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Am avut un zbor anulat catre Londra, au fost achizitionate doua bilete, pentru mine si nepoata mea. Am depus cerere de compensare si recuperarea costurilor de achizitie a biletelor pentru calatorie cu o alta companie. Dupa aproape 1 an mi s-a dat o suma de 100 euro care nu acopera nici macar costul unui bilet.
Helpful Report
(Ro) - Posted 11 months ago
Dragă Dariana Beatrice Deaconu, Apreciem feedback-ul dumneavoastră. Problema este că ați folosit și o altă companie, nu doar AirAdvisor. Prin urmare, despăgubirea a fost plătită unei alte companii și ar trebui să vă cereți despăgubirea de la aceasta. Ați solicitat rambursarea direct de la compania aeriană, iar rambursarea v-a fost deja plătită, după cum ne-a informat compania aeriană. Am reușit să vă obținem o rambursare pentru costurile suplimentare cauzate de întreruperea zborului. Vă rugăm să rețineți că am tratat cererea dvs. în mod corespunzător și am solicitat companiei aeriene să plătească TOT ceea ce vi se cuvenea, dar ați primit deja o rambursare și o restituire prin alte canale. Vă mulțumim pentru înțelegere!
Posted 11 months ago
Muito tempo, muito caro, pouco transparente
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(Pt) - Posted 11 months ago
Caro Nuno, Agradecemos o seu feedback. Lamentamos que o nosso serviço não tenha correspondido às suas expectativas. Avisamos sempre os nossos clientes com antecedência de que o processo de recuperação da indemnização demora em média 3 a 5 meses e quase nunca menos. Se não recebermos uma resposta da companhia aérea dentro do prazo ou se recebermos uma recusa, o caso é remetido pelo nosso advogado e cobramos a indemnização através do processo judicial. O processo judicial demora 6 a 12 meses, facto que também notificamos sempre aos clientes. Infelizmente, o tempo necessário para obter uma indemnização depende não só da nossa empresa, mas também da companhia aérea e do tribunal. Trabalharemos arduamente para melhorar a qualidade do nosso serviço. Obrigado pela compreensão!
Posted 11 months ago
Não correu conforme o esperado e ainda fiquei com o prejuízo. Eu e a minha namorada tivemos um voo cancelado e tivemos de gastar dinheiro a comprar outro voo. Optamos por utilizar a AirAdvisor para reclamar e obter a compensação que nos era merecida. Para começar, saliento que o processo demorou cerca de 7 meses e tivemos de abrir duas reclamações em separado, uma por cada passageiro. No caso da primeira reclamação, após confirmarem que a companhia aérea tinha aceito fazer a compensação, no site indicava que iriamos receber um reembolso de 400€. Posteriormente, indicaram que a compensação seria no valor de 200€, porque ainda tinham de descontar taxas que nunca indicaram que existiam ao longo do processo. Mas o pior aconteceu na segunda reclamação, onde nos foi indicado, que para um caso exatamente igual, a companhia aérea não tinha aceite a compensação. Por essa razão, tiveram de seguir com advogados, o que implicou que a taxa da AirAdvisor aumenta-se de 30% para 50% (um bocado estranho). Além disso, o valor da compensação ainda foi inferior à primeira, e passou para 150€. No final, NÃO RECOMENDO A UTILIZAÇÃO DA AIRADVISOR. Acho que deveriam ser mais transparentes com os seus clientes, uma vez que pedi documentos que comprovassem os valores das compensações que a companhia aérea concordou em pagar, que além de nunca terem sido fornecidos, nunca existiu sequer uma resposta dos mesmos a esta pergunta. Além disso, ficamos com um prejuízo de 360€. ------- It didn't go as expected and I still got the damage. Me and my girlfriend had a canceled flight and we had to spend money to buy another flight. We chose to use AirAdvisor to complain and get the compensation we deserved. To begin with, I would like to point out that the process took about 7 months and we had to open two separate claims, one for each passenger. In the case of the first complaint, after confirming that the airline had agreed to compensate, the website indicated that we would receive a refund of €400. Later, they indicated that the compensation would be worth €200, because they still had to deduct fees that they never indicated that they existed throughout the process. But the worst happened in the second complaint, where we were told that for an exactly similar case, the airline had not accepted the compensation. For that reason, they had to go with lawyers, which meant that the AirAdvisor fee was increased from 30% to 50% (a bit strange). In addition, the amount of compensation was still lower than the first, and increased to €150. In the end, I DO NOT RECOMMEND THE USE OF AIRADVISOR. I think they should be more transparent with their customers, since I asked for documents proving the amounts of compensation that the airline agreed to pay, which in addition to never having been provided, there was never even a response from them to this question. In addition, we are left with a loss of €360.
Helpful Report
(Pt) - Posted 11 months ago
Dear Marco, We appreciate your feedback. We regret that our service did not meet your expectations. First of all we would like to point out that the wrong compensation amount was displayed because you specified a connecting flight and the system automatically calculated ALL the distances, while the airline paid the compensation for the disrupted flight. The distance between departure and arrival airport of the disrupted flight was 876km and in such a case the compensation is 250 euros. The airline paid €150 for the refund of the ticket price difference. This amount has been transferred to your bank account. In addition, the airline has agreed to pay compensation and we are awaiting that payment. Once we receive the payment the money will also be transferred to your bank account. The airline paid less than it was obliged to pay because of internal claims processing fees. This practice is not legal and AirAdvisor is now preparing to file a lawsuit against the airlines for violating passenger rights. But for now, the airline is still charging a fee of €50. We are sorry that there has been a misunderstanding and you have decided that €150 is the final amount. We are still working on your case. As for the fee differential, the airline ignored all our requests to them regarding that case for a very long time and only responded with automatic messages that they had received our application. So, to speed up the process, we contacted a lawyer and sent an official request to the airline stating that if we did not receive payment, the case would be taken to court. Eventually, we had already started preparing the case for court, but the airline finally replied to us. Thus, the commission is 50%, as we had to involve external lawyers. We are very sorry for this situation and for the many misunderstandings that have arisen. We will do our best to avoid similar situations in the future. Thank you for understanding!
Posted 11 months ago
Très lent
Helpful Report
(Fr) - Posted 11 months ago
Cher Sami Zid, Nous vous remercions pour vos commentaires. Le temps nécessaire pour obtenir une indemnisation dépend non seulement de notre entreprise, mais aussi de la compagnie aérienne. Parfois, les compagnies aériennes sont trop occupées ou prennent beaucoup de temps pour répondre à nos demandes malgré nos nombreux rappels. Dans votre cas, nous avons traité votre demande rapidement, mais nous attendons depuis longtemps le paiement de la compagnie aérienne. Malheureusement, nous n'avons aucune influence sur le processus de paiement de la compagnie aérienne, et nous aimerions donc attirer votre attention sur le fait que, dans ce cas, le long processus de traitement de la demande dépendait de la compagnie aérienne et non de notre société. Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension !
Posted 7 months ago
No hem recibido ninguna respuesta a favor buestra como clientes…. La reclamación no sirvió para nada
Helpful Report
(Es-ux) - Posted 1 year ago
Cara Judit Estrada, Obrigado pelo seu feedback! Analisei pessoalmente o seu caso e posso dizer-lhe que foi analisado e processado de acordo com os nossos termos e condições. Depois de recebermos o seu pedido, enviámos um inquérito à companhia aérea. Passado algum tempo, recebemos uma resposta da companhia aérea informando que o voo tinha sido interrompido devido a restrições do controlo do tráfego aéreo. Trata-se de um acontecimento extraordinário e não é devida qualquer indemnização nos termos do Regulamento 261/2004. Depois de voltarmos a verificar o seu caso, confirmámos a resposta da companhia aérea e o seu caso foi encerrado. Assim, concluímos o trabalho relativo ao seu pedido e fizemos tudo o que nos era exigido. Lamentamos que não tenha ficado satisfeito com o nosso serviço, mas esperamos que as informações acima lhe tenham sido úteis. Obrigado pela vossa compreensão!
Posted 7 months ago
Im trying to contact air advisory and No contact back
Helpful Report
(En-ux) - Posted 1 year ago
Dear Pedro Lopez, Thank you for your feedback! Please note that you can always contact us via email or chat with your manager in your profile. Alternatively, you can contact us via online chat or WhatsApp. We provide various communication channels to make it easy for every customer to contact us. Thank you for your understanding!
Posted 7 months ago
Don't bother. They give the money back very slowly. I applied for nine long-haul tickets, we have received 5, Air Advisor have he the money for 5 months. Also, they never acknowledge any communication.
Helpful Report
(En) - Posted 1 year ago
Hello! We appreciate your feedback. We regret that our service did not meet your expectations. Please note that for not all your claims you have added the documents / bank details required for processing. Without this information, we cannot process your claims and obtain a compensation for you. We have requested the missing documents on your claims, but they have not been added. Please check your claims and upload the required documents. The date of receipt of payments for other claims is also indicated in your personal account. Please note that all payments are processed in the order they are received from the airlines. Sometimes, we need extra time to identify the payment if the airline has not provided the necessary details when transferring the funds. The time taken to identify the payment depends on how soon we receive a response from the airline, which is out of our control. Thank you for understanding!
Posted 1 year ago
Helpful Report
(En-ux) - Posted 1 year ago
Dear Ioulia, Thank you for your feedback! There may have been a technical glitch and the message to add documents was resent. We sincerely apologize for this! We received all your documents. Your claim was sent to the airline and we are waiting for a response. You can always see your case status and comments from your manager in your personal account on our website‍ Thank you for your understanding!
Posted 1 year ago
Air Advisor received our refund from the airline in November. It's April, nothing yet. Awaiting refund for 9 long haul tickets. If you like being ignored and swindled chose Air Advisor Air Advisor have sent an automated reply asking me to change my review. The company considers it a resolution. Another example of poor customer care to add to the review.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Hello! We appreciate your feedback. We regret that our service did not meet your expectations. We have rechecked your claims. As far as we can see, the payments from the airline were not made in November, but later. Sometimes we also need more time to clarify the details of the payment and to recognise it, because the airline does not provide the necessary details when transferring the funds. This delays the process of transferring the funds to your bank account. We assure you that all funds will be credited to the bank account you specified, if not already done so. Thank you for understanding!
Posted 1 year ago
Tenho um reembolso pendente desde outubro, reembolso esse que nunca recebi
Helpful Report
(Pt-ux) - Posted 1 year ago
Cara Andrea, Obrigado pelo seu feedback! Enviámos a sua reclamação à companhia aérea. Ainda não recebemos uma decisão final da companhia aérea sobre o seu caso, pelo que ainda estamos a trabalhar na sua reclamação. Infelizmente, o tempo de processamento da reclamação depende não só de nós, mas também da eficiência da companhia aérea, pelo que, em alguns casos, o processo de reclamação da indemnização pode demorar mais tempo devido a respostas tardias da companhia aérea. Pode sempre ver o estado do seu caso e os comentários do seu gestor na sua conta pessoal no nosso website Obrigado pela sua compreensão!
Posted 1 year ago
NIe jestem zadowolony z Państwa usług gdyż do dnia dzisiejszego nie została wyjaśniona sprawa zwrotu kosztów powrotu do domu po odwołanym locie. A na tym mi ze względu na koszty najbardziej zależało. Dodatkowo nie ma z Państwem kontaktu!!! Dlatego proszę o interwencje i kontakt w celu rozwiązania problemu
Helpful Report
(Pl) - Posted 1 year ago
Szanowny Rafał Kaczmarek, Zawsze możesz skontaktować się z menadżerem poprzez czat w Twoim osobistym koncie na naszej stronie lub poprzez e-mail. Prosimy pamiętać, że ze względu na dużą ilość zapytań, może wystąpić niewielkie opóźnienie w odpowiedzi. Mamy nadzieję na Państwa zrozumienie!
Posted 1 year ago
Lots of what to tell negative, bsgining of timing, we wait for 7 months for money finally come in, communication fast but the same sentence, perhabs wizzair inform me when and how much was issued compensation, next time really not use this companny and any reffers, its was lots misteriouse things, my solicistor already made some actions
Helpful Report
(En) - Posted 1 year ago
Dear Mykolas, Thank you for your feedback! We have re-checked your case and confirm that all AirAdvisor terms and conditions have been met. Unfortunately, the processing time of a claim depends not only on our company but also on the service quality of the airline. In your case, it took a long time for the airline to reply to our request due to the large number of enquiries it had received. In addition, the airline did not pay the compensation to our account on time, which caused additional waiting time. Please note that we have been sending reminders to the airline and trying to contact the airline as often as possible in order to get you a refund as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding!
Posted 1 year ago
Long time to wait,
Helpful Report
(En) - Posted 1 year ago
Dear Mykolas, Thank you for your feedback! We have re-checked your case and confirm that all AirAdvisor terms and conditions have been met. Unfortunately, the processing time of a claim depends not only on our company but also on the service quality of the airline. In your case, it took a long time for the airline to reply to our request due to the large number of enquiries it had received. In addition, the airline did not pay the compensation to our account on time, which caused additional waiting time. Please note that we have been sending reminders to the airline and trying to contact the airline as often as possible in order to get you a refund as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding!
Posted 1 year ago
Šílená komunikace, v podstatě se nemáte jak spojit/ domluvit. Dělají si co chtějí, aniž by skutečně chránili Vaše zájmy. Snazim se svůj případ předat jiné společnosti, tady už fakt ne.
Helpful Report
(Cz-ux) - Posted 1 year ago
Vážená paní Tereza Obrová, vážíme si Vaší zpětné vazby. Je nám líto, že naše služby nesplnily Vaše očekávání. Vždy se na nás můžete obrátit prostřednictvím e-mailu nebo chatu s manažerem. Všechny reklamace se vždy snažíme vyřídit co nejrychleji, abychom naše zákazníky nenechali čekat delší dobu. Zájmy našich klientů jsou na prvním místě. Objasněte prosím, proč si myslíte, že si jich nevážíme. Děkujeme za pochopení!
Posted 1 year ago
Foarte slab. De ce ?? Ptr.cà in urma reclamatie ,din 490 Lire sterline pe care i am avut de recuperat,dupà abia 6 Luni de zile,am primit abia 216 Lire sterline ,adicà mai putin de jumatate. Deci ,ati fost pagubà totalà. Daca mi se va mai ìntìmpla -Doamne fereste - o situatie de genul acesta,nici sà nu mai aud de Air Advisor . Và multumesc,ptr.Nimic !😏😬😷
Helpful Report
(Ro) - Posted 1 year ago
Dragă Dumitrel, Vă mulțumim pentru comentariile dumneavoastră. Am primit o plată de la compania aeriană în valoare de 347 de euro. Compania aeriană a plătit mai puțin decât era obligată să plătească din cauza taxelor interne de procesare a cererilor de despăgubire. Această practică nu este legală, iar AirAdvisor se pregătește acum să depună o plângere împotriva companiilor aeriene pentru încălcarea drepturilor pasagerilor. Dar, deocamdată, compania aeriană percepe în continuare o taxă de 50 de euro. Oferim serviciile noastre conform regulii "fără câștig, fără taxe". Nu trebuie să plătiți nimic către AirAdvisor. Atunci când primim o rambursare de la compania aeriană, vi-l transmitem, scăzând onorariul nostru. De asemenea, puteți verifica prețurile la următorul link: În acest fel, suma a fost transferată în contul dvs. minus comisionul nostru și cel al companiei aeriene. De asemenea, ați indicat că doriți să solicitați o rambursare, dar compania aeriană v-a răspuns că rambursarea fusese deja creditată în contul dvs. bancar, astfel încât suma pe care ați primit-o a fost mai mică decât ați indicat atunci când ați depus cererea. În acest fel, ne-am îndeplinit toate condițiile. Vă mulțumim pentru înțelegere!
Posted 1 year ago
Pas de transparence quant à l'indemnité versé par la compagnie aérienne. Air advisor établit une facture interne, où ils reste libre de mentionner le montant désiré.
Helpful Report
(Fr) - Posted 1 year ago
Cher Pierre, Nous vous remercions pour vos commentaires ! Si vous souhaitez obtenir une preuve de paiement que nous avons reçue de la compagnie aérienne, veuillez nous contacter par e-mail à l'adresse Nous ne trompons jamais nos clients et sommes prêts à fournir tous les documents que nos clients demandent, à condition que le document ne soit pas confidentiel. Merci pour votre réponse !
Posted 1 year ago
Dissapointing! Besides the fact that it takes for ever to actually process your request, it also takes for ever to deliver the money back. Moreover, the fees are very high and you are not informed about them up front. For example, in my case, instead of receiving approximately 100 EUR back I am only supposed to receive approximately 20... And one year later (after one year of waiting for the airline with no luck) I still don't have my 20 EUR :|
Helpful Report
(Ro) - Posted 1 year ago
Dear client, We appreciate your feedback. Please read the following message carefully. It took a lot of work to get the airline to pay. This is a short report of our work, as a result of which we obtained the refund for you (please note that no compensation is due in your case as your flight was cancelled due to COVID-19): - AirAdvisor validated the claim(s) and filed the claim(s) before the court against Blue Air; - AirAdvisor hired outside attorneys to work on your claim(s); - AirAdvisor tried different strategies to collect through different jurisdictions (Romania and UK); - Blue Air has aggressively resisted paying or left no active funds to collect as compensation from (the UK); - Blue Air voluntarily entered into restructuring proceedings to protect itself against liability to pay compensation to passengers. - AirAdvisor has identified the best lawyers in Romania with extensive experience in international debt recovery in international bankruptcies. Since we received your claims when Blue Air was already in the process of restructuring, our team was left with only two options: 1) pursue court proceedings for at least three years and get nothing. The chances of recovery are close to zero because Blue Air has no money, and liabilities far exceed assets. or 2) negotiate a reduction in the amount of damages so that Blue Air can attract external funding from its shareholders or other sources to finance the payment of such claims. Note: Blue Air's debts far exceed the company's assets (the airline is virtually insolvent). We have this information from official sources because AirAdvisor is part of the Blue Air restructuring process for many claims. Our attorneys strongly suggested option 2, and we decided it was in the best interest of our customers to recover a lesser amount than nothing. - We have learned that other creditors in a similar situation have only received 50% of the amount owed. - We managed to negotiate 68% of the compensation amount due, so we managed to get 18% more than other creditors, and this was not easy. Note: we have never agreed to discounts offered by airlines as we are interested in getting the maximum, but this case is different. To do otherwise would be a significant and costly mistake. - After that, Blue Air missed payments despite the approved repayment schedule; - We have exerted constant pressure to ensure that Blue Air finally complies with its approved repayment schedule. - Please note that our fee for this action is 50%, by our price list, as significant legal efforts were undertaken. We consider it a success that we could recover the maximum of what was possible to recover. At the moment, there is a risk that more than 10,000 Blue Air passengers will not be able to get anything from the airline because there is a high chance that the airline will be closed. We know that our team may not have provided you with regular updates during specific periods. But the complexity, uncertainty, and risks we faced proved that setting expectations early would have been misleading and difficult to achieve. Thank you for your understanding! We appreciate the trust you have placed in our team. We look forward to helping you with other claims in the future and hope you have safe travels.
Posted 1 year ago
Am ceva timp de când tot aștept să-mi bagati banii ….deci de anul trecut din Aprilie nici acum Nu sa rezolvat nimic
Helpful Report
(Ro) - Posted 1 year ago
Dragă Constantin Besleaga, Am primit cererea dvs. la data de 16.04.2022 și am trimis-o companiei aeriene la data de 18.04.2022. Deoarece compania aeriană a refuzat să plătească despăgubirea, am început procedurile judiciare la 11.05.2022. Examinarea cazului de către instanță durează între 6 și 12 luni. La data de 06.12.2022 am primit plata de la compania aeriană pentru dumneavoastră și am plătit-o în contul dumneavoastră bancar la 17.02.2023. Vă rugăm să rețineți că toate termenele au fost respectate din partea noastră. Am lucrat din greu pentru a obține despăgubiri pentru dumneavoastră. Vă rugăm să clarificați în detaliu motivul pentru care ați fost nemulțumit de munca noastră. Acest lucru ne va ajuta să devenim mai buni. Vă mulțumim pentru înțelegere!
Posted 1 year ago
The process took approx 8 months Still waiting to receive compensation, even after the compensation was paid to air advisor. Email reminder sent 5 days ago. Still nothing. Will send another today. Seems to be very poor after service. This needs to Improve to get better reviews.
Helpful Report
(En) - Posted 1 year ago
Dear Mark, We appreciate your feedback. We received the payment from the airline on 30.01.2023. The compensation was paid to your account on 14.02.2023. According to our terms and conditions, payment must be made within 30 days after payment received and correct bank details added. This information was shown in your personal account, so you were warned in advance about the timing of the payout. We have met all the conditions and deadlines on our part. Thank you for understanding!
Posted 1 year ago
Era vorba de 400 de euro minus 120 de euro comision(280 de euro trebuia sā primesc) pana la urma am primit 245de euro...
Helpful Report
(Ro) - Posted 1 year ago
Hello! We appreciate your feedback. We have received a payment from the airline in the amount of 350 Euros. The airline paid less than it was obliged to pay because of internal claims processing fees. This practice is not legal and AirAdvisor is now preparing to file a lawsuit against the airlines for violating passenger rights. But for now, the airline is still charging a fee of €50. We offer our services under the "no win, no fee" rule. You do not have to pay AirAdvisor anything. When we receive a refund from the airline, we pass it on to you, deducting our fee. You can also check the prices at the following link This way the amount has been transferred to your account minus our commission and the airline's commission. Thank you for understanding!
Posted 1 year ago
AirAdvisor is rated 4.6 based on 14,576 reviews