Saga Reviews

3.7 Rating 1,384 Reviews
68 %
of reviewers recommend Saga
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
As with previous reviews, they bombard you with FALSE offers and appear to waste your time going through quotes. They apparently know that you will be refused cover due to age but keep you on the phone for marketing purposes! How can they write to you with discounted offers when they are not prepared to even consider covering you? Imagine how they would treat you if you made a claim. Avoid like the plague. I was an Insurance Broker for many years, take my advice!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Saga are ok until you make a claim. Then they are USELESS. They let us down badly.will NEVER insure with them again. They use some company based in Gibraltar. TERRIBLE. Where they got there Defaqto 5* rating from is beyond me.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
When I reached a certain age they refused even to give me a quote. Very bad form for a Company that professes to care for the elderly.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I fail to comprehend how many customers give 5 star reviews without even testing Saga when it comes to a renewal or a claim. Why do customers give high ratings just because Saga are very efficient at taking their money ? I have recently foolishly taken out a 3 year fixed price car insurance. The price is not actually fixed as they fail to mention in any literature or adverting that you pay a yearly administration fee. You have to pay this admin fee whether your circumstances change or not. My second problem is that when changing to a smaller car part way through the year I am loaded with a 15% rise in premiums. And no that does not include the £25 admin fee which I actually expected to pay so absolutely no problem with that to be fair to Saga. However what is not fair is that a smaller car costing £10,000 less than the car I traded in .. a smaller less powerful engine and 2,000 less miles a year !!! Third problem.... promised by customer service advisor her manager would ring within 24hrs. Now plus 48 hrs and counting. 4th problem... asked by customer relations advisor to contact them. Its now plus 24 hrs since obliging them with the information as asked. Bet you can guess if they have actually responded... a big fat no. They now ask me if I would like to take out house insurance. I now award them 5 stars for their audacity !!!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Avoid, terrible service.My windscreen was vandalised overnight whilst we were 250 miles away visiting my 93 yrs old mother in law for the 1st time in 3 months. SAGA gave me their ‘windscreen’ telephone number to ring, this got me through to Auto Windscreens Limited. My BMW is still under warranty so I required a BMW genuine manufactured/supplied replacement windscreen with ADAS for this I would have to pay an excess of approx £600 and wait 8 days for it to be supplied and fitted.No assistance for a replacement hire car or accommodation.If I knew this useless service would be experienced if my windscreen was smashed I would not have purchased this SAGA car insurance,avoid!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Saga is theoretically aimed at the older generations. It attempts to give the impression its purpose is to be beneficial for the more seniors in society. As far as car insurance is concerned it is a non-starter. It was the most expensive by far of the many quotation obtained. It tries to sell this product for three years. If one succumbed the cost would be just over £900. Pathetic. No wonder the share price is in the doldrums. It is a similar experience with their cruises. I suspect they believe that the seniors will have sufficient funds to pay over the odds, most likely their mortgages have been repaid and their children have left home.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Beware ! Saga will not deal with any claim you may be unfortunate enough to have to make. If you’ve just left a 5 star review for the ease of taking out a policy then keep your fingers crossed that you won’t have to claim. I did the 5 star review when I was renewing my policy with them in January and I opted for the 3 year no increase in price idea. If you’re reading reviews prior to taking out a policy then read on. Following 3 severe named storms I noticed some water ingress in my front room in the area of the chimney breast. Not an emergency but definitely something I felt was worth getting insurance involved with. So I started down the rabbit hole on the Saga website where I was pointed in the direction of Prestige Underwriting. I noticed they’re based in Northern Ireland which is where I’m also located so initially I thought great - we speak the same language in Norn Ireland!. Somebody called Diane took the details from me and advised me a company called Building Validation Solutions based in Bolton would be in touch with me as regards a surveyor calling with me. OK. As a retiree I have lots of time to check out companies online. All I will say as regards BVS is read the reviews . There are 29 or so on and a few on Trustpilot - apparently an appalling company to have to deal with. So now I’m immediately concerned, an hour or so into my claim, about the prospects of having this dealt with in a manner satisfactory to me. Three weeks later and I’ve heard nothing. A couple of emails sent to a general enquiries @ email address the second of which was copied to one of Prestige management and the following day (the day after lockdown is implemented) BVS contact me to arrange a a surveyor to call with me. It appears Prestige didn’t inform BVS and then BVS want to send someone to my house for a non essential reason which by my interpretation of the law wBould be illegal never mind that as an older male the last thing I want is a stranger calling to my house in the midst of a public health emergency. Last week then I got a phone call from Pardeep claiming to be a surveyor appointed by BVS and that he was in the area and would call with me to inspect the damage. I queried wether this complied with lockdown rules but he assured me on the phone he knew that what had caused my problem was storm damage to the flashing resulting in water getting in. To quote “I see it all the time”. Pardeep duly arrived and took some photos with a telescopic pole and pretty quickly advised me my chimney was in poor repair. He didn’t anticipate there being grounds for an insurance claim.He did say the roof was generally in good repair. He was very reluctant subsequently to inspect the damage to the front room nor check out the attic where the ingress occurred. His job was done! He phoned me that evening to state there would be no claim -is he the broker?- stating that the storms had exposed an underlying problem with my chimney. I had him repeat this to me on 3 separate occasions during our conversation because for the life of me I have no idea how I would identify an underlying problem with any part of my premises unless of course that problem was exposed by storms and then I would hope insurance would come to the rescue. The next day I received an email from BVS stating there would be no claim- no evidence of storm damage - are they the broker?. As things stand I’ve heard nothing from Prestige who are the Underwriters. Saga whom I believed when I paid my premium would deal with this matter have sent me 1 letter from Dawna who claims to be part of the Claims Intervention Team who was” confident my claim was being dealt with effectively” - as usual no address or email, just an 0800 number.Wrong Dawna!. I should also add in an introductory letter from BVS they stated my insurance company was Fairmead. Who are they? There are lots of organisations and individuals involved in this but who is the only one who has spent any money ? ME ! Premium to Saga, repairs to my property and it doesn’t end there. In my mind for all intents and purposes my buildings and contents are uninsured and have been for the last year and a half. As soon as lockdown eases I’ll be straight into the town to get insurance from a more reputable company. Doubtless I’ll lose more money to Saga when I attempt to get some of my premium repaid -its in our terms and conditions! For Rachel or Damon here’s my policy no.992989242. Save you putting up the well worn email address for people who may have problems. Interesting to note also that BVS told me on 30th April there would be no claim. This is now 2nd June. Not a word from Saga!Beware ! Saga will not deal with any claim you may be unfortunate enough to have to make. If you’ve just left a 5 star review for the ease of taking out a policy then keep your fingers crossed that you won’t have to claim. I did the 5 star review when I was renewing my policy with them in January and I opted for the 3 year no increase in price idea. If you’re reading reviews prior to taking out a policy then read on. Following 3 severe named storms I noticed some water ingress in my front room in the area of the chimney breast. Not an emergency but definitely something I felt was worth getting insurance involved with. So I started down the rabbit hole on the Saga website where I was pointed in the direction of Prestige Underwriting. I noticed they’re based in Northern Ireland which is where I’m also located so initially I thought great - we speak the same language in Norn Ireland!. Somebody called Diane took the details from me and advised me a company called Building Validation Solutions based in Bolton would be in touch with me as regards a surveyor calling with me. OK. As a retiree I have lots of time to check out companies online. All I will say as regards BVS is read the reviews . There are 29 or so on and a few on Trustpilot - apparently an appalling company to have to deal with. So now I’m immediately concerned, an hour or so into my claim, about the prospects of having this dealt with in a manner satisfactory to me. Three weeks later and I’ve heard nothing. A couple of emails sent to a general enquiries @ email address the second of which was copied to one of Prestige management and the following day (the day after lockdown is implemented) BVS contact me to arrange a a surveyor to call with me. It appears Prestige didn’t inform BVS and then BVS want to send someone to my house for a non essential reason which by my interpretation of the law wBould be illegal never mind that as an older male the last thing I want is a stranger calling to my house in the midst of a public health emergency. Last week then I got a phone call from Pardeep claiming to be a surveyor appointed by BVS and that he was in the area and would call with me to inspect the damage. I queried wether this complied with lockdown rules but he assured me on the phone he knew that what had caused my problem was storm damage to the flashing resulting in water getting in. To quote “I see it all the time”. Pardeep duly arrived and took some photos with a telescopic pole and pretty quickly advised me my chimney was in poor repair. He didn’t anticipate there being grounds for an insurance claim.He did say the roof was generally in good repair. He was very reluctant subsequently to inspect the damage to the front room nor check out the attic where the ingress occurred. His job was done! He phoned me that evening to state there would be no claim -is he the broker?- stating that the storms had exposed an underlying problem with my chimney. I had him repeat this to me on 3 separate occasions during our conversation because for the life of me I have no idea how I would identify an underlying problem with any part of my premises unless of course that problem was exposed by storms and then I would hope insurance would come to the rescue. The next day I received an email from BVS stating there would be no claim- no evidence of storm damage - are they the broker?. As things stand I’ve heard nothing from Prestige who are the Underwriters. Saga whom I believed when I paid my premium would deal with this matter have sent me 1 letter from Dawna who claims to be part of the Claims Intervention Team who was” confident my claim was being dealt with effectively” - as usual no address or email, just an 0800 number.Wrong Dawna!. I should also add in an introductory letter from BVS they stated my insurance company was Fairmead. Who are they? There are lots of organisations and individuals involved in this but who is the only one who has spent any money ? ME ! Premium to Saga, repairs to my property and it doesn’t end there. In my mind for all intents and purposes my buildings and contents are uninsured and have been for the last year and a half. As soon as lockdown eases I’ll be straight into the town to get insurance from a more reputable company. Doubtless I’ll lose more money to Saga when I attempt to get some of my premium repaid -its in our terms and conditions! For Rachel or Damon here’s my policy no.992989242. Save you putting up the well worn email address for people who may have problems. Interesting to note also that BVS told me on 30th April there would be no claim. This is now 2nd June. Not a word from Saga!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
We payed the balance of a cruise for 23rd August 2020. We then had a call the same day, to say the cruise was cancelled. `however, the payment of nearly £3000 went ahed. We were then told it would take 3 months for a refund. This meant we would need to take money form savings to pay for a non existent cruise. Then 3 months later have the money sitting in a credit card account. Are they using us as a form of interest free credit for themselves? Never again, totally dishonest company.
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Posted 4 years ago
all i wanted was to download my policy docs. tried several time. went on twitter to try sort out too 4 hours still no sorting of problem so don't use twitter. then telephoned followed their advice still no policy docs. phoned again at least this time supposed to be coming in the post. Sorry saga your a total waste of space. customer awful
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Took out a travel insurance policy. Noticed 2 days later the date was from 02/20 and not 04/20 so rang them asking them to correct dates. Was told they'd have to charge me £52 cancellation fee as they'd have to cancel that policy and set up a new one. they would not budge so I took my business to a company with better customer service.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I took out on line a saga vehicle insurance policy 8 March 2020 to include my 23yr old daughter as an occasional driver.. few hours later when going over the policy I noted they had my daughters YEAR of birth.. as same as mine.. biologically impossible.. when spoke with Saga was told the drop down bar on their web site would have defaulted on my daughters year of birth to mine... I know I typed in correct details ..result being Saga 'cancelled' my policy.. their fault not mine.. since said they didn't insure anyone under 25 yrs of age... despite being less than 8 hours after paying in full.... today is 18th March 2020 and still NO refund has hit my account.. disgraceful ... I wish to warn all of you how they grab your money and do not rectify their mistakes.. thank heavens I had the sense to check my policy through promptly .. since its likely my whole policy sold to me would be invalid due to this error of theirs.. unthinkable... this is not what I would have expected from a reputable company.... where is my refund.. yet alone compensation for inconvenience causes with potential financial hardship
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Prices for buildings and contents are good. Contacted them to make a claim for a storm damaged roof and basically still waiting.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Tried number of times to get a quote 3weeks prior 2 weeks prior for price for renewal in mean time got quote for 200 pounds cheaper people on phone for saga Terrible really rude man 13 March 5 45 pm couldn’t care less if I wanted to renew or not always go fully complies with all the extras he said my cover would not be as goOd how he can says this .. recommend go else where
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Please be aware all. SAGA are merely a broker for insurance. They do not deal with any claims in house. They are very poor at handling complaints. The 3rd party companies they use to underwrite the insurance and to deal with assessing building claims are incompetent, unprofessional, downright rude. Do NOT use SAGA. Pay a little more and go to an Insurance company who deal with their policies IN HOUSE; And that includes underwriters. Would never use SAGA again. They are a FRONT. Present this fluffy persona for the over 50s. They are wolves in sheeps clothing
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
BEWARE When renewing my car insurance took the advice from a Saga adviser, only to be saddled with a substantial bill six weeks later. Beware all you old uns out there read the T/Cs over and over. Do Saga target the over 50s assuming they’re are vulnerable?
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Re: Car insurance; I was insured with them but on the renewal the premium was such an increase we complained and moved else-where. That was December 2017! we have received a letter today [20th Feb 2020] from their leading star, Mr Richard Smith, Head of Customer Advocacy, who is asking what the complaint or dissatisfaction was for... and wanted to improve the service they provide! I couldn't believe my eyes! Is this a real chocolate tea-pot company or what? Having read other customer feedback reports, we will not even consider your company in the future; you give the industry a bad name.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
If i could give no stars I would. After my wife's car was hit whilst parked by what turned out to be an uninsured driver I forwarded a detailed report with photos, letters to the other driver, texts from the other driver admitting fault etc. Heard nothing so Emailed the claims team - what a farce that was. The response ranged from had no record of the correspondence to they have the correspondence to they never read anything as they are a claims line. Really - so a customer gives you cast iron no fault claim evidence and you are not interested. Or you have lost it or you have it - take your pick which is it to be as I was told all of these. Telephoning the claims line was an experience. One lady went to look for the report then just cut me off and did not call back. Other staff were unhelpful and not interested. A final Email was "I cant find nothing on file " - seems to be poorly educated staff without command of English. I rendered a formal complaint in writing. The published complaints policy is that a reply will be made within 5 working days. What a joke - after near on three weeks have heard nothing from Saga so yet another complaint sent out. I am not holding my breath. I will now not renew either of our car insurance with Saga at next renewal date and would never use then for ANYTHING. If you need to claim, Email or talk to somebody to get any sense you end up in the hands of what appears to be young and poorly trained call centre staff who have no interest in understanding the issues. Worst customer service I have ever had.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Do not use this company if you have any problems,cancelled my policy on car while ill in hospital.When I came out of hospital they said they had sent 5 letters,3 in fact recieved,and a recorded delivery letter signed by a mystery man called Mr Batter,funny because I live above a chippy !! Nice lady on phone,but inept management team,as would not resolve issue I had,as I,and staff could not of signed for recorded letter,due to me being in hospital,and no chippy staff not present at time of alleged time of signing.Good luck SAGA with your so called caring TV and media adverts,should be reported for false advertising !! Anyway,no family or friends will be using SAGA in the future,and the ones who are with them are all going to cancel and policies with SAGA.Good job I did not die,as nogood at typing 6 feet under anyway.Good luck SAGA,read your reviews,and hope your company goes out of business,looking by all the rubbish reviews you are getting on the internet,doubt it will not be long !!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Very easy to renew but hopeless when you try to claim. Leak in boiler or system. Took an hour to arrange call out. Engineer confirmed leak. Didn't know if we were covered for repair. After an hour still trying to find out if covered by saga. Unfortunately tied in to 3 year deal. Wouldn't recommend to anyone.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Saga is rated 3.7 based on 1,384 reviews