Curology Reviews

4.3 Rating 1,353 Reviews
84 %
of reviewers recommend Curology
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Curology is great and simple. Their website is very easy to use and very informative. Their products are also effective and really helped change my skin. I would recommend it to anyone.
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Posted 2 years ago
Quick good!
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Posted 2 years ago
I usually don't leave reviews, but Curology has made me so frustrated and angry that I have to talk about my experience. Does it work? I have terrible hormonal acne, and I was a loyal customer for a year, so in terms of curbing my acne, it worked for me. However I spoke to my dermatologist recently and she said that she had multiple people come in and she had to REVERSE the damage that Curology did for them. I also showed her my so-called personalized formula and she shrugged and said, "Yeah, they give the same formula for everyone." She is so against them because they made a lot of her patients go on azaleic acid who could very potentially react negatively to it. Plus, the acne in my own skin started to rear back and I consulted Curology first, and all they did was give me a higher dosage of azaleic acid. My dermatologist told me that that formula was making my skin duller, and she then prescribed medication that would help control my acne and not leave me with dull skin. But the reason I'm writing this review comes later - AFTER I unsubscribed, they automatically charged me $45 for shipping and then sent out a notice that my shipment was coming. I of course told customer service about it, and they only said it was too late and I couldn't be reimbursed. Then they put the blame on ME that I didn't turn on notifications (shouldn't this be automatic, considering it's a subscription service?) and confirmed that I had, in fact, unsubscribed. I'm just very angry and frustrated that I was with them for a year, and now that I unsubscribed BEFORE they shipped my order and charged me, that they're refusing to honor that. Do not subscribe. Go to your dermatologist. It'll save you a lot of grief.
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Posted 2 years ago
I’ve been using Curology since October of 2021. My skin has done a 360 and I love the products. As for customer service, it makes it very hard to have to decide if it is worth dealing with or not. There is no phone number to speak to anyone and you can only communicate with the company via text or email. I have been going back and forth in texts and emails since June 1st. I tried canceling an order the same day it was supposed to send. I had forgotten it was scheduled and did not have the $70 at the time to pay it. After an email asking for all of my information so they could cancel it, they emailed me 5 days later to tell me they were unable to cancel because it was already processed and sent. Of course it was after 5 days. Whatever, what could I do at that point. The box was supposed to be here by the 8th and a few days after it didn’t show, I contacted them again. I was told my order was lost and they’d send another one. It is now the 17th and I’m $70 short and have received nothing. Disappointed and upset are understatements honestly. Add in the fact that you can’t talk to anyone over the phone. Upsetting.
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Posted 2 years ago
Curology changed my life in the best way!
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Posted 2 years ago
I was really skeptical at first, but I decided to just fill out the skin assessment. In the end, it looked legit, so I decided to go ahead and try it. Best decision I have ever made for my skin. I’m currently eighteen, and my skin hasn’t been this clear since I was eleven. It’s only $5 to get the first month sample, and I have spent so much on trying to get my skin clear. After the free trial, they give you the option to sign up for one or two month shipments. I only get the cleanser and moisturizer set, the personalized cream, and the spot patches, and it’s about $60 for two months, which is not bad AT ALL, especially compared to products like ProActive, which didn’t even work for me. It will take about a month or two to see fully clear skin, and they tell you that plainly on the website. Still, I was seeing smoother skin after only about a week. Their shipping always arrives way earlier than expected, and sometimes they include free samples and other little goodies in the boxes. I’ve seen some confusion in other reviews, thinking that they were paying for two months and only getting one box, but when you pay for the two months, you get bigger bottles. And I almost always still have some left when the next shipment comes. You can also easily go onto the website and change the date of your shipment or cancel if you need to. You can also choose which type of moisture is best for you. I choose the lighter one because me skin is oily, but you can get more intense moisturizers. This is my sixth month on curology, I believe, and my skin looks so much better. This product is not going to stop every breakout, I still get a few pimples, which is why I order the spot patches. As far as reactions go, the only thing I have noticed is that one time the spot patches left a red circle on my face for a while, but that was actually my fault. It tells you to apply them before your custom acne cream and moisturizer, and I forgot, so that was user error. In my opinion, if you’re thinking of trying Curology, then go ahead with the free month and then decide if you want to continue based on how it’s doing for you specially. It’s definitely worth the $5 to cover shipping, and I will never use another acne product.
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Posted 2 years ago
I was really excited to try Curology after hearing multiple good things from friends and Co-workers. I was initially very happy with the product and the service. The provider that developed my topical treatment was well-informed and receptive to my concerns regarding my skin. She communicated quickly and effectively as well. However, I've had multiple problems with the business side of Curology. At first the website kept saying my address was invalid so I tried to fix it, it would say it was fixed and then 30 min later it would send me a message again saying that my address was invalid. This went on for days. Finally I reached out to their support team who guaranteed me that they had resolved the issue and my shipment would arrive shortly. After 3-4 days I still hadn't received any confirmation email, and had nothing in the mail. At this point my skin had been without the topical treatment for like 2 wks and I'm breaking out. I reached out again to the support team and inquired why I hadn't received anything to which they said accidentally put the wrong city despite me sending them my full address. They have since fixed this and I've received my shipment however now the pump of the container does not work. Normally, I hate leaving reviews however I'm hangry and broke and would really like to get the product I'm dishing out money for.
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Posted 2 years ago
Curology is a sponsored scam that damages your skin. The price: The free trial will renew at full price with 0 notifications of any kind. They market it is a genuine free trial, and hide the auto renewal in terms and conditions. As a subscription that renews monthly with 0 notifications of payment, and is difficult to change or cancel, it is a money grab. I was charged $80 with no opportunity for a refund even when I offered to return the box unopened. $80 is a lot for the tiny amount of product while there is affordable good skin care on the market. The skincare: The products literally gave me a RASH around my nose and eyes that has still not completely gone away months later. I tried the products in January and developed red bumps around my nose and on my eyelids, and the skin in that area got very dry. My skin isn't as dry since stopping the products, but I still have red bumps that have not gone away. The "custom" formula doesn't seem custom and is very intense. The makeup remover doesn't work, I think it's literally water. The face wash and moisturizer are fine, but you need to use a lot of moisturizer because its very lightweight, and all the bottles are small. They are small so you have to keep paying for the subscription. The skincare team: I don't like to criticize employees but they were just not helpful at all. Curology markets their team as a 24/7 professional and knowledgable team of experts. They took days to respond to every message. When I sent photos of the rash developing on my face and asked what to do or if my formula should be changed, I was told to use more moisturizer. The expert sent me copy and pasted instructions to use lotion, didn't change my formula, and didn't check if my skin ever got better. The team is probably assigned too many people at once to actually address anyone's problems because it is just a money grab. Responses to my emails were dismissive and they just didn't care. Curology uses a lot of sponsorships and ads to promote their product to young people, and in reality you are paying for overpriced products that could make things worse and a team of people that wont respond to you.
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Posted 2 years ago
When quarantine hit, my acne started breaking out so bad. my cheeks were covered in pimples and i was so insecure. i decided to try the free trial and i immediately started seeing results. within a week or two, my pimples were already less inflamed. it’s been a bit over 6 months now and i am proud to say i barely have any acne left. my skin is glowing and i feel a lot more confident
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Posted 2 years ago
Scam. I have had nothing but issues with curology for years now. first in 2020, now in 2022. more likely than not this is a scam service! i genuinely wanted to give them another shot but the customer service is so rude and frustrating to talk with. They were talking to me like i was stupid, and I gradually got more and more frustrated. Chatted with them for quite a while and they solved none of my issues. They literally just told me they don’t think Curology is for me. Not kidding. They also take forever to reply. I was so frustrated I literally started tearing up. not worth the price at all.
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Posted 2 years ago
Scam. The product didn't work forme. I didn't approve the second charge. They still shipped the product and refusing to accept it back. And refusing to refund
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Posted 2 years ago
A heartless, insensitive and all-about-money company. I was a long time subscriber of curology since 2018 until very recently when I was having a hard time paying my bills due to losing my job. I pushed my shipping date the night before it’s due because I couldn’t pay it but curology still shipped it and charged my card. I sent them an email pleading to take it back because of the scarcity of my situation. Their costumer representative replied with a cold “we can’t do that because it’s already on the way.” without giving second thought of the impact it has to me on that day. I did not have food in my belly the next coming day because the only money I had went to my baby’s formula. I would have thought that seeing I am one of their loyal costumer that they would at least consider and show some kindness. But no. Curology chose money over compassion. Anyway, I unsubscribed and I now found a new prescription skin care site that works just as good if not better.
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Posted 2 years ago
I like this brand so far, I just wish there facewash and moisturizer was larger because I always run out too soon.
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Posted 2 years ago
This stuff made my face way worse than it was - breakouts and redness. I reached out to the support team and the “doctor” said it was just an adjustment to the product. Finally with only worse results, I quit using it and my skin improved. I met with my dermatologist and she said I had rosacea so I think the product was just really irritating for my skin. Of course, this was after they had just shipped another supply so I paid for 2 orders only to throw one in the trash and have worse skin. I’ll stick to the personalized support of my dermatologist from now on!
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Posted 2 years ago
I tried the free sample. I have nothing good to say about this product. I applied because my chest and shoulders occasionally break out and they sent me a face lotion. Worked for about 3 days then it gave me the worst break out of my entire life. My skin has never looked this bad. My face which never breaks out is COVERED in acne. My chest and shoulders? 10x worse than before. I’m getting acne places I didn’t even have it before. It might work for other people but Curology did me DIRTY.
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Posted 2 years ago
Curology completely transformed my confidence in my skin (and my confidence in general). I recommend it to every person I can. I used to have ugly red patches on my face, specifically my chin, and tiny angry red breakouts that made constellations across my forehead. It made me want to duck and hide anytime someone brought out a camera. Now, my skin is FLAWLESS. The only thing I wear on my face is sunscreen and concealer for my tired eyes. Be warned though, when you start the Curology journey, it will most likely get worse before it gets better. For me, it made my skin go through some kind of purging period with big painful breakouts that lasted a good few weeks (maybe months) before slowly starting to disappear. You may be tempted to quit, but DON'T! It is sooooo worth it in the end. Now, I literally have people stopping me on the street because they want to tell me how much they love my skin. I definitely cried the first few times that happened :) just thinking about how far I've come. All I can say is, thank you Curology!
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Posted 2 years ago
I’ve always struggled with acne and I was hesitant to try curology but I see a difference I have been using it for 3 months now and everyone can tell a difference on my face!!
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Posted 2 years ago
the delivery is quite fast and safe
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Posted 2 years ago
I signed up for Curology over 2 months ago. I have yet to receive the sample kit of my "prescribed " treatment products. They changed my skin care specialist twice without giving me a reason This company is either a SCAM or just a total RIP-off.
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Posted 2 years ago
$80 worth of unwanted product was charged to my card after attempting to cancel my subscription. Do not use curology, they have terrible customer service. If I could leave 0 stars I would.
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Posted 2 years ago
Curology is rated 4.3 based on 1,353 reviews