Agency Reviews

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I received this product complimentary for free in order to test the product. I really liked using Agency because it was clear what you needed to do and you felt prepared when skincare is otherwise quite intimidating. I would recommend this to someone who wants to work on their skincare but needs more support. You have access to a doctor and fill out surveys to see if it still works well. I also enjoyed the before and after photos you upload to your account so you can track progress.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I received three months of Agency products (the Future Formula for two months, and the Dark Spot Remover for one). The intake survey is easy to follow and your assigned provider checks in after each month to determine whether or not to raise/change certain chemical levels. I liked the concept a lot, and it’s very user friendly, but the products wreaked havoc on my face. Granted, I have VERY sensitive skin (rosacea and acne) so I think it was just too harsh for me, as an individual. Overall, I don’t think it helped me much. It just irritated my skin but it’s worth trying for a month or so, just to see what happens.
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Posted 2 years ago
Wow! I received this free to test and am so happy. I LOVED the special attention I received after I filled out the questionnaire because the specialist assigned to me wanted to be clear what my goals were. My first shipment was incredible and worked exactly as promised. For the second shipment I had the choice to keep the formula the same or increase the potency. I chose to increase- huge mistake. It dried ny skin & made my face peel. I would heal then tey again only to lose the whole top layer of skin. I should have kept thw original potency. I know that if i continue on with the subscription, i will revert back to the previous perfect formula. I loved this service and how it was made just for my specific needs.
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Posted 2 years ago
I'm sorry, I went through the 1st month & then the 2nd month of the formulas. My skin has been extra dry & sensitive. After I quit using this with rebuilding my skin barrier products after a month my skin is already looking better. These products did not work for me.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
A truly customized skin plan. I received this free for product testing and my honest review. You get to work one on one with a doctor. The shipping is fast and easy. I started with red spots all over my face from acne scars. My pores were clogged as well. I started to notice a difference using this product. My skin was even, smooth, smaller pores and all the acne/scarring was gone. It did dry my face out at first but I have a great moisturizer I used with it.
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Posted 2 years ago
I received this product free for testing purposes. I really love the Truth serum. It dried my face out at first and made it itchy, but I have a good quality moisturizer and it balanced out. I loved the process of Agency. It was super easy and painless. I like that they have a real nurse to answer all your questions. Delivery was quick and it’s a little more than I would usually pay for skincare but you definitely get what you pay for 😊 I feel like this even helped with my breakouts!
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
After using both dark spot formula and future formula, my skin feels good. I can't tell too much of a difference but maybe my dark spots have lightened. No negative effects to my skin. No breakouts.
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Posted 2 years ago
I received 3 month supply of this product complimentary for testing purposes. The registration was pretty simple and straight forward. The customer service is also really prompt and I had no issues with my only issue was after using these products I was breaking out like crazy which is very unusual for me. I was told that was normal and it will get better from using the products consistently but after 2-3 months of using it I wasn’t seeing any results so I stopped. Now having someone always checking in on you was really nice. The doctor I spoke to answered all my questions so I really liked that. But for some reason I was breaking out and that is not usual for me so I decided to stop.
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Posted 2 years ago
A truly customizable skin care plan. I love that it was based on my skin care concerns, and I had someone who was able to see photos of my skin and recommend a plan. And the follow up with me to make sure everything is working well. Always having someone to answer my questions is wonderful. The only con I have is the bottles the formula comes in is terrible. The first month trial they both broke within the first week. The second month full size was better, but still had to pump it a few times to get product. But overall a wonderful subscription that I plan on keeping.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I received a two month supply of this product complimentary for testing purposes. The initial process of signing up for the product and receiving a consultation was super easy. My overall skin care issues are rosacea (redness and texture) and dark spots due to acne. Overall, I really like this product (both the Future formula and dark spot corrector). My skin is super sensitive but this product didn't flare up my rosacea - quite the opposite it actually made my face feel smoother, hydrated, and less redness/texture (I stopped using my oral and topical medication during the product testing time). I will say to be sure to listen to all the directions provided, I had a minor incident where I experienced a mild skin burn after using a facial waxing strip (directions do say to avoid waxing). I did really like this product but the price was quite too high to continue their monthly subscription (base package is about $110) and the packaging of the skincare items were not ideal (I used the recommended amount and it did not last for the full month it claims to be for).
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I received a free 3 month trial from influencer from the Agency. They connect you to one of their own dermatology providers and their custom prescription formulas (that’s the key!) can help you achieve your skin goals”“so whether it’s fine lines, dark spots, or uneven skin tone, they are able to help you take steps towards your future better skin. I didn't really get to use the product because of how sensitive my skin is. But I'm sure I would have loved it.
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Posted 2 years ago
i recieved their complimentary 3 months products for testing.. they have a consultation on your First time and they keep on taking monthly feedbacks to enhance the composition of the skincare products according to your skin needs.which is i think is amazing.. @agencyskincare @lnfluenster #agencyskincare #complimentary
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Using the Future Formula from Agency Skincare, which I received complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster, was a great lesson for me of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” I received two bottles of Future Formula to use over a three-month period. This was a prescription product due to its tretinoin content and I submitted photos and info regarding my skin to a certified nurse practitioner (NP-C) to formulate my custom formula. The other ingredients in my formula are azelaic acid, niacinamide, and tranexamic acid. My skin is combination with some redness and occasional acne, but nothing major. I certainly don’t have concerns with fine lines or wrinkles at this stage. I have used The Ordinary’s azelaic acid in the past with no issue. The usual cost of Agency’s Future Formula is $60 (tax and shipping + handling may be charged additionally) and it is sent on a subscription basis. You can chat with your NP-C through your account anytime, and update your formula and shipment as well. You can also add photos to your account to track your skin’s progress. One of the main considerations when beginning a tretinoin-containing product is to discontinue other skincare products containing actives like AHA/BHAs that may irritate your skin further. I simplified my routine the week before I received my first bottle in anticipation. Upon receiving my first bottle, I used it as directed: 1-2 pumps a few times per week on bare skin approximately 20 minutes after cleansing. I could either put it directly on bare skin, or mix it with my moisturizer. A few days in, my face began to feel dry. This dryness worsened into tingling/sensitivity and peeling all over my face, even up into my hairline. I also had very small breakouts on my cheeks. It was disparaging and embarrassing trying to fix the flakiness and peeling, especially because it went up into my hairline and I have dark hair. I consulted with my NP-C on how to continue using my Future Formula. She advised to wait longer before applying, reduce the number of nights per week I applied it, and to definitely mix with it moisturizer. I began slowly trying to use my Future Formula again, and in the meantime received my second (larger) bottle only three weeks after the first—even two months later, I haven’t even touched the new bottle. I continue having extreme peeling within a day of attempting to reincorporate Future Formula into my routine and the tingling/sensitivity continues to be present as well, even when I use it as infrequently as once a week. I’m not even going to attempt using the second bottle and I’m very happy I didn’t have to pay for it. I’m also happy that I was able to cancel the shipment of the third bottle that was automatically queued for me—that one would have cost me full price! I didn’t notice any significant improvement while using Future Formula, and in fact, I think my skin looks worse now. I’ve gone back to using my normal products and I am getting my skin back under control. The peeling up around my hairline has only recently gone away and I don’t avoid wearing my dark-colored tops anymore. Overall I can’t recommend this product or subscription service because I had such negative results—it’s probably a great product for those who have more severe acne and/or less sensitive skin than I do, but I’m not sacrificing my skin and wallet just because it’s a product with my name on it. While it may be convenient to have products sent on a schedule, the timing should be tailored to my actual needs/use rather than on a set schedule. Be cautious if starting a tretinoin product; these are known side effects and for me it wasn’t worth it to continue use for some potential improvement months down the line.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I received this product complimentary for testing purposes and I’m so happy that I did because I had no idea that this great service exists! I have been using Agency for over 3 months now and I’m very happy with my results. It’s so easy! The entire process is simple and quick to get started and you never have to leave the house! The products work well and it’s nice to be able to use the app to talk to someone if you have any questions. Everyone was very helpful. The price seems a little high but if you think about the cost of visiting a doctor and then buying the products you will be saving money. I would definitely recommend trying it.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I received a free 3 month subscription to test out a specific-to-my-skin product from Agency through Influenster in exchange for my honest review. Matter a fact they sent sent another month supply because one of my supply bottles was not functioning correctly so I contacted them and they got me out my ASAP and they follow response was fast as well. I was so hoping this product worked for me as an African American but it didn’t at all if it did I would of definitely purchase the prices are great and reasonable. I’ve also seen other reviews that states the same for my race as well. Again customer service was great the products just was not for my skin type.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
The service at Agency was second to none!! They were informative, caring, and listened to my concerns. They offered suggestions where needed. It was awesome! The formulas arrived in a timely manner, custom to me, and ready to go. Ive noticed that all of my fine lines (eyes, mouth) have completely disappeared. And my forehead lines, while not gone, have been significantly reduced. I received 2 mos of free product in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
This has been such an amazing experience. 1) I have been toying with the idea about adding a retinol routine with my skincare since I am slowly approaching my mid 30’s. 2) agency did all the guess work for me with stellar results.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Had no issues with anything. Everything was great. Got notices about delivery and everything. Great customer service and fast shipping.
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Posted 2 years ago
This was a blessing. My skin hasn’t been this good since before I had acne.
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Posted 2 years ago
I love this product, it does an amazing job, from shrinking pores to clearing sun/dark spots, my husband was very depressed that he had soany dark spots and I shared the formula I got with him and OMG we're so amazed we're planning on continuing the treatments!
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Agency is rated 3.1 based on 308 reviews