Macros Inc Reviews

4.9 Rating 873 Reviews
97 %
of reviewers recommend Macros Inc
Macros Inc 5 star review on 30th May 2024
Heather R
Macros Inc 5 star review on 30th May 2024
Catie S
Macros Inc 5 star review on 28th May 2024
Wendy D
Macros Inc 5 star review on 24th May 2024
Elysia T
Macros Inc 5 star review on 23rd May 2024
Rhea S
Macros Inc 5 star review on 22nd May 2024
Carla G
Macros Inc 5 star review on 22nd May 2024
Carla G
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
My coach has been absolutely amazing! He has been insightful, motivating, kind, inspiring, and has given me so much knowledge. I am absolutely loving the process!
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Posted 2 months ago
The experience has been excellent. I did one round of coaching 2 years ago. My goal was to lose fat, and I did. I stopped coaching when I hit maintenance. Life happened, and I gained a portion of that weight back. I used the tools I learned in coaching to lose it again, and then rejoined MI to learn how to maintain and work on my mindset. I wanted to learn to be more balanced in my mindset and nutrition. I got TJ as a coach and he is AMAZING. I did a couple months of maintenance/mindset work, and learned SO much. I then decided to work on a further deficit. I have probably 5+ pounds to lose now, and it is slow. And I have a complicated life (again), but with TJs help I continue to progress, both mentally and physically. I have done the Complete Coaching (it is so helpful to have a coach dialed in to BOTH nutrition and fitness, and I have had a couple of injuries and TJ's coaching has helped me continue to work out despite those injuries). I am excited to keep working with TJ and see where I land! P.S. You CAN lose weight after menopause :)
Macros Inc 5 star review on 10th March 2024
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Posted 2 months ago
I have completed 2 rounds of coaching. The first time i signed up i was very active biking/hiking 4 or 5 days a week. But i was a testament that you cant out exercise a bad diet. My first round of coaching I learned so much about staying within calories and getting enough protein. I learned how to track my macros and make good snack choices. I had great success. I decided to go on my own after my 3 months was up feeling confident. And i did pretty well. But I struggled staying in maintenance. I didnt gain it all back, but I was inching my way back up. About a year later with my wedding coming up right after Christmas, a honeymoon, and a big biking event on the horizon I knew I needed some help to get back to a weight where I felt good about me. So I signed up for another round. The best decision I could have made. With my coach Sue's guidance I had gotten down to my goal weight range after a month. My caoch suggested i stop tracking so I could get used to doing maintenace. I learned how to size portions, listen to hunger cues, and to build my meals around protein. I was able to lose a couple of pounds during this time. But more importantly I was noticing how fueling my body with good foods was helping with my bike training. Im feeling so much stronger and confident leading into this cycling season. Im so grateful to Sue for supporting me during the valleys and cheering me on in the peeks of this journey. I love this lifestyle of eating well and being active. For anyone out there on the fence of signing up for a coach...DO IT!! Itnis totally worth it!
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Posted 2 months ago
Coach TJ has exceeded my expectations in nutritional fitness coaching! I wasn’t the easiest person to coach. I’m going through some health challenges and Coach TJ tailored the program to my needs. He checked in with me more than expected. I felt tremendously supported. His passion for his coaching shines through in extra messages.
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Posted 2 months ago
Honestly, I came into this not knowing how it was going to go. I didn’t know if I’d be able to stick to it or not and I was afraid of failing. I struggled a lot with the scale and really afraid of falling off “plan”. Ever since being with my coach, it’s been amazing. I love being able to message him when I’m struggling and he really helps me get back into the right headspace. I’ve come a long way with my relationship with food and trying to balance life and all of the things that come with it. I’m really learning to rely on the scale for data only and not let it dictate my progress. I’ve also come a long way in my exercises. Having the set plan really helps me stick to it. I know exactly what to do each time and I’m getting stronger in my lifts. I’m so very happy with my progress so far, on the scale and just within my body and mental health even. I have a long ways to go, but I’m so very proud of where I’m at and I’m so grateful for macros inc and my coach 🫶🏻 I can’t wait to see where the rest of this year takes me
Macros Inc 5 star review on 9th March 2024
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Posted 2 months ago
My coaching experience w macros inc has been amazing. Andrew has been supportive and patient with me throughout this journey. I have struggled with my weight and confidence my entire life. With a husband, three kids, a dog and a full time, high stress job, I’ve always put myself on the back burner and plowed through life, kids activities, and events. I’ve joined other weight loss programs countless times always ending up back where I started. When I joined Macros Inc, I decided it was time to make life long changes for both me and my family. Since starting coaching, I’ve been more active than I ever have in my life and I have a much healthier and more positive relationship with food. I’ve learned how to fuel my body and listen to hunger cues. Andrew has given me tools to manage emotional eating and social gatherings. I now have confidence I never had before, stronger both physically and mentally, and can go to events and navigate food situations without feeling like I’m failing. Overall I’ve lost over 50 pounds, 35 of those since starting with Macros inc coaching. I still have more to go to reach my goal but i couldn’t be happier with my progress thus far! Putting in the work for myself has been one of the best life decisions I’ve made! No matter how busy life is there is always time for making your health a priority!
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Posted 2 months ago
Signed up for a coach December 2023 for three months and as of today (March 2nd(loss 22.8 pounds. Kristen helped me in a way that I didn’t think was possible. I thought my age was the reason I couldn’t lose weight but it was my nutrition!
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Posted 3 months ago
I started out with Macro Inc. at the beginning of this year(2024). I needed a major change so I went for the three month subscription with a coach. They paired me up with an amazing lady, coach Tessa. Through Tessa, I truly am blessed. I have been helped in so many ways. She help with the app, getting my knee back on track, emotional support, and so,so much more. I have lost over 4 inches in the waist, twenty pounds, and strengthing,flexibility of my knee. I can't say enough about Tessa, she gives a solution for every problem that comes up. Because of this great lady, I'm excited to continue this journey with her. I signed for another year.
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Posted 3 months ago
On November 26, 2023, I'd had enough of my ineffective routine and trying on 4 different outfits each morning - only to end up in the ONLY pants that fit, and another baggy shirt to cover my stomach. It was then I chose to sign up for a fitness and nutrition coach. I can't say enough good things about Coach Catharine Adams! In three months, she helped me lose 21.8 pounds and over 20.5 inches with her effective I realize now that my collaboration with Catharine has been instrumental in shaping my journey towards better health. Her guidance and support have provided me the necessary tools to continue making progress. I am not finished yet - my goal is to lose another 10, maybe 15 pounds - but now I know what needs to be done and exactly how to do it because of Catharine.
Macros Inc 5 star review on 2nd March 2024
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Posted 3 months ago
I was a little hesitant to start as it just felt so overwhelming at first. The first 3 months I was not super committed, but just dabbled in getting to know the macros app and working on my step goal. I also started right before the holidays. January 2023 I was all in and my journey really took off. While I did have a slow start, once I fully committed, my body really responded to tracking my macros. I didn’t change any of my activity really as I’ve always focused on strength and NEAT even before my macros journey. Coach Dani has been a wonderful fit for me as she is laid back and understands the importance of balancing the act of living life but also reaching your health goals. She is so patient and supportive and really just a positive cheerleader! It is so incredible how together we have gotten to a point where I feel totally in control of what I put in my body whether I’m tracking or not. I can so easily go on a vacation now and fully enjoy myself, but also come back and seamlessly get back on track. It is so liberating to know that I can enjoy my life and not sabotage my health goals and coach Dani has been such a wonderful enforcer of this.
Macros Inc 5 star review on 2nd March 2024
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Posted 3 months ago
Nick has been incredibly helpful and inspirational. He shares his own stories and challenges to help guide me towards my own accomplishments. I have been able to lose down to my goal weigh! Even though I’m in menopause and on anti-cancer medication that my dr said would make it impossible to lose the weight gained from cancer treatment. But working with Nick and the macros Inc app… I did the impossible! I would advise anyone on the fence on whether to get coaching or not… I would say it will cost you more in the long run NOT opting for a coach as wonderful as Nick!
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Posted 3 months ago
My coaching experience was amazing. I’ve been in the fitness world for years and the things I learned from Coach Braden will be with me for the rest of my life! He is patient, informative, professional, and incredibly supportive.
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Posted 3 months ago
Everything I never knew I needed! She is my cheerleader, but keeps it real. Doesn't allow me to make excuses, but also encourages me to give myself grace. Perfect is not realistic. So grateful to have a new perspective!
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Posted 3 months ago
Steven was great. Working with my him has been transformative. His insightful guidance and unwavering support empowered me to overcome challenges, set clear goals, and achieve success. His expertise and encouragement have been invaluable on my journey. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking positive change and impactful coaching.
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Posted 3 months ago
I decided to get a coach as I knew I needed help with my nutritional plan for weight loss. Working out is never a problem for me as I genuinely love it, but getting my diet right felt complicated and overwhelming. Having a coach would allow me to lean on an expert for support, guidance, education and encouragement to achieve my weight loss goals. I was ready to get off the hamster wheel of short term success but long term failure. Catharine has helped me leave behind negative thoughts about food and reeducate and help move myself into a positive association with food and my body. I cannot thank her enough for her patience, guidance and unwavering support. No question is left unanswered and she’s always celebrating my wins and helping with any struggles.
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Posted 3 months ago
I am extremely pleased with my coaching experience. My coach is very encouraging, especially when he notices that I'm discouraged.
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Posted 3 months ago
I had a Very good experience with my coach .
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Posted 3 months ago
Excellent coaching!
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Posted 3 months ago
Stefani is a great match for me! I feel she cares and looks out for my health...
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Posted 3 months ago
She’s the best. So patient and willing to help you
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Posted 3 months ago
Macros Inc is rated 4.9 based on 873 reviews