Martin Seidel
rivacy HubOpens in a new window Conversation with Gemini profile picture Hey gemini schreibe mir eine Bewertung mit dem Inhalt : airadvisor hat mir in einer festgefahren Situation mit einer airline geholfen, die airline hatte jede Schuld von sich gewiesen und wollte keine Kompensation zahlen. Airadvisor hat den Fall für mich übernommen und die airline dazu bewegt doch zu zahlen. Alles bitte in englisch, danke. Show drafts Klar, hier ist ein AirAdvisor-Überprüfungsentwurf für Sie: I recently had a terrible experience with an airline. My flight was cancelled and the airline refused to compensate me. I was in a very difficult situation, I didn't know what to do. Then I found AirAdvisor. I contacted them and they immediately took over my case. They were very professional and helpful. They dealt with the airline on my behalf and they were able to get me the compensation that I was owed. I am very grateful to AirAdvisor for their help. I would definitely recommend them to anyone who has had a problem with an airline.
5 months ago
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