They are the most vicious and sophisticated scammers.They present a real platform but the content are all fake. Both Burton Wilde and Mia Belle are not real person. They are AI generated characters and provide fake trading signals, fake profits, fake loans but take real money from people. I lost over $550,000 all my retirement money plus made a loan and paid their fake loan. They don't have company address, phone number and everything is a big lie. So many people fell to their ruthless trick and got hurt financially. I have to sell my home to pay off the loan which I made to withdraw fund but they took my money and disappeared i reported this cause to the SEC and the FBI I was directed to contact A I X A victim with the Via A I X A L T D . C O M . com fortunately I was able to recover all my funds with this A I X A but this people who tricked me haven't been arrested yet and they are still under FBI investigation
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