Boycotting Lidl until there's Vast improvement
Lidl management practices really are a sad let down nowadays. Where are the checkout staff? There's Never any checkouts manned, even when queues are in 2 aisles and halfway to the back of the store. The overused and Lame excuse of having insufficient staff has run its course, Store managers that cannot employ the required number of staff need to be retrained or removed, There is No excuse nowadays for this level of poor management. Shoppers are Forced to queue for the awful card only self checkouts manned by the usual unhelpful bored employee, Who takes forever to sort out the holdup. Its about time this was rectified and staff manned the checkouts. I like many dont go shopping to end up as a part time employee on these machines. There are many Lidl stores across Devon that fail in this respect nowadays, With Paignton town centre being one of the worst. Sort your store Management out Lidl UK, Your quality and commitment to shoppers is woefully lacking of late.
1 year ago
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