Sedgwick Claims Management Services Reviews

1.1 Rating 521 Reviews
1 %
of reviewers recommend Sedgwick Claims Management Services
Based on 521 reviews
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1.2 out of 5

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
was slowly being poisoned by a chemical used at my workplace, have been off work for 10+ months and have yet to see one penny for my claim....lung doctor confirmed what was going on but they sent me to their doctor and he re-confirmed everything...I will probably be back to work before I see any type of compensation.. no wonder why everyone hates this company
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Posted 3 months ago
I submitted my paperwork 2 months prior from going on maternity leave- and as soon as I start leave (mind you I called the day before and said everything was good to go) the case worker calls me so very rudely with all of this non sense saying my doctor didn’t write my due date on my paperwork so they couldn’t approve my leave. I was looking at my paperwork where my doctor wrote my due date on right in front of my face and she proceeded to be argumentative and not helpful what so ever and insisted the due date wasn’t on there. At 39 weeks, she stressed me out more than I have been my whole pregnancy. She was literally the most unpleasant person I have ever talked to. She gave me no solution and wouldn’t answer any of my questions. So I called back and talked to someone else and they told me to get my doctor to re fill it out and re initial it one week into my leave that supposedly was already “good to go.” This whole process has been AWFUL. No one is on the same page and here I am screwed over because of a lack of communication on their part.
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Posted 3 months ago
There's a reason that each person's vm greeting says '...if you need to contact my direct supervisor, they can be reached at ###-####'. Because everyone has been let down by all of you. You already know you're pissing people off & they WILL ask for your supervisor. But when supervisors don't answer their phones either... Well played, sedgewick. Well played.
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Posted 3 months ago
This isn't the first time I had to deal with Sedgwick. The claims rep said they tried to contact me with no response. Funny cause when I called several times a day to reach them and no contact was ever made. My claims rep was in Harrisburg, PA. Beware they aren't even close to being good at their job. They are a horrible company that makes you feel like it's all your fault. No wonder they only have a 1 star rating, if I could give them a negative star I would.
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Posted 3 months ago
Absolutely awful company Absolutely awful company , never known an insurance company where you have to use your own money to cover the cost… then eventually you get the money back…. Scottish branch spoke to dry man on the other line, treated like a criminal no customer skills, very bad at correspondence in emails /// long and short avoid avoid avoid..
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Posted 3 months ago
I had a horrible nurse covering my case. She never returned calls or emails. I phoned another person at the company and let them know. They told her . She finally phoned and yelled at me while I was at work. The next day she sent my open and shut claim for a workers comp physician review. Usually they deny but it was so obviously a workers comp case that they approved it. Now she has not answered my calls and requests to extend my deadline for surgery on the original claim. I hope my teachers Union gets rid of this unethical mco by next year. My school district uses them. I am going to see if the union can get rid of them as they do this to other teachers too. Horrible.
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Posted 3 months ago
I was in a car accident and hit by another car. They were insured by this crappy firm called Sedgwick that nobody has ever heard of. They have been completely unresponsive. In this day and age where the customer experience matters, they are a fat zero. I'd give them a -10 stars if I could.
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Posted 3 months ago
They do not review claims they deny them. If u getcovid at work they deny them.if your patient gets covid the job will send u to another patient so ifu have it it will bespread to other patients.this company is rich becayse they keep the money and never pay the workers anything. They lie cheat and steal
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Posted 3 months ago
After using Sedgwick Claims Management services. I will be taking this situation as high up as I can at Walmart as I believe my employer is being scammed by Sedgwick as they don't actually offer any service. I'm pretty sure the company was just created by lonely people that have no one to talk to. Because they weren't interested in my claim at all.
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Posted 3 months ago
The fact Walmart uses a 1 star rated company to take care of their sick employees. I need a new job
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Posted 3 months ago
Just furstated how long it takes to get it all done! Terrible company on how they do things!
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Posted 3 months ago
investigation. / (ɪnˌvɛstɪˈɡeɪʃən) / noun. the act or process of investigating; a careful search or examination in order to discover facts, etc. Facts. Investigation. Two words that ring in my ear when dealing with this company. Finding the truth and viewing the film stated they would, this company refuses to diligently do the job they stated they would on initial contact. Promised communication? Lack of communication. Lack of accountability. I hope the claims adjuster I dealt with never finds herself on the opposite end of an unfortunate situation such as I have and then have to deal with her own company. Answering straight forward questions with honesty and facts would be beneficial to anyone stating they’ve completed an investigation. Stop being vague, answer directly with facts. Again, watch the film you stated you would and be honest. May we aspire to be better members of society with doing the role we have been hired to do. Half assing any job where people’s lives and work can be affected is a responsibility. Respect it. Do your job. Do as you stated. Find the facts and then address accordingly. Have the evidence to back up work and words. Sitting behind your email address or voicemail, ignoring concerns or “claims” that come across your desk is a representation of how you don’t care about what you’re doing. Real, good people are on the other end. People who love their work and stand behind their words. Stop hurting the good ones that just want answers and the truth to their injury. Karma is real. May you be blessed to do better and learn from how you treated me. No need to call a lawyer and right this wrong. I could, but I won’t. A manager of the very company where I was injured states there was negligence but protocol states it must go through claims. Your words state different and blame me. Facts you couldn’t give. Film you never reviewed for the truth. Facts!! A word within the investigation definition and what you state you completed. You didn’t make an effort. People make mistakes but I hope you learn from this. I hope you never find yourself in my situation. I hope this company learns something from this review but I have a feeling next time the other person won’t be so forgiving.
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Posted 3 months ago
One of the worst Worker’s Comp. companies ever. They do not care about you. They will do anything to get out a pan for your doctors and disability.
Sedgwick Claims Management Services 1 star review on 19th February 2024
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Posted 3 months ago
This is the worst company in the world. They do not care about people AT ALL. They will make people with REAL issues go months/years before getting any type of short term disability. It’s the year 2024, everything is freaking expensive, groceries, gas, bills, EVERYTHING HAS INCREASED. How the heck is she supposed to afford living if she isn’t getting some income? Mind you, she CAN’T WORK. I will not go into detail on behalf of my family, but my family member is dealing with something that has caused her to quit her job. She can’t work now. Do you know how horrible of a feeling it is to have to quit work based on health issues, and while working through those health issues, you get zero income. Hospital bills? You pay on your own. Prescriptions? You pay on your own. Therapists? You pay on your own. Oh; but that’s okay I guess. We are “surviving.” It’s been over a year now and guess who still is dealing with this S-hole company??? We are. This company needs shut down. None of these employees do their job correctly. They don’t give TWO craps about you.
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Posted 3 months ago
At Sedgwick, Absence One, lack of communication is key. they do not return emails, lie about emails sent out. They have excuse after excuse for this reason or that. Although my FMLA claim was approved for one year they still deny my intermittent hours because they say hours should be entered the day of or the day before an instance even though my paper work says within 48 hours of the missed day. And lately their website doesn't even work properly to enter hours, they have to be called. If I could leave negative stars I would. A call with the Labor board is scheduled next week
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Posted 3 months ago
Gaslighting pros. 0/10 After submitting all physician documentation they tell me I haven't submitted any or to submit it again. After I emailed then documentation from my doctor , they told me it wasn't good enough and needed a fax. Did not respond when I confronted them about their indecisiveness . Game me a fake phone number when I held them accountable for their foolishness . Ghosting and gaslighting professionals.
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Posted 4 months ago
They do not respond to emails for not just weeks but MONTHS. Sedgwick is taking an excessively long amount of time to respond to emails? I submitted my quote months ago and still awaiting a reply after several reminders? I have already had to move my scheduled surgery to remove damaged tissue twice now due to this.
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Posted 4 months ago
Awful communication. Been left in dark it's been over a year since my burst water pipe. I have serious heath conditions and left with removed carpets, flooring and plaster down in bathroom and kitchen. Contractor left place in mess with dust everywhere. Communication is a joke, I don't know why a insurance company such as Churchill would us them.
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Posted 4 months ago
I just learned: Banks and Insurance companies like Sedgwick never lose!! According to Sedgwick policy Paid Maternity Leave doesn’t exist with them because they consider it a pre existing condition and your claim will get DENIED!!
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Posted 4 months ago
The worst possible company. My employer finally dumped these clowns. Thank god
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Posted 4 months ago
Sedgwick Claims Management Services is rated 1.1 based on 521 reviews