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Tom Parker
I tried to give them a zero but it only goes as low as 1 star. To be frank, I’m appalled by this ‘firm’ of wet towels. The attitude switch once they have your money is unprecedented. They’re the online justice turncoats in my opinion. Their “email address” doesn’t work and they don’t ring back or answer calls. People's behaviour's can change for various reasons, and power dynamics can sometimes bring out different aspects of a person's character. When someone promises something and later changes their behavior once they have gained control or advantage, it might be due to a shift in priorities, motivations, or even a lack of integrity. Power can sometimes amplify traits like selfishness or opportunism. It's essential to be cautious when dealing with such situations and to communicate openly to address any discrepancies between promises and actions. Absolutely stay away they’re a vile bunch of individuals. They’re completely spineless men. I am currently planning a trip to their office I want to make a day out of it so it’s something special for me to remember.
1 year ago
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