been with done for 3 months now and so far it’s been great! Easy to use, my doctor listened to me and understands me!! Which is great! Also it’s way cheaper then going into see a psychiatrist in an office.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
As someone who has dealt with severe ADHD my entire life, but untreated and self-managed for most of my adult life, Done has been a lifesaver. ADHD is hardly an exact science, and the care team gets that - it's not your typical "throw pills at it" operation that has left me so frustrated in the past. I will admit, I have been very good at self-managing myself, but the arrival of Done has helped me to focus on that last 10% or so to feel in control and on top of my ADHD truly.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Done has helped me finally feel heard. I have been struggling with ADHD most of my life and they were the only ones to take me seriously. Their app is easy to use and contacting a provider is very simple.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I have Kaiser and when I described my symptoms to my psychiatrist he blew it off, saying “ADHD is something you get when you’re 8” I’m a 33 year old woman who never realized that my mental health struggles were not “normal” or something to “just get over” but an actual condition until I read an article about how women with ADHD frequently go undiagnosed until my age due to misconceptions. With Done, I love that you get access to therapists who know what you’re going through and don’t just blow off your concerns. They understand how your brain works and the struggles that come with it. You don’t need to justify anything or be defensive, they just get it. It’s amazing compared to what I’m used to. The only thing I would change is adding talk therapy/cognitive behavioral therapy as well, and making it easier to schedule appointments. Its expensive, but if you think you may have ADHD don’t wait. The right medication can literally change your life.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I have been using Done for 2 months and it has helped me. I have been intimidated by thought of going to a psychiatrist irl and Done made it easy to schedule an appointment with a friendly healthcare professional. The support staff always responds quickly, which I noticed after chatting with them for awhile trying to get them to send prior authorization information to my insurance company. Finally we got it sorted out and I have not had a problem since.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Done. is rated 4.1 based on 302 reviews