Hobby Lobby Reviews

2.0 Rating 360 Reviews
21 %
of reviewers recommend Hobby Lobby
Based on 360 reviews
Shipping & Delivery
Delivery Methods
Postal Service, Own Driver
Average Delivery Time
Over 7 Days
On-time Delivery
Greater than 40%
Accurate And Undamaged Orders
Greater than 69%
Customer Service
Communication Channels
Email, Telephone, Live Chat
Queries Resolved In
Over A Week
Customer Service
2.1 out of 5
Returns & Refunds
Returns Process
Could Be Better

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Hobby Lobby 2 star review on 22nd May 2024
Viera Florida Store Customer
Hobby Lobby 5 star review on 12th April 2024
Kate Anderson
Hobby Lobby 2 star review on 22nd March 2024
Hobby Lobby 5 star review on 9th July 2022
Fahti H.
Hobby Lobby 5 star review on 9th July 2022
Fahti H.
Hobby Lobby 1 star review on 12th February 2022
Camping Hints And Tips
Hobby Lobby 1 star review on 3rd October 2021
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Racist company. Knowingly and actively excludes products that acknowledge the existence of people other than whites.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
i went in to buy glue with my grandma, immediately upon entering one of the workers grabbed her by the arm and then drop kicked her into isle 7.
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Posted 3 years ago
Do you know some stores you go into, and immediately you feel uncomfortable for being 'different' well that's Hobby Lobby! They treat you like garbage if you're anything but white and their pricing is ridiculous. I went to store (last time mind you) and wanted to buy a indoor pot since they have 50 percent of all pots and when I went to check out and use the coupon, they said it was a 'your price' item you can't use with that. I felt like smacking me head because EVERY pot had 'your price' on it and this happened to me every time I try to check out their and i've had it, enough is enough. This white racist company won't be getting any of my money.
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Posted 3 years ago
I purchased two items, and the cashier felt the need to tell me the price of each and ask me if I still wanted them. She said, “ this pattern is $20.00.” I said, “yes”. She said, “ it costs $20.00 do you still want it? “. And I froze and just said yes. She leaned over to look inside my handbag that was in the shopping cart seat, might I add that my hand bag is clear and see through but she honestly thinks I would try to hide something in there. I felt horrible. I literally drive 45 minutes to the nearest hobby lobby. She made me feel terrible and I will never go back. Her name is Amy Jo and she works at store #459 in Glenn Allen Va. if that matters to anyone.
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Posted 3 years ago
Hobby Lobby is a sh*thole!! On 3 separate occasions I’ve visited hobby lobby and been VERBALLY ABUSED by its workers. As a minor, this is extremely unsettling and made me feel unsafe to be there. They also claim to have “religious morals” but I’ve seen them be deliberately racist, sexist, and homophobic. If that wasn’t enough, hobby lobby donated over 14 million dollars to white lives matter. They are a disgusting company and I have filed reports about them again and again. My safety and well-being is threatened whenever I enter a hobby lobby store and somehow they’re still getting away with it. Go to michael’s, joanne’s, anywhere else. Hobby lobby you suck *ss.
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Posted 3 years ago
Purchased an item yesterday, an eraser, used it ONCE, immediately realized it was garbage (kneaded rubber, just smushed into my hand when I put pressure on it!) and they said they don’t return used items.. even those clearly BARELY used and with a receipt to prove date of purchase. Horrible policy, especially considering their prices! $8 for an eraser is NOT cheap.
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Posted 3 years ago
Emails ignored. 2 orders made on same day, only 1 received. Cannot get answer .....terrible service
Hobby Lobby 1 star review on 18th June 2020
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Posted 3 years ago
I ordered a little package of thin elastic from Hobby lobby, you know to keep making free masks for people and to save my other elastic for free surgical caps that I make. The total was $5 and they charged me $7 for shipping which is ridiculous. I entered in all of my correct information. I never got my package. I was never notified of anything. I was then refunded the amount of the elastic. I called and no one is answering their phones now. Weeks later I get a response that I didn’t have a forwarding address and it’s not their policy to refund shipping. Forwarding of what? You had my address. The email was so rude! I’m done with them. It’s the principle of crappy customer service from a Christian company with awful communication. 👋 ✌️
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Posted 3 years ago
The ladies room is always dirty. There was toilet paper all over the floor, and the garbage can we overflowing. There was an employee in there washing her hands she should of told her Manager someone needs to clean the ladies room. And the floor looks like it hasn't been mopped in months.
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Posted 3 years ago
I received a gift card for my birthday so I decided to order some fabric online. I placed my order using my gift card then a week later I received a email say that the fabric I ordered was out of stock and the money would be placed back on the gift card. I tried to call but due to the coronavirus nobody is answering the phone just emails. I emailed them saying I have thrown away the gift card and I would like a new gift card. I did not get a reply ever.After waiting I have to go dumpster diving and find the gift card in the trash otherwise I would have been out my $40. Now two weeks later I place another order for a bunch of scrapbooking items and it says my order failed but won't tell me why. Once again I get no help. Not very happy with hobby lobby and their online ordering service.I will never use the service ever again.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I purchased a frame online. The frame itself had noticable scratches and dings. The matting that sits in the frame was cut crooked. What kind of quality assurance do they/don't they have?
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Posted 3 years ago
I wrote a review and then poof they could not accept it page not found. No wonder they have such low ratings.
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Posted 4 years ago
They advertise that they carry Weaver's cloth. Called the store in Denton Texas and they lady hung up on me then I called back she said they do not carry it and hung up again. Very rude people.
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Posted 4 years ago
After many months of sheltering in place, my 2 daughters, 2 grandchildren and my sister and I went to our Virginia Beach HL. It was fun to be out with FAMILY. While we were standing together looking at craft sets and talking, a strange man yelled to us to social distance and said again something about social distancing to us. He himself had no mask or gloves on, did NOT identify himself, nor did he apologize to us when we informed him that we were family and came together. He rudely stood there making a face at our response and then walked away. When I checked out and paid, I told my cashier about our experience, and he told me this man was the number 2 manager for this Virginia Beach store. He also told me this man had a management background from Lowe’s or Home Depot and was “rough” he also told me he kept taking his mask off and then putting it in, which is exactly what he did while we were shopping. All the while he was requiring his cashiers to KEEP a mask on. This was absolutely OFFENSIVE and VERY INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR FOR ANY sales staff, let alone a store manager. I have previously brought my grown kids shopping there and bought furniture items and wall art, for them and us. I can tell you I will NEVER set foot in another Hobby Lobby. This man made such a scene accusing us when we were in an aisle with NO OTHER customers near by. Is this how you treat loyal customers?? By humiliating them and accusing them and then not even bothering to apologize? I hope and pray that you investigate this man. He is a liabilities to your brand.
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Posted 4 years ago
It was my first time to visit a store since March. I’m a senior citizen. I walked in to find a sanitizing bottle and a roll of paper towels?? First, of all common sense tells you that unless the handle to the sanitizer is clean it’s not safe. There was one cashier for no less than 30 customers in line. It’s so unacceptable. I won’t return. Please do your part to keep this virus under control. It was the bitters location in San Antonio, Texas.
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Posted 4 years ago
I paid twice as much for shipping as my products costed themselves. It’s been three weeks and the delivery date has been moved to a week later then it originally was.
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Posted 4 years ago
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Posted 4 years ago
I think it's pretty dirty that the economy opened up Hobby Lobby was supposed to open and they didn't instead they had a car lot full of cars and nobody's coming out and telling anybody anything you just left us hanging that's pretty dirty needless to say they never opened and they never put anything on their website or anything on the windows
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
They are rude
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I ordered paints online and everything seemed to be fine. They waited to inform me, about a week and a half later, that the product was no longer available. I needed them for an art project, and if i had known that I wouldn’t be receiving the paints, I would’ve gone out and bought another set and gotten started. This terrible customer service has set me back two weeks now.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Hobby Lobby is rated 2.0 based on 360 reviews