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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
A ce jour , 3 mois et demi après la demande Je n'ai pas obtenu le remboursement
Helpful Report
(Fr-ux) - Posted 8 months ago
Chère Sandie Nous apprécions vos commentaires et comprenons vos préoccupations concernant la durée de la procédure de demande d'indemnisation. En général, la durée moyenne de traitement d'une réclamation pour nos services est de 3 à 6 mois. Cependant, dans votre cas particulier, votre réclamation n'a été envoyée à la compagnie aérienne que le 20.07.2023. Par conséquent, nous vous demandons de faire preuve de patience, car le délai de traitement standard s'applique toujours. Nous nous engageons à travailler avec diligence en votre nom pour résoudre votre réclamation le plus rapidement possible. Si vous avez d'autres questions ou si vous souhaitez être tenu au courant de l'évolution de votre demande, n'hésitez pas à contacter notre équipe d'assistance à la clientèle. Nous sommes là pour vous aider tout au long du processus et nous assurer que vous avez une expérience positive avec Airadvisor. Nous vous remercions d'avoir choisi Airadvisor et nous sommes impatients de résoudre votre réclamation avec succès. Nous vous prions d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l'expression de nos salutations distinguées, Service clientèle d'Airadvisor
Posted 8 months ago
Nu funcționează ok
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(Ro-ux) - Posted 8 months ago
Useless company, decided not to use them and they will not stop spamming me with emails daily. Unable to remove my information from their website.
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(En-ux) - Posted 9 months ago
Dear Client, We apologise for any inconvenience you have experienced, and we take your concerns seriously. However, after a thorough review of our records, we couldn't find any request from you to cancel your claim, to delete your data or something like that. There might be a misunderstanding or a mix-up, I guess. We understand the importance of data privacy, and we respect your wish to have your information removed. To assist you, we kindly request you to contact our customer service or manager with your request to close your claim or delete your data. We are committed to addressing your concerns promptly. Regarding the unwanted emails, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've faced. Our team is working to resolve this issue and ensure that you no longer receive daily emails from us. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we are dedicated to improving your experience. Please reach out to us so we can address your concerns directly and provide the assistance you require. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and we look forward to resolving the matter to your satisfaction.
Posted 9 months ago
Solicitarea a fost inchisa inainte de a atasa toate documentele
Helpful Report
(Ro-ux) - Posted 9 months ago
Dear Ioana Badulescu Vlad, Our managers always check the claim`s details first when receiving the claim. We only need some of the information from the client to estimate if this claim is eligible for compensation/or not. As for your claim, it was checked by your manager, considering the flight details noted by you in the claim. Then, the claim was submitted to the airline and the airline informed us at once after submission that you have already submitted claim with another legal entity (or directly by yourself). In such cases, most airlines do not accept claims anymore when the claim was already registered in their system for the same passenger and the same flight details. Therefore, we have no right to proceed with your claim further and should close your claim.
Posted 9 months ago
During 1 complète year i was waiting for m’y paument
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(En) - Posted 9 months ago
Dear Manal Sriri, You have 2 claims in Airadvisor`s system. For both of them, the compensation was already paid to you. Sorry for the delay of payment for your claim #9559. We always do our best to get payment quickly for our clients. However, unfortunately, not all things belong to us. In 90%, airlines delay payments and then claim proceeding delays too. As both claims were successful in the final, we hope you will choose Airadvisor for your further claims proceedings. We will be happy to help you again. Airadvisor is always with you! Kind regards, Airadvisor Team.
Posted 9 months ago
Far too complicated online form.
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(En-ux) - Posted 9 months ago
Troppo insistente scam
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(Ro-ux) - Posted 9 months ago
No hubo solución a mi caso
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(Es-ux) - Posted 9 months ago
I am highly dissatisfied with AirAdvisor's services. I engaged their services with the expectation of receiving compensation for both the flight fares and additional fees under EU legislation. However, they have failed to properly address my concerns and have only managed to secure reimbursement for the flight fares. This falls far short of the comprehensive assistance I had anticipated when using their services. Je suis extrêmement insatisfait des services d'AirAdvisor. J'ai fait appel à leurs services en espérant obtenir une indemnisation conformément à la législation de l'UE, couvrant à la fois les tarifs de vol et les frais supplémentaires. Cependant, ils n'ont pas réussi à prendre en charge correctement mes préoccupations et n'ont réussi qu'à obtenir le remboursement des tarifs de vol. Cela est bien en deçà de l'assistance complète que j'avais anticipée en utilisant leurs services.
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(Fr) - Posted 9 months ago
Dear Anthony Tchetchenigbo, There are extraordinary circumstances which are out of airlines' control. According to Regulation EC 261, airlines shall not pay compensation in case of disruptions happen out of their control. This had happened precisely in your case. No compensation is due. However, we were able to achieve the compensation of extra costs for you. Should note, that regarding the provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 as of 11 February 2014 Article 9 "Right to care", passengers are entitled to compensation of only these list of extra costs: (a) meals and refreshments in a reasonable relation to the waiting time (b) hotel accommodation (c) transport between the airport and place of accommodation (hotel or other) (d) alternative transport (flight) Also, every airline has its own sum identified for compensation of extra costs. Therefore, in your claim airline agreed to pay, but not the full amount you paid. We are sorry we could not help you this time, however, you can submit your claim concerning the delayed/cancelled flights for the last THREE years. We wish you never experience flight disruptions, but if this ever happens again, we always remain at your disposal. Kind regards, AirAdvisor Team
Posted 9 months ago
First I thought I was dealing with the airline. Air Advisor requested the same information over and over. It was not made clear who they were and what they did until after the fact. It took over 5 months to process. They sent an invoice and requested bank information. Then when it was time to pay they changed the invoice. I questioned why and they told me the court was involved so they were taking half the refund. The first invoice with more money we were told it was settled. Then when they took 1/2 my refund. I asked for a copy of the court findings and was completely ignored. They never answered the phone or responded to my emails. I contacted the management and he sent a BS reply. Very poor service.
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Posted 9 months ago
Dear Doris Baker, We appreciate your feedback and understand your concerns about the duration of your claim process. Generally, the average claim proceeding term for our services ranges from 3 to 5 months. However, in your specific case, your claim was only sent to the airline on 03.08.2023. The compensation was paid on 22.09.2023. Therefore, the standard processing time applies. We're committed to working diligently on your behalf to resolve your claim as quickly as possible. Fees: It's important to note that our fees are transparent and can be found in our price list at We take a commission on successful claims, and this information is accessible to all clients. Court Referral: If a claim is referred to court due to no response from the airline, the court may charge a commission and lawyers should be paid too. Therefore, the commission for court cases is 50%, not 30%. This is a standard procedure, and we do our best to assist in court cases to maximise compensation for our clients. Information about court fees are also included in the pricelist on our site - Our priority is to provide a transparent and efficient service to all our clients, and we are here to address any further questions or clarifications you may need. Thank you for your understanding. Kind regards, AirAdvisor Team
Posted 6 months ago
It took long time and fee was 50 %.
Helpful Report
(En) - Posted 10 months ago
Dear Iveta, We apologize for the inconvenience you experienced with Airadvisor. We understand that a delay in service and unexpected fees can be frustrating. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we would like to address your concerns. To assist you further, please provide us with your booking details or contact our customer support at Airadvisor Customer Support - This will help us investigate the specific issue you encountered and work towards a solution. We are committed to improving our services and ensuring a smoother experience for our customers. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we appreciate your feedback.
Posted 9 months ago
Pésima, me dijeron que me devolverían el dinero en máximo 8 semanas desde que volví a preguntar y ya han pasado 11 semanas, además de quitarme 180 euros de tasas, creo que no me van a devolver dinero después de 4 meses esperando.
Helpful Report
(Es-ux) - Posted 10 months ago
Hola Ane Basañez, Lamentamos mucho la experiencia que has tenido con nosotros y entendemos tus preocupaciones. En Airadvisor, siempre nos esforzamos por brindar un excelente servicio a nuestros clientes. En cuanto al plazo de devolución, nuestros términos y condiciones, que puedes encontrar en nuestra página de lista de precios, establecen que el tiempo de procesamiento puede variar y que los plazos de la aerolínea también son un factor importante. Para abordar tu situación específica, te animamos a que nos contactes directamente para obtener una actualización sobre el estado de tu reclamación. Estamos comprometidos en ayudarte a resolver este problema y en asegurarnos de que recibas la compensación que te corresponde. Apreciamos tu paciencia y esperamos poder ayudarte de manera efectiva. Por favor, contáctanos a través de nuestro formulario de contacto para obtener más información sobre tu caso.
Posted 9 months ago
Null wollen gar nicht helfen zeit verlust für nix
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(De-ux) - Posted 10 months ago
Lieb Elma Tulumovic , Es tut uns wirklich leid, von Ihren Erfahrungen zu hören, und wir möchten Ihnen versichern, dass wir uns dafür einsetzen, unseren Kunden zu helfen. Wir nehmen jedes Feedback ernst und Ihre Bewertung hat uns dazu veranlasst, unsere Prozesse neu zu bewerten, um ein besseres Kundenerlebnis zu gewährleisten. Unser Ziel ist es, unsere Kunden schnell und effektiv zu unterstützen. Ihr Feedback wird uns dabei helfen, die notwendigen Verbesserungen vorzunehmen. Bitte wenden Sie sich mit Ihren spezifischen Anliegen an unser Kundensupport-Team ( Wir werden unser Bestes tun, um darauf einzugehen und Ihnen die Unterstützung zu bieten, die Sie benötigen. Wir freuen uns über Ihr Feedback, da es uns hilft, unsere Dienstleistungen kontinuierlich zu verbessern und den Bedürfnissen unserer Kunden gerecht zu werden. Ihre Zufriedenheit ist uns wichtig und wir freuen uns darauf, etwaige Probleme zu lösen.
Posted 9 months ago
After submitting..what they requested for l have still not had any feedback
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(En-ux) - Posted 10 months ago
En la actualidad aún no me han cumplido el pago de 5 pasajes que han sido puestos en reclamo. No ha existido ni una llamada puro mensajes y miles de requisitos que podrían ser solucionado con una buena asesoría, parecía que solo le interesa es cobrar su dinero Aun No han pagado
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(Es) - Posted 10 months ago
I was misled in thinking I was complaining to BA. Once I realised my mistake and made a complaint direct to BA I found it was much much easier!
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(En-ux) - Posted 10 months ago
Thank you so much for your feedback, Paul - we really appreciate it! It's concerning to know that you have experienced miscommunication when trying to complain to BA. Can you tell us a bit more about the issues you faced so we can make sure it doesn't happen in the future? We're sorry for any inconvenience caused and hope you'll give us another chance to make things right.
Posted 9 months ago
Não se metam nisto. Não recebemos o que eles prometem. No meu caso disseram - me que a companhia aceitou pagar a compensação mais indemnização 700€ e recebi 175€Tratem diretamente com a companhia aérea só ficam a ganhar. E as companhias pagam tudo.
Helpful Report
(Pt) - Posted 10 months ago
Olá Heraclito Teixeira, Sentimos muito pela sua decepção com nossos serviços. O nosso objetivo é ajudar os passageiros a garantir a compensação que merecem e compreendemos a sua frustração se o resultado não corresponder às suas expectativas. O valor da compensação pode variar com base em vários fatores, incluindo a resposta da companhia aérea, as circunstâncias específicas da sua reclamação e regulamentos legais. Trabalhamos sempre para maximizar a remuneração dos nossos clientes. No entanto, é importante observar que o processo de compensação pode envolver diversas deduções, incluindo taxas pelos nossos serviços, custas judiciais e outras despesas. Incentivamos você a entrar em contato com nosso suporte ao cliente, fornecendo-lhes os detalhes do seu caso. Isso nos permitirá analisar sua situação e explicar os fatores específicos que afetaram o valor da sua compensação. Embora acreditemos no valor que oferecemos, respeitamos a sua perspectiva e entendemos que lidar diretamente com a companhia aérea pode ser uma opção para alguns passageiros. Entre em contato com nosso suporte ao cliente para resolver suas preocupações e trabalharemos diligentemente para fornecer uma explicação clara e transparente do seu caso. Seu feedback é inestimável para nós e estamos empenhados em melhorar sua experiência com o AirAdvisor.
Posted 9 months ago
Ничего не вернули(
Helpful Report
(Ru-ux) - Posted 10 months ago
Уважаемая Tetiana Liubas, С сожалением сообщаем Вам, что мы были вынуждены закрыть Ваше дело. Наша компания работает в соответствии с Регламентом ЕС 261/2004. И согласно положениям этого регламента, в вашем случае компенсация не полагается: ваш рейс выполнялся украинской авиакомпанией и вылет был из Украины. В таких случаях, согласно Регламенту EC 261, компенсация не выплачивается. Сожалеем, что не смогли вам помочь в этот раз, однако вы можете подать претензию относительно задержки/отмены рейсов за последние ТРИ года. Мы желаем, чтобы у вас никогда не было сбоев в рейсах, но если это когда-нибудь повторится, мы всегда будем в вашем распоряжении. С уважением, Команда AirAdvisor
Posted 9 months ago
Greu de comunicat
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(Ro) - Posted 10 months ago
Para quem tiver pedidos de indemnização a fazer confirmem se valerá a pena recorrer aos serviços da AirAdvisor. No meu caso, deveria ter feito o pedido de indemnização à agência de viagem porque acabei por ser prejudicado monetariamente ao submeter o pedido na AirAdvisor.
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(Pt) - Posted 10 months ago
Ola Catarina Matos, Lamentamos saber da sua experiência negativa com o AirAdvisor e agradecemos o seu feedback. É importante compreender que a decisão de utilizar um serviço de compensação de voo ou de apresentar uma reclamação diretamente à companhia aérea ou agência de viagens pode depender de vários fatores. No seu caso, você mencionou que acabou prejudicado financeiramente ao enviar a reclamação ao AirAdvisor. Compreendemos sua frustração e gostaríamos de abordar suas preocupações: Escolha do Serviço: Ao fazer um pedido de indenização, é fundamental escolher o serviço que melhor se adapta às suas necessidades. AirAdvisor oferece um serviço para ajudar os passageiros a solicitar indenização às companhias aéreas. No entanto, é importante avaliar se esta é a abordagem certa para a sua situação específica. Detalhes da reclamação: O sucesso dos pedidos de indemnização pode variar com base em factores como a natureza da perturbação, as políticas da companhia aérea e as provas disponíveis. É possível que as especificidades do seu caso tenham influenciado o resultado. Taxas de serviço: A AirAdvisor, como outros serviços de compensação, pode cobrar uma taxa pela sua assistência. É crucial compreender a estrutura de taxas e avaliar se a compensação potencial justifica o custo. Alternativas: Se você acredita que fazer uma reclamação diretamente com a agência de viagens teria sido uma opção mais adequada, é um feedback valioso. É uma boa prática explorar diferentes vias de compensação, especialmente se você acredita que isso pode resultar em um resultado melhor. Levamos seus comentários a sério e os usaremos para melhorar nossos serviços. Se você tiver mais dúvidas ou dúvidas, sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato com nossa equipe de suporte ao cliente. Sua satisfação é importante para nós e estamos comprometidos em resolver suas preocupações da melhor maneira possível. Obrigado por compartilhar sua experiência e pedimos desculpas por qualquer inconveniente que você possa ter enfrentado.
Posted 9 months ago
AirAdvisor is rated 4.6 based on 16,257 reviews