Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors Reviews

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Industrial Scripts Reviews

Founded in early 2010 by a Warner Bros and Paramount script consultant, Industrial Scripts® is now one of the world’s leading screenplay and story analysis companies, backed by major entertainment companies and with over 1,500 verified client reviews.

Our script consultants have significant industry credentials, writing script coverage for companies and studios including Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., Universal and many more. Working with screenwriters, authors and filmmakers of all levels and from myriad locations, we also deliver intensive training both online and offline.

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Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors 5 star review on 18th March 2024
Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors 5 star review on 11th December 2019
David Worth
Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors 5 star review on 11th December 2019
David Worth
Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors 5 star review on 24th January 2019
Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors 5 star review on 27th December 2018
Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors 5 star review on 3rd March 2018
Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors 5 star review on 10th August 2017
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Twice now within the past year, I've paid by paypal and not able to download my script "Chivalry" by George Alexanian. This happened yesterday again where I paid $265 for expedited notes for a feature, but after paying found no place to upload my script, nor a contact e-mail. I want immediate assistance or a refund of $265.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
My review was thoroughly professional, with plenty of supporting detail permitting me to make meaningful changes in my script. Having experienced the usefulness of Industrial Scripts' review, I wouldn't turn anywhere else in the future.
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Posted 2 years ago
I wrote a musical some time ago that was by far the most time-consuming project I have ever written, knowing fully that musicals are not really in demand, to say the least. However, this particular project was for my own satisfaction more than for screenwriting contests or professional advancement. My screenplays are based on my own stories, my own experiences, my own real-life observations, and I write them because I love to write. This musical, the only musical I wrote, has been “dormant” for some time because I know that it needs some improvements, but I was not able to pinpoint what exactly needed to be improved. I did not want to give up on it either, mostly because I spent a long time composing the music and the arrangements, and I spent quite a bit of money having the soundtracks recorded professionally. Also, I produced it as a stage play and received some awesome feedback on the music part. That said, I decided to bring it back to life, and I contacted Industrial Scripts to read it and analyze it. The report that I received back from Industrial Scripts was phenomenal – From the general comments all the way to the line-by-line details, the work is extremely thorough and professional, very helpful and, although critical (which is what I needed), it is very constructive. The reader gave me some ideas and pointed me to the right direction. I feel encouraged to rewrite the story and confident that I can give it another dimension. The service exceeded my expectations.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Good Coverage is hard to find. YOU LOVE the story, and ANY criticism feels like a personal attack. But.... You shouldn't be looking here for personal validation. How does a Reviewer get past hurting your feelings and still providing useful observations? Usually, they write a paragraph of "nice" and then a paragraph of "needs improvement". So, as a writer, concentrate on the second paragraph and get back to your keyboard! I submitted a brief Series Bible. The Coverage came back quickly and contained both insight and actionable criticism. It was helpful Was it worth the investment? Yes, I think so. Will it help me sell the project? Probably not, but that's my job anyway. And, it will help me getting the Story ready to show to industry professionals. So, if you're looking for personal validation, you probably won't find it here. If you think this is a path to break into the business, it's hard to buy your way in. If you're looking for a new perspective and fresh eyes on your project at a reasonable price, this is the place to be.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I am very pleased with the IS script coverage I received. I am left feeling very invigorated and confident in my writing. I received commentary that indicated the reader really 'got it' while providing positive recommendations for making just 2 tiny aspects more clear and I appreciated that a lot. I immediately could see what the reader was getting on about and easily revised my script to ensure these elements were clarified. The reader's notes did make a few incorrect assumptions, however, but they were extremely minor and could be ignored. Such as mentioning the script was part of a 2 part pilot. I couldn't really understand as to just why this assumption was made- it was nothing negative- just an odd thing to come about. The other comment was a very positive remark that it would make for a 'well-regarded, long running TV show.' but it is actually a limited series, with a defined beginning middle and end so that was actually incorrect- yet, the comment was still a very strong compliment regardless and I'll take it :) My only 'negative' reaction was that the commentary seemed to be exceedingly more positive than some of the scores left- which just seemed a little bit contradictory- considering how the reader does remark upon it's strengths in highly favourable words throughout. In the end, the score came just shy of a 'recommend' which was a tiny bit annoying for me. Most of the scores were on the high end, but a few of them just seemed oddly just low enough to rob me of a 'recommend' :P But those remarks I leave aside, considering they are irrelevant to the real takeaway -the reader seems to have loved it, and had zero complaints or negative criticism at all. Overall I am extremely happy with this reader which brings me to the thing that is upsetting for me... I wish I could send the updated script to the same reader, along with the remainder of my limited-series scripts for complete coverage. The reader did seem to be very much 'into it' and I cannot help but feel that this person would be an excellent choice for full coverage of all 12 scripts, but it seems that IS does not make this possible, based on exhaustive searches on the website. The reader's ID number appears nowhere in DevKing, so it appears that I may be entirely out of luck with making that happen. DK appears to be independent of the service I received? So, the reason I provide 4 and not 5 stars isn't so much because of the reader but because I wish that IS made it possible for me to provide all my scripts to this reader, whoever he or she might be. I have no need or desire to know the person's name or private contact information, I leave such requests to unprofessional types. I just want to send all my scripts for coverage to this reader. But it appears to be impossible. If it -is- possible, IS does not make this information clear in any way. Because IS does not really have a comprehensive communications channel for help (just the FAQ page where most support tickets end up being rejected despite the lack of an answer in the FAQ's) I am left thinking I have little recourse. I found a reader out of sheer luck that I feel I can trust for excellent professional feedback and am left with no way to get more from this same reader. So, that is on IS to make better if they want more business from me ;) So to reader 95A59: HUGE thanks for your coverage, I would LOVE to provide you my entire limited series for your feedback.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
The reviewer was insightful and effectively critical. I wanted to find out what was wrong with my script as it has not done well in competitions. Not only did the reviewer point out areas of need, but they were also supportive of what worked. In other critiques of pilots I was often left feeling; yeah, but that’s cleared up in future episodes. Not the case here. The reviewer got what I was trying to do. I was pleased (and a bit surprised) to get a “consider.” The review will be very helpful in a rewrite. The only less-than-positive thing I’d say is the numerical grading covered a lot of (too many?) categories. Ver grateful for the feedback.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
A very fruitful, inspiring and pleasant collaboration - and a tremendous result
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
The reviewer was spot on in his or her assessment of weaknesses in my script. I agree with virtually all of what the reviewer says, especially the need to hone in on the core relationship between Angela and Althea, clarify their story arc and not let other relationships and side stories bog it down. This was a super helpful evaluation. I'm working on the rewrite right now.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Based on my experience with other review and analysis services, Industrial Scripts is the finest. So far, I and my partner have used the TV Pilot Script Analysis and Logline services. The script analysis was thoughtful, thorough, well-written--very professional. We received a very good overall score, and revised the script in the areas suggested. This has led to our script being selected by the 2021 Vail Screenplay Competition, and we are waiting for news about our submission to The Titan Awards (2021). T Also, we submitted our logline for analysis, and are grateful that our favorite is also the one recommended by Industrial Scripts. Next, we plan to submit our series bible for analysis. So, Industrial Scripts is our analysis coverage choice for all services!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
We very much enjoyed working with Industrial Scripts and found it to be a constructive and effective process. Limiting ourselves to written communication was challenging. However, we came to appreciate the efficiency of this method alongside the clarity it created for both sides and the avoidance of misunderstandings that so often occur. Working with our script doctor was a pleasure and we found him to be open and responsive to our aims for the script. He offered suggestions and potential solutions whilst being sensitive and flexible to the overall goals we wished to achieve. He had a very solid sense of structure which was one of the areas that needed attention. His response time to notes was fast and his patience endless! We highly recommend Industrial Scripts and we look forward to using IS services again – earlier in the process next time!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I ordered coverage from five different review services and Industrial Scripts was the best.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Fantastic experience, excellent suggestions. No changes were made without a full discussion explanation and consultation. Polite on time and on budget. The best feedback. Highly recommended. Dr R
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
"Four stars"
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I've commissioned two reports from Industrial Scripts and both times I've found their input to be substantial and helpful with clear, detailed advice on how to improve my script.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I have received feedback from other script development companies, and the report by ztb of Industrial Scripts was by far the most comprehensive and constructive comments I have ever received. They were fair, and full of actionable suggestions. I highly recommend IS to all screenwriters looking for honest, helpful feedback.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Coverage was thorough, extremely helpful; helped me become aware of blind spots. I am certain my rewrite(s) will benefit from the work of the consultant that evaluated my script. I will be back!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
The feedback provided felt like the author was trying to hit his/her/their prescribed number of words/pages. The resulting script analysis came off as being belabored, convoluted, and hard to read. Additionally, I got the sincere impression that the analysis author was not a fan of the (hybrid) genre. I submitted the same 1st draft to 8 different resources (based on a Google search of Top 5 Script Analysis Services) to do a comparative evaluation of what resources I would consider using for future scripts. Based upon a qualitative value analysis of the quantitative number of notes that I incorporated into the rewrite divided by cost, I am putting together a chart reflecting perceived value of each service. Whereas Industrial Scripts is not all the way at the bottom, someone needs to send in the rescue divers, because Industrial Scripts is drowning. Glug, glug, glug. Sleeping with da fishes. Singing Under The Sea. Wondering why there wasn't room for another person on that floating door.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I have had other script reading services read my script. I received valuable comments and suggestions from two reviewer services early on in the writing and once even had a very negative, not helpful in any way review. I knew that with all the countless rewrites I've done I needed another set of eyes to establish where I'm at with it. Seeing the comments others made about their IS review, it sounded like IS works at a higher level than what I've experienced in the past. Several days ago I received my IS review. It was an eye opener--the reader made comments and incredible suggestions that showed he not only understood the depth and seriousness of the story, she/he actually inhabited the mind space of my complicated two protagonist script. The reader went far beyond the surface and the mechanics of screenwriting and delved in the psychological well-spring evoked in many scenes and made unbelievably helpful suggestions. Such effort and immersion proved to me the reader sees what was done for me as his/her "calling". Having another person's perspective has helped me, as it would anybody. I haven't accepted as fact everything that was offered by the IS reader, but it is sure refreshing to have someone care enough to do a deep dive into all the nooks and crannies of the script and come up with some valuable finds/treasures.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I really appreciate that my reader prioritized the questions I submitted initially. The feedback I received was helpful, informative, and provided a direction/plan not just for a rewrite but for ways to come up with budgeting. My only regret, and it's a small one, is asking so many questions initially. I wonder if the feedback would have been more unrelated to my inquiry.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors is rated 4.6 based on 712 reviews