Etsy Reviews

2.2 Rating 590 Reviews
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Based on 590 reviews
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
As a small company making handmade furniture I stupidly thought etsy would be a good place to sell my furniture and all was ok for 2 months, then for some unknown reason the automated bots at etsy decided to delist all my products without warning or reason! They still have not contacted me as to why. So after 3 days of going around in automated circles, not a human to be found. (Handmade selling platform, ironic) I have closed my shop. A complete waste of my time and money. Do not try to sell on etsy they just don't care. It's an automated system set up only to make money, that's all.
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Posted 1 year ago
Closed my account after five years with no explaination. Kept my payments ! No customer service. Cant oppose scammers claims and had a tracked and signed for item refunded to the buyer as he claimed ge didnt get it ! It had the tracking on the order ! Loads of hidden charges. As a buyer gteat for scamming as a seller absolute nightmare now
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Posted 1 year ago
The most unfriendly old outdated CRM!!! if you are trying to list something here, wait until Jesus gets pregnant took us 3 hours and two tutorials from you tube just to set up the payment page wich it was freezing and glitchimg over and over we did it on my computer and im two different phones Android and IPhone my goodness this Etst people wants sellers with listings or what.
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Posted 1 year ago
Sadly, I got not less option that 1 star for my Etsy review!. Scammers like Etsy are not common to find!. I bought an item from an Argentina's seller that I wanted to return and the seller (Gaucholife) agreed with that, providing the return information. The item cost me $300 shipping included and the return through Fedex or DHL will cost me more that $1,000!!!! THAT'S THE SCAM!!! THE ETSY RETURN TRAP!!! Obvioulsy, everybody (Etsy and Seller) were aware of this vicious final, leaving the customer with no option than keeping the unwanted item.
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Posted 1 year ago
I ordered a camera for over $1,200.00 and Etsy customer service is non existent to file a complaint against the seller. I went over the entire site and the information it provides to file a complaint does not exist. In addition, there is neither a phone number to call nor an email address to file a complaint. I will never ever purchase anything on this site again. I now have to use Paypal to resolve my dispute.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Just rubbish website. Avoid it. Very bad customer support.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Why selling on Etsy is bad for your business, finances and mental health! As someone who's been selling on Etsy for many years, I'm going to outline the many issues I've found, whilst lots of sellers probably have had no issues with Etsy I have and I will outline my experience with them. Shutting down new shops. This is so disheartening, especially if you've never had an Etsy shop before and don't know the process, to a new seller who's excited about spending their new shop and hopefully getting sales, to see your shop more than likely instantly suspended can cause alarm and make you not even want to bother with Etsy, but as this has happened to me I've learned it's the bots that do this, it could be cause you listed too many listings at once etc, but why doesn't Etsy tell you how many listings you can list from a new shop, also why go to the extreme measures of suspending someone why not put the shop of vacation with a message that they are verifying your account etc, this has happened to me before and the only way I knew my shop had reopened was cause I was randomly searching listings on Etsy and saw my listing back up, most new sellers might just forget about Etsy and not even check unknowingly that their shop has been reinstated, such a bad initial look I think to new sellers. Lengthy, generic bot responses. Half the time I don't know if I'm speaking to an actual human or a bot, which is pretty bad considering Etsy is a handmade company who used the tagline keep e-commerce human, I've had responses from "support" that has one name at the top of the message and a completely different name at the end of the message, with a generic response, if you want a human response on most occasions expect to have to respond to the bot at least 3 times to get a human and this is a lengthy process as it's not a chat bot it's an email bot so they take days to respond Political alignments As a moderate liberal myself who watches all news channels, I find it strange that a company like Etsy which is a marketplace, would pick and choose which networks to advertise on, if you're going to advertise on a new network advertise on them all especially the one that gets high ratings inturn attracting a bigger audience, I personally don't care what your political views are a customer is a customer, why is Etsy only advertising to a more liberal base, I'm sure most sellers are more interested in sales than who you vote for but obviously Etsy management isn't. They have banned store owners from minority countries from opening an Etsy shop. So much for equality etc, a few years ago Etsy stopped accepting sellers from pretty much all the minority countries in the world, only first world countries with the exception of India can sell on Etsy now, sounds pretty biassed to me, even Amazon which is a much larger company accepts sellers from pretty much any country as long as you meet their requirements. DON'T put your future in Etsy. As I've stated they will shut your shop down at the drop of a hat, don't put your future in Etsy, look to having your own website and getting organic customers that way, there are horror stories of sellers having shops for 10+ years on Etsy and waking up to it being suspended with no reason why, imagine you've got a mortgage,.made future plans on the basis your Etsy shop will continue on the trajectory it's on just to have Etsy shut your shop down. No protection for sellers. Sometimes Etsy sellers get abusive messages from buyers, there is absolutely no way to block them, or to block them from buying from you, marking the message as spam doesn't actually report the message, and if you report a buyer for being abusive that will more than likely cause Etsy trust and safety to review your shop and look for a way to suspend it, which is what an Etsy employee told me via LinkedIn. Knock offs from AliExpress. I've seen so many shops selling generic products on Etsy that are definitely not handmade the images are on Amazon and AliExpress, I report it and nothing happens, so much for handmade and vintage which is what Etsy was meant to be about, how can handmade sellers compete with this, sometimes looking through Etsy listings is like looking on dhgate or AliExpress. High fees, forced onto you. I feel Etsy purposely complicates fees, why not just charge a set fee like Amazon a percentage and be done, when I make a sale there is at least 4 separate fees connected to that sale, which is so confusing I think purposely confusing. When Etsy started it was a handmade COMMUNITY while companies grow and become more corporate they can still have some sense of what they started on, but how I see it is Etsy has nothing to do with what it started on, you'll be lucky to get a human to talk too, the site is full of mass produced knock offs and they treat sellers really bad, I think Amazon is more human that ETSY.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Don’t trust this company, horrible experience, horrible costumer service, I end up loosing money, and time, just to buy an item that I never recived . Disgusting business
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Seller unresponsive, misleading and aggressive - and Etsy 'support' is a joke! I just complained to Etsy due to a message from a seller that had been dilatory, given me false information about an item I'd ordered multiple times, and kept me waiting without knowing what was happening for months. Etsy's 'support' was a joke: a chat that was comprised of incredibly slow, formulaic responses - the human behind them obviously totally uninterested - then the chat curtailed by automation. What's more, when you try to report a shop, the only options Etsy permits you to choose, from a dropdown box, are: There's a problem with my order They're using my intellectual property without my permission They sell items that don't meet Etsy's policies But what if your complaint doesn't fall within these parameters? What if, as in this case, the seller was totally out of order and unnecessarily aggressive? The only place such a complaint can be 'dealt' with is in the automated chat with a trite: 'sorry you had that experience, your custom is of the utmost value to us...' etc, etc. I can see from other reviews here that this site is to be avoided; both sellers' responses and their wares are totally unregulated, and the body behind it - Etsy - is totally uninvested in making shopping there a decent experience. The shop in question is 'Janet Harvie', she makes miniature items. Does not know how to speak to or treat customers.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Do NOT use Etsy unless you want to loose your money and waste your time. Read reviews on Trust Pilot and see how many people have been robbed by using this fraudulent company.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Hi there I wish after charging so much fees on stores in etsy you would pay attention to seller concerns. It is stressful to chase people on why they left a bad review they don’t reply and one is stuck with a bad review for no known reason. I have mentioned in bold on my page to contact me and in listings if there us any problem. The reply is always I did not see it. Is there anyway you can support sellers by changing review policy that only after contacting seller to resolve issues a buyer can leave a review. As you know most people are lazy and once they buy and leave a star or two they do not change it as we all know. It has nothing to do with communication skills and you know that very well. I wish something can be done about this as it is very frustrating.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I aw a ring I wanted to purchase, on Shark Tank, of all places. I looked on the companies web site and also found it on Etsy. For whatever reason, I decided to purchase it from Etsy. After over a month of waiting, I decided to contact the company to let them know my ring hadn't been received. I did appear as if they had just shipped it out. So, I waited and looked for it for a few weeks. Again, I got on their website to ask "where's my ring?" Their site said it was delivered Feb 28, yet it was around March 3rd I was informed it had already been delivered. So, I reached out to their customer service to let them know that "I haven't received the item I purchased". Their response was for me to contact the delivery service to find out what happened... After my response to that message, I've hoped that maybe they had a hiccup in their "Good customer service" and would themselves look into the delivery, or lack of, themselves. It's been 3 days and they haven't. Lousy customer service. Fortunately, I've paid for it with a CC and they have been good at protecting me these "low" type of businesses.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Just a great big corporate SCAM! SELLERS BEWARE! We thought about a shop but didn't and are being billed and then threatened if we don't pay to ruin our credit!.They have no supper and if you call their number, it just sends you back to the site. They won't stop billing us for literally nothing! If you or I did this we would be in jail for fraud. But big corporations like this just pay off the politicians and get to keep sticking it to American consumers. What a disgusting company!.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Etsy are a corrupt company. They don't mind selling counterfeit items. They sell wargaming figures that are a direct copy of AB figures. The owner emailed me that they are counterfeiting his products. AVOID AVOID AVOID etsy
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I've been working for 12 years at Amazon Google and Linkedin and Etsy has been the worst - platform - ever to support. No one is answering my claim, account will be suspended and no one is answering or seems to care, all my request are being closed without any answer, wow, i'm truly choked.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How do I get in touch with finganails in Sheffield, see where my order for a Luxury Boxed Wedding Day Card Transaction ID 3404017941 which is paid for in full originally ordered thru you but you say now thru Lorraine finganails,Sheffield. U.K. I need some contact with her to find out what’s happening with my order. Thankyou Mrs. Irene Bright.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Was looking for a specific product and Etsy showed up in the search. There is no method to their pricing. It ranged from $10 to $45. I bought it elsewhere for $3.
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Posted 1 year ago I ordered decorative pillowcases. When they were not received, I contacted FED EX, where I got poor customer service, but learned the tracking number was "fake" and that they have seen this before-essentially they described this as a SCAM. The tracking number provided indicated the package was delivered, but because the tracking number is fake, there is no package. We looked high and low, but no box, and of course, there would not be one because it was a scam and the tracking number was not actual. I was unable to open a case because the seller would respond to my messages saying the package was delivered and it requires 48 hours for a seller not to respond for opening a case. Therefore, even if the seller says they aren't going to help you because they are a scammer, they have responded to your message and you cannot open a case until they are unresponsive for 48 hours. In other words, you have been scammed and you will not get help from ETSY. this will be my last ETSY transaction. User's recommendation: buy from amazon prime where you at least have recourse if a package is not delivered. Preferred solution: Full refund. Etsy Pros: Unique items on etsy. Etsy Cons: No recourse if you are scammed. Location: Lebanon, Ohio
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Ebay is trustworthy and assured. Etsy products and security is worse than using Wish... my advice, don't bother looking
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Etsy is rated 2.2 based on 590 reviews