Hobby Lobby Reviews

2.0 Rating 360 Reviews
21 %
of reviewers recommend Hobby Lobby
Based on 360 reviews
Shipping & Delivery
Delivery Methods
Postal Service, Own Driver
Average Delivery Time
Over 7 Days
On-time Delivery
Greater than 40%
Accurate And Undamaged Orders
Greater than 69%
Customer Service
Communication Channels
Email, Telephone, Live Chat
Queries Resolved In
Over A Week
Customer Service
2.1 out of 5
Returns & Refunds
Returns Process
Could Be Better

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Hobby Lobby 2 star review on 22nd May 2024
Viera Florida Store Customer
Hobby Lobby 5 star review on 12th April 2024
Kate Anderson
Hobby Lobby 2 star review on 22nd March 2024
Hobby Lobby 5 star review on 9th July 2022
Fahti H.
Hobby Lobby 5 star review on 9th July 2022
Fahti H.
Hobby Lobby 1 star review on 12th February 2022
Camping Hints And Tips
Hobby Lobby 1 star review on 3rd October 2021
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Customer Service is horrible there THEY try to give you the cheapest price they can for a return! Knowing good AND well they dont ever give discounts on cricut stuff they just want you to spend more money there im giving my business to micheals
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Defective product.
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Posted 3 years ago
Terrible place to work. The company doesnt take care of their employees, employees get yelled at by customers who cant read and the fact that the company doesnt have maternity leave or allow accommodations for pregnant/ expecting mothers.
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Posted 3 years ago
I purchased a sewing machine less than a month from there. It was not working properly. They said they don't accept returns unless they are unopened and unused. How in the hell are you gonna know something is broke if you don't open it. I will never by anything from Hobby Lobby again. I have given Hobby Lobby a lot of business and money........Never Again. I'd rather pay more.
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Posted 3 years ago
I won’t go to a store that supports a con man for President. There’s no reason to support anyone much less him.
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Posted 3 years ago
The manager Sheryl and the Clovis location is extremely rude and goes out of her way to NOT help customers. My sister accidentally forgot her wallet at this location and when we went back to retrieve it, Sheryl refused to get the wallet for my sister. She told my very pregnant sister that she would have to stand there and wait 20 minutes before the manager would walk a few steps to get the wallet. My sister came out of the store upset and her husband had to go in. He kindly requested the wallet so that they could leave and get their 10 month old son out of the heat. The woman still refused and told home “well you can just come back later when it’s cooler outside.” We left without the wallet and my brother in law had to go BACK to the store later to get the wallet. Can’t believe they would treat people like this at a “Christian” store.
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Posted 3 years ago
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Poor customer service, cashier Alexandra V has a horrible attitude. Not friendly at all and telling me what to do. Apparently she was having a bad day! Giving the store a really bad reputation never going back to that sore. Cinco Ranch
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Posted 3 years ago
Order copper foil tape for stained glass and I paid for the shipping. Upon receiving this item I looked on the back of package to discover a 2014 date which means that it is already expired because copper foil is expired after six months so I wanted to return it through the mail only to find out that I would again have to pay shipping. So my only choice here is to drive an hour to their store for return. I will not be doing business with them again. From now on I will buy directly from a stained glass store and in store..
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Posted 3 years ago
Recently purchased several items from the Longmont, Colorado Hobby Lobby store. Items included a seasonal candle, 5 packages of paper flowers and a bottle of the seasonal Pumpkin scented foaming hand soap. All items were placed in the same bag together. After about 3 more stops , I arrived home only to find the soap had leaked nearly completely empty inside the bag ruining everything inside the bag and soap had leaked out into my vehicle floorboard saturating the carpet mat and the carpet underneath. The bottle was still sealed at the top and no apparent holes in the bottle. Went back to the store and was refunded my money for all items. Spoke to 2 different store managers as I asked to have the carpet cleaned only where it had leaked and was given the song and dance of we have to make an incident report to home office on Monday since this incident happened on Saturday. Called the store on Monday after the store had been open a couple hours and spoke to the same manager and was informed that the protocol was to make an incident report to home office. That I am to "wait for a call from Home Office". I question why a simple carpet cleaning from a product they did not wrap is going to be a lengthy process while the soap may discolor and stain my rental vehicle.
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Posted 3 years ago
This had to with Home Office, I worked for this company for 10 yrs, left because of issues with my husband's age and health with the vires. I left with hrs of PPTO, was told I could not use them to stay home, Now they will not pay it to me Bad choice on their end, will fight them on this.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
A cashier, Tamara B. at the Hobby Lobby in Anson, Indiana actually corrected me today when I accidentally said, “Paper Shop” instead of “Paper Craft.” And NOT in a nice way. Was ridiculous. Then she proceeded to overcharge me on the one item I stopped in for. By the time I got through the line for my price adjustment, I was going to be late to pick up my child from school. She was rude and condescending. I have shopped this store since it opened and have never seen her before. Check yourself Tamara. You’re going to give the store a bad image with poor customer service.
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Posted 3 years ago
I asked the supervisor in the fabric section if the fabric was still 30%off since I didn't see the signage anymore. She told me they stopped the 30% and instead it was now 25% off all the time. I had about 20 different bolts that I asked for 2 yards of each. It took the lady an hour to cut it, and when I went to the check out, they informed it was only every other week that the fabric was on sale now, and this was not the week. I explained what the supervisor had told me, went back to the department with a manager to confirm what I was told, and the manager over rode the supervisor who said she was mistaken. Needless to say, the manager would rather keep the cut fabric instead of selling it to me for the 25% off, just to prove a point instead of honoring what the supervisor originally told me. I walked out without purchasing a thing, and my basket was loaded!! I hope they have fun trying to sell all that cut fabric, and they have definitely lost me as a customer!
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Posted 3 years ago
Terrible customer service at checkout and girls are typing in the prices well that’s ok if they get it right and then I said cancel all that and let me start over I may have taken item I assumed she rang up and threw it in the go back cart so she freaked out another cashier had to take over no one even attempted to be kind or nice these girls were all fleshy that’s the opposite of walking in the spirit I never shop there I didn’t know they type the price in their self and I didn’t know they get in trouble if they cancel an order before it’s paid!!!!! What if a customer left their wallet at home or thought they had their card and didn’t and they had no cash so you’re telling me cashiers are in trouble for this and jeapordizng their job???? I never heard of such a thing what awful customer service yuk🤧🤮😪😷
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Posted 3 years ago
I was shopping in the Hobby Lobby in Nampa Idaho and they do have the plexiglass up and they are wearing masks which I feel is everybody's right to or not to. I am in customer service myself and deal with people everyday all day long in a very close surrounding. I had step to the side of the plexiglass to see what my total was ringing up at and also to put stuff in my cart that was in front of me when the customer service representative came up and asked me to step back behind the plexiglass. I told her that I also was in Customer service but that they probably needed to make their plexiglass longer so people can step aside and put things in their cart. She said that I was just standing there on the side however I was trying to watch my total on the register. I have had several bad experiences in this store the people are rude. On my last visit I did see a manager chewing out an employee that was trying to set some items up in an aisle in front of everybody which I did report to the store manager. Everyone was super excited when you guys first came to open up now all I hear is bad stories about coming to your store. You guys are christian-based and I get it but half of the employees in there act like they're better than everybody that's coming into shop. Your store has become very uncomfortable to shop in and the overall feeling of it is definitely not Christian! I guess I'm going to have to pray a little harder that a Craft Warehouse makes its way to Nampa Idaho! Feel free to contact me.
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Posted 3 years ago
In Louisiana a mask is required.....customers were being allowed to shop....employees had mask around their necks....what is wrong with this picture...I too am ready for covid to behind us BUT it will never be unless rules are followed!!!!!
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Posted 3 years ago
Love hobby lobby and what they sell but just seems every time me and my daughters go there we always feel the tension the racism. Seems like they only like their own race which is white like most of the workers there. Sad that when we go on there we feel this way.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Employees and Managers do not greet you, asking for assistance is obviously an imposition ... great store, but the energy of the staff does impact the “fun” factor in a trip to Hobby Lobby
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Posted 3 years ago
my wife went to buy something that was 90%off the store manger said it was missed marked and would not sell it to her and gave my wife a hard time the 90%off sticker was on the piece she wanted and he was very rude and just walked a way
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Posted 3 years ago
For two years straight I have tried to order things for a birthday online at Hobby Lobby. Both years they say it didn't go through or they couldn't find my order. I checked with my credit card company and everything was okay on their end. So Hobby Lobby was trying to sell objects that they didn't even have in stock near the Fourth of July. Pitiful business model. Pitiful customer service. I won't be back.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Hobby Lobby is rated 2.0 based on 360 reviews