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Really confusing to do on a laptop trying to write your name or send a file
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(En-ux) - Posted 3 months ago
Dear Wendell Mcneill, Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback, and we apologize for the inconvenience you experienced. Your input is invaluable to us, and we want to ensure we address this issue promptly. To assist you more effectively, could you please provide additional details about the problem? This will enable us to investigate the matter thoroughly and implement any necessary improvements. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this issue. If you prefer, you can also reach out to our support team directly at and they will be happy to assist you personally. Again, we apologize for any frustration this may have caused, and we are committed to ensuring a seamless experience for you. Best regards, AirAdvisor Team
Posted 3 months ago
Lack of transparency on fee incurred.
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(En-ux) - Posted 4 months ago
Dear Valued Customer, We appreciate your inquiry about the fees. We want to ensure that there is no confusion regarding our pricing structure. To provide full transparency, we make our price list readily available on our website at This page offers detailed information about our pricing, and it is accessible to all clients at no cost. Furthermore, we take communication seriously and aim to keep our clients informed. You can find information about our commission in your claim profile. Additionally, we include details about the commission percentage and the final amount you will receive in the emails we send to our clients. These steps are taken to ensure that you are well-informed about the cost structure related to your claim. Our priority is to provide a transparent and efficient service to all our clients, and we are here to address any further questions or clarifications you may need. If you have any more questions or require additional information, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team - We are committed to providing you with the best service possible. Thank you for your understanding. Kind regards, AirAdvisor Team
Posted 3 months ago
Efficient and user friendly. Very disappointed the fees were not displayed at the beginning of the process.
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(En-ux) - Posted 4 months ago
Dear Michael, We appreciate your inquiry about the fees. We want to ensure that there is no confusion regarding our pricing structure. To provide full transparency, we make our price list readily available on our website at This page offers detailed information about our pricing, and it is accessible to all clients at no cost. Furthermore, we take communication seriously and aim to keep our clients informed. You can find information about our commission in your claim profile. Additionally, we include details about the commission percentage and the final amount you will receive in the emails we send to our clients. These steps are taken to ensure that you are well-informed about the cost structure related to your claim. Our priority is to provide a transparent and efficient service to all our clients, and we are here to address any further questions or clarifications you may need. If you have any more questions or require additional information, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team - We are committed to providing you with the best service possible. Thank you for your understanding. Kind regards, AirAdvisor Team
Posted 3 months ago
File upload is not user friendly
Helpful Report
(En-ux) - Posted 4 months ago
Dear Valued Client, Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback, and we apologize for the inconvenience you experienced. Your input is invaluable to us, and we want to ensure we address this issue promptly. To assist you more effectively, could you please provide additional details about the problem? This will enable us to investigate the matter thoroughly and implement any necessary improvements. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this issue. If you prefer, you can also reach out to our support team directly at and they will be happy to assist you personally. Again, we apologize for any frustration this may have caused, and we are committed to ensuring a seamless experience for you. Best regards, AirAdvisor Team
Posted 3 months ago
Honestly what I was told I was entitled to and what I got back was drastically different. As well if took almost a year to get compensated. I won't be using this company again.
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(En) - Posted 4 months ago
Dear Mary Kate Maceachern, We understand your frustration with the waiting time and the effort invested in your claim. We'd like to provide you with some context regarding the delay in your case. We understand that this process can be lengthy, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused. Our commitment is to pursue your claim diligently and ensure that you receive the compensation you are entitled to. We understand the frustration that such delays can cause, but we assure you that we are working diligently to resolve your case in the best possible manner. We appreciate your patience and trust in our services. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We are here to assist you throughout the process and provide the support you need. Thank you for your understanding. Kind regards, AirAdvisor Team
Posted 4 months ago
Ja andere Agenturen konnten alles zurückanfordern
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(De) - Posted 4 months ago
Lieber Juan Antonio Otero Abrruzzese, wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Feedback und möchten die Situation klären. Nach sorgfältiger Prüfung Ihrer Anfrage konnten wir feststellen, dass der Flug 1076 von Montpellier (MPL) nach Basel (BSL) am 29.07.2023 aufgrund von Beschränkungen durch die Flugsicherung (ATC) gestrichen wurde. Infolge dieser Beschränkungen wurden die Abflugfenster mehrerer Flüge, darunter auch das des fraglichen Fluges 1076, verschoben. Die oben genannten Umstände fallen gemäß der europäischen Verordnung 261/2004 in die Kategorie der außergewöhnlichen Umstände, daher bedauern wir, Ihnen mitteilen zu müssen, dass keine Entschädigung fällig ist. Wir haben uns jedoch intensiv um Ihren Fall gekümmert und die Fluggesellschaft dazu gebracht, Ihnen die zusätzlichen Kosten in Höhe von 109,08 EUR zu erstatten, die Ihnen durch die Unterbrechung Ihres Fluges entstanden sind. Unsere Priorität ist es, allen unseren Kunden einen transparenten und effizienten Service zu bieten, und wir sind für alle weiteren Fragen und Klärungen, die Sie benötigen, für Sie da. Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben oder zusätzliche Informationen benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte an unser Kundenserviceteam - Wir sind bestrebt, Ihnen den bestmöglichen Service zu bieten. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, AirAdvisor-Team
Posted 4 months ago
Плохой сервис.Задержка выплаты.
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(Ru) - Posted 4 months ago
Уважаемый Геннадий, Мы с сожалением узнали о вашей обеспокоенности и хотим ответить на поставленные вами вопросы. Как правило, средний срок рассмотрения претензий по нашим услугам составляет от 3 до 5 месяцев. Однако в данном конкретном случае претензия была направлена в авиакомпанию только 16.10.2023. Поэтому был применен стандартный срок рассмотрения. Фактически вы получили компенсацию от AirAdvisor 19.12.2023 (600 евро за вычетом нашей комиссии, согласно Европейскому регламенту 261/2004). Для обеспечения полной прозрачности мы размещаем наш прайс-лист на нашем сайте На этой странице представлена подробная информация о наших ценах, и она доступна для всех клиентов бесплатно. С уважением, Команда AirAdvisor
Posted 4 months ago
Documentation had to be resubmitted many times. Did not answer emails. Unable to talk to a real person to resolve problems. Extremely frustrating experience.
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(En) - Posted 4 months ago
Dear Alan, We regret to hear about your concerns and want to address the issues you've raised. The airline accepts claim only individually created for every passenger. That is why, every passenger should upload all the personal documents separately. Please note that a separate claim has been created for each passenger you listed as a fellow passenger when registering on our website. So we asked for documents not for Alan Williams, but for Sandra Williams and then we can process all passengers' claims accordingly. We understand there may have been a misunderstanding, and we apologise for any confusion. Our team is here to assist passengers in obtaining the compensation they rightfully deserve. Also please note, that the compensation of 600 EUR was paid to you on 13.12.2023 deducting our commission. Your feedback is invaluable as it helps us continually improve our services. Kind regards, AirAdvisor Team
Posted 4 months ago
nous avons fait la réclamation il y plus d'un an et nous avons reçu une petite partie cette semaine. Aucune idée quand la deuxième règlement arrive. De plus, pour les autres demandes nous sommes obligés de payer plus de commission car l'affaire est en cours de justice à cause de non paiement de la compagnie aérienne. Pas sur si air advisors sont assez proactif
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(Fr) - Posted 4 months ago
Chère Astrid Nous apprécions vos commentaires et comprenons vos préoccupations concernant la durée de la procédure de réclamation. En général, la durée moyenne de traitement d'une réclamation pour nos services est de 3 à 5 mois. Cependant, dans votre cas particulier, votre réclamation n'a été envoyée à la compagnie aérienne que le 22.07.2022. Veuillez noter que le montant de l'indemnisation, le remboursement du coût du billet (le cas échéant) et le remboursement des frais supplémentaires sont trois paiements différents. L'indemnisation de 250 EUR (conformément au règlement européen 261/2004) a été versée le 07.12.2023. Par conséquent, le délai de traitement standard est appliqué. Nous nous engageons à travailler avec diligence en votre nom pour résoudre votre réclamation le plus rapidement possible. Nous fournissons nos services selon la règle "No-Win-No-Fee" (pas de victoire, pas d'honoraires). Vous n'avez rien à payer à AirAdvisor. Lorsque nous percevons une compensation de la part de la compagnie aérienne, nous vous la transférons en déduisant notre commission. Notre commission de succès est de 30% de la somme collectée au stade du pré-procès ou de 50% des sommes collectées au tribunal ou par l'intermédiaire d'avocats externes. Vous pouvez également consulter les prix sur le lien suivant Si vous avez d'autres questions ou si vous souhaitez être tenu au courant de l'évolution de votre demande, n'hésitez pas à contacter notre équipe d'assistance à la clientèle. Nous sommes là pour vous aider tout au long du processus et nous assurer que vous avez une expérience positive avec Airadvisor. Merci d'avoir choisi Airadvisor. Je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l'expression de mes salutations distinguées, Service clientèle d'Airadvisor
Posted 4 months ago
Not obvious how to add two passangers (for instance family members) to one claim with one booking reference number. Also after submitting all documents "Suspended due to lack of documents" message appears with no details. No answer on chat nor email
Helpful Report
(Ua-ux) - Posted 4 months ago
Dear Liliya, We regret to hear about your concerns and want to address the issues you've raised. The airline accepts claims only individually created for every passenger (even for children). So according to our rules, we also ask every passenger to create a separate claim and upload all the personal documents there. You can freely do this at stage 5/12 of the claim-submitting process. I attached the picture for your attention. Unfortunately, I didn't see any message from you in chat or email. So I kindly ask you to check if you use our email correctly. If you have any further questions or need additional information, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team - We're committed to providing a transparent and efficient service to all our clients. Your feedback is invaluable as it helps us continually improve our services. Kind regards, AirAdvisor Team
Posted 4 months ago
Me solicitaron varios documentos ( gaste muchas horas en solicitarlos y organizarlos...) para que luego no sirvieran de casi nada , la indemnización que consiguieron fue absurdamente tan baja , que de haberlo sabido jamás hubiese invertido tiempo con Airdvisor , "estoy segura que hubiese conseguido mejores resultados si directamente hubiese reclamado a la aerolínea "( sin intermediación de airadvisor , que " dicen que estan luchando por tus intereses pero la realidad es otra ") , en resumen una pérdida absurda de tiempo y esfuerzo " para casi nada" , el personal no está especializado en casos de cancelación de vuelos. ( porque de ser así no me habrían hecho perder tiempo inutilmente).
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(Es) - Posted 4 months ago
Estimado Jesús del Carmen, Comprendemos tu frustración por el tiempo de espera y el esfuerzo invertido en tu reclamación. Nos gustaría proporcionarle algo de contexto con respecto al retraso en su caso. Tras examinar detenidamente su solicitud, hemos podido determinar que el vuelo EZS 1376 del 30 de junio de 2023 de Barcelona (BCN) a Ginebra (GVA) fue cancelado debido a una huelga del personal de seguridad en el aeropuerto de Ginebra. Esto provocó graves alteraciones en el tráfico aéreo. Las circunstancias arriba mencionadas, según el Reglamento Europeo 261/2004, entran en la categoría de Circunstancias Extraordinarias, por lo que lamentamos informarle de que no procede compensación alguna. Nuestra prioridad es ofrecer un servicio transparente y eficiente a todos nuestros clientes, y estamos a su disposición para cualquier duda o aclaración que pueda necesitar. Gracias por su comprensión. Un cordial saludo, Equipo AirAdvisor
Posted 4 months ago
Took way too long to process
Helpful Report
(En) - Posted 4 months ago
Dear Rosie, We appreciate your feedback and understand your concerns about the duration of your claim process. Generally, the average claim proceeding term for our services ranges from 3 to 5 months. However, in your specific case, your claim was only sent to the airline on 24.07.2022. The compensation was paid on 07.12.2023. Therefore, the standard processing time is applied. Our claim process is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly, allowing passengers to quickly assess their eligibility for compensation and receive result - payment. Our team is here to assist passengers in obtaining the compensation they rightfully deserve, and we take pride in our ability to achieve positive outcomes like the one in your case. Thank you for choosing AirAdvisor, and we aim to improve your experience in any way we can. Kind regards,​ AirAdvisor Team​
Posted 4 months ago
Am recuperat 140 euro
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(Ro) - Posted 5 months ago
Dragă Hriban Ștefan, Distanța de zbor a fost de: 1332,48 km. Aceste sume sunt exacte și sunt stabilite în Regulamentul (CE) nr. 261/2004 al Parlamentului European și al Consiliului din 11 februarie 2004. Suma depinde de distanța zborului dumneavoastră: 250 EUR pentru toate zborurile de 1500 de kilometri sau mai puțin; 400 EUR pentru toate zborurile intracomunitare de peste 1500 de kilometri și pentru toate celelalte zboruri între 1500 și 3500 de kilometri; 600 EUR pentru toate zborurile care nu intră sub incidența literelor (a) sau (b). Așadar, în cazul dumneavoastră, compensația este de 250 EUR per pasager. Ne oferim serviciile noastre în conformitate cu regula "Fără câștig și fără taxe". Nu trebuie să plătiți nimic către AirAdvisor. Atunci când colectăm compensația de la compania aeriană, o transferăm către dumneavoastră, scăzând comisionul nostru. Este important să rețineți că taxele noastre sunt transparente și pot fi găsite în lista noastră de prețuri la Procesul nostru de revendicare este conceput pentru a fi simplu și ușor de utilizat, permițând pasagerilor să își evalueze rapid eligibilitatea pentru despăgubiri și să primească rezultatul - plata. Acesta este într-adevăr un rezultat excelent și reflectă angajamentul nostru de a obține cele mai bune rezultate pentru clienții noștri. Vă mulțumim că ați ales AirAdvisor și ne propunem să vă îmbunătățim experiența în orice mod posibil. Vă salutăm cu drag. Echipa AirAdvisor
Posted 5 months ago
Pagina complicada y no soluciona nada
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(Es-ux) - Posted 5 months ago
Estimado Jaime Mario Fernández Gallart, Lamentamos escuchar sus preocupaciones y queremos abordar las cuestiones que ha planteado. Nuestro proceso de reclamación está diseñado para ser sencillo y fácil de usar, permitiendo a los pasajeros evaluar rápidamente su derecho a la indemnización y recibir el resultado - el pago. Entendemos que puede haber habido un malentendido y pedimos disculpas por cualquier confusión. Nuestro equipo está aquí para ayudar a los pasajeros a obtener la indemnización que legítimamente merecen, y estamos orgullosos de nuestra capacidad para lograr resultados positivos como el de su caso. Si tiene más preguntas o necesita más información, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestro equipo de atención al cliente: Nos comprometemos a ofrecer un servicio transparente y eficaz a todos nuestros clientes. Sus comentarios son muy valiosos, ya que nos ayudan a mejorar continuamente nuestros servicios. Un cordial saludo, Equipo AirAdvisor
Posted 5 months ago
Meh. 163 more than the airlines gave me.
Helpful Report
(En) - Posted 5 months ago
Dear Susan, We appreciate your feedback and want to clarify the situation. We understand your concern regarding fees and the court referral. Amount: Duration of Delay: 3 hours and 28 minutes. Reduce Compensation by 50% as per the European Regulations 261/2004. Fees: It's important to note that our fees are transparent and can be found in our price list at We take a commission on successful claims, and this information is accessible to all clients. Court Referral: If a claim is referred to court due to no response from the airline, the court may charge a commission and lawyers should be paid too. Therefore, the commission for court cases is 50%, not 30%. This is a standard procedure, and we do our best to assist in court cases to maximise compensation for our clients. Information about court fees are also included in the pricelist on our site - We are committed to helping our clients receive fair compensation for their claims. If you have any further questions or concerns, please reach out to our customer support team. We value your feedback, and your satisfaction is important to us. Thank you for choosing AirAdvisor, and we aim to improve your experience in any way we can. Kind regards,​ AirAdvisor Team​
Posted 5 months ago
Not receiving any updates. Who will handling issues and closes issues no evidence provided before closing.
Helpful Report
(En) - Posted 5 months ago
Dear Ganesh Laxminarayan Chiluka, We appreciate your feedback and understand your concerns about the duration of your claim process. Generally, the average claim proceeding term for our services ranges from 3 to 5 months. However, in your specific case, your claim was only sent to the airline on 10.04.2023. Your claim was referred to the court on 11.07.2023 due to a lack of response from the airline. This legal process is initiated to secure your compensation, but it can indeed take some time. The timeline for legal proceedings can vary depending on the specific case and the jurisdiction in which it is being handled. Then, on 22.11.2023 the payment was received and on 29.11.2023 it was successfully transferred to you. You can always see your case status and comments from your manager in your personal account on our website‍. Therefore, we thank you for your patience as the standard processing time still applies. Our priority is to provide a transparent and efficient service to all our clients, and we are here to address any further questions or clarifications you may need. Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, Airadvisor Customer Support
Posted 5 months ago
Several months having submitted my claim details I have received no feedback
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(En-ux) - Posted 5 months ago
Dear Michael Ivell, We appreciate your feedback and understand your concerns about the duration of your claim process. Generally, the average claim proceeding term for our services ranges from 3 to 6 months. However, in your specific case, your claim was only sent to the airline on 25.08.2023. Therefore, we kindly ask for your patience as the standard processing time still applies. We're committed to working diligently on your behalf to resolve your claim as quickly as possible. If you have any further questions or need updates on the progress of your claim, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We're here to assist you throughout the process and ensure you have a positive experience with Airadvisor. Thank you for choosing Airadvisor, and we look forward to successfully resolving your claim. Sincerely, Airadvisor Customer Support
Posted 5 months ago
Les frais, importants, sont notifiés seulement après la fin de la demande de réclamation. C'est nul. J'aimerais retirer ma demande.
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(Fr-ux) - Posted 5 months ago
Cher Vincent, Nous apprécions vos commentaires et souhaitons clarifier la situation. Nous comprenons votre inquiétude concernant les frais. Nous offrons une transparence totale, nous mettons notre liste de prix à disposition sur notre site web à l'adresse Cette page fournit des informations détaillées sur nos tarifs et est accessible gratuitement à tous les clients. Le client peut trouver des informations sur notre commission dans son profil de réclamation. De plus, nous incluons des détails sur le pourcentage de la commission et le montant final qu'il recevra dans les courriels que nous envoyons à nos clients. En outre, veuillez noter que la politique tarifaire d'AirAdvisor reste inchangée à partir de 2019 et est la plus basse de toutes les entreprises dans ce domaine. Nous visons à améliorer votre expérience de toutes les manières possibles. Nous vous prions d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l'expression de nos salutations distinguées. L'équipe Airadvisor
Posted 5 months ago
Por el dinero que se cobra y el tiempo que tardan en resolver un caso que la misma compañía que ha sido reclamada le resolvieron antes que vosotros, ha sido decepcionante.
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(Es) - Posted 5 months ago
Sehr mühsam und umständlich, daher schlecht benotet, sorry
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(De) - Posted 5 months ago
Lieber Katharinal, wir freuen uns über Ihr Feedback und möchten Ihnen gerne einige Informationen zu diesem Thema geben. Unsere Priorität ist es, allen unseren Kunden einen transparenten und effizienten Service zu bieten. Unser Ziel ist es, die Ansprüche unserer Kunden sorgfältig zu verfolgen und sicherzustellen, dass sie die ihnen zustehende Entschädigung erhalten. Unser Anspruchsverfahren ist einfach und benutzerfreundlich gestaltet, so dass die Passagiere schnell feststellen können, ob sie Anspruch auf Entschädigung haben und das Ergebnis - die Zahlung - erhalten. Wir bieten volle Transparenz und stellen unsere Preisliste auf unserer Website zur Verfügung. Diese Seite bietet detaillierte Informationen über unsere Preise und ist für alle Kunden kostenlos zugänglich. Der Kunde kann in seinem Anspruchsprofil Informationen über unsere Provision finden. Außerdem geben wir in den E-Mails, die wir an unsere Kunden senden, Einzelheiten über den Provisionsprozentsatz und den Endbetrag an, den er erhalten wird. Bitte beachten Sie außerdem, dass die Preispolitik von AirAdvisor auch 2019 unverändert bleibt und die niedrigsten Preise aller Unternehmen in diesem Bereich aufweist. Ihr Feedback ist von unschätzbarem Wert, da es uns hilft, unsere Dienstleistungen kontinuierlich zu verbessern. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, AirAdvisor-Team
Posted 5 months ago
AirAdvisor is rated 4.6 based on 14,576 reviews